Communist Party USA Affirms Loyalty
to Beijing
Epoch Times,
Trevor Loudon
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
3/27/2021 11:28:38 AM
It’s the 1930s all over again. American communists are now treating the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the same slavish reverence once reserved for Stalin and the mighty Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), once shamelessly subservient to the CPSU, has now completely transferred its loyalties to the CCP.
On March 10, a high-level delegation from the CPUSA met with senior CCP officials in Beijing. According to an article on the CPUSA website, the International Department of the CPUSA and the International Commission of the Central Committee of the CCP “held a bilateral meeting to celebrate and discuss the 100th anniversary” of the CCP.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
dst4life 3/27/2021 11:49:49 AM (No. 736728)
I thought the Democrat Party WAS the Communist Party USA. What did I miss?
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
marbles 3/27/2021 11:54:34 AM (No. 736734) the Democrat Socialist party., the " democrat " part is just for show.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/27/2021 12:19:49 PM (No. 736753)
This is an important read. Not one to just sail by. “Ho-hum…” Loudon doesn’t do broad brush strokes here but names names and actual events as examples of what he is talking about. We have gone through these Marxist “fads” in the past - Hollywood was heavily into it decades ago - but I wonder how entrenched it became in our young people? We know that many were attracted to Bernie Sanders but how many and how much proselytizing did they do?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/27/2021 12:22:22 PM (No. 736755)
The author of this excellent commentary:
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. He is best known for his book “Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” and his similarly themed documentary film “Enemies Within.” His recently published book is “White House Reds: Communists, Socialists & Security Risks Running for U.S. President, 2020.”
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Krause 3/27/2021 12:27:42 PM (No. 736760)
All democrats have a screw loose (see Joe Biden), but these communists have a whole bucket of screws loose. But at least they belong to something, makes them feel important.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/27/2021 12:28:09 PM (No. 736761)
Biden and the Democrats are owned by, and subordinate to the CCP.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DARling 3/27/2021 12:37:50 PM (No. 736769)
A lot of young people these days would be happy enough to live in a cubicle and eat government beans, as long as the video games kept broadcasting for free. I blame a lot of it on the absence of fathers in their lives. If the subsistence of welfare or child support, without the guidance and role model of a father, has supported you adequately, then the communist lifestyle is just right for you.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
dst4life 3/27/2021 1:53:42 PM (No. 736810)
FTA: "In communist terminology “world peace” simply means an absence of resistance to world Marxist-Leninist domination."
Here is an historical parallel. The "peaceful" atmosphere in Northeim, Germany during the Easter celebration that came on the heels of a terror campaign waged by the Nazi Party accomplished through police raids of people's home. The raids involved disarming many citizens who were made an example of.
From Chapter 12, The Terror System, Spring-Summer 1933, The Nazi Seizure of Power. This is a media propaganda report in the NNN (Northeimer Nueste Nachrichten):
". . . For the rest, the Easter celebration took place in peace and quiet within Northeim's wall, as it did everywhere in the Reich. There was not the slightest news of any political fights or other disturbances. The calmness in domestic politics, which the reordering of things has brought about, has shown itself here in an example as clear as it is beneficial." (page 186)
There is very little distinction between the current Democrat Party, the Nazi Party (National Socialism), and the Communist Party. All of them achieve their desired "peaceful" states through harassment, intimidation, "suicides," "accidents," "false flags," whatever it takes. The ends justify the means. Personal freedom is always, always, always the casualty in the achievement of these seemingly "peaceful" states. For the Left, "peace" is simply the absence of overt violence. And this is why they need us to be disarmed. They need for us to be very, very afraid. The Biden administration is not pushing for warrantless searches for no reason.
And they will achieve disarmament. In Nazi Germany, people whose homes had not yet been raided by the police lived in fear that they were next. The police even found caches of weapons after dragging the Ruhme River because people dumped them out of fear. The Deep State has a thousand ways to terrorize the good people of the United States, including stalking, electronic harassment, and hurting them financially. All they need is that YOU have a cell phone, computer, smart appliances, a new car, a credit card, a bank account, and windows. A person can be spied on by a neighbor if they have windows, as infrared rays can be bounced off the window, converted to sound waves, and then converted into voices.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/27/2021 3:16:10 PM (No. 736864)
Bless their hearts (their stupid, empty disconnected hearts). Of course WE are the enemy. They call us sheep, sheeple, votes and dupes. Oh yes, don't forget, they call us smelly Walmart customers.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 3/27/2021 4:42:37 PM (No. 736922)
Along with Traitor Joe.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 3/28/2021 11:20:38 AM (No. 737507)
Was John Brennan the keynote speaker at this 'celebration'?
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