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Inflation proves Biden has done everything
wrong all at once

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Posted By: Imright, 5/14/2022 5:28:04 PM

Our increasingly ugly inflation problem is a perfect illustration of the Biden administration’s uncanny ability to get everything everywhere wrong all at once. The Biden administration’s first response to any problem is to pretend that it isn’t a problem. That’s how inflation went from a minor problem to a major one. Unwilling to take the necessary steps to rein in inflation early — pushing the Fed to raise interest rates and slowing down the torrent of money going out the Treasury’s doors — Biden and congressional Democrats at first insisted that inflation wasn’t a real problem: “Transitory,” they called it.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 5/14/2022 5:37:34 PM (No. 1155502)
Biden could screw up a wet dream.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 5/14/2022 5:41:55 PM (No. 1155507)
Murphy's Law run amok.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: marbles 5/14/2022 5:51:59 PM (No. 1155515)
Wrong , wrong , wrong. All is going as planned.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: GoodDeal 5/14/2022 6:04:22 PM (No. 1155524)
You mean has done everything intentionally all at once to realize the intent. None of this is by accident or incompetence, and it was all planned out prior to the insurrection election. Obama is still the Ghost President and Pedo Joe is his string puppet. Remember Barry Hussein promised fundamental transformation and this is it right here and right now.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Grateful 5/14/2022 6:06:42 PM (No. 1155526)
FJB is actually Joe Btfsplk, the AL Capp cartoon character that lives under a black cloud and screws up everything in sight. We are totally screwed!
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 5/14/2022 6:59:12 PM (No. 1155553)
Dems are Marxists. Everything that Marxists believe is FICTION. So, 100% of their economics and policy actions ALWAYS cause more harm, damage, shortages, unemployment, inefficiency in markets, losses in productivity, and disruption of supplies of everything. Look at the Soviet Union - shortages of everything, all the time. THAT is what these dangerous leftist fools have in store for us.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MDConservative 5/14/2022 7:32:37 PM (No. 1155571)
Inflation is NEVER a minor problem. Our fiat money is pegged at 3% loss of value (inflation) annually to stimulate and maintain a stimulated economy. Inflation is that monster that everyone tolerates while penned up at a small rate and interest rates are low. But once that monster escapes, the politicians blame one another, the Fed dithers, and all parties shy away from the bitter medicine necessary to corral this monster - a recession. it took 15 years the last time, with bipartisan promises and comical action as interest rates grew to the sky - 15% mortgages and 20% car loans were the norm and not the worst rates. Carter gets the blame, but the real champions of inflation included LBJ, Nixon, Ford and Carter. And here we go again...starting witht he $12 TRILLION released by Congress and signed off by PDT. Think that was peanuts with no meaning economically - for stimulus, paycheck protection, medical subsidies, vaccine development and on and on. That "wet dream" #1 refers to is a bipartisan effort. Meanwhile, oh, look, a baby formula shortage! Look, over there...Russia!
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 5/14/2022 7:48:35 PM (No. 1155578)
This is all done on purpose. DAY ONE- Stop all Oil leases, stop all Drilling Permits. Deliberately Cut Off domestic petroleum supply. The doubling (or more) in fuel costs is driving much of the inflation, just as it did in the 1970's. I remember! In the '70's it was the Arabs who quit squabbling among themselves long enough to organize the OPEC oil cartel, and gasoline prices went from 29.9 cents per gallon, first to 45 cents per gallon, then 60 cents per gallon, on the way to about $1.20 a gallon. This time is is the result of DELIBERATE ACTION by the Democ'RATS. And don't forget..... these Evil Fools are busy Draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.... and Exporting the Oil Overseas. Their Purpose is to WRECK AMERICA! As GoodDeal (#4) said..... this is Obama pulling the strings from Behind the Green Curtain, The HairSniffer is just a Hand Puppet (and a not very good one at that). The entire lot of 'em belong in JAIL!
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: dbdiva 5/14/2022 7:54:51 PM (No. 1155583)
Biden didn't "do" anything since he is not the designated doer. In actuality he is no longer capable of doing much of anything. Others in the administration are the doers; Biden is only the mumbler-in-chief. He is tasked with shuffling out to communicate with the press via incoherent ramblings until his handlers (nursemaids) chase the press away. Then he shuffles back behind the curtain where he is medicated, diapered, and rewarded with a large bowl of ice cream. He's then passed to Jill who takes him upstairs and tucks him into bed. And all this before 6:00 PM! Compare this to President Trump's 20 hour days. Biden can't manage 20 minutes.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: scottj 5/14/2022 7:59:57 PM (No. 1155586)
In January 2021 Biden shut down drilling in Anwar, on government land and offshore. Not to mention the pipelines. A year and a half later gas prices are through the roof and people are really hurting. You would think he would reverse course because it's hurting people. Nope. A couple days ago Biden's response to all that misery was to shut down even more drilling. Democrats are waging war on the American people. It's time for the American people to wage war on the Democrats.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: rytwng 5/14/2022 9:52:31 PM (No. 1155647)
What a disgrace this fool is. He has screwed up the country, is ruining lives. He deserves the worst that could happen to a person.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JrSample 5/14/2022 11:36:56 PM (No. 1155701)
He is the worst President since James Buchanan.
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Trigger2 5/15/2022 4:25:51 AM (No. 1155742)
No, Joey has done everything right to force this country into a communist paradise.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: Krause 5/15/2022 7:21:27 AM (No. 1155778)
Hillary recently said Biden ‘is doing a very good job.’ Meaning that it is all being done on purpose.
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Reply 15 - Posted by: SkeezerMcGee 5/15/2022 8:15:25 AM (No. 1155833)
We are careening headlong into a recession. The almost unbelievable increases in real estate market prices, including rents, is going to stagger our economy. It's going to be worse than the bubble of 2008.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: franq 5/15/2022 8:19:41 AM (No. 1155836)
Send John Roberts a Thank You card.
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Reply 17 - Posted by: MissMann 5/15/2022 10:50:53 AM (No. 1156000)
All by design.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 5/26/2022 1:04:23 AM Post Reply
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AOC has announced plans to ditch her Tesla, weeks after Elon Musk told her to stop flirting with him on Twitter. The Green New Deal-backing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 32, told Bloomberg in an interview Wednesday that she wants to switch to an electronic car that is made domestically by unionized workers. Currently, the only such vehicles she could consider are Ford's huge F-150 Lightning truck, which will be released later this year, or a Chevy Bolt. The Democrat told the network that she purchased her Model 3 in 2020 around the time that the Covid-19 began.
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Posted by Imright 5/26/2022 12:49:06 AM Post Reply
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Texas school shooting: What we know about
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Posted by Imright 5/26/2022 12:35:52 AM Post Reply
A veteran teacher who was “just a sweetheart” and an 8-year-old boy were among those killed in the mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, according to devastated loved ones.At least 19 children and two teachers were killed when the alleged gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, opened fire Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, a small, working-class town near the Mexico border.All victims were killed inside a single classroom, the Texas Department of Public Safety said Wednesday.Also among the victims were several 10-year-old students who were enrolled in the fourth grade, including two cousins.Ramos, a student at Uvalde High School, was killed by the police, authorities said.
‘Second Amendment Is Not Absolute’:
Biden Demands More Gun Control
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 11:29:30 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called for stricter gun control legislation during his Wednesday address, claiming the Second Amendment allows for limitations on firearm ownership. The president made the remarks alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in the aftermath of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which killed 19 children and 2 teachers. He announced his future visit to Texas alongside First Lady Jill Biden.“As a nation, we must all be there for them. Everyone. And we must ask when in God’s name will we do what needs to be done to if not completely stop, fundamentally change the amount of the carnage
'It's time to die': Fourth grader recalls
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and issued chilling warning - and says
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4 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 11:27:10 PM Post Reply
A fourth grader who survived the mass shooting at his Texas elementary school recalled the harrowing moment teenage gunman Salvador Ramos stormed into his classroom and issued a chilling warning to students.'He came in and he crouched a little bit and he said, he said, 'It's time to die,'' the unnamed Robb Elementary School student told KENS 5 on Wednesday.'When I heard the shooting through the door, I told my friend to hide under something so he won't find us,' the boy said. 'I was hiding hard. And I was telling my friend to not talk because he is going to hear us.'
Shooter tells kids ‘you’re going to
die’: Horrific last moments, 10-yr.-old
shot while calling 911
13 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 6:20:05 PM Post Reply
Of those present at a Texas elementary school Tuesday morning when a murderer entered the building and took the lives of at least 19 children and two teachers, it is being reported that one of the victims spent her last moments trying to save the lives of her classmates while the suspect declared, “You’re going to die.”Salvador Ramos was identified as the 18-year-old shooter at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas where witnesses described him wearing body armor while carrying a handgun and a rifle. As the suspect opened fire on the defenseless students and faculty, 10-year-old Amerie Jo Garza did what she could to try and help her peers.
Exclusive: Mother of Texas elementary
school shooter claims her son, 18, was
NOT a violent person but was a loner -
as she keeps vigil at HER mother's side
after he shot her in face at start of rampage
21 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 5:27:54 PM Post Reply
The mother of the sick school shooter who shot dead 19 children and two teachers in Texas has claimed he 'wasn't a violent person'.Adriana Reyes said she was 'surprised' Salvador Ramos opened fire in a horrific killing spree at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde yesterday.She admitted her son was a loner who 'kept to himself and didn't have many friends' but shot down reports she had a toxic relationship with him. In an exclusive interview with she did not address claims she was a drug addict who saw the boy ditch her and go to live with his grandmother Celia Gonzalez.Reyes was speaking from the bedside of Gonzalez, 66,
Never Forget Democrats Want to Remove
Cops from Schools
8 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 5:22:54 PM Post Reply
The Democrat party can never be allowed to forget how hard it has worked to expel police officers from schools.At the state and local level, Democrats have and continue to push and push and push to remove police and leave schoolchildren defenseless.Why? Why would Democrats demand police be removed from schools and be replaced with gay porn and transsexual propaganda?I’ll answer that below… But first, never forget this… Senators Chris Murphy (CT) and Elizabeth Warren (MA), along with Representatives Ayanna Pressley (MA) and Ilhan Omar (MN), introduced [a bill] that would prohibit federal money to be used to fund police in schools.
Uvalde Mayor Slams Beto as ‘Sick Son
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11 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 5:11:31 PM Post Reply
Beto O’Rourke interrupted a press conference attended by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Uvalde mayor that was meant to address the horrific elementary school shooting that left 21 people dead, including 19 children.“You are doing nothing,” O’Rourke said, just feet away from Abbott. “You said this was not predictable, this was totally predictable, and you choose not to do anything.” Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin could be heard yelling, “sir you are out of line. Please leave this auditorium.” Then he called him
Greg Abbott Responds to Beto O'Rourke's
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Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 5:08:45 PM Post Reply
As RedState reported, Democrat Beto O’Rourke, who is running to be the Governor of Texas, pulled one of the most brazen and disgusting political stunts in recent memory on Wednesday. O’Rourke interrupted a press conference covering the school shooting in Uvalde, TX, in order to heckle current Gov. Greg Abbott for supposedly not passing “real” gun laws.What unfolded was a hectic scene, with the Mayor of Uvalde standing up and calling O’Rourke a “sick son of a b****” before the Democrat was escorted out of the room. (Tweet/Video)
Joe Biden's Tone-Deaf Texas School Shooting
Speech Is Absolutely Smashed by Dana Loesch
12 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 10:54:02 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s brief comments about the children murdered at recess in an Uvalde, Texas, schoolyard began with such promise. And then someone turned on the Teleprompter and the president started reading. Big mistake. As you’ll see in PJ Media colleague Stacey Lennox’s piece nearby, Biden read a screed written for him by someone who sounded like they were fresh from Media Matters or a Michael Bloomberg anti-gun group.The switch was flipped and a suddenly animated Biden raised his voice to spout as much untrue, divisive, and hackneyed anti-gun blather as one could fit in a short segment.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/25/2022 4:37:44 AM Post Reply
Donald J. Trump was the best POTUS in my very long lifetime. His policies were effective, making America prosperous, energy independent, and lowering minority unemployment to record low levels. Everything he did, with the possible exception of the COVID lockdown, was quintessentially Trump; competent, encouraging, and salutary for America and her people. We were blessed to have him in the White House. Although many Americans cringed, we nonetheless put up with Trump’s coarseness and his inflated ego because he gave America back to the people.
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Texas school shooter Salvador Ramos was
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he wore and because his family was poor,
former classmate says
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Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 4:21:00 AM Post Reply
Warped mass murderer Salvador Ramos was a failing high school loner with an 'aggressive streak', who was bullied for being poor and mocked for wearing eyeliner.That is how former classmates and colleagues have described the killer, 18, who slaughtered at least 19 innocent children in the second deadliest school shooting in American history in Uvdale, Texas on Tuesday, before being shot dead in a shootout with a border patrol officer. Described by one pupil as an 'emo', his lisp also made him a target, according to the Washington Post, with classmates claiming he endured gay slurs. Another said he was mocked for his clothing.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/25/2022 2:02:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by PeterWolosin 5/25/2022 9:13:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Pluperfect 5/25/2022 2:18:07 PM Post Reply
Beto O’Rourke, a democratic candidate for Texas governor, approached the stage during Gov. Greg Abbott’s news conference Wednesday, confronting him over the Robb Elementary School shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead. O’Rourke told Abbott the shooting was “totally predictable” and that he was “doing nothing.” O’Rourke was shouted down by several of the officials on stage with one calling him a "sick son of a B----" as he was escorted out by police.
Did ABC News Altered Texas Shooter Salvador
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/25/2022 8:23:46 AM Post Reply
Salvador Ramos an 18-year-old opened fire on students and faculty at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday, killing 19 children and 2 adults before being killed by law enforcement. The shooter reportedly killed his own grandmother before fleeing the scene, crashing his vehicle, and entering the school. Officers reportedly engaged the shooter, who was clad in body armor, before he entered the school. Ramos was a student at Uvalde High School who lived in the small city 80 miles west of San Antonio. Ramos had hinted on social media that an attack could be coming, state Sen Roland Gutierrez, who was briefed by police, told reporters.
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Posted by NorthernDog 5/25/2022 12:01:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 10:28:12 AM Post Reply
The New York Times reported late Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took action “within hours” of the Robb Elementary School attack to adjust the Senate schedule and will “force” a gun control vote.According to the NYT, the vote will be focused on expanding background checks to cover sales at gun shows and “gun buyers on the internet.” This despite reports that indicate the alleged Robb Elementary School attacker purchased both his rifles from an FFL at a gun store; such a purchase already requires a background check.Fox example, the Houston Chronicle observed the Robb Elementary School shooting suspect “legally purchased two rifles
Biden blames Texas school shooting on
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 5/25/2022 8:01:42 AM Post Reply
President Biden on Tuesday night said the “gun lobby” is responsible for US mass shootings and called for new gun control laws after a gunman murdered 18 children and two adults at an elementary school in Texas. “As a nation, we have to ask when in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?” Biden said in remarks from the White House just before 9 p.m.
AOC says she's itching to ditch her Tesla
after spat with Elon: Progressive rep
says she wants to buy electric car made
at unionized factory after Musk told her
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Posted by Imright 5/26/2022 12:57:39 AM Post Reply
AOC has announced plans to ditch her Tesla, weeks after Elon Musk told her to stop flirting with him on Twitter. The Green New Deal-backing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 32, told Bloomberg in an interview Wednesday that she wants to switch to an electronic car that is made domestically by unionized workers. Currently, the only such vehicles she could consider are Ford's huge F-150 Lightning truck, which will be released later this year, or a Chevy Bolt. The Democrat told the network that she purchased her Model 3 in 2020 around the time that the Covid-19 began.
‘Second Amendment Is Not Absolute’:
Biden Demands More Gun Control
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/25/2022 11:29:30 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called for stricter gun control legislation during his Wednesday address, claiming the Second Amendment allows for limitations on firearm ownership. The president made the remarks alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in the aftermath of the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which killed 19 children and 2 teachers. He announced his future visit to Texas alongside First Lady Jill Biden.“As a nation, we must all be there for them. Everyone. And we must ask when in God’s name will we do what needs to be done to if not completely stop, fundamentally change the amount of the carnage
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