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Biden’s court commission appointees:
We told you so on expanding the court

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Posted By: Roboris, 7/8/2022 4:26:53 AM

Long before the Supreme Court rescinded abortion rights, gun control and environmental regulations, President Joe Biden commissioned a body of academics and judicial experts to study the structure and composition of the nation’s high court. Former U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner, who served on Biden’s commission, said in an interview that the court’s striking down of Roe v. Wade, a New York law that restricted open carry, and the ability of the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions vindicated her belief that more seats should be added to the nine-member body.


It’s never about the law with Dems and leftists — even leftist jurists who should know better. It’s always about their preferred policies winning out.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: PChristopher 7/8/2022 4:33:36 AM (No. 1209713)
The SCOTUS is NOT supposed to be a body of Leftist solidarity. It IS supposed to be a body that interprets the Constitution and the law...not make it up as they go along!
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Rama41 7/8/2022 5:12:32 AM (No. 1209724)
For now, Democrats will just have to settle for leaking draft decisions and protesting in front of Justices' homes.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Richard from Norwood 7/8/2022 5:20:27 AM (No. 1209726)
Question; So does Gertner believe that if they add four more seats to the Supreme Court should it be comprised of two of the Liberal persuasion and two of the Conservative persuasion?? I'd really like this very simple question answered!!!
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Reply 4 - Posted by: F15 Gork 7/8/2022 6:56:01 AM (No. 1209772)
They’ll probably go ahead and try to do it anyway. Just because a plan is stupid doesn’t mean they won’t give it a shot anyway.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Californian 7/8/2022 8:09:50 AM (No. 1209825)
Sure ok let's expand the court. How about 1 judge per county, elected by the people of that county because we're all about democracy. That'll make the court 477 blue vs 2497 red judges. Makes as much sense as anything the Marxists want to do. Democracy, yay, or something....
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Reply 6 - Posted by: chance_232 7/8/2022 8:11:15 AM (No. 1209826)
Should they pack the court, they will regret it. It will give the next republican government the pretext and precident to do it themselves. I can see it now. 50 years from now there will be more members on the court than there are in congress. We need a constitutional convention and a new amendment to set the number of justices. BTW...I'm fine with term limits and minimum qualifications.
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