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The Hate Industry

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Posted By: earlybird, 5/20/2023 2:41:02 PM

"The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy." — President Joe Biden, speaking at Howard University, May 13, 2023 In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, when establishment politicians started to make common use of the term “homeland,” they told us the most dangerous threat to Americans was foreign terrorists. But today, we are instructed to fear the enemy within. A new iconic date, January 6, 2021, is inscribed on our collective consciousness. From coast to coast, Americans are being herded into two camps. There are the “white supremacists,” those bad people who purportedly hate good people. And then there is everyone else, good people who are encouraged


It’s all about hate.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: ARKfamily 5/20/2023 3:21:16 PM (No. 1473888)
Joe Biden ought to know - he is pictured with grand white supremacist Robert Byrd. Takes one to know one.
36 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 5/20/2023 5:37:37 PM (No. 1473935)
Anti hate hatred has become the last refuge of scoundrels.
19 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bad-hair 5/20/2023 7:28:53 PM (No. 1473978)
Does the B. in LGBTQwhatever stand for Barnyard Animals or are they still in line behind the pedophiles ?
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/20/2023 7:40:58 PM (No. 1473986)
White Supremacy is a False Flag...It really Means the Commie Democraps that run things...
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Starboard_side 5/20/2023 8:10:01 PM (No. 1474013)
The actual number of those who identify as white supremacists is likely very small, and they don't have any real economic or political power of any kind. I would presume the overwhelming are found in prisons and that's because you're either one group or another in prison, simply to survive. What I think Progressive Democrats (they are mostly white, college educated and upper-income) want to do is use that hateful phrase to point out white's being the majority population. Also, no one wants to be called a racist either, right?
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: coyote 5/20/2023 8:32:05 PM (No. 1474024)
Yes, it's true. But the names have been changed to protect the guilty.
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bobn.t 5/20/2023 11:00:23 PM (No. 1474086)
"The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is libnut, socialist lunacy" "The most dangerous threat to our homeland is Obama, deep state operatives, FBI, DOJ,
21 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Kafka2 5/21/2023 8:23:53 AM (No. 1474275)
I have a thought. Rather than go along with the hate industry and agreeing to be classified as being black, white, oriental or some other racial subdivision why don’t we all agree that all of us are part of the human race? We were well on the way to reaching that goal until the politicians decided they needed to decide us up to concur us. By getting us to squabble with one another, they distract us from the royal mess they are making.
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Strike3 5/21/2023 8:45:47 AM (No. 1474293)
We have had two racist presidents since 2008. What are the odds?
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Adam 5/21/2023 9:38:12 AM (No. 1474324)
People often become the thing they claim to hate.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Krause 5/21/2023 10:21:17 AM (No. 1474357)
Say someone hates Gavin Newsom or Joe Biden.....what will happen to that person?
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Zigrid 5/21/2023 11:27:36 AM (No. 1474422)
Obama and soros are all about dividing this country... into have and have nots...if they loose that game then ALL Americans will come after them...and they know keep pushing your crazy ideas and making more independents...away from JFK's democrats and useful idiots into the arms of aoc and her squad....
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Reply 13 - Posted by: garyhope 5/21/2023 1:10:53 PM (No. 1474503)
Yes,'s all about "hate". Which direction is it coming from? White against black? Of course,....only we white males are haters. All black people are all victimized saints and martyrs. Forget that we awful white males invented practically everything beneficial on Earth.
5 people like this.

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Merrick Garland’s J6 Juries Prove Durham’s
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Posted by earlybird 5/22/2023 12:11:32 PM Post Reply
Special Counsel John Durham breached neither ethics nor etiquette when he highlighted the difficulty of obtaining a conviction in a politically charged case when the jury holds opposing partisan views. He merely stated the reality on the ground in D.C.-area federal courts. And by his own actions prosecuting the J6 defendants solely in the nation’s capital, Attorney General Merrick Garland has confirmed that assessment by proving the corollary: Criminal cases against individuals viewed by the local populace as political pariahs make for easy convictions. (snip) biased juries and politics, rather than an “objective view of the law and the facts,” may dictate whether a defendant is convicted or acquitted.
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Posted by earlybird 5/22/2023 11:47:28 AM Post Reply
A report today in Politico states the next Senate Leader, the heir to the McConnell legacy, John Thune, will be endorsing South Carolina Tim Scott for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. This approach makes sense, because the modern Senate is a rogue division within the modern branches of government. The modern Senate has unique corrupt interests that are specific to the upper chamber, and those interests must be defended from any possibility of diminished influence. The current U.S. senate does not consider themselves to be a co-equal branch, especially since they created the weaponized intelligence apparatus to give them greater power. The Senate is where the DeceptiCons rule with targeted
Ron DeSantis Plots Politics with Chris
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Posted by earlybird 5/21/2023 3:34:18 PM Post Reply
The upcoming week or two should provide more clarity on 2024 candidate field as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott are all likely to make their enlistment official. Of course, most eyes will be on the Jeb! lane for 2024 which is currently occupied by Ron DeSantis. Current Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, another approved Republican, is in a holding pattern above the race in the event that DeSantis does a big stupid. Meanwhile, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is now pushing himself into the foray, while simultaneously meeting with DeSantis to talk shop. Things are starting to become clearer
World War Reddit Continues – Zelensky
Flies to Visit G7 Assembly in Japan
9 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/21/2023 3:26:08 PM Post Reply
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky flew to Japan to visit with the assembly of G7 leaders. The G7 consists of France, Italy, USA, U.K, Canada, Germany, Japan; however, the EU commission and President also attend the summits. The G7 is the essential influence group for the Western alliance interests and NATO in their collective effort to maintain the proxy war against Russia known colloquially as World War Reddit. Ukraine is the selected geography for the geopolitical interests of the larger western alliance. At this point in the public-facing performance, it is clear that Volodymyr Zelensky represents the puppet inside the production.(snip)There is a potential for World War III.
Elites Manufacture Fake “Hate” Crisis
As Pretext For Mass Spying, Blacklists,
And Censorship
3 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/20/2023 2:54:12 PM Post Reply
The public’s hatred of racial, sexual, and religious minorities is so out of control that it imperils our democracy. At least, that’s what influential leaders from Joe Biden and Barack Obama to former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden and California Governor Gavin Newsom want us to believe. Last week Newsom announced a state initiative for citizens to report disfavored speech (non-criminal “hate incidents”) they see online: (snip)California’s “Civil Rights Department” (CRD) invites citizens to speculate about the motive of the “perpetrator.”(snip) it may be that Californian prosecutors simply labeled more crimes as “hate” crimes because they were primed to do so by the media’s 700% - 1,000% increased focus
The Hate Industry 13 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/20/2023 2:41:02 PM Post Reply
"The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy." — President Joe Biden, speaking at Howard University, May 13, 2023 In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, when establishment politicians started to make common use of the term “homeland,” they told us the most dangerous threat to Americans was foreign terrorists. But today, we are instructed to fear the enemy within. A new iconic date, January 6, 2021, is inscribed on our collective consciousness. From coast to coast, Americans are being herded into two camps. There are the “white supremacists,” those bad people who purportedly hate good people. And then there is everyone else, good people who are encouraged
Hang All the Members of the Liars’ Club? 11 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/20/2023 2:29:37 PM Post Reply
Federal prosecutors last week announced the indictment of U.S. Representative George Santos (R-N.Y.) on a host of charges, including misuse of federal campaign funds and wire fraud, almost all of them resulting from his pathological lies. Certainly, Santos deserved the attention of prosecutors for lying on federal documents and affidavits that may have helped him win a congressional seat as well as personal lucre. But if that’s the case, why haven’t federal prosecutors also gone after Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)? She clearly lied her way into a Harvard Law School professorship and an erstwhile presidential candidacy by claiming, in part, quite falsely she was a Native American,
Black-Boxing Democracy 1 reply
Posted by earlybird 5/19/2023 2:58:15 PM Post Reply
Throughout history, warfare has spurred the development of transformative new technologies. My experiences in the War on Terror provided me with a glimpse of the AI revolution that is now remaking America’s political system and culture in ways that have already proved incompatible with our system of democracy and self-government and may soon become irreversible. (snip) What I found there was that, in the midst of a great deal of confusion and ambivalence about the U.S. mission and what we were still trying to accomplish after a decade in Afghanistan, the military had turned to powerful new information technologies to fill the strategic void.
FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose
Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2023 9:27:16 PM Post Reply
FBI officials were concerned that footage from inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, would show undercover agents and confidential informants, a whistleblower said in testimony revealed on May 18. George Hill, a retired supervisory intelligence analyst who worked out of the FBI’s Boston field office, recounted that the bureau’s Washington field office (WFO) pressured officials in Boston to open investigations on 138 people who attended a rally on Jan. 6, 2021, even though there were no indications the people violated the law.
Durham Finds the Importance of Nellie Ohr 5 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/17/2023 10:38:08 PM Post Reply
Paul Sperry at RealClearPolitics has an article today citing one part of the Durham report that deserves a little CTH attention. I hope you will forgive my indulgent snickers, as the graphic you see below was created by me in early 2018, a full five years before the release of this Durham report. I even referred to the Steele Dossier as the Nellie Ohr Dossier. lol As noted by Sperry, “According to the 306-page report, former Justice Department prosecutor Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr first plowed the ground for the dossier with a series of research reports she wrote for Fusion GPS,
The Purposeful Silos of Horowitz, Mueller
and Durham – Why They Matter and What
Can Be Done
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/17/2023 5:33:04 PM Post Reply
“I’m not being arbitrary; I’m just not going to pretend. These people know exactly what is going on. Their action is not an outcome of some esoteric thought process. They are corrupt & acting to retain the corruption with specific intent & full understanding of the consequence.”(snip) let us get down to the business of understanding; let us uncomplicate the complex; and, more importantly, let me propose the outline of a solution. ♦ SILO #1 – Inspector General Michael Horowitz was given instructions by outgoing President Barack Obama, to review the internal decision-making inside the FBI, Main Justice and DOJ-NSD as it pertained to the Hillary Clinton classified document scandal.
How Did The Patriots Do Last Night? 5 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/16/2023 12:38:59 PM Post Reply
That would be the Kiev Patriots we’re referring to. They had a busy night in Kiev last night, appearing to have fired off 30 of the top US air defense missiles—the Patriot. Each Patriot missile goes for something like $5.25 million apiece, for a total—in less than two minutes—of around $160 million up in smoke, so to speak. But here’s the thing about the Patriot system—nobody really knows how effective they are, or even IF they can be considered effective (snip) found an article that explains the uncertainties, but one thing to keep in mind—Patriots, like all anti-missile surface to air missile (SAM) systems, are not 100% effective
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Posted by konocti95 5/21/2023 6:44:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/21/2023 10:06:54 AM Post Reply
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NAACP issues shock travel advisory against
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Posted by Imright 5/21/2023 3:07:35 AM Post Reply
The NAACP's national board of directors has issued a formal travel advisory for Florida, warning black and LGBTQ people against visiting the state due to Governor Ron DeSantis' policies. 'Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals,' states the advisory issued on Saturday night by the civil rights group. 'Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color,' it adds.
Rep. Cori Bush Calls for Reparations as
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32 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/21/2023 12:07:36 AM Post Reply
Every so often, the race industry in America — let’s call it what it is — seemingly feels like they are not getting enough attention, and so they come forward with some new absurd way to get that attention, apparently clinging to the notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity. The latest to attempt that is far-left congressional squad member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO). Bush has glommed onto an idea that is certainly not new and is hugely unpopular with roughly half the country. But Bush has decided to give it the old college try and float it once again.
Ron DeSantis Plots Politics with Chris
Sununu in New Hampshire
30 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/21/2023 3:34:18 PM Post Reply
The upcoming week or two should provide more clarity on 2024 candidate field as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott are all likely to make their enlistment official. Of course, most eyes will be on the Jeb! lane for 2024 which is currently occupied by Ron DeSantis. Current Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, another approved Republican, is in a holding pattern above the race in the event that DeSantis does a big stupid. Meanwhile, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is now pushing himself into the foray, while simultaneously meeting with DeSantis to talk shop. Things are starting to become clearer
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Posted by NorthernDog 5/21/2023 7:38:37 PM Post Reply
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Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the
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26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/21/2023 2:28:23 PM Post Reply
Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen. Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.” As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
Chuck Todd Says You Shouldn't Worry About
Biden's IRS If You Pay Taxes
23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/21/2023 7:45:53 PM Post Reply
On Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator and former Senate Democrat staffer Chuck Todd parroted the kind of talking points you frequently hear from those in support of tyrannical regimes: if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Todd put his own spin on that while interviewing Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds about the looming debt ceiling deadline. Todd took issue with Republicans wanting fewer IRS agents as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling.
Ben Crump deletes viral tweet branding
pregnant nurse racist after her lawyer
steps in
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/21/2023 9:43:13 PM Post Reply
A prominent civil rights attorney deleted his viral tweet that attacked a female New York City hospital worker hours after her lawyer threatened defamation lawsuits in a Fox News segment against those who defamed her. Ben Crump, who has been a lead attorney in several police brutality cases, tweeted a viral video with more than 4 million views of a verbal altercation between a pregnant New York City physician assistant and multiple young Black men before deleting it hours later after the segment aired and went viral on Twitter. (snip) There was no follow-up tweet with a correction or an apology.
McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Director
Christopher Wray WILL hand over document
that Rep. James Comer claims outlines
a criminal bribery scheme involving President
Biden and a foreign national
18 replies
Posted by Imright 5/21/2023 7:36:05 PM Post Reply
Speaker Kevin McCarthy has declared the FBI is poised to hand over a potentially damning document involving President Joe Biden - after an impassioned phone call with the bureau's director. Appearing for a televised interview Sunday, the California rep offered some insight as to what transpired between him and director Christopher Wray on the Friday call, which came a day after feds rebuffed a subpoena requesting the still unseen report. The official request was sent by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, and pertained to a prospective financial form that several GOP lawmakers claim lays out an 'alleged criminal scheme' involving Biden and an unnamed foreign national.
Social Justice™ Now Claims Waking Up
Early Is White Supremacy
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/22/2023 10:22:47 AM Post Reply
What even is satire anymore? At some point, reality will become so absurd that it will render satire an anachronistic relic of the before-times, when some semblance of societal sanity made satire possible. We may have already crossed that Rubicon. Exhibit A is the argument that waking up early is actually White Supremacy™. Personally, I don’t spend much time on Medium these days since the platform kicked me off for either “COVID misinformation” or “transphobia” (I honestly don’t remember which anymore, but I got warnings for both of those things before they finally suspended my account permanently). However, this little ditty came my way recently from Anthony Bernardi,
Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew
truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent
17 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/22/2023 9:39:51 AM Post Reply
A silence kept in order to hide the truth is a lie. By that maxim, there are plenty of liars among prominent Democrats who knew that the damning Trump-Russia collusion narrative was all a hoax. But they chose to remain mum, preferring instead to watch contentedly as an American president was vilified nonstop by a media-driven orgy of lies. It consumed the nation for years and inflicted untold harm. None of them had the decency to volunteer the truth. This is one of the key findings in the 306-page Durham report that the special counsel filled to the brim with documented acts of deviousness, dishonesty and malice by high officials
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