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About Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 4/1/2021 10:30:49 PM

Historically, there have been very few hate crimes directed against Asians–just 4.4 percent of hate crimes based on race or ethnicity in the FBI’s most recent report. Lately, though, there has been an uptick, reflected in several highly-publicized and vicious attacks. Democratic Party news sources have absurdly tried to blame anti-Asian crimes on President Trump. NBC News, for example: Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and director of demographic data and policy research nonprofit AAPI Data, told NBC Asian America that while the uptick cannot be entirely attributed to the Trump administration’s incendiary, racist rhetoric about the coronavirus…

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Omen55 4/1/2021 10:37:34 PM (No. 742160)
We know who attacks Asians. So does the craven demedia.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 4/1/2021 10:57:02 PM (No. 742178)
Hindraker says "Trump's incindiary, racist rhetoric.." Hindraker is a liar. Trump just told the truth, said facts.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: stablemoney 4/1/2021 11:28:19 PM (No. 742202)
All these attacks recently are planned operations of the Democrat brownshirts.
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bighambone 4/2/2021 1:18:18 AM (No. 742260)
Just about all the hate crimes against vulnerable Asian people occur in the big leftist Democrat run cities are actually committed by Black Criminals attacking older Asian people who they randomly come across on the street or in some other public place. Trump has nothing to do with that, has never told any American to assault Asian people, and the only reason that Trump’s name has been brought up by leftists is as an attempt to divert attention and blame away from the leftist Democrats favored minority group these days. But Asian people are not stupid and are well aware that the violent perpetrators who have been attacking vulnerable Asian people are vicious Black criminals who have no connection whatsoever with Trump.
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Maggie2u 4/2/2021 3:14:53 AM (No. 742284)
FTA...'Democratic Party news sources have absurdly tried to blame anti-Asian crimes on President Trump. NBC News, for example: Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and director of demographic data and policy research nonprofit AAPI Data, told NBC Asian America that while the uptick cannot be entirely attributed to the Trump administration’s incendiary, racist rhetoric about the coronavirus… Reported as a fact. …he believes former President Donald Trump’s wielding of the fact that the virus originated in China and repeated elevation of the “China virus” rhetoric did play a part in fostering hate' Poster #2, Hindraker was quoting someone else, Hindraker didn't say that President Trump used incindiary or racist rhetoric.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: smokincol 4/2/2021 3:15:46 AM (No. 742285)
"Karthick Ramakrishnan" when did all the commies in India decide to come to the United States and tell us how to run our country? I think I missed that part.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: sw penn 4/2/2021 6:11:32 AM (No. 742351)
Let's review... Blacks assault Whites. Blacks assault Jews. Blacks assault Asians. Maybe someday someone will see a pattern here...
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 3rdGenNRALifer 4/2/2021 6:57:52 AM (No. 742372)
We all know this started with Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther movies.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Smartypants1122 4/2/2021 9:30:15 AM (No. 742502)
Yes it’s obvious if you have a set of eyes that blacks do the attacking because they are cowards and only attack old ladies and old men who can’t fight back. Have you seen them sucker punch a big strong guy lately?
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Reply 10 - Posted by: JrSample 4/2/2021 10:09:39 AM (No. 742561)
The perpetrators of these high profile incidents are either black street criminals or drugged-out homeless lunatics. They occur in liberal Democrat-run cities. The increase in frequency is due to municipal governments treating the perpetrators as if they are some kind of indigenous wildlife that should be allowed to run free. The black criminal who killed an elderly Thai man in Oakland last month was out on parole and was wearing a GPS monitor. Just another case of tag-and-release.
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Atlanta Journal-Constitution Offers Correction
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 2:12:38 PM Post Reply
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) issued a correction on a story that made some false claims about Georgia’s election law reform legislation. The newspaper made the mistake of printing Democrat talking points, specifically remarks made by President Biden, instead of the truth. AJC originally falsely reported that voting hours had been cut in the bill and failed to note that early voting days had been added for general elections while shortening the time for early voting in primary run-offs. The newspaper printed the correction at the end of a story on liberal filmmaker and actor Tyler Perry. Perry owns a large production company in the Atlanta area.
GOP Senators Propose Revoking MLB’s
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 12:48:48 PM Post Reply
Republican lawmakers, including Senators Ted Cruz (Texas) and Mike Lee (Utah) have called for an end to Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption after the league announced it would pull the 2021 All-Star Game out of Atlanta. The league’s decision came in response to a Georgia voting law that critics claim makes it more difficult for individuals, particularly black voters, to exercise their constitutional right to vote. However, proponents of the law deny accusations that it aims to suppress votes, pointing out that the legislation does not place new limits on voting hours and makes the state’s elections more secure without restricting voter access. It even expands weekend early voting.
COVID-19 alarmism is working, new polls
show. That’s a huge problem
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 12:45:31 PM Post Reply
More than 550,000 Americans have died in COVID-19-related deaths. So, of course, the coronavirus is undoubtedly a serious and life-threatening disease, at least for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. But people wildly overestimate the actual risks posed by COVID-19, according to several new polls that show the stunning extent to which the public has internalized alarmist misinformation. A YouGov survey out this week reveals that young people aged 18 to 24 are the subgroup most anxious about resuming normal social life — despite being by far the least at risk from COVID-19. Indeed, the death rate for members of this age group is approximately 0.006%
Democrats hurl rotten tomatos at Latinos
who voted for Trump, insulting them as 'low
information voters'
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 11:29:30 AM Post Reply
How's this for some disgusting patronization of Latino voters from the left-wing political consultant establishment? Here's the unwittingly revolting report from Axios: A new analysis of U.S. voters suggests — counterintuitively — that the coronavirus pandemic may have helped drive former President Donald Trump's surprising increase in support from Latinos last November. The big picture: By shifting Trump's rhetoric from immigration to fears around the economic impact of shutdowns, the virus gave conservative and low-information Latino voters a permission structure to back Trump even if they shunned him in 2016, according to preliminary findings by research firm Equis that were reviewed by Axios.
Ditch The Mask Mandates By Memorial Day 9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 11:25:03 AM Post Reply
Writing at the Wall Street Journal this week, Nicole Saphier has a very simple message for the CDC. “Dr. Fauci, Tear Off These Masks.” This new spin on a famous speech by Ronald Reagan wasn’t some sort of April Fools joke. The author lays out a very cogent argument as to why we are already much closer to the point where there’s little to no benefit from vaccinated people wearing face masks than most health officials and politicians are willing to admit. Continuing to enforce these mandates at that point would be little more than bureaucratic oppression. And the target date for ending the mandates should be Memorial Day weekend.
Voter ID rules popular among public: Polls 7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 11:16:51 AM Post Reply
Voter ID, a major component of Georgia’s new election law, is popular among people despite criticism about the measure from Democratic leaders, according to recent polls. According to an Associated Press poll, 72% of respondents support showing a photo identification in order to vote. Between the parties, 91% of Republicans and 56% of Democrats support the policy. A similar result was found in the latest Economist/YouGov poll. People favored requiring a photo ID as a means to vote by absentee ballot, 53% to 28%. In Georgia, support for voter ID is even higher, with 74% of voters supporting in a UGA/AJC poll for mandating voters
So MLB is fine with ball games in Cuba and training
in China, but Georgia is the human-rights problem
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2021 10:57:23 AM Post Reply
You could tell that the Major League Baseball (MLB) decision to pull its All-Star game out of Atlanta was a deeply unpopular one, based on the ambivalent reaction of far-left failed gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams. Here's the money quote from her Twitter statement: After all, isn't she the one who pushed through most of the fraud-enabling laws on the books in Georgia which triggered the recent legislative action? The blacks-are-too-dumb-to-have-voter-ID idiotic notion, so by extension, nobody should have to show voter ID to vote, even though everyone needs to show ID to buy a beer at a MLB ball game, or buy a ticket to one?
Breaking: Trump Calls For Boycotting Major
League Baseball After They Cave To ‘Radical
Left Democrats’
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 11:22:28 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump called for people to boycott Major League Baseball (MLB) on Friday night after the league caved to pressure from leftists to cancel the All Star Game, which was scheduled to take place in Atlanta, after Georgia passed a law to tighten up voting security around the state. Trump’s statement comes after MLB Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. announced earlier in the day that the league was moving both All-Star Game and MLB Draft to a new host city following a misleading pressure campaign from leftists about the state’s new laws. “Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans, and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because
Joe Biden Fails to Condemn Farrakhan
Follower Capitol Hill Attack in Statement
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 11:16:51 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden expressed his sorrow over the death of a Capitol Hill police officer after a violent attack at the Capitol Friday, but he did not condemn the suspect, who identified himself on social media as a follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Biden said in a statement he was “heartbroken” to learn Officer William Evans of the U.S. Capitol Police was killed in the attack, and that a second officer was severely injured. But the president made no mention of the ideology that likely inspired the attacker. Noah Green described himself as a “Follower of Farrakhan” on his Facebook page
About Those Armed Protestors at the Capitol -
The Georgia Capitol
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 11:11:10 PM Post Reply
Georgia State Representative Park Cannon returned to the State Capitol on Monday following an arrest on May 25, 2021, for making a scene banging on the door to the office where Governor Brian Kemp was signing the election security bill. How that works out is of little interest to me personally. She is not my state representative and legislators who pull stunts to make themselves the story rather than their accomplishments annoy me. She claimed that she should be able to watch Kemp sign the bill along with the activists who accompanied her. Cannon could have done that by pulling out her phone and watching on YouTube.
It Sure Looks Like Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci
Botched the Vaccine Roll-Out
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 11:05:39 PM Post Reply
If you were to ask the Biden administration how the roll-out of the coronavirus vaccine is going, they’d insist it’s been absolutely perfect and that only they, and not Donald Trump, deserve credit. It doesn’t matter that the development of the vaccine and the escalation of its doses has followed the exact path the former president said it would (at the time, the media “experts” insisted Trump’s projection was unlikely). Biden wants all the credit, and the media is more than happy to give it to him. Regardless, given the lion’s share of the doses have gone out under the current administration
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signs law allowing
permitless handgun carry, purchase
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 5:48:40 PM Post Reply
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has signed a law allowing people to buy and carry handguns in Iowa without a permit, fulfilling a longtime goal of gun rights advocates. The law, which some advocates call "constitutional carry," will take effect July 1. "Today I signed legislation that protects the 2nd Amendment rights of Iowa’s law-abiding citizens while still preventing the sale of firearms to criminals and other dangerous individuals," Reynolds, a Republican, said in a statement after signing the measure Friday afternoon. Democrats and gun violence prevention groups say the law will roll back background checks on handgun sales between private citizens. That's because, under current law,
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Ex-speaker John Boehner claims the GOP
thought Obama was a 'secret Kenyan Muslim
traitor,' calls Ted Cruz a 'reckless
a**hole, and says Republican 'morons'
flooded Congress in 2010
51 replies
Posted by Ribicon 4/2/2021 11:25:48 AM Post Reply
Former House Speaker John Boehner claims the GOP thought ex-President Barack Obama was a 'secret Kenyan Muslim traitor,' he called Sen. Ted Cruz a 'reckless a**hole' and said Republican 'morons' flooded Congress in 2010. In Boehner's new book, 'On the House: A Washington Memoir,' the chain-smoking, red wine-sipping former top Republican doesn't hold back when judging members of his own party. Boehner ascended to the speakership in 2011 after the Tea Party movement helped the GOP capture the House majority two years into Obama's tenure.(Snip) Boehner complained about the tone of the new Tea Party-tied members.
MLB yanks All-Star Game out of Atlanta
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Posted by Ribicon 4/2/2021 3:38:18 PM Post Reply
MLB is taking its ball and leaving Georgia. The league announced on Friday that it is moving the 2021 All-Star Game out of Atlanta as backlash grows over a new Georgia law that is seen as an attack on voter access. “I have determined the best way to demonstrate our value as a sport is relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft,” commissioner Rob Manfred said in a statement. “MLB fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box.” Manfred’s decision comes as a growing number of corporations, including Atlanta-based Delta and Coca Cola,
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Posted by Imright 4/3/2021 2:31:00 AM Post Reply
Major American business groups have lined up against President Joe Biden's $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan – even after many of them got behind his $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief effort.The opposition signals the headwinds the White House is up against promoting a package the Biden is designating as the next big push of his agenda, and one that he said Friday would create 19 million jobs.The U.S. Chamber of Commerce went after the plan as 'dangerously misguided.' 'Properly done, a major investment in infrastructure today is an investment in the future, and like a new home, should be paid for over time — say 30 years — by the users
DC Police Say Muslim Attack with a
Vehicle and Knife on Police by Farrakhan
Supporter Noah Green on Good Friday
Does Not Appear to be Terrorism
36 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/2/2021 5:09:32 PM Post Reply
One Capitol Police officer died and another was injured after a suspect rammed a vehicle into a police barricade outside the Capitol building Friday afternoon and exited his vehicle with a knife. The killer, later identified as Noah Green, was shot dead by police at the scene. (Photo)Noah Green is a devout Muslim and follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. He recently was given an award from the Nation of Islam. (Award image)Noah Green committed this terrorist attack on Good Friday, one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar.(Snip)The DC police do not believe the incident was terrorist related. That seemed like a pretty quick assessment?
Breaking: Atlanta Braves Fire Back After
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Employees Are The Victims Of This Decision”
33 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2021 2:44:55 AM Post Reply
Major League Baseball has been under intense pressure from Democrats to move the annual All-Star Game out of Atlanta over Georgia’s election integrity law and on Friday, the league caved.On the second day of the 2021 season, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred sent a clear message to all MLB fans that his league takes its marching orders from activists and politicians.According to a statement from the commish; “Over the last week, we have engaged in thoughtful conversations with Clubs, former and current players, the Players Association, and The Players Alliance, among others, to listen to their views,” said Manfred. “I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values
WTH? Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe
Says US Capitol Attack by Black Muslim is
“One of the Results” of January 6th
33 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2021 1:56:09 AM Post Reply
One Capitol Police officer died and another was injured after a suspect rammed a vehicle into a police barricade outside the Capitol building Friday afternoon and exited his vehicle with a knife. The killer, later identified as Noah Green, was shot dead by police at the scene.(Photo) Noah Green is a devout Muslim and follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. He recently was given an award from the Nation of Islam. (Photo) On Friday night Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that Friday’s attack on the Capitol was “one of the results” of the Jan. 6 riot.The Daily Caller reported:
Pete Buttigieg’s little bicycle theater
is ridiculous
33 replies
Posted by PageTurner 4/2/2021 4:45:57 AM Post Reply
Little Petey Buttigieg is now playing in the big leagues, having made the tremendous leap from ineffectual mayor of a crime-ridden city to Transportation Secretary of the United States of America. To make a point about alternative transportation, he rode a bicycle to his first White House cabinet meeting – after first having several burly men drive him near the White House and then escort him and his bike. This kind of theater is typical for leftists, who often seem incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality. Last week, Little Petey (who always reminds me of a cross between Alfred “What, Me Worry?” Newman and Beaver Cleaver)
Breaking: Trump Calls For Boycotting Major
League Baseball After They Cave To ‘Radical
Left Democrats’
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2021 11:22:28 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump called for people to boycott Major League Baseball (MLB) on Friday night after the league caved to pressure from leftists to cancel the All Star Game, which was scheduled to take place in Atlanta, after Georgia passed a law to tighten up voting security around the state. Trump’s statement comes after MLB Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. announced earlier in the day that the league was moving both All-Star Game and MLB Draft to a new host city following a misleading pressure campaign from leftists about the state’s new laws. “Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans, and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because
Ken Burns Endorses Petition Demanding
PBS Give Him Less Time Because He's
31 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/2/2021 2:37:34 PM Post Reply
Don't call it cancel culture, call it cancel careerism. Nearly 140 documentary filmmakers have signed onto a letter given to PBS executives, suggesting the service may provide an unfair level of support to white creators, facing a "systemic failure to fulfill (its) mandate for a diversity of voices." Titled "A Letter to PBS From Viewers Like Us," the missive references Ken Burns, arguably one of PBS' biggest non-fiction stars and creator of popular projects like Baseball, Jazz, The Civil War and an upcoming six-hour program called Hemingway.
Communist and Black Nationalist Angela Davis
Speaks to K-12 Students, Calls on
Them to ‘Dismantle Capitalism’
30 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2021 2:03:28 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, former Communist Party activist and black nationalist Angela Davis spoke at a webinar for an elite California prep school, where she told the K-12 students watching online that it was incumbent upon them to “dismantle capitalism,” as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.The “diversity and inclusion”-themed webinar, titled the CommunityEd Series, was hosted by the Heads-Royce School, a prep school that costs just over $47,000 a year in tuition.“Ultimately, I think we’re going to have to dismantle capitalism if we really want to move in a progressive direction,” Davis said to the impressionable students on the final day of the webinar. “If we want our children and
America Has Long Favored Cars Over
Trains and Buses. Can Biden Change That?
29 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/3/2021 6:01:54 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — If America is dominated by car culture and the call of the open road, there is a big reason for that: Over the past 65 years, the United States has spent nearly $10 trillion in public funds on highways and roads and just one-quarter of that on subways, buses and passenger rail. But President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan, unveiled this week, represents one of the most ambitious efforts yet to challenge the centrality of the automobile in American life, by proposing to tilt federal spending far more toward public transportation and coax more people out of
Pictured: Capitol cop and the knife-wielding
'Nation of Islam' follower, 25, who mowed
him down along with a fellow officer before
the suspect was shot dead
29 replies
Posted by Imright 4/2/2021 6:55:56 PM Post Reply
The knife-wielding suspect who mowed down two Capitol police officers, killing one and leaving the other critically injured, before being shot dead has now been identified as a 25-year-old Nation of Islam follower. Noah Green, 25, who described himself as a 'Follower of Farrakhan' on his now-removed Facebook page, was identified by NBC and the New York Post as the perpetrator behind the deadly attack on the US Capitol Friday. Green allegedly killed Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force, after mowing him and another unidentified officer down with his blue Nissan Altima. Green, who was from Indiana but has ties to Virginia,
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