Pro-Transgender Activists Seek to Hide
School Shooter’s Manifesto
Breitbart Media,
Spencer Lindquist
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
3/29/2023 11:05:30 PM
Pro-transgender groups want to conceal the manifesto of transgender school shooter Audrey Hale from public scrutiny.
Hale killed three children and three adults after leaving a still-hidden manifesto explaining her motives, according to Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake. (Tweet/Video) While Republicans such as Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) are calling for the manifesto to be released, several LGBT organizations are calling for the manifesto to remain hidden from the public.
The executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) Jordan Budd stated, “It should not be published.” Budd also pivoted away from the shooter’s motive and directed the focus on firearm ownership, saying, “The focus should be
Reply 1 - Posted by:
formerNYer 3/29/2023 11:13:14 PM (No. 1436831)
Just like a good socialist only the gubbermint needs to know, reading the article there is also a vailed threat that releasing the manifesto could have "serious consequences."
If they are going to start a war with Christians they will lose.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
snakeoil 3/29/2023 11:13:31 PM (No. 1436832)
I hope I never hear or read a single word written or said by this carnival freak.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 3/29/2023 11:19:59 PM (No. 1436838)
Trans= dangerously mentally deranged.
We have to be ready to stop more violence from these crazies in the future, clearly.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
leonardo 3/29/2023 11:32:16 PM (No. 1436848)
Memo to ALL Activists and government actors: STOP hiding information from the public - we are truly sick of you. Your efforts to thought-police us are reprehensible and will not be tolerated.
31 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
smcchk 3/30/2023 12:16:19 AM (No. 1436854)
And if it had been a White, male Christian- how would the same reluctance apply?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Miceal 3/30/2023 12:27:48 AM (No. 1436855)
Yea, blame the gun and NOT the mentality deficient whack job using same. It's like blaming the fork for YOUR weight issues. This is getting nowhere fast...
21 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Highlander 3/30/2023 1:50:35 AM (No. 1436873)
There no thing more odious than trans-activists. They truly have no humanity in their black hearts!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
franq 3/30/2023 5:53:00 AM (No. 1436887)
Read a comment on another thread about the dangers of injecting testosterone into females.
It made sense. Think 'roid rage.
14 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 3/30/2023 7:20:30 AM (No. 1436921)
On the Floor of the House, dem Rep Clark hailed the trans because she has a “trans” offspring (I’m not sure of age) and, again, on the Floor, put ANOTHER target on “MAGA Republicans,” continuing the ultra fascist Biden demagoguery against what he called “semi-fascist” Republicans.
Clever little twist, eh? call your enemies what you in fact are?
The whole leftist structure rests (writhes?) on a tissue of lies. This is always the way. Sadly, very few in media dare to tell the facts. Very few in government dare to demand it.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Rinktum 3/30/2023 7:27:16 AM (No. 1436928)
Can’t have the great unwashed masses knowing the truth. Their little trans feelings may be hurt is what they want you to believe. When in reality far too many if not most in the transgender community along with their supporters and enablers are vicious bullies who desire to change minds with a sledgehammer. It’s far quicker and more efficient than engaging in debate and discussion. Democrats and every victim group they have created cannot allow the truth to be told about them. If the truth is known their whole agenda will collapse on itself. Release the Manifesto! Let’s see what is in the heart and minds of this tolerant and loving community.
14 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
broken01 3/30/2023 7:46:12 AM (No. 1436940)
Yes because the transsexual community, democrat politicians and the fake news media want us to believe that the transsexual shooter was the victim who shot and killed 6 people including 3 children under the age of 10. All of these moronic groups also want us to believe that only Christian White male MAGA supporting PDJT voters are mass shooters and that men can become women and vice-versa. I personally don't need that killer's manifesto to know what a messed up individual he was. What I want to know is what steps will be taken to make sure our kids are safe while at school.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Old Army Vet 3/30/2023 8:34:00 AM (No. 1436970)
SHE was a representative of the lbgtq community. This group hates Christianity in any and all forms. They are trying to hide their hate. I hope the manifesto comes out so that everyone can see what is in their hearts.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/30/2023 8:52:06 AM (No. 1436986)
Methinks they doth protest too much.
By trying to stop the release of the manifesto, they are essentially admitting her and their own insanity and evil. They know that she spoke for all of them.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
jhpeters2 3/30/2023 10:40:07 AM (No. 1437105)
Now you can see clearly what coulrophobia is, and exactly why folks with that phobia are right to fear clowns. Mean suckers, eh?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Brunsong 3/30/2023 11:08:39 AM (No. 1437152)
Early in my career, as a nuclear engineer, I was taught the importance of “root cause analyses” to prevent potential radiological disasters when evaluating operational or equipment deficiencies. Identifying that root cause was paramount to implementing effective solutions to safeguard mankind and the environment. The progressives approach to mass shootings defies logic because they always point to the 2nd amendment’s gun rights as the problem. A gun is simply a tool much like a hatchet, hammer or knife picked up and used by a person to accomplish a task. The person is ultimately responsible for how that tool is used either correctly or incorrectly. Logic dictates you cannot remove all the tools a person might use to harm another because humankind have always used implements to accomplish work. The individual is the root cause with respect to mass killings WHATEVER they might use to murder. We should be looking at what caused the person to act contrary to societal norms (mental illness, anti depressive drugs, drug/alcohol abuse, etc.) if we really want to implement effective solutions to stop the senseless slaughter.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
hope27 3/30/2023 1:27:39 PM (No. 1437306)
"Nashville shooter was having 'private counseling sessions' with school's head pastor before massacre where she shot dead his nine-year-old daughter 'because HE wasn't on site"'
"An ex-pastor is claiming that Hale could have been targeting Hallie's father, Pastor Chad Scruggs, after disagreeing with him in a session"
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