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ACLU challenges Tennessee law over
transgender bathroom warning signs

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Posted By: Ribicon, 6/28/2021 2:05:41 PM

Tennessee is facing a lawsuit from local business owners challenging a law requiring public places to post warning signs outside of restrooms about both sexes using the facilities, claiming the requirement stigmatizes transgender people. Business owners, including restaurants, coffee shops and an entertainment venue, filed a federal lawsuit on Friday arguing the recently enacted state law violates the First Amendment.(Snip) Under the new statute which goes into effect Thursday, a sign must be posted outside restrooms where transgender individuals may be present, reading: “This facility maintains a policy of allowing the use of restrooms by either biological sex, regardless of the designation on the restroom.” If a business


It's unconstitutional to warn little girls that men might be lurking in the ladies room, as the Constitution says they're allowed to do. USA was a far less confusing place before the Marxists dropped the hammer.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Daisymay 6/28/2021 2:22:10 PM (No. 829386)
I guess what it will take is a Little girl getting raped by a Transgender man/woman in a public restroom. Then you know what will hit the fan. Tennessee is trying to avoid a lawsuit against the State if that happens. I can't even count the people who WILL be sued. The State. Then the Government that is forcing this law on the States. And on and on. My only hope is the Daddy of this little girl will hear her screams and beat the hell out of the so called WOMAN before the cops arrive! When we are traveling and stop at a "Rest Stop", if there are no other cars at that stop, I will not enter the Ladies Room alone. My Hubby goes with me and stands at the entrance. Who knows who could be lurking in those empty stalls! I guess now Little girls will need an Escort when using the Ladies rooms at Restaurants, Movies or even Schools. Shameful what the Democrats are pushing on this country.
17 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bad-hair 6/28/2021 2:50:07 PM (No. 829410)
If you live in a state that has "Transgender Warning Signs" pick a new state.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Maggie2u 6/28/2021 3:13:27 PM (No. 829439)
two years ago Federal judge, Jorge Alonso ruled that people do not have the right to visual privacy. So men can come in to girl's locker rooms and watch them dress, undress, shower, use the toilet. I'm waiting for the next pervert to claim that having doors on toilet stalls is unconstitutional. Wait for it, you heard it hear first.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: skacmar 6/28/2021 3:35:52 PM (No. 829466)
How are the signs stigmatizing to transgender people? If you are dressed as & look like a woman / man and use the restroom corresponding to that identity, you are not stigmatized unless you publically announce: Hey, I'm transgender and I'm using the opposite sex bathroom! If they do that, they are stigmatizing themselves. While the signs may be unnecessary, they serve a purpose for those who will be uncomfortable with a trans person or someone taking advantage of the situation. The LGBTQ community seems to forget that the uncomfortable factor goes both ways. They think it only applies to them.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 6/28/2021 3:46:32 PM (No. 829470)
Next time my granddaughter needs to use the little girls room, I'll follow her in, and stand outside the stall until she's finished. Just try and stop me!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Highlander 6/28/2021 4:09:59 PM (No. 829490)
Reply 5: You go, Grandpa! Same here.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: terrywhite 6/28/2021 4:12:09 PM (No. 829492)
Since a man can use women's bathrooms or vice versa, why bother with bathrooms at all? Just take a leak anywhere outside, on the sidewalk, on the courthouse steps, on Pelosi's driveway, or a judge's front porch.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: columba 6/28/2021 4:23:54 PM (No. 829500)
A.C.L.U. = Anti Christian Lawyers Union.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: red1066 6/28/2021 4:40:39 PM (No. 829519)
Find a bush and go there. It might be safer and cleaner.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: local500 6/28/2021 8:25:19 PM (No. 829747)
You have to accept fully grown biological males walking around half or fully naked in girls bathroom and you can't even warn mothers who would have their little girls there. ACLU stands for Anti Common sense Lunatics Union.
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Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 7:31:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 5:43:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 2:16:13 PM Post Reply
Jill Biden has only been First Lady for a matter of months but she has already achieved a coveted honor that her predecessor Melania Trump was never afforded: a glamorous Vogue cover shoot, complete with a lengthy profile praising her as 'a goddess' and 'a joy multiplier'. The 70-year-old receives the all-star treatment in the August issue of the fashion publication, which features a gushing 6,000-word profile about her, as well as several dazzling photos taken at the White House by famed photographer Annie Leibowitz, who also snapped former First Ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton when they posed for their own covers
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Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 12:18:38 PM Post Reply
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More than half of Americans feel July 4
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22 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 12:15:13 PM Post Reply
More than three-quarters of Americans still feel there’s at least some risk from the COVID-19 pandemic in attending July Fourth celebrations—with four in 10 believing the threat is moderate to high, according to a new poll. Some 77 percent of respondents in an Axios-Ipsos poll ranked the celebrations as posing at least a small risk, with less than a quarter—23 percent—maintaining there was no risk at all.(Snip) Democrats are by far the most fearful, with more than half—52 percent—still believing Independence Day events carry a high or moderate risk, compared to just 25 percent of Republicans.
Attacker hurls anti-gay slur,
stabs Manhattan straphanger: cops
15 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 9:28:22 AM Post Reply
A hateful attacker hurled anti-gay slurs on a Manhattan subway before knifing a straphanger, slicing his chest, cops said Tuesday. The 29-year-old victim was on a northbound 2 train near West 34th Street and Seventh Avenue around 3:30 a.m. Monday when a man sitting across from him began shouting homophobic statements at passengers, according to police.(Snip) An argument ensued and spilled onto the northbound platform, where the suspect stabbed the victim with an unknown object before taking off, cops said. The victim got back on the train before he realized he was stabbed on the left side of his chest and torso.
California bans state travel to Florida,
4 more over anti-LGBTQ laws
26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 9:23:57 AM Post Reply
California officials have added Florida and four other states to a list of places where state-funded travel is banned over laws that purportedly discriminate against LGBTQ individuals. State Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, announced Monday that Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia had joined Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas on the no-go list, which was first created in 2016. “When states discriminate against LGBTQ+ Americans, California law requires our office to take action,” Bonta said in a statement. “These new additions to the state-funded travel restrictions list are about exactly that
Father shoots alleged 'peeping
Tom' outside little girl's
window in NW Harris Co.
13 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/28/2021 11:48:57 PM Post Reply
Harris County, Texas—A father shot a man who he claimed was looking into his child's window in northwest Harris County late Sunday night. According to Harris County sheriff's deputies, a husband and wife confronted an intoxicated man inappropriately touching himself outside their young daughter's window around 10 p.m. Sunday. The little girl reportedly screamed when she saw the man, and her parents came running. The parents, both armed with handguns, went outside and attempted to detain the man, according to deputies.(Snip) According to the father, both he and the mother demanded the alleged peeping Tom lie down in the yard and wait for police to arrive.
Gateway Program is back on
track as Buttigieg, Schumer
offer financial support
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Posted by Ribicon 6/28/2021 11:39:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 6/28/2021 4:39:33 PM Post Reply
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White House BACKS hammer thrower Gwen
Berry: Psaki says Biden respects her
'right' to turn away from the flag and
being a patriot means to recognize when
the US 'hasn't lived up to our
highest ideal'
50 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/28/2021 2:25:14 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended hammer thrower Gwen Berry's right to 'peacefully protest,' after the Tokyo-bound athlete turned her back on the US flag during Olympic trials. Psaki told Fox News' Peter Doocy at Monday's press briefing that while she and President Joe Biden hadn't spoken specifically about the incident, Biden is 'incredibly proud to be an American and has great respect for the anthem and all that it respresents, especially for our men and women serving in uniform all around the world.' 'He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country means recognizing there are moments
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Posted by AltaD 6/28/2021 4:25:17 PM Post Reply
As Pride Month comes to a close, the NFL has released a new commercial that makes clear its support and embrace of the LGBTQ+ community. The 30-second spot begins with the line, "Football is gay" as light cheering plays in the background. "Football is lesbian. Football is beautiful. Football is queer. Football is life. Football is exciting. Football is culture. Football is transgender. Football is queer. Football is heart. Football is power. Football is tough. Football is bisexual. Football is strong. Football is freedom. Football is American. Football is accepting. Football is everything. Football is for everyone."
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Berry: Psaki says Biden respects her
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Posted by Ribicon 6/28/2021 2:25:14 PM Post Reply
White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended hammer thrower Gwen Berry's right to 'peacefully protest,' after the Tokyo-bound athlete turned her back on the US flag during Olympic trials. Psaki told Fox News' Peter Doocy at Monday's press briefing that while she and President Joe Biden hadn't spoken specifically about the incident, Biden is 'incredibly proud to be an American and has great respect for the anthem and all that it respresents, especially for our men and women serving in uniform all around the world.' 'He would also say, of course, that part of that pride in our country means recognizing there are moments
Olympic hammer thrower Gwen Berry
‘pi**ed’ national anthem was playing
at Olympic trials
46 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/28/2021 5:35:09 PM Post Reply
A US hammer thrower turned away from the American flag as the national anthem played while she and two other athletes stood on the podium at the Olympic trials Saturday, later saying she was “pi**ed” that “The Star-Spangled Banner” played as she received her bronze medal. Gwen Berry — who qualified for her second US Olympic team during the trials — shifted to face the stands rather than the flag before holding up a black shirt that read, “Activist Athlete.” “I feel like it was a setup, and they did it on purpose,” Berry said of the anthem being played. “I was pi**ed, to be honest.
Cancel Amazon Prime: The subscription
service is Amazon’s greatest -- and most
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46 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/28/2021 1:04:27 AM Post Reply
Today is Prime Day. Imagine trying to explain that to an alien or to a time traveler from the 20th century. “Amazon turned 20 and on the eve of its birthday, the company introduced Prime Day, a global shopping event,” reads Amazon’s formal telling of the ritual’s 2015 origins. “Our only goal? Offer a volume of deals greater than Black Friday, exclusively for Prime members.” The holiday was invented by a corporation in honor of itself, to enrich itself. It has existed for six years and is observed by tens of millions of people worldwide. I hope you are spending it with your loved ones.
BREAKING: Supreme Court
Lets Trans Students Using
Opposite Sex Bathrooms
Ruling Stand
41 replies
Posted by clayusmcret 6/28/2021 2:47:16 PM Post Reply
On Monday, the Supreme Court turned down an opportunity to reverse a ruling that permitted students identifying as the opposite sex to use the opposite sex’s bathrooms. The Court declined to hear the case of Gavin Grimm, a Virginia female student who identifies as a boy who had sued the Gloucester County school board for stating that restrooms were “limited to the corresponding biological genders.”
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Posted by Imright 6/28/2021 11:24:10 AM Post Reply
Hammer thrower Gwen Berry has defended turning her back on the US flag during the national anthem at the US Olympic trials, writing on Instagram 'I meant what I said. Period,' after being inundated with backlash online. Berry, 31, was on the podium at the trials in Oregon on Sunday when the anthem started playing. Her white competitors, DeAnna Price and Brooke Andersen, turned to face the flag and placed their hands on their hearts but Berry, a vocal BLM activist, turned to face the stands, put her hands on her hips and then held up a t-shirt bearing the words 'athlete activist'. In interviews later, she said
Jill Biden gets what Melania didn't—the
Vogue cover treatment: Magazine publishes
gushing 6,000-word profile on the new
First Lady—who discusses life in the
White House, finding private time with
Joe—and THOSE 'stockings'
39 replies
Posted by Ribicon 6/29/2021 2:16:13 PM Post Reply
Jill Biden has only been First Lady for a matter of months but she has already achieved a coveted honor that her predecessor Melania Trump was never afforded: a glamorous Vogue cover shoot, complete with a lengthy profile praising her as 'a goddess' and 'a joy multiplier'. The 70-year-old receives the all-star treatment in the August issue of the fashion publication, which features a gushing 6,000-word profile about her, as well as several dazzling photos taken at the White House by famed photographer Annie Leibowitz, who also snapped former First Ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton when they posed for their own covers
Democrats Get Some Really Bad News as
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/29/2021 12:55:48 AM Post Reply
Are Joe Biden and the Democrats in trouble heading into the next election? While it’s early, new data seems to suggest they are losing ground in ways that could lead to a red wave. Alternate headline – The Honeymoon Is Over. In addition to the Harvard/Harris poll reported on by Jeff Charles earlier today, there’s this from Axios. Zoom out: The Democratic messaging group Future Majority in May released a deck identifying areas where Republicans hold an advantage: Of the issues polled, “defunding the police,” “open borders” and “reparations for slavery” were by far the biggest turnoffs for both independents and voters in general. Republicans bested Democrats on jobs
‘Proud Transgender Woman of Color’
Wins Miss Nevada USA Pageant
36 replies
Posted by OhioNick 6/29/2021 2:58:30 AM Post Reply
Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, has won the title of Miss Nevada USA. For the first time in the pageant’s history, a biological woman is not taking home the crown for Miss Nevada USA. Enriquez won the beauty pageant on Sunday at the South Point Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas, which means he will go on to represent Nevada as the first transgender individual ever to compete in the Miss USA Pageant — which will be held on November 29.
CNN’s ‘The Lead with Jake Tapper’ has
shed 75% of its audience since January
32 replies
Posted by DVC 6/28/2021 3:51:18 PM Post Reply
CNN’s "The Lead with Jake Tapper" has shed a staggering 75% of its audience since the liberal network experienced a January spike in viewers. Tapper’s program averaged 2.8 million viewers in January but settled for only 706,000 in the 4 p.m. ET timeslot from May 31 through June 23, losing three-quarters of its audience in the process. Tapper’s second-quarter viewership is down 49% compared to the first quarter. While January featured a historic news cycle with the Capitol riot, the inauguration of President Biden and the lead-up to former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, his direct timeslot competition on Fox News
Families Fleeing California Bay Area Causing
Housing Frenzy in Austin, Texas
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2021 10:16:33 PM Post Reply
Californians are fleeing the state to live where they can find more affordable housing, better schools, and a more rural lifestyle. A large percentage of them are choosing Austin, Texas.The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the phenomenon of more people opting for permanent telework in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the trend of people choosing to live in GOP-led states that didn’t impose draconian lockdowns: Experts say Austin’s boom, particularly during the pandemic, has been accelerated by Californians and Bay Area giants like Apple, Facebook, Google and Tesla that are all hiring in Austin. Last year, a record 22,114 jobs were added from companies relocating and expanding
‘No, No, Sir, Respectfully — Wait, Sir’: Chris
Wallace Presses GOP Rep. On Claim That
Republicans Defunded Police
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2021 11:29:07 AM Post Reply
On “Fox News Sunday,” Fox News anchor Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks if Republicans are responsible for defunding the police.Wallace said that Banks and the GOP voted against the $350 billion in President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan that funds police officers, in turn asking if he and all the other Republicans that voted against the bill voted to defund the police. Wallace’s question came in response to his earlier guest, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond, who made the claim that Republicans were indeed responsible.Banks did not address Wallace’s question and instead explained how police forces
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