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Rudy Giuliani Files Defamation Lawsuit
Against Joe Biden

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Posted By: DW626, 10/7/2023 11:36:00 AM

Rudy has had enough of the Biden crime family. He is tired of them lying about him to protect others from digging into their crimes. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has filed a defamation lawsuit against President Joe Biden, alleging that the commander-in-chief tarnished his “unimpeachable character” by calling him a “Russian pawn” during an October 2020 presidential debate. In a new lawsuit filed on Wednesday in Merrimack Superior Court in the state of New Hampshire, Giuliani’s lawyers contend that Biden defamed Giuliani twice during a televised debate with President Donald Trump on October 22, 2020, when Biden was a candidate seeking the White House.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: ladydawgfan 10/7/2023 12:26:38 PM (No. 1571605)
Go Rudy!!!
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 10/7/2023 1:35:17 PM (No. 1571665)
Where do I contribute?
5 people like this.

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Mike Pence Blames President Trump for
Hamas Attack on Israel (Video)
4 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 9:35:38 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence is blaming President Trump and other GOP rivals for the 2024 presidential nomination–but mainly Trump–for the attack by Hamas on Israel. In back to back attacks in a speech in Iowa on Saturday and a CNN interview on Sunday, Pence accused Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy of “appeasement” and “signaling retreat.” Pence said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, “This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America’s role as leader of the free world….When I’m President of the United States, we’ll lead from American strength.”
Hillary Clinton is an evil person 26 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 6:33:23 AM Post Reply
“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.” ― Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life An evil person is someone who engages in malevolent behaviors. They are frequently immoral, depraved, wicked and/or mentally ill. Each of those words can easily be attributed to Hillary Clinton. The many crimes she committed while the First Lady of Arkansas are well-known old news
How do Democrats really view blacks? 13 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 6:22:31 AM Post Reply
If blacks need any more proof that, as a group, the white Democrats and leftists who run things see them as inferior, the “Fire Alarm” issue surrounding Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) should leave no doubt. Briefly, during the recent vote to avoid a government shutdown, the Democrats sought to delay the vote because the resolution did not include Ukraine funding, but they were unable to buy time. Coincidentally (and conveniently), Rep. Bowman pulled a fire alarm Rep. Bowman, causing a 1-hour delay in the proceedings. It’s worthwhile considering how Rep. Bowman came to do this. White liberal leftist Democrats, plus blacks who are running their own con
The surprising answer to the 78-old-vet’s
question about welfare for illegals
1 reply
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 5:57:26 AM Post Reply
A 78-year-old veteran asked a question that went viral: Why are illegal aliens getting more benefits than he does? While his facts were shaky, his premise is valid: Illegal aliens suck up tax money. The answer lies in how leftists on the Supreme Court interpreted the 14th Amendment. Paul is a Vietnam veteran, former correctional officer, and truck driver who is 100% disabled and living primarily on his Social Security disability and Medicare. He’s noticed that illegal aliens who sneaked into a country to which they contributed nothing are suddenly getting lots of taxpayer benefits:
Hillary drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism 14 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 5:53:26 AM Post Reply
The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. In an interview this week with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. she suggested that Trump supporters were part of a cult and needed formal deprogramming. Whatever the reason, you know, make America great again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in their way. And that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So, it is like a cult. And somebody has to break that momentum.
Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr. to Headline CPAC Vegas Event
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 12:43:30 PM Post Reply
Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will headline a Conservative Political Action Conference event in Las Vegas later this month. Kennedy is running as a Democrat now but is expected to announce a change to independent next week. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a unique voice in advocating for the defunding of the weaponized bureaucracy and ensuring the constitutional right of medical freedom,” CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement.
Rudy Giuliani Files Defamation Lawsuit
Against Joe Biden
2 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 11:36:00 AM Post Reply
Rudy has had enough of the Biden crime family. He is tired of them lying about him to protect others from digging into their crimes. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has filed a defamation lawsuit against President Joe Biden, alleging that the commander-in-chief tarnished his “unimpeachable character” by calling him a “Russian pawn” during an October 2020 presidential debate. In a new lawsuit filed on Wednesday in Merrimack Superior Court in the state of New Hampshire, Giuliani’s lawyers contend that Biden defamed Giuliani twice during a televised debate with President Donald Trump on October 22, 2020, when Biden was a candidate seeking the White House.
Hillary just won’t go away 24 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 9:06:51 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton has to be the Rasputin of 21st century American politics. Grigori Rasputin – the “Mad Monk” -- was a Russian religious fanatic who managed to worm his way into the Russian imperial family with a claim that he could alleviate the hemophilia suffered by Tsarevich Alexei. In short order he was exercising personal control over Tsarina Alexandra, the boy’s mother, who in turn influenced the easily-led Tsar Nicholas II. Rasputin’s erratic behavior led to extreme alarm among the Russian nobility. At last, late in December 1916, Prince Yusupov invited Rasputin to his St. Petersburg palace, where Rasputin was fed a lethal dose of poisoned cakes
The FBI lets MAGA know they're watching them 30 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 3:58:56 AM Post Reply
With the vast expansion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you can bet that there are a lot of agents twiddling their thumbs and trying to figure out something to do with themselves, conscious that only political work, not hard-slog investigation, gets rewarded. So this came out from Newsweek: The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers.
Breaking: New York Appellate Judge Smacks
Down Far-Left Judge Engoron, Pauses Dissolving
Trump Org.
15 replies
Posted by DW626 10/6/2023 7:24:42 PM Post Reply
A New York Appellate Judge on Friday smacked down far-left Judge Arthur Engoron and paused his order to dissolve Trump Org. Last week Judge Engoron issued an order to rescind Trump’s business licenses as punishment in Letitia James civil lawsuit. Engoron effectively ordered the dissolution of Trump Org. “Engoron ordered that some of Trump’s business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York, and said he would continue to have an independent monitor oversee Trump Organization operations.” – AP reported last week. “If not successfully appealed, the order would strip Trump of his authority to make strategic and financial decisions
The Party’s Over 3 replies
Posted by DW626 10/6/2023 6:56:07 AM Post Reply
“The ceremony of innocence is drowned: The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.” --W.B. Yeats Osama bin Laden rightly coached his followers that “the people want to follow the ‘strong horse’ and will abandon the weak one.” We are witnessing our nation now being destroyed by the powerful Democrat demons and betrayed by the pitiable weakness and cowardice of our Republican champions. Unless the Republicans, the Patriots, the Conservatives, the lovers of our Constitution, quickly rise up and display backbone, this great American experiment may well perish from the earth. Providence and our brilliant Constitution have given us
The Purge: Chicago Style 1 reply
Posted by DW626 10/5/2023 6:47:56 PM Post Reply
Remember the glory days of the Summer of Love 2020, when the “mostly peaceful” protests to honor the martyrdom of St. Floyd the Recidivist ravaged cities and murdered innocents? His apostles having gotten a little too frisky with the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot tried to pre-empt them. In a scene reminiscent of medieval battle preparations rather than a slow Tuesday in a 21st-century American city, she raised the river bridges that surround the city’s less feral neighborhoods to prevent the roaming Visigoths from giving Chicago’s dwindling productive class another reason to leave.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Blinken: ‘No U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Were
Involved’ in Iran Support of Hamas Terror Attack
38 replies
Posted by Imright 10/8/2023 2:59:04 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that none of the $6 billion released by the U.S. for humanitarian aid in Iran was used to help fund Hamas’ attack against Israel on Saturday, which resulted in hundreds of deaths. Anchor Dana Bash said, “While we’re talking about Iran, I have to ask you to, if you want to respond to what we’re hearing from Republicans who are over and over since this happened using word appeasement when it comes to Iran and they criticized the decision to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds. I know and want to state that that money has not yet
Israel declares 'state of war': Militants
Hamas fire '5,000' rockets into Israel
and target Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as gun
battles break out in border towns and
Israeli soldier 'is kidnapped'
38 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 3:57:05 AM Post Reply
Israel's military has declared a 'state of war' after Islamic militant group Hamas fired a claimed 5,000 rockets into the country early on Saturday. Forces in the country have ordered residents to remain indoors and air raid sirens are sounding in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem after Hamas militants 'infiltrated' the country in several locations near the Gaza border in southern Israel. Hamas supreme military commander Mohammed Deif said the operation, Al-Aqsa Storm, was a declaration that 'enough is enough' as he urged Palestinians to confront Israel.
Israel Must Eradicate Hamas And Accept
Nothing Less Than Unconditional Surrender
37 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/7/2023 6:29:51 PM Post Reply
The Western world awoke Saturday morning to war in Israel, images of Hamas terrorists slaughtering Israeli civilians in the streets, and Hamas rockets raining down on Israeli neighborhoods. Israeli families were (and, as of this writing, still are) fleeing for their lives. On social media, Hamas posted horrifying videos — a dead, naked Israeli woman being paraded through the streets, plainclothes Hamas fighters slitting the throats of civilians in their cars, and women and children being kidnapped and carried away to a fate worse than death. The situation is fluid and developing, and there will be much to say in the days and weeks to come —
The FBI lets MAGA know they're watching them 30 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 3:58:56 AM Post Reply
With the vast expansion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you can bet that there are a lot of agents twiddling their thumbs and trying to figure out something to do with themselves, conscious that only political work, not hard-slog investigation, gets rewarded. So this came out from Newsweek: The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump's army of MAGA followers.
UNLV law school apologizes for using word
‘picnic,’ changes it to ‘Lunch by
the Lake’
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/8/2023 2:48:17 AM Post Reply
A scheduled “picnic” sponsored by the University of Nevada Las Vegas law school’s Environmental Law Society has been renamed “Lunch by the Lake” due to “diversity and inclusion” concerns. According to a memo obtained by Libs of TikTok, the law group informed members that the word “picnic” has “historical and offensive connotations,” and apologized for “any harm or discomfort” caused by its use. The group’s view mirrors that of the University of Michigan’s IT department from several years ago: “Picnic” was included in a “Words Matter Task Force’s” list of offensive words and phrases along with “brown bag,” “blacklist” and “long time, no see” among others.
Hillary Clinton is an evil person 26 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 6:33:23 AM Post Reply
“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.” ― Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life An evil person is someone who engages in malevolent behaviors. They are frequently immoral, depraved, wicked and/or mentally ill. Each of those words can easily be attributed to Hillary Clinton. The many crimes she committed while the First Lady of Arkansas are well-known old news
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release
Statements Holding Israel Responsible
for Hamas Attacks
24 replies
Posted by FlyRight 10/7/2023 11:02:30 AM Post Reply
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar have released official statements concerning the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian factions, including Hamas. Both nations have expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence and have called for immediate de-escalation and the protection of civilians. Interestingly, both statements hold Israel responsible for the current situation, albeit with nuanced differences in their approaches. Qatar’s Statement: A Direct Accusation Against Israel The State of Qatar’s statement is more direct in its accusation against Israel. It holds Israel “solely responsible for the ongoing escalation” due to its “ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.
Hillary just won’t go away 24 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 9:06:51 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton has to be the Rasputin of 21st century American politics. Grigori Rasputin – the “Mad Monk” -- was a Russian religious fanatic who managed to worm his way into the Russian imperial family with a claim that he could alleviate the hemophilia suffered by Tsarevich Alexei. In short order he was exercising personal control over Tsarina Alexandra, the boy’s mother, who in turn influenced the easily-led Tsar Nicholas II. Rasputin’s erratic behavior led to extreme alarm among the Russian nobility. At last, late in December 1916, Prince Yusupov invited Rasputin to his St. Petersburg palace, where Rasputin was fed a lethal dose of poisoned cakes
Kamala Harris Has Deranged Laughing Fit
While Talking About the Economy (Video)
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 4:11:29 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris was recently speaking to Democrats in St. Louis when she launched into a bizarre laughing fit. At the time, she was talking about the Biden/Harris economic policies, which are obviuously terrible. Why does she do this? Is it a nervous tic? RedState reports: People Wonder if Kamala Harris Was High After Hysterical Laughing Fit...Kamala Harris may be the most uninteresting major politician on the scene right now. It’s hard to express how terrible of a politician she is, and somehow, she continually manages to get worse.
How did Israel and the U.S. miss what
Hamas was planning?
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/8/2023 11:55:22 AM Post Reply
The surprise attack by Hamas on Israel suggests a massive intelligence failure as the Israeli government appeared blindsided by the infiltration of Hamas fighters across the southern border and the launch of thousands of rockets. The Hamas assault by air, land and sea also raised questions as to why U.S. intelligence agencies apparently did not see it coming, experts and former intelligence officials said. U.S. officials said that if the Israelis knew an attack was imminent, they did not share it with Washington. “We were not tracking this,” one senior U.S. military official told NBC News.
Iran Expresses Support For Palestinian
Terrorists Murdering Israeli Citizens
After Biden Gave Iran $6 Billion
23 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 1:47:28 PM Post Reply
An adviser to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed support for the Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel that have left dozens dead and hundreds more injured. “We congratulate the Palestinian fighters,” said the adviser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, as quoted by the semi-official ISNA news agency. “We will stand by the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem.” The news comes after President Joe Biden unfroze $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues in exchange for the release of five U.S. citizens who were being held in false imprisonment in Tehran. Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism
Democrat Presidential Candidate Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr. to Headline CPAC Vegas Event
23 replies
Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 12:43:30 PM Post Reply
Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will headline a Conservative Political Action Conference event in Las Vegas later this month. Kennedy is running as a Democrat now but is expected to announce a change to independent next week. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a unique voice in advocating for the defunding of the weaponized bureaucracy and ensuring the constitutional right of medical freedom,” CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement.
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