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The mystery of Vivek Ramaswamy’s rapid
rise in the polls

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Posted By: earlybird, 8/14/2023 11:14:20 AM

Two new polls of Republican primary voters released on Thursday showed former President Donald Trump in first place by a wide margin. But what was startling was who came in second. The first shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his usual spot far behind Trump. The other shows 38-year-old first-time political candidate Vivek Ramaswamy edging out DeSantis for second place.(snip)Ramaswamy’s strength comes almost entirely from polls conducted over the internet, according to a POLITICO analysis. In internet surveys over the past month — the vast majority of which are conducted among panels of people who sign up ahead of time to complete polls, often for financial incentives


But….he does not do nearly as well in telephone polls to randomly selected voters - he’s way down the list. The bar graph shows how all of the candidates fare on internet v. phone polls. For PDJT it’s about the same. Another article said Ramaswamy pays supporters to bring him donoers….He needed lots of donors to make the cut for the debate. He seems to work all the angles.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: avital2 8/14/2023 11:27:51 AM (No. 1534171)
what mystery? he's energetic, young, articulate, based in reality, attached to basic virtues, successful in biz - and always answers questions directly. he's a phenom - and he's ours.
28 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 8/14/2023 11:31:10 AM (No. 1534175)
He's an unusual candidate so I'm not surprised his support shows up from unusual places. Once voting starts in the primaries we'll know exactly how much support he really has.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Msquared112 8/14/2023 11:38:54 AM (No. 1534180)
It's no mystery: Vivek appears to be honest, woke-averse, articulate, energetic and conservative, not to mention fearless. He's young and not too experienced in politics which makes him ripe for temptation and a victim for the terminally unscrupulous, but he SEEMS to be a good conservative. He will either get swallowed up by the corruption juggernaut or he will stand tall. We shall see.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: less is more 8/14/2023 11:55:01 AM (No. 1534198)
He has stated that he is open to pardoning Hunter. That makes him DOA.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: snakeoil 8/14/2023 12:20:22 PM (No. 1534215)
He's a breathe of fresh air. But is he real? I don't know. If he makes it we'll find out.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: YorkieMom 8/14/2023 12:46:17 PM (No. 1534249)
First, never trust any poll. Live by the poll, die by the poll. Second, this guy came out of nowhere, is spending his own money, what job has he made his money in, and he just turned 38, so he has no negative political background that we know of. The people who think DeSantis is too young and needed to wait 4 more years surely can’t be serious about backing this guy even for Vice President. Speaking of that, I’ve heard him speak often enough to boast about himself winning, and he might have a job for Trump in his administration. I’ll pass on this shiny, new toy,
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: RCFLyer98 8/14/2023 12:49:51 PM (No. 1534252)
His past connections to George Soros is a definite no for me. IMHO, of course! But he is a No.
22 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: spacer 8/14/2023 12:53:49 PM (No. 1534253)
Sorry not buying what Vivek is selling. He is a duplicitous as any other politician. He supported Pence and his gnashing of the teeth against President Trump. He supports TPP. He supports a more aggressive importing of "educated" foreigners, he means Asians. Little back ground...his family came here from India . He was born in 1984 and from day one was given the front row seat to American greatness because of it. For reasons I do not get and certainly do not agree with folks from Asia are given gifts of right of passage above and far beyond American kids in almost every aspect of life. American kids of all stripes are pushed aside both in business, academia and now politics. Last but not least the guy thought ranting a crap rap bilge in front of Iowa State Fair folks was a good idea.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 8/14/2023 1:05:36 PM (No. 1534262)
I hope there is no George Soros connection to these polls.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: udanja99 8/14/2023 1:52:00 PM (No. 1534301)
Politico is a little late to the actual facts. Vivek is starting to tank thanks to his desire to rejoin the TPP deal, his consideration of pardoning the entire Biden family and his reported ties to Soros. I was interested in him until the pardon comment - now I’m gone forever.
9 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 8/14/2023 2:00:17 PM (No. 1534309)
The guy is well spoken and very presentable, but it doesn't matter!!! It's Trump! Trump! Trump! Nobody really cares about these candidates. Trump may pick one to be his running mate or maybe somebody in left field. Maybe Trump has already decided who it will be. And if these debaters start mouthing off against Trump, all chances of them getting a reward will follow them with a three gallon flush down the old toilet. These debates, in effect, are a waste of time unless Trump feels that he has to participate. So folks, catch up on all those Netflix, Amazon Prime and other streaming shows that you have missed of late.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: red1066 8/14/2023 2:00:21 PM (No. 1534310)
That pardoning of Hunter is a no go for me, unless in its place, it's a full-on orange jump suit with leg irons for Biteme and Obozo. Then I might be on board.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: 2assume 8/14/2023 2:01:47 PM (No. 1534312)
He does seem to check all the boxes however I worry about this guy. His background is completely different from how he portrays himself now. Politicians have a habit of pulling the wool over your eyes when they want something. How did a young man get so rich?
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 8/14/2023 6:06:17 PM (No. 1534432)
I wouldn't put much stock in any of these polls, but it's likely that DeSantis' recent fallback is the cause of Ramaswamy's re-positioning to 2nd place.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: Kate318 8/14/2023 6:20:01 PM (No. 1534437)
No disrespect to OP, but I couldn’t care less about this guy, nor any other Republican candidate, at the moment. We are all being manipulated by the democrats and the republicans. And, that’s a fact.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: SansaClip2gb 8/14/2023 9:51:10 PM (No. 1534559)
Vivek Ramaswamy He’s been exceptional for a long time. Accomplished Pianist as a child Catholic HS Graduate: Class of ’85 Valedictorian Graduated Harvard in Bio- Sciences Entertainer in College as Rapper named DaVek President of the Harvard Conservatives Law Degree Yale Re: He’s too Young? Re: He’s too smart? Jordan Peterson talk with Vivek Ramaswamy Re: Soro’s connection? Re: Pardoning Biden ? “After we have shut down the FBI, after we have refurbished the Department of Justice, after we have systemically pardoned anyone who was a victim of a political [sic] motivated persecution — from Donald Trump and peaceful January 6 protests — then would I would be open to evaluating pardons for members of the Biden family in the interest of moving the nation forward,” Ramaswamy reportedly told the New York Post. Seems like “Being Open” to a Biden family pardon is a thought process not a pardon. There are 10+ Biden’s involved, some are children. Besides…there will NOT EVER be a prosecution of Joe to “pardon”. Duh!“After the I am leading the “It is a broad theme of this candidacy, leading us to a national renewal rather than a national divorce. It’s part of a broader vision of an American revitalization,” he added. "But what I said, let me fast-forward to January 21, 2025: My second day in office," Ramaswamy said on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Baritomo. "After we issued those pardons and set into motion shutting down the FBI, not just reforming, actually restoring the integrity of our government. The question is, is the next thing that I then want to do after we sent our nation forward, is it to then focus my agenda on persecuting or prosecuting Joe Biden or his family? My answer to that is no." Hey Posters: Get your facts right before you make stupid statements on your future vote.
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COVID Victims’ Families Sue NY-Based
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Posted by earlybird 8/15/2023 1:58:38 PM Post Reply
Family members of people who died from COVID-19 have sued a New York-based nonprofit organization that collaborated with and helped fund the Chinese laboratory that was exploring how to make coronaviruses more transmissible and infectious. The suit names EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak, its president, as defendants, alleging they researched, funded, and created the COVID-19 virus and released it intentionally or accidentally. Jenny Golden and other U.S. residents brought the lawsuit in New York over the deaths of their loved ones, which they say could have been prevented.
Christie pulls ahead of DeSantis in New
Hampshire GOP primary: poll
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Posted by earlybird 8/15/2023 11:57:44 AM Post Reply
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has surpassed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) in the critical early presidential primary state of New Hampshire, according to an Emerson College survey released Tuesday. Christie leapfrogged DeSantis for second place in the Granite State, garnering 9 percent support. DeSantis’s support, on the other hand, fell to 8 percent from 17 percent in March. Christie’s 1-point lead over DeSantis falls within the poll’s plus-or-minus 3.4 percent margin of error.
6 Takeaways From The Hunter Biden Special
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Big Media
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Posted by earlybird 8/15/2023 10:14:34 AM Post Reply
Friday’s news dump featured an announcement by Attorney General Merrick Garland that he had named Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as special counsel to continue the investigation into Hunter Biden “as well as any matters that arose from that investigation or may arise from the Special Counsel’s investigation.” While the official appointment order barely filled a page and the attorney general’s accompanying comments provided little additional texture, the news is hugely significant. Here’s how. 1. Why Now?
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Comment’ From His Beach Chair
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Posted by earlybird 8/14/2023 12:31:45 PM Post Reply
Nearly 100 people have been confirmed dead after a catastrophic wildfire raged through Lahaina, a historic town on the island of Maui, but President Joe Biden is too busy vacationing near his Delaware beach home to care. As of Sunday, the deadly fire was largely contained but rescuers had only picked through 3 percent of the charred ruins.(snip)Biden, however, offered reporters “no comment” on the tragedy, its victims, or its survivors as he wrapped up his tanning time on Rehoboth Beach on Sunday.
The mystery of Vivek Ramaswamy’s rapid
rise in the polls
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/14/2023 11:14:20 AM Post Reply
Two new polls of Republican primary voters released on Thursday showed former President Donald Trump in first place by a wide margin. But what was startling was who came in second. The first shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his usual spot far behind Trump. The other shows 38-year-old first-time political candidate Vivek Ramaswamy edging out DeSantis for second place.(snip)Ramaswamy’s strength comes almost entirely from polls conducted over the internet, according to a POLITICO analysis. In internet surveys over the past month — the vast majority of which are conducted among panels of people who sign up ahead of time to complete polls, often for financial incentives
Ramaswamy Gets Weird in Iowa – People
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Starts Rapping, Yes Rapping!
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Posted by earlybird 8/14/2023 10:51:42 AM Post Reply
Things are a little weird in Iowa as one of the candidates thought it would be a great idea to start rapping on stage, and then things get really uncomfortable. There are moments in every eco-chambering campaign where the responsible voice in the room says, “no – just no” and protects the candidate from the big stupid. I’m not exactly sure what the goal and objective is here, but (a) Ramalamadingdong did not have that voice in the room; and (b) apparently no longer wants to be considered as a viable candidate. Nothing else quite explains this level of cringe. WATCH:
Lawfare Rep Goldman Admits Biden Broad
Immunity Deal Was Political Construct
Intended to Protect Biden Family from
Future Accountability for Prior Criminal Conduct
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/13/2023 7:26:49 PM Post Reply
Wickedness has a way of manifesting in the human body. As the physical lifeforce within Daniel Goldman begins diminishing, the pale and sullen former Robert Mueller operative appears on CNN to discuss the Hunter Biden case(snip) Skilled in the dark arts of lawfare, Representative Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite; (snip) reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden. (snip) the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable.
Garland’s Special Counsel Gambit Confirms
Hunter Investigation Was Always Shady
4 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/12/2023 4:08:59 PM Post Reply
In a Friday news dump, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced he’s appointed U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, David Weiss, as special counsel in the probe of Hunter Biden. “I have concluded,” Garland claimed, “that it is in the public interest to appoint him as special counsel.” Which makes zero sense. Wasn’t Weiss already responsible for the “ongoing investigation” of President Joe Biden’s son “as well as for any other matters that arose or may arise from that investigation?” For years now, Garland claimed that Weiss had ultimate authority to investigate charges against Hunter or any other criminality related to the Biden family business. Yet he didn’t do anything.
Judge Snubs Special Counsel, Issues Limited
Gag Order in Trump Election Case
6 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/12/2023 3:25:24 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON—District Judge Tanya Chutkan opposed the request by prosecutors to bar former President Donald Trump from revealing non-sensitive evidence provided to him by the prosecutors ahead of the trial on whether he conspired to illegally obstruct the counting of the 2020 electoral votes. During an Aug. 11 hearing in Washington, she decided to issue a gag order that only forbids the release of information prosecutors label as sensitive. The prosecutors, with the office of special counsel Jack Smith, requested a blanket gag order, citing concerns over safety and intimidation of witnesses. The judge questioned the defense over the potential use of non-sensitive information to intimidate witnesses.
Devin Nunes – David Weiss is Another
John Durham Protective Silo – The Deep
State Operation Tracks Back to Obama Weaponizing
Intel and DOJ
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/12/2023 1:06:52 PM Post Reply
This interview segment is almost as if Devin Nunes reads here. The former House Intel Committee chairman outlines the appointment of David Weiss as another DC silo creation similar in construct to John Durham. {Direct Rumble Link} Obviously, Nunes is correct. Additionally, as Nunes accurately outlines the entire weaponization process traces back to when Barack Obama took office and unleashed the apparatus of the intelligence agencies to target domestic political opposition. At the same time, Obama’s AG Eric Holder created the DOJ National Security Division and then weaponized surveillance under the auspices of FARA and FISA Courts to target one side of the political dynamic. WATCH:
Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19:
FDA Lawyer
22 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/12/2023 12:24:45 PM Post Reply
Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week. "FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID," Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals (snip)"The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no," Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green on David Weiss 7 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/11/2023 9:21:57 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON D.C. — Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene issued the following statement following today's appointment of Davis Weiss as Special Counsel to cover up Hunter Biden's criminal career: "Today’s move by Merrick Garland to appoint David Weiss as Special Counsel to investigate (and in reality cover up) Hunter Biden’s criminal career is the latest action in a continuous pattern of corrupt behavior by Joe Biden and his regime. Behavior typically only seen in juntas in third-world nations (snipEurope. (snip)Every subpoena, every record request, every transcribed interview, or any other effort in an impeachment inquiry will be be blocked by this corrupt and unlawful Special Counsel under the guise of an “investigation.”
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Can Ron DeSantis Win? 38 replies
Posted by sagman 8/14/2023 8:32:11 PM Post Reply
Of course, Ron DeSantis can come back and win. Anybody in the race can win – we saw Trump come back in 2016 when most everyone wrote him off in the general. Now it’s the Florida governor’s turn to be written off, but he’s not exactly in the same place that Trump was. DeSantis is a strong second right now. For him, it’s not a matter of a miracle happening, threading a bunch of needles to win the general when rational betters would bet against you like in 2016. No, Ron DeSantis has a plan, and there’s a method to his muddling through.
President Biden plans ritzy Lake Tahoe
vacation next week while refusing to take
questions on devastating fire that killed
10 that has killed nearly 100 Americans
37 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 4:50:05 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden jets off to ritzy Lake Tahoe on Friday for another summer vacation as the White House still hasn't announced plans for him to visit fire-devastated Hawaii. He didn't answer questions about the issue when he returned to work on Monday after a weekend at the beach, after avoiding comment on the tragedy this weekend. The president is scheduled to arrive in Lake Tahoe on Friday, August 18 and will stay there until the following Thursday, according to guidance from the White House.But there has been no word on if he'll head further west to see the billions of dollars in damage
Breaking: Donald Trump, Mark Meadows,
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Indictment in Fulton County
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/15/2023 12:15:09 AM Post Reply
Indictments were returned by a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury Monday evening, against Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, former North Carolina Sen. Mark Meadows, and John Eastman. The 41-count indictment includes charges of racketeering, solicitation of violation of an oath by a public officer, conspiracy, and filing a false statement. Others indicted are Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Ray Smith III, Robert Cheeley, Michael Roman, David Shafer, Shawn Still, Stephen Lee, Harrison Floyd, Trevian Kutti, Sidney Powell, Cathleen Latham, Scott Hall, and Misty Hayes. We reported back in April that Willis was looking at announcing criminal indictments related to the 2020 election between July 11 and September 1.
Biden's Handlers Rush to Clean-Up His
Stunning 'No Comment' Answer on Maui Fire
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 2:17:39 PM Post Reply
Well, that didn't take long. As RedState reported, Joe Biden stunned onlookers earlier on Monday by answering "No comment" to multiple inquiries about the devastating Maui fire. The Hawaiian Island has been battling deadly wildfires, with the death toll currently sitting at 89 people. One would think this would be an all-hands-on-deck affair, much like when a hurricane causes widespread devastation, but the president has been enjoying yet another vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. That followed two prior vacations that spanned multiple weeks in July and August (and Biden is scheduled to head to Lake Tahoe
Hillary Clinton breaks out into laughter
before Trump indictment: ‘Oh, I can’t
believe this’
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Posted by Moritz55 8/15/2023 8:19:02 AM Post Reply
Just hours before former President Donald Trump was indicted for a fourth time in Georgia on Monday night, his former political opponent, Hillary Clinton, laughed merrily at him on MSNBC. "All over the country, people are wondering what Hillary Rodham Clinton is thinking watching things unfold in Georgia," MSNBC host Rachel Maddow said Monday to laughs from Clinton. "Oh, I can’t believe this," Clinton said, again breaking out into laughter. "Honestly, I didn’t think that it would be under these circumstances. Yet another set of indictments."
Karine Jean-Pierre: ‘Zero Evidence’
Joe Biden ‘Discussed,’ or ‘Involved
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Posted by Imright 8/15/2023 5:01:50 AM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at a briefing Monday that there was “zero evidence” that President Joe Biden had “discussed,” or was “involved with,” his son Hunter’s business dealings, now under scrutiny by a special counsel. Jean-Pierre answered questions from reporters on her first briefing in several weeks, and the first since Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware, who was already investigating Hunter Biden, as the special counsel.While avoiding specifics, she said: “They [Republicans] keep turning up documents and witnesses showing the president wasn’t involved, never discussed
Vivek Ramaswamy suggests he would let
China invade Taiwan post-2029 if elected president
24 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2023 7:39:56 PM Post Reply
Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy said Monday that he would be less attentive to China’s threat to Taiwan once he’s had four years to attain US “semiconductor independence.” “Xi Jinping should not mess with Taiwan until we have achieved semiconductor independence, until the end of my first term when I will lead us there,” Ramaswamy told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.After that, our commitments to Taiwan — our commitments to be willing to go to military conflict — will change after that, because that’s rationally in our self-interest. That is honest. That is true, and that is credible.
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fire tornados tore through Maui's buildings
killing 93 people - as it emerges the
island warning sirens Did Not go off
23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 12:56:01 AM Post Reply
Hawaii's governor has said that the terrifying fire tornados that tore though the island's buildings were '1,000 degrees' - as it's revealed warning sirens did not go off. The blazes on the island of Maui have now become the deadliest wildfires in modern US history - killing 93 people - and authorities are still working to identify the victims. Hawaii Gov. Josh Green described the wildfire as a 'fire hurricane' - blowing 80mph winds and reaching temperatures of up to '1,000-degree heat.' Meanwhile, Hawaii Emergency Services Administration said Friday: 'Neither Maui nor HI-EMA activated warning sirens on Maui during the wildfire incident.'
'Unthinkable:' J6 Committee Accused of
DESTROYING Key Intelligence Documents
About Capitol Riot
22 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/14/2023 6:59:35 AM Post Reply
It looks like the background intelligence documents about the Capitol Hill riot have gone the way of certain Secret Service call records, the Capitol Hill pipe bomber’s identity, the ID of the White House cocaine addict, and Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit emails. Key evidence is missing. It’s gone. Vanished. If you’re in any way confused, let’s be clear: this is how a corrupt, banana republic, tinpot dictatorship acts. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) and former President Donald Trump alleged that at least two terabytes of information were not preserved by the Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney show trial producers. “The more we go in,” Loudermilk told Fox News Digital,
Breaking: Georgia Grand Jury Returns 10
Indictments; Trump and Allies Indicted
19 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 9:25:47 PM Post Reply
Update: The grand jury has returned 10 indictments in the Georgia 2020 election case but the defendant(s) were not named. Trump and his allies were indicted. The indictments are currently under seal. (X Video) The judge cracked jokes to the reporters in the room after signing off on the indictments against Trump.WATCH: (X Video) Reporters swarmed the Fulton County courthouse as Trump’s fourth indictment loomed Monday evening. WATCH: (X Video) The corrupt Fulton County District Attorney’s office posted the proposed charging documents before the grand jury even deliberated on Monday.
National Review crashes and burns over
"Rich Men North of Richmond"
18 replies
Posted by AltaD 8/15/2023 11:22:17 AM Post Reply
I was not going to write about Oliver Anthony’s brilliant song, Rich Men North of Richmond, because I have nothing worthy to add. The video puts all other commentary to shame. North of Richmond refers to the federal government, which is too large, too powerful and too uncaring. But Mark Antonio Wright, executive editor of the Never Trump National Review, butted in with a Learn-to-Code column attacking Anthony for daring to complain about DC’s treatment of the working class. It lectured Anthony to be more like Woody Guthrie, the Nazi apologist and communist.(Snip)what makes America great are the very things National Review now opposes.
CNN reveals major anchor overhaul in sweeping
bid to lift sagging ratings
18 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 8/14/2023 4:15:35 PM Post Reply
CNN — which continues to get pummeled in the ratings –revealed sweeping changes to its programming that will see new faces in key slots and launch new weekend shows for veteran anchors Chris Wallace and Christiane Amanpour. Under new management, CNN has named Abby Phillip, a senior correspondent and anchor of “Inside Politics Sunday,” to the network’s 10 p.m. time slot on weekdays. Laura Coates, an anchor and chief legal analyst at CNN, will grab the network’s 11 p.m. hour.
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