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Chuck Todd signs off FINAL show as host
of ‘Meet the Press,’ celebrates not
being the LAST host

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Posted By: Imright, 9/10/2023 4:22:36 PM

Far-left MSNBC host Chuck Todd celebrated his last day as the host of “Meet the Press” this Sunday morning by touting his so-called “journalism.” “Good Sunday morning. As you may have heard, after nine years and more than 430 broadcasts, today is my final Sunday in the moderator chair. To say that this has been the honor and privilege of my lifetime is an understatement,” his final statement began. “This is simply the pinnacle of political journalism — something my younger self never imagined,” he added. To be clear, what Todd does is not journalism — it’s left-wing advocacy and commentary.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 9/10/2023 4:43:30 PM (No. 1553453)
Meet The Swamp
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: winmag 9/10/2023 4:50:35 PM (No. 1553460)
Delusional POS.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: downnout 9/10/2023 4:55:14 PM (No. 1553463)
Good riddance, you left-wing hack.
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Catherine 9/10/2023 5:21:18 PM (No. 1553483)
Is that good ole F. Chuck Todd Rush used to talk about? Buh Bye.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 9/10/2023 5:28:01 PM (No. 1553491)
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: volksford 9/10/2023 6:03:01 PM (No. 1553520)
Get lost shmuck !!!!
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: stablemoney 9/10/2023 6:30:09 PM (No. 1553537)
The man is ignorant, and that cannot be fixed. I thought he would never leave. In future, I ask that people departing stick to the traditional 2 week notice.
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Trigger2 9/11/2023 4:19:56 AM (No. 1553700)
Good riddance and beyond time.
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 9/11/2023 5:27:40 AM (No. 1553725)
Journalists! Lmao! That’s rich!
1 person likes this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: broken01 9/11/2023 7:58:10 AM (No. 1553798)
If F Chuck Toad is a journalist, then I'm the Marvel Comic superhero Blue Marvel. I haven't watched MTP ever since Tim Russert died. He was at least fair; the Toad wasn't even close.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:27:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration has been blasted over plans to send out a letter to many of the major news organizations across the country demanding they probe the 'lies' of the House GOP's impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced an official impeachment inquiry on Tuesday over allegations of corruption and involvement in son Hunter's business dealings, setting off fiery reactions from Democrats. Ian Sams, a special assistant to the president and senior advisor to the White House Counsel's Office, penned a letter to both conservative and liberal-leaning outlets, slated to be distributed Wednesday in an apparent attempt to influence their coverage. Among outlets targeted
Washington DC is now so crime-ravaged
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spike by 29% in a Year
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Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:25:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:18:37 AM Post Reply
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Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven’t
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Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:15:40 AM Post Reply
Things Have Not Been This Bad Since Biden Was Obama’s Vice President The last time Americans saw a drop in household income as large as we did last year, Barack Obama was president. The Census Bureau on Tuesday released its calculations for the change in real median household income for last year. By its calculations, the median income of U.S. households fell in 2022 by 2.3 percent, the worst decline since 2010. History may not necessarily repeat or even rhyme, but it certainly rings a bell on occasion. The last time household income suffered a decline as large as it did in the second year of Biden’s presidency
ABC News Plays Defense for Biden Over
House GOP Impeachment Inquiry (Video)
6 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:12:44 AM Post Reply
Now that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is finally launching an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden, we will get to see most of the media pull a complete 180 degree turn on impeaching presidents. On ABC News, it has already started. In their coverage of the issue, they repeatedly refer to House Republicans as ‘far right’ and ‘hard right.’ They also say that there is ‘no evidence’ or ‘no hard evidence’ of any wrongdoing by Biden. This is the media gearing up to defend their party and it’s so obvious.
Top McConnell Ally John Cornyn Warned
House Against Impeachment Inquiry, Barrasso
Backs McCarthy
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:10:36 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) cautioned House Republicans not to pursue an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, which he sees as “unlikely to be successful in the Senate,” while House Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) indicated he was not keen on an impeachment investigation being tied to negotiations around government funding. Cornyn and Thune, two of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) top deputies, made the comments to the Hill in an article published ahead of McCarthy’s announcement Tuesday morning that House Republicans are opening a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden.
Putin says Trump charges are ‘politically’ motivated 12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 6:05:14 PM Post Reply
Russian President Vladimir Putin weighed in on the criminal charges faced by former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying the cases demonstrate political revenge and corruption. Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum hosted in Vladivostok, Russia, Putin said the indictment charges Trump faces are a form of political revenge. Even with the indictment charges, Trump remains the frontrunner Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential elections, and claims he could solve the Ukrainian conflict quickly, according to The Associated Press. As the frontrunner Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election, Trump faces 91 charges at the federal and state levels.
JFK assassination nurse says she SAW the
'pristine bullet' Secret Service agent
Paul Landis now claims he retrieved from
limo and placed on stretcher - upending
the 'magic bullet' theory
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 5:41:30 PM Post Reply
The prior eyewitness testimony of a nurse present in the emergency room after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in 1963 seems to corroborate a former Secret Service agent's bombshell new claim. Multiple interviews given by nurse Phyllis J. Hall a decade ago appear to back up former Secret Service agent Paul Landis' claim, after she described seeing a bullet sitting on the mortally wounded president's stretcher next to his head. Landis, 88, broke his silence in an interview on Saturday, nearly six decades after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, to share a claim that upends the infamous 'magic bullet' theory and raises the possibility of multiple shooters.
Dr. Robert Epstein: Google Sways Elections,
Indoctrinates Children
5 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 5:23:54 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump is currently under indictment for attempting to interfere with the 2020 election. But one of the most powerful companies in the world may have swung millions of votes for the Democrats in many elections, with no repercussions whatsoever. According to psychologist and Big Tech researcher Dr. Robert Epstein, that is what Google is doing every day, but especially around election time. “We know how political campaigns work to get votes, sometimes even using dirty tricks, but at least it’s a competitive thing,” psychologist and Big Tech researcher Dr. Robert Epstein tells Peter Schweizer and Eric Eggers on the most recent episode of The DrillDown.
Peter Navarro Goes Off on ‘SOBs’ who
stuck him in ‘leg irons’, says DOJ
targeting everyone in Trump White House
10 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 5:18:17 PM Post Reply
Faced with possible incarceration, Peter Navarro laid out his intent to fight the “SOBs” who are using the Justice Department “to keep Trump out of” office. “Everybody in that friggin’ White House…is facing massive legal bills and possible prison time…” (Video: NewsmaxTV) Following his conviction on criminal contempt of Congress after choosing not to comply with a subpoena from the partisan Jan. 6 Committee, the former trade adviser to then-President Donald Trump joined NewsmaxTV’s Eric Bolling Monday to speak to his case.
“I Couldn’t Take it Anymore. I Just
Couldn’t Take Standing There With Them”
– Rudy Giuliani Walks Out on 9-11 Ceremony
After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977
Victims (Video)
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 5:09:04 PM Post Reply
Benny Johnson interviewed America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani on the 22nd Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks on America. On Monday Rudy Giuliani attended the anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero. Rudy, who led the city following the deadly attacks, stood out from the other failed leaders in attendance. Via Jack Posobiec. (Photo) Much has changed since the 9-11 attacks on America in 2001. Joe Biden and Mark Milley surrendered Afghanistan back to the Taliban in 2021. And the US has become a police state where traditionally patriotic American citizens are now viewed as the enemies of the state
Bombshell Federal Probe: Joe Biden’s
DHS Losing Track of Almost 20% of Border
Crossers Freed into U.S.
12 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 5:05:28 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is losing track of nearly two in ten border crossers released into the United States, a report from federal investigators suggests. DHS Inspector General (IG) Joseph Cuffari issued his office’s audit of the agency’s massive Catch and Release network, through which officials are supposed to keep contact with the tens of thousands of border crossers they release into American communities every month. According to the IG report, from March 2021 through August 2022, Biden’s DHS lost track of more than 177,000 border crossers released into the U.S. interior of the roughly 981,000 that were reviewed for the audit.
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Mean By ‘Threats To Democracy’
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/12/2023 5:38:09 AM Post Reply
In a tweet sent out over the weekend, Rob “Meathead” Reiner declared that “For our Democracy to survive, two things have to happen. Donald Trump needs to be Convicted for Jan. 6th and there can be no Third Party Candidate.” Reiner’s comment was so blatantly anti-democratic that it elicited an avalanche of criticism, some of it from leftists who didn’t particularly like the idea of barring third-party candidates. As one person on X (formerly known as Twitter) responded: “Better make sure there’s no second party candidate either, just to be safe. For Democracy.” Another way of putting what Reiner said: We need to kill democracy in order to save it.
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Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 2:20:37 PM Post Reply
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New Mexico Governor Loses Control as Armed
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26 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 9/12/2023 9:54:14 AM Post Reply
What did she think was going to happen? New Mexico’s Democratic governor has been making headlines around the country since she decided her election to a statewide office gave her the power to suspend the Constitution of the United States. Over the weekend, her home-state constituents sent a message of their own. (Snip) As KOB-TV in the city reported, more than 100 gun rights supporters turned out in Albuquerque’s Old Town section to show their support for the Second Amendment is more powerful than any governor’s pen.
Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes 18% Credit Card
Interest Rate Cap
25 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 5:30:24 PM Post Reply
On the question of credit, the senior Republican senator from Missouri finds himself well to the left of the White House, only slightly less progressive than democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and very much out of step with the business-friendly old guard of his party. Sen. Josh Hawley will introduce legislation to cap the annual percentage rate of credit cards at 18%, RealClearPolitics is first to report. The average APR, by most estimates, now hovers near the 24% mark. “Americans are being crushed under the weight of record credit card debt,” Hawley
FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl
and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves don't work
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 2:38:15 PM Post Reply
A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today. Phenylephrine is the most common active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night. But an FDA panel said after a two-day review that the oral decongestant ‘is not effective’ at standard or even high doses compared to a placebo.Their ruling is not binding but strongly suggests the agency could soon heed their advice and pull its approval, forcing companies to pull or reformulate their products.
Democratic New Mexico AG Refuses to Defend
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19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/12/2023 6:29:23 PM Post Reply
New Mexico’s Democratic attorney general notified the governor, a fellow Democrat, on Tuesday that he will not defend her in litigation challenging her public health order temporarily banning firearms in certain counties and imposing other gun restrictions. The prohibition applies to Albuquerque and Bernalillo counties. “Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” New Mexico attorney general Raúl Torrez wrote to fellow Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham in a letter. “Simply put, I do not believe
Mitt Romney Backs Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry 19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 2:33:40 PM Post Reply
Failed presidential candidate Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) approved of the impeachment inquiry launched into President Joe Biden on Tuesday. “The fact that the White House has been singularly silent and coddled Hunter Biden suggests an inquiry is not inappropriate,” Romney told reporters. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden for “abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption.” McCarthy said House investigators found that Joe Biden lied about his involvement in the family business and that bank records show many payments were directed to the Biden family members through shell companies.
Hillary Clinton is stepping over the White
House threshold in yet another role
19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 6:39:03 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — During her husband’s 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton observed that “our lives are a mixture of different roles” and said most people are trying to find the right balance. “For me, that balance is family, work and service,” she said. Clinton juggled those roles — and more — during eight years as first lady in the White House. She’s returning Tuesday for her first public appearance in the building since the Obama years to indulge her love for the arts.
Washington DC is now so crime-ravaged
locals are driving tiny distances instead
of walking and are too scared to go out
during the day, as woke city sees homicides
spike by 29% in a Year
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:25:33 AM Post Reply
Soaring crime in the nation's capital is leaving residents rattled, with locals driving small distances to avoid walking and others now too fearful to step outside even during the day. Homicides and robberies are up 29 and 67 per cent from the same time period last year, with murders approaching levels not seen in two decades - while other big cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore are seeing declines. Neighboring Baltimore could end the year with under 300 killings for the first time since the riots over Freddie Gray's death in police custody in 2015.
Biden and Trump are tied in the polls.
Democrats have mixed feelings about it.
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 6:36:12 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is polling even with President Joe Biden in a likely 2024 rematch, sparking mixed feelings among Democrats 14 months from Election Day. Some are alarmed by the neck-and-neck race, while Biden campaign officials and other allies downplay the recent polls as meaningless this early in the cycle. But there’s one thing Democratic strategists agree on: An insurrection scheme and a torrent of criminal charges won’t be enough to stop the former president and runaway Republican primary front-runner from returning to the White House.
Biden's White House will send letter to
CNN, NY Times and other top outlets demanding
them to probe 'lies' behind GOP's plan
to impeach president
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:27:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration has been blasted over plans to send out a letter to many of the major news organizations across the country demanding they probe the 'lies' of the House GOP's impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced an official impeachment inquiry on Tuesday over allegations of corruption and involvement in son Hunter's business dealings, setting off fiery reactions from Democrats. Ian Sams, a special assistant to the president and senior advisor to the White House Counsel's Office, penned a letter to both conservative and liberal-leaning outlets, slated to be distributed Wednesday in an apparent attempt to influence their coverage. Among outlets targeted
Top McConnell Ally John Cornyn Warned
House Against Impeachment Inquiry, Barrasso
Backs McCarthy
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/13/2023 2:10:36 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) cautioned House Republicans not to pursue an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, which he sees as “unlikely to be successful in the Senate,” while House Minority Whip John Thune (R-SD) indicated he was not keen on an impeachment investigation being tied to negotiations around government funding. Cornyn and Thune, two of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) top deputies, made the comments to the Hill in an article published ahead of McCarthy’s announcement Tuesday morning that House Republicans are opening a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden.
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