The Republican Party Sucks
American Greatness,
Tal Bachman
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
5/15/2021 12:53:55 AM
Once upon a time, the Republican Party didn’t suck. Actually, there were lots of times it didn’t suck.It didn’t suck when, at its founding in the late 1850s, it declared slavery an inhumane, barbaric practice, and eventually ended it. It didn’t suck when it ended repressive and predatory Mormon polygamy a few decades later. It didn’t suck when it declared late 19th-century corporate monopolies to be injurious to representative democracy and citizen welfare, and diminished their power.It didn’t suck under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who presided over a postwar era of peace and prosperity. It didn’t suck when it fought segregationist Democrats to ensure equal application of the law.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
SALady 5/15/2021 1:00:42 AM (No. 786041)
With the exception of President Trump and a few actual conservatives in Congress, the RINO's have pretty much taken over the Republican Party and turned it in to the Republi-Can't Party!!!!
After being a Republican for most of my 63 years, I left the spineless party after the November elections, when they stabbed President Trump in the back repeatedly and just stood by and allowed the Demon-Rats to steal the election!!! They just cared for more for hating President Trump than stopping the pure evil that not-my-president Lyin' Joe biden and his whole illicit and illegal administration. And we are all paying for that pure evil today!!!
No, I am an independent conservative. I will still vote for solid conservatives that run as Republicans, but I will never vote for someone who just has an "R" after their name as the lesser of two evils. RINO's are just as evil as Demon-Rats!!!!!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 5/15/2021 1:21:52 AM (No. 786055)
Agreed. I tossed four appeals for donations from the Republicans tonight alone. I will be sending a donation Nunes, even though he's in California.
ONLY to good folks I know, directly, NOTHING through the national Republican party. NOTHING.
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And now, because these crooked politicians in both parties truly suck, EVERYTHING now sucks.....
America needs to clean house..
With some heavy-duty cleanser...
And I know the guy to do it..
“The Cleanser”! 45!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Trigger2 5/15/2021 1:30:09 AM (No. 786067)
I fully expect the RNC to cave on Biden's infrastructure bill too and call everything infrastructure.
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An article I could have written...if I could write! The GOP is void of conservative pro-family and pro-God positions. I can’t think of a solid position paper that could be written to describe them other than democRAT light! I left the party about the time the second Bush went after Iraq and I had to be frisked at the airport like a criminal by minimum wage government thugs! Stopped flying completely! Will the party change? No! What incentive is there other than getting votes every election cycle!
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I'm a Republican and except for voting for McGovern in 1972 in the midst of the Viet Nam war when I was in college, I have always voted for Republicans. I am the Vice Chair of my town's Republican Committee. The Republican Party is all we have. I don't like my U.S. Senator, Susan Collins, but she is NOT a communist, she does love business and freedom. If one doesn't like the Republican Party, work within it to change it. You will never, ever find or even create a political party that agrees with everything in YOUR brain that is sustainable. When people ask me who should be President or who should be Senator, I always say "me", but, honestly, I could never win. I probably couldn't even get a majority of the votes of my own family.
I don't think the Republican Party sucks. People are inherently lazy when it comes to politics. They're like Homer Simpson in the episode where he confronts the community attitude, "Can't someone else do this?". For naysayers of the Republican Party.... do you go to your local caucuses? Do you campaign actively for the candidates YOU want? One of the reasons Democrats are so successful when their ideas/dogma seems to be at odds with what most people think is that they have labor union power. Unions (especially the SEIU at the state and local government levels) demand time and donations from their members to promote Democrat candidacies. Republicans, by nature, are independent cusses who complain after the fact.
I have nothing more to say (for the moment).
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/15/2021 6:44:03 AM (No. 786168)
I believe in limited government and expense. The government is into everything, and it is being paid for with debt that will never be repaid. Our country is now communist with a secret police system of justice. The corporations have turned against the people. I do not believe in diversity or mandated hiring. I do not have to accept any insult, unacceptable behavior, excused by its their culture. We need a competitive school system to replace this communist travesty. The country is in ruins. I do not recognize it. We are having felonies committed against us, and we are not supposed to respond. We need to respond and with force.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Cindiana 5/15/2021 9:23:13 AM (No. 786334)
Thank you to #6 for spelling out some very basic and logical points. It's so easy to complain about what goes on in our government and community, but how many of us actually have skin in the game? I'm as guilty as anyone else in not being ACTIVELY involved in local politics. Look at how stunningly effective Soros has been over recent years, focused on filling localities with officials who will push his ideology. We sit and point fingers, moan and groan, but what do we actually do? Lots of food for thought in that post.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
BeatleJeff 5/15/2021 9:33:22 AM (No. 786343)
While reading the article, I had visions of Tal's dad Randy standing in the background cranking out the riff to his 1970 #1 hit "American Woman."
But he does nail the GOP in that while they know enough to oppose what the Rats are trying to cram down our throats, they never have any ideas to offer up its place, or if they do, it's simply a "kinder, gentler" version of the Rats' rotgut. Trump largely got it right, but instead of joining in, too many GOP Establishment tools decided to fight him tooth and nail, and now that they pushed him out, they're still too busy trying to completely cancel him rather than fighting the real enemy in the Democrat Party. The GOP needs to rid itself of Cheneys and Romneys that are only in it for the money, and also of the McConnells who are too busy playing Machiavelli in their never-ending quest for power if they're ever going to get itself back on the right foot.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Starlifter Nav 5/15/2021 9:51:04 AM (No. 786367)
Randy Bachman is a Canadian. Tal Bachman voted for McGovern in 1972?
A) that would make him at a minimum 65 years old... and a U.S. citizen B) Randy is a little older than I am... but he's not 85.
I don t think he's any relation.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 5/15/2021 10:15:00 AM (No. 786403)
I'm in my mid seventies never voted democrat since I've began to vote at 19. I have watched the republicans (lower case 'r') devolve, morph, into nothingness and failure. The party of republicans are comfortable to back seat ride while the democrats run the show. The old cross the aisle, my colleagues on the left and niceties got the spineless RINOs a well deserved kick in the groin area. My wish at my old age and I hoped President Trump would have started another party not using the republican name because I wanted to see it die on the vine forever but it's just wishful thinking. Happy voting in the future because it's now just a big crap shoot. We'll never have President Trump again the greatest American President ever.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
MickTurn 5/15/2021 10:44:28 AM (No. 786441)
ALL politicians have perfected the STEAL...Steal our Money to get rich and Steal our Country to keep control...Time to RID our government of these Greedy Stinking BA$TARDS!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
MDConservative 5/15/2021 10:46:19 AM (No. 786443)
The elephant here is the UNIPARTY, a partnership of DemE and GOPe. It is fully a subsidiary of the globalists, "New World Order" and the rest. They play their parts to keep the boobs riled while they play behind the scenes. At the conclusion Mitch intones, "It's the best we could do." And the Republican syncophants chime right in...if we only had the votes, send money. Even when they have the votes, it's "hands across the aisle" compromise that turns into "the best we could do."
The fix is clearly in. The UNIPARTY wanted Trump gone; they got it the only way they could. They wanted to tame the American people; they did with COVIDS and edicts. They wanted to further polarize politics, so they gin up an insurrection (after lighting several fuses in cities around the country) and militarize the Capitol. Opposition invites the authorities to kick in your doors. Arrests around the nation underscore their tyranny.
The "Republican Party" requires leadership. It has none. It has no coalescence. It's "issues" are from the days of Reagan, which aren't responsive to the times or those under age 50. The masses don't understand the concept of LIBERTY and its relation to RESPONSIBILITY. Our civic life is a mess.
I've said what #6 has said many times here. GET INVOLVED. It's the only way out of this. Or, pick up your musket and meet the foe on the village green, as so many seem to advocate.
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