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RFK, Jr. as a third-party candidate

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Posted By: DW626, 9/22/2023 1:38:02 PM

Should RFK, Jr. run for President on the Democrat ticket or move to a third-party ticket like Teddy Roosevelt did? Even as President Joe Biden leads in the 2024 primaries, Democrat presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has higher favorability and lower unfavorability numbers than either President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, (Trump 43%, Biden 41%, RFK, Jr. 14% unfavorability) according to a new poll by The Economist/YouGov. Rasmussen reports that a survey also revealed that twenty-five percent (25%) of likely Democrat voters would vote for RFK Jr. in the 2023 primaries for President. Three percent (3%) of Democrats favor author Marianne Williamson in the primaries,


Commiecrats always seem to benefit from these third party things.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Rotten in Denmark 9/22/2023 1:56:21 PM (No. 1561308)
My hunch is he would hurt FJB much more than President Trump. No stats or info to back up other than he’s still a Democrat, albeit not completely insane.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mc squared 9/22/2023 2:16:40 PM (No. 1561329)
Ive heard his opinions. He should never be allowed near the White House.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Luandir 9/22/2023 3:11:30 PM (No. 1561356)
#1, he's still also a Kennedy. The moral turpitude of the entire family likely extends to him.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: smokincol 9/22/2023 3:35:01 PM (No. 1561374)
Junior had me for a while but then stated he'd stop the fracking for oil ... he ain't got me now and I agree with #'1&3 he is still a kennedy which automatically eliminates him from any consideration for any public office
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Rama41 9/22/2023 4:02:11 PM (No. 1561384)
RFK Jr. has said the DNC, having declared itself behind Biden, will do various and sundry things to undermine his votes in the primary. The WaPo had an extensive article denying that allegation. That alone tells me he's probably right. I hope RFK Jr. does run third party.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 9/22/2023 4:04:07 PM (No. 1561385)
Seem to me he would give the never Trumpers a place to go beside FJB.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: minuteman 9/22/2023 4:05:09 PM (No. 1561387)
Or maybe the CIA will just assassinate him.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 9/22/2023 4:51:51 PM (No. 1561402)
He is 100% right on vaccines, the border and the corruption in multiple government agencies (especially the CIA). I can assure you that he would release the sealed files on the JFK assassination! I would love to see him debate both Biden and Trump!
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Catherine 9/22/2023 5:05:41 PM (No. 1561412)
I've never gotten past his first wife 'hanging herself' in a barn, to be found by one of the kids. He says nice things but I have serious doubts about him. No third party. This is not the time for that.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: OkieTom 9/22/2023 5:10:02 PM (No. 1561413)
#7 is correct. Those commie democrats will have him assassinated before they let him run third party.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 9/22/2023 6:27:09 PM (No. 1561439)
I hope he does. He'd pull a lot more away from the Democrat candidate (doubt it'll be Biden) than from Trump.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: mamabear 9/22/2023 7:55:44 PM (No. 1561462)
I watched his interview with Tucker (available on Rumble). He talked a lot and is knowledgeable about a lot a lot of subjects. But, he said little or nothing about his plans for the nation should he be elected. He finished by mentioning a poor family somewhere down south, huddled together in a small home, eating one meal and day kids going to bed hungry and said he is running for them. Make of it what you will.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: robertthomason 9/23/2023 11:54:05 AM (No. 1561824)
He'll know by Super Tuesday. The Marxists will know if Biteme is still a candidate and if not, who they support as his replacement. At the same time, Trump will be confirmed by the voters as the Republican candidate, allowing Republicans in other states to do an "Operation Chaos" in the Democrat Primary where possible.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: Faithfully 9/23/2023 9:38:10 PM (No. 1562064)
Is there no new blood? Why the same families?
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Posted by DW626 9/23/2023 6:45:48 PM Post Reply
This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire By Jay Bhattacharya Real Clear Wire On May 15, 1970, the New York Times published an article by esteemed Russia scholar Albert Parry detailing how Soviet dissident intellectuals were covertly passing forbidden ideas around to each other on handcrafted, typewritten documents called samizdat. Here is the beginning of that seminal story: S Censorship existed even before literature, say the Russians. And, we may add, censorship being older, literature has to be craftier. Hence, the new and remarkably viable underground press in the Soviet Union called samizdat.
RFK, Jr. as a third-party candidate 14 replies
Posted by DW626 9/22/2023 1:38:02 PM Post Reply
Should RFK, Jr. run for President on the Democrat ticket or move to a third-party ticket like Teddy Roosevelt did? Even as President Joe Biden leads in the 2024 primaries, Democrat presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has higher favorability and lower unfavorability numbers than either President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, (Trump 43%, Biden 41%, RFK, Jr. 14% unfavorability) according to a new poll by The Economist/YouGov. Rasmussen reports that a survey also revealed that twenty-five percent (25%) of likely Democrat voters would vote for RFK Jr. in the 2023 primaries for President. Three percent (3%) of Democrats favor author Marianne Williamson in the primaries,
Do Republicans Care About Winning Anymore? 15 replies
Posted by DW626 9/21/2023 1:09:41 PM Post Reply
As I sit back and watch the 2024 GOP race unfold, I have one simple question for Republican primary voters to ponder before they head to the polls early next year. The question is not meant to be rhetorical, nor is it meant to be tongue in cheek. As the race currently stands, former President Trump is leading every single Republican candidate — in every publicly available poll, at both the national and state level, by a considerable margin.
The White House is creating an office
to curb gun violence
17 replies
Posted by DW626 9/21/2023 6:32:42 AM Post Reply
In the leftist lexicon, preventing gun violence is code for “gun control.” That’s why we should all view with deep suspicion the report that the White House is creating an office that will focus on “preventing” gun violence. Since the White House’s policies all encourage gun violence, the only avenue left to the White House to “curb” this violence is to grab guns from law-abiding citizens. If you read the article at The Hill, you see that, while it talks constantly about how the White House, congresscritters, and various groups dedicated to ending gun violence are excited about this office to end gun violence, the article is silent about anything concrete.
SICK! Lawless AG Merrick Garland Lectures
on Holocaust to Defend His Policies of
Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning
His Political Opponents (Video)
16 replies
Posted by DW626 9/20/2023 12:00:42 PM Post Reply
This is one very evil little man. No wonder Barack Obama wanted him on the US Supreme Court! After indicting the leading presidential candidate in America on bogus, manufactured, partisan charges Merrick Garland had the nerve on Wednesday to compare his ancestors fleeing Eastern Europe during the Holocaust to his lawless targeting, indicting and imprisoning of conservative Americans. Here is an example of lawless Merrick Garland’s record of tyranny: ** Hired a political hitman to take out Donald Trump. ** Launched a Special Counsel to investigate President Trump’s handling of classified documents
The Evolution of the American Police State 11 replies
Posted by DW626 9/20/2023 5:01:24 AM Post Reply
With the unconscionable persecution of the January 6th protesters, the unabashed government censorship of speech, the weaponization of federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the egregious abuse of presidential executive orders and emergency declarations, the American police state is no longer a hypothetical possibility but an increasingly indisputable reality. While imperceptibly evolving over many decades, the emergence of the American police state was significantly accelerated with the overreaction to the September 11, 2001 terror attack. Even more important was the Covid 19 pandemic that dramatically increased the momentum toward a police state as once a people are terrorized it is easy to impose a police state on them.
PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief
Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi
on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke
– But Sund Says He Has the Receipts! (Video)
29 replies
Posted by DW626 9/19/2023 9:13:02 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday, the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing titled, “Oversight of United States Capitol Security: Assessing Security Failures on January 6, 2021.” Rep. Barry Loudermilk heads the subcommittee. Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund testified before the committee. Chief Steven Sund has been outspoken of Nancy Pelosi and her failures to secure the US Capitol that day. It has been widely reported that President Trump asked for the National Guard three days in advance of January 6. But Pelosi turned him down. She refused to call in the National Guard
Texas Serial Killer Who Murdered Dozens
of Elderly White Women Killed by Prison
Cellmate Weeks After DA Refused to Seek
Death Penalty
19 replies
Posted by DW626 9/19/2023 7:15:51 PM Post Reply
Feel good story of the day. A Texas serial killer who murdered dozens of elderly white women was killed in prison by his cellmate on Tuesday morning. Billy Chemirmir murdered 23 elderly caucasian women in Dallas and Collin Counties, stole their jewelry, and sold it for cash. According to the Associated Press, the first trial of Chemirmir for the murder of Lu Thi Harris, 81, ended in a mistrial. A single juror refused to vote guilty despite overwhelming evidence. Chemirmir was later convicted of Harris’ killing and the slaying of Mary Sue Brooks, 87. Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis a few weeks ago said he would not be seeking the death penalty
While Using Drag Queens for Recruitment,
Woke General Milley Hotly Denies That
Military Is Woke
16 replies
Posted by DW626 9/19/2023 6:33:44 AM Post Reply
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark “Thoroughly Modern” Milley, who apparently wears a medal on his chest for every military disaster he’s overseen, bristles at claims that on his watch, the U.S. military has become woke, soft, and distracted from its actual purpose. The uber-woke general claims that he’s “not even sure what that word truly means” — that is, “woke” — and that the United States military is fearsome, powerful, and ready for anything. And it’s true, as long as the Chinese or Russians send an army of drag queens to confront us.
Progressives and Muslims went into the
Colosseum, but only one of the contenders
realized it
3 replies
Posted by DW626 9/19/2023 6:30:13 AM Post Reply
Et tu, Brute? On Sunday, The Washington Post ran an editorial by Allan Lengel, detailing “accusations of betrayal” in a small Michigan community known as Hamtramck, after the city council enacted a ban... prohibiting the display of Pride flags on city property. Oh, was I absolutely tickled to read this. (For a couple of reasons, actually.) Everything about Pride flags on public property is a disgrace, so of course I welcome and applaud this civic act—but the real treat was in the minutiae, because I have a penchant for schadenfreude. Here’s a bit of backstory, from the article:
Hunter Biden Sues IRS After Whistleblowers
Reveal He Was Given Sweetheart Deal for
Not Paying Taxes on Millions in Illicit
Business Deals
9 replies
Posted by DW626 9/18/2023 10:24:27 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden sued the IRS after whistleblowers revealed he did not pay taxes on millions of dollars in international money schemes and was given a sweetheart deal from far left investigators. The whistleblowers released the shocking truth to the American public. So Hunter Biden is suing them. Hunter claims the whistleblowers embarrassed him when they reported the truth on his illicit business dealings. Business Insider reported: Hunter Biden, US President Joe Biden’s son, has filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Of Course Public Offices Are for Sale 6 replies
Posted by DW626 9/17/2023 9:12:19 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden's corruption is outdone only by the mainstream media's commitment to hide it from the public. Why propagandists posing as journalists would feel the need to continue covering for China Joe and his quid-pro-quo mafia family is a mystery (although reporters are so addicted to censoring truth and spreading disinformation that they probably don't know how to behave differently). To be sure, the public has known about the Biden Crime Family's notorious racketeering activities for decades. When a lifetime politician supposedly living on a "public servant's" salary becomes filthy rich, no thinking person has difficulty understanding that corruption is somehow involved.
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Dementia or Disrespect? You’ll Never
Believe What Biden Did When He Met with Netanyahu
24 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/23/2023 6:59:40 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday, Old Joe Biden finally invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, after refusing to do so for nearly nine months while his regime did everything it could to undermine the Israeli prime minister. The invitation came as Netanyahu met with the alleged president at the UN, and the two sat down for their first chat of Biden’s alleged presidency. Any meeting with Biden these days, however, will have its bizarre and inexplicable elements, and this one was no different. As the leader of the world’s lone Jewish state began speaking, Old Joe bizarrely took the opportunity to make the sign of the cross. Calculated disrespect? Galloping dementia?
Bob Menendez Denies Allegations After
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22 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/23/2023 12:03:37 AM Post Reply
New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez denied all allegations against him Friday after being indicted on bribery offenses in the Southern District of New York, blaming racism for being charged. (snip) Per the indictment, “Over $480,000 in cash — much of it stuffed into envelopes and hidden in clothing, closets, and a safe — was discovered in the home.” (snip) “Those behind this campaign simply cannot accept that a first-generation Latino American from humble beginnings could rise to be a U.S. Senator and serve with honor and distinction. Even worse, they see me as an obstacle in the way of their broader political goals," he continued.
Loathsome diseases are coming to America
across the southern border
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/23/2023 10:05:33 AM Post Reply
The border patrol has acknowledged that there are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis amongst illegal aliens who crossed into America through the Biden administration’s encouragement and connivance. This should worry everyone. We don’t think much about tuberculosis, except maybe as a Victorian disease, but it was once America’s greatest killer and, thanks to drug-resistant strains, can be again. The tweet is straightforward: Of course, three confirmed cases are simply the teeniest tip of the iceberg. With people from the world’s undeveloped countries pouring by the millions over our southern border, you can be guaranteed that thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of them are harboring diseases that long ago vanished in America
New York Post Sends Reporter to Restaurants
Dressed Like Sen. John Fetterman- He is
Refused Entry
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/23/2023 11:57:25 AM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) ditched the Senate dress code in order to accommodate man-child Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) who dresses like a homeless drug addict. The dress code of coats and ties for men and business attire for women still applies to staff in the chamber. On Wednesday, Fetterman arrived at the Senate looking like a slob in a short-sleeve shirt and shorts. While Fetterman has managed to receive special accommodations to disrespect the halls of power, The New York Post’s experiment of dressing like Fetterman and to try to gain entry to some of New York City’s finest restaurants shows
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy calls on Sen.
Menendez to resign following indictment
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 5:59:17 AM Post Reply
Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy called on Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., to resign following a federal indictment. U.S. Attorney Damian Williams announced the indictment Friday morning at a press conference. "Today, I'm announcing that my office has obtained a three count indictment charging Senator Robert Menendez, his wife, Nadine Menendez, and three New Jersey businessmen, Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daibes for bribery offenses," U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said at a press conference on Friday morning.
National Cathedral replaces windows honoring
Confederacy with stained-glass homage
to racial justice
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/23/2023 6:16:33 PM Post Reply
The landmark Washington National Cathedral unveiled new stained-glass windows Saturday with a theme of racial justice, filling the space that had once held four windows honoring Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The new windows depict a march for justice by African Americans, descendants of the very people who would have remained in slavery after the Civil War if the side for which the officers fought had prevailed. The cathedral had removed the old windows after Confederate symbols featured prominently in recent racist violence.
The Secret Agenda to Restrict Meat 18 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/23/2023 4:37:43 PM Post Reply
A rumor spread last month suggesting that 14 cities in the United States are planning to ban meat. The news, which made its rounds mostly on conservative news websites, was that by 2030, the cities seek to achieve zero consumption of meat, zero consumption of dairy, three new clothing items per person each year, zero private vehicle ownership, and one short return airline flight per person every three years. Close to 100 cities globally have already signed onto the deal. In the United States, this includes Austin, Boston,(snip) the cities aren’t planning to ban meat outright. They’re pushing to reduce meat consumption, with zero consumption being the target.
Watch your step: A new robot will police
the NYC subways
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/23/2023 5:50:17 AM Post Reply
NEW YORK — Please watch out for the robots as you’re exiting the train. New York City Mayor Eric Adams doubled down on his pledge to bring more technology to the nation’s largest police department Friday when he unveiled an autonomous robot that will patrol one of the city’s busiest subway stations.The device, known as K5 and produced by robotics company Knightscope, stood motionless alongside Adams at a Friday press conference, its shell emblazoned with NYPD colors and its unblinking camera lens pointed at reporters and commuters in the bustling transit hub beneath Times Square.
“No mas” – Mexico Says They are
Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President
Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden
17 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/23/2023 3:35:43 PM Post Reply
You know things are bad when the Mexican government says they are overwhelmed at their southern border with 10,000 global migrants arriving daily en route to the United States southern border. The Mexicans are looking for Joe Biden to try and stem the flow; while the White House says, ‘Listen Fats, nothing to see here‘…(Barrons) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has requested a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart to discuss the migration crisis that has “overwhelmed” his country, his foreign minister said Friday. The meeting would occur in Washington when Lopez Obrador attends a summit of Latin American leaders, to be convened by US President Joe Biden
Joe Biden Announces Executive Office to
‘Intensify’ Gun Control Push
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/23/2023 1:21:06 AM Post Reply
While announcing the launch of the executive Office of Gun Violence Prevention, President Joe Biden pledged to use the office to “centralize, accelerate, and intensify” his administration’s gun control push. Biden noted that he has chosen Vice President Kamala Harris to oversee the office. A report by the Washington Post makes clear coordination in the office is expected between the “White House, the Community Justice Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety.” After Biden announced the launch of the new office on Friday, he then called for an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, and universal background checks. He also called for Congress to take action for more gun restrictions
13 Baltimore schools have zero students
pass math proficiency exam
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/23/2023 10:44:24 PM Post Reply
If you happen to live in Baltimore and are looking for something else to be incensed about apart from the rampant crime and government corruption, look no further than the public schools. The kids are back in class for the semester, or at least some of them are, and a public activist group has conducted a review of the latest round of state standardized testing. Across the city, 13 schools (that’s 40% of the schools) failed to produce a single student who tested as “proficient” in math. And most of the others didn’t produce many. This has resulted in some understandable outrage,
Pope Francis denies Europe’s migrant
emergency, calls out countries’ ‘alarmist propaganda’
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/23/2023 8:46:07 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis challenged French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders to open their ports to people fleeing hardship and poverty, insisting Saturday that the continent isn’t facing a migration “emergency” but rather a long-term reality that governments must deal with humanely. For a second straight day in the French port city of Marseille, Francis took aim at European countries that have used “alarmist propaganda” to justify closing their doors to migrants and tried to shame them into responding with charity instead.
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