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Sex offending suspect claims transgender
harassment in Wi Spa case

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Posted By: Ribicon, 9/2/2021 12:36:45 PM

In June, a group of women complained that a person who identified as female exposed their penis at the Wi Spa in Los Angeles. The incident led to months of sometimes violent protests, with media outlets declaring it an example of bias against the transgendered, or even that it didn’t happen. Slate said it was a “transphobic hoax.” But on Monday, charges of indecent exposure were discretely filed against a serial sex offender for the Wi Spa incident, following an investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department. Sources with knowledge of the case but not authorized to speak publicly say four women and a minor girl came forward to allege


A woman shows her semi-erect penis to a group of women and a minor girl in a sauna, and the cis women have the gall to complain when this is the society they demanded.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: msjena 9/2/2021 12:46:56 PM (No. 901971)
A "woman" shows his semi-erect penis to a group of women. There, corrected it. Their, by the way, is plural. It cannot refer to a man or a woman, because each is singular.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: rytwng 9/2/2021 12:52:50 PM (No. 901977)
The pervert is a man. Will always be male pervert.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Avanti1 9/2/2021 12:58:05 PM (No. 901985)
Gender identity is a state of mind (in someone's head). Sex is in someone's body (as in their DNA). The two should not be confused.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 9/2/2021 1:07:06 PM (No. 901993)
Darren Agee Merager is a rabid creature on the loose. A danger to the well-being and safety of society.
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: moebellini3 9/2/2021 3:09:45 PM (No. 902129)
Hey, idiots, you're in California. You voted this morons into office. There is no gender, there is no male or female, you're binary. You are who you choose to be. There's a recall in two weeks. Do your job and take your state back. Wake up already..
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: padiva 9/2/2021 3:35:43 PM (No. 902151)
'If you go into an area where you’re expected to be nude, there has to be an indecent exposure exemption,' Do the unexpected! Stay covered! Pretend you have some virtue.
1 person likes this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Jethro bo 9/2/2021 4:13:46 PM (No. 902180)
Next up, he will claim to be a lesbian trapped in a man's body. That will bring out the LGBTranny crowd out to help their brother in arms Antifa and BLM.
0 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 9/2/2021 5:44:45 PM (No. 902281)
Lorena Bobbitt needs to be holding training classes.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: MNluxiegal 9/3/2021 9:31:04 AM (No. 902959)
The basic fact is this - one transgender person is allowed to impost his/her rights upon the entire population of females at the spa. 'Their rights is' the most important and no one else is allowed to express objections. Women have no right to feel offended.
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Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 2:43:36 PM Post Reply
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Could YOU be a lesbian and not know it?
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just 'succumbed to compulsory heterosexuality'
31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 1:17:46 PM Post Reply
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8 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 1:12:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 11:21:25 AM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 12:47:28 AM Post Reply
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24 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 12:37:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 9/2/2021 8:07:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by AltaD 9/2/2021 4:51:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by cThree 9/3/2021 6:12:03 AM Post Reply
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38 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/2/2021 5:57:02 PM Post Reply
San Francisco is offering to pay people $300 a month - if they promise not to shoot each other. The 'woke' scheme to curb soaring violent crime is set to begin in October, offering gift cards as an incentive for prospective criminals to lay down their guns. Called the Dream Keeper Fellowship, the pilot program will kick off with 10 individuals who are deemed at high risk of committing a shooting or being shot, paying them $300 to act as 'public safety ambassadors.' Sweeteners could kick the monthly payments up to $500 if they meet certain benchmarks, such as seeking a job or maintaining parole appointments.
'I know you've never faced those choices.
Nor have you ever been pregnant':
Jen Psaki snaps at male reporter
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faith teaches it is morally wrong?'
36 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2021 4:24:50 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki snapped at a male reporter questioning how President Biden squares his abortion views with his Catholic faith, telling him: 'I know you've never been pregnant.' 'Why does the President support abortion when his own catholic faith teaches it is morally wrong?' Owen Jensen, reporter for Catholic television network EWTN, asked the press secretary. 'He believes it's a woman's right, it's a woman's body and it's her choice. It's up to a woman to make those decisions and a woman's decision to make with her doctor.'
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35 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/3/2021 12:13:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 9/2/2021 5:50:04 PM Post Reply
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33 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2021 4:41:49 PM Post Reply
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33 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 9/2/2021 9:48:17 AM Post Reply
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Poor Lamb! Antifa Teacher on the Run,
Claims He Fears For His Safety and
Job After Project Veritas Blows
His Cover
33 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2021 8:37:22 AM Post Reply
As I reported yesterday, the heroes at Project Veritas released an undercover video showing a proud antifa communist teacher bragging about how he has 180 days to indoctrinate his students and make them Marxists. How does he do it? He “scares the f*** out of them.” Now the proud commie peacock is running scared. He refused to defend himself to another Project Veritas reporter. He claims he fears for his safety, and is worried about his brainwashing teaching gig, which means he KNOWS what he was doing is wrong. Even his fellow Antifa clowns aren’t happy with him. In the tweet below, fellow antifa stains bemoan
Could YOU be a lesbian and not know it?
TikTok trend sees users post checklists
to help women identify if
they REALLY like men or they've
just 'succumbed to compulsory heterosexuality'
31 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/3/2021 1:17:46 PM Post Reply
A viral TikTok trend claims to educate women who believe they are attracted to men but have only been socially conditioned into thinking they are heterosexual. Compulsory heterosexuality, colloquially known as ‘comphet’, is a term used to describe the belief that Western culture has coerced women into trying to view all connections between men and women as sexual or romantic. The argument is all women have been conditioned from childhood to view any feelings they have towards men as attraction—with some authors even going so far as to say all females are actually lesbian by nature. TikTok users are now sharing checklists to help women work out if
Biden vows ‘whole-of-government’ fight
after Supreme Court allows Texas
abortion curbs
31 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2021 8:17:24 PM Post Reply
President Biden announced Thursday that he has directed the Department of Health and Human Services and the Justice Department to launch a “whole-of-government” effort to look for ways to protect women’s rights after the Supreme Court refused to block a Texas law banning abortions after six weeks. The Supreme Court divided 5-4 on Wednesday, leaving the Texas abortion restriction, which went into effect the same day, in place while litigation from pro-choice groups challenging the law continues in lower courts.
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