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Report: Biden Administration ‘Scrambling’
to Assure Allies that Ukraine Aid Will Continue

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Posted By: Imright, 10/4/2023 1:10:32 AM

The Biden administration is “scrambling” to try to assure U.S. allies that American aid to Ukraine will continue despite growing Republican opposition to it, according to a report. Four sources told Axios that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken plan to call several of their counterparts in Europe and will hold a conference call with leaders of the G7 countries and several other European allies. A European diplomat told the outlet that the Biden administration told allies it is working on an agreement with Congress to allow continued military aid to Ukraine.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 10/4/2023 1:13:16 AM (No. 1568911)
Maybe our "allies" could pony up a few bucks to tide Uncle Sucker and the Ukrainians over until Crooked Joe can find another "bookkeeping error" over at the Pentagon to free up a few billion for Ukrainian graft. ... oops, I mean aid. Nah, the allies will say. You can cover this check, too, Joe. But we'll be happy to help you spend your money.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NotaBene 10/4/2023 2:34:10 AM (No. 1568929)
We pay after France, Germmany, Italy Austria , Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, Greece pay their share, and then what we give shall not exceed what our European vassals give the Ukranian leeches. The Ukranian War has already been lost by Nuland-Kagan (Ukrainian) and Blinken (Lithuanian). NATO got licked. We will be taking names of those voting for money for these corrupt Parasites. We already donated 218 Billion that will never return.
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rumblehog 10/4/2023 3:40:58 AM (No. 1568934)
How much of that money has a 'return address' of one of Biden's Swiss bank accounts?
24 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mifla 10/4/2023 5:08:48 AM (No. 1568966)
Tell Joe to sell his corvette. Tell Hunter to donate one of his paintings. Tell the Feinstein estate to hand over the deed to one of the mansions. Tell Pelosi to pledge a year of profits from her winery.
25 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: felixcat 10/4/2023 7:49:59 AM (No. 1569069)
The Biden administration and too many Republicans in Congress are “scrambling” to try to assure U.S. allies that American aid to Ukraine will continue. There - fixed it.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Marzipan4 10/4/2023 8:45:01 AM (No. 1569109)
Mr pResident, you do not have my permission to spend my money on forcing NATO into Ukraine and taunting Russia. I do not want this war nor is it our business. You have people dieing on our streets, and invasion at our southern border, and one heck of an uptick in infectious disease to plague your country from the over induction of non vaccinated illegals. Your allegiance was sworn to America first, not Ukrain even if your family did benefit from them allegedly, (ahem, ahem) and you love your son. This is not your personal piggy bank and it not all about you. Stand up and be responsible or step down.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: czechlist 10/4/2023 9:06:13 AM (No. 1569121)
This conflict resembles the Spanish Civil War where and when the Nazis and the Soviets tested their tactics and weapons. Barring an all out NATO intervention, the outcome has been apparent from the start; Ukraine cannot drive Russia from the Eastern Oblasts nor Crimea. Russia has assumed a defensive position and is decimating all Uke attempts to penetrate. Continued decimation will result in the elimination of the Uke military and the US economy. Western weapons and tactics have not prevailed.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 10/4/2023 9:17:50 AM (No. 1569140)
Biden is terrified that the Ukranian Mafia and Godfather Zelenskyy will reveal the years of corruption and kickbacks that have made the entire Biden family rich. He reeks of desperation. Many Ukrainian officials have already left the country, taking their US-financed pensions with them. I'm sure Zelenskyy is keeping the plane warmed up.
15 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: broken01 10/4/2023 10:53:48 AM (No. 1569228)
Correction: The Biden regime is "scrambling" to ensure that the sawed off little Ukrainian leprechaun dictator doesn't reveal Creepy (Joe) and the Crack Head's (Hunter) corruption and malfeasance concerning his country.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/5/2023 8:16:23 AM (No. 1569826)
Europeans, how about get off your socialist behinds and form your own army and fight the russkies yourselves. And make your own weapons. All at your expense, of course.
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: TCloud 10/5/2023 9:55:43 AM (No. 1569926)
No money! No funny!
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: janjan 10/5/2023 10:26:08 AM (No. 1569963)
Not another penny should go into the black hole of Ukraine aid that is not audited and fully accounted for. Biden and Congress won’t open that Pandora’s box because it would cause an uproar and threaten all of their jobs. The embezzlement, graft, pay-off’s and utter corruption would be mind boggling.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 10/5/2023 11:08:31 AM (No. 1570021)
#2 But, but, but Crooked Joe Biden said the money we gave Ukraine was just a LOAN. Tell me it ain't so.
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/5/2023 11:13:44 AM (No. 1570026)
Time to cut the the citizens of Ukraine can go back to their lives and cast off the shackles of the oligarchs .....stopping the money...will stop the war....
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 10/5/2023 8:38:14 PM (No. 1570392)
Gee “Joe” the Citizens of the USA Say NO, We have seen and had enough!
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 7:53:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 7:20:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 4:09:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 8:59:44 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 7:00:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/5/2023 5:38:23 PM Post Reply
My dearest friends, as much as I do not want to accept certain things, this one is critical to accept. Jim Jordan has shown over time that he is simply a purposefully placed “anger manager” on behalf of the Professionally Republican wing of the administrative state. (snip)For the past several years, as more intensity has swirled around us, Representative Jim Jordan has appeared as more of a useful “anger manager,” better positioned to satiate the masses than actually deliver any accountability results. The media appearances seemed to align with that intent, and then a very big datapoint surfaced that few -other than myself- seemed to be concerned about.
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Posted by Beardo 10/5/2023 5:34:22 AM Post Reply
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he warns his 'Satan-2' and 'Flying Chernobyl'
missiles are ready for use in ranting
anti-US speech
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/5/2023 4:09:02 PM Post Reply
President Vladimir Putin has threatened the West with total nuclear destruction leaving 'no chance of survival' in the event of a strike on Russia. In a ranting anti-US speech, the dictator said his powerful missiles 'Satan-2' and 'Flying Chernobyl' are ready for deployment in an ominous doomsday warning. Putin told a conference in Sochi: 'From the moment the launch of missiles is detected, no matter where it comes from - from any point of the world ocean or from any territory - such a number, so many hundreds of our missiles appear in the air in a retaliatory strike that there is no chance of survival there will be no
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Posted by Garnet 10/5/2023 2:53:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 10/5/2023 12:07:04 PM Post Reply
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First Dog Puts His Teeth Into the Job,
Has Now Chalked up 12 'Biting Incidents'
17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/5/2023 10:35:38 AM Post Reply
To me, this story sums up the entire Biden presidency: take something simple and screw it up. For most people, a dog in the household brings joy and unconditional love and also gives the owner a responsibility to make sure the canine is cared for and healthy. But Joe Biden can’t even seem to get that right, as his dog Commander has a fondness for biting people—and as my colleague Jeff Charles reported in September, he has a special taste for Secret Service agents. He has chomped on them at least 12 times since 2021, and now he’s been caught on camera:
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