Satanists sue for religious
right to ritual abortions
Washington Times,
Everett Piper
Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon,
3/7/2021 5:35:35 PM
This past week while the nation was distracted by Joe Biden’s dementia-ridden incompetence and Andrew Cuomo’s predatory misogyny, The Satanic Temple of Texas filed suit to defend its religious right to engage in child sacrifice as a spiritual ritual. The Dallas Observer reports as follows.
“[On Feb. 23, 2021] The Satanic Temple [of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston] filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas alleging certain state-mandated abortion regulations violate the religious liberty of its members… [and] violate the temple’s religious teachings. The Satanic Temple… wants its followers to be exempt from such regulations. The temple has members across
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Highlander 3/7/2021 5:41:53 PM (No. 717609)
The devil they say.
8 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
DVC 3/7/2021 5:47:04 PM (No. 717613)
How about we create a new Church Against Satanists, and make our primary sacrament the ritual death of Satanists?
Not any more evil or crazier than their evil, literally Satanic demand.
29 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
marbles 3/7/2021 5:52:43 PM (No. 717618)
Calling your play group a religion doesn't make it so.
25 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Faithfully 3/7/2021 6:13:26 PM (No. 717635)
So this has been going on?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Northcross 3/7/2021 6:50:06 PM (No. 717664)
As long as we can apply them retroactively to all their members, I am for it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
DVC 3/7/2021 6:50:11 PM (No. 717665)
I am pretty sure that Satanists are recognized by the US military as a "legitimate religion" and chaplains have to support them.
7 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 3/7/2021 6:54:12 PM (No. 717668)
And we all know it will only be a matter of a few years when they will demand the right to kill a child already born. Right? Tattoos, body piercings, infanticide and killing seniors right out of tribalism 101. And they call themselves progressives?
16 people like this.
A State religion coming to a blue state near you. Can obligatory child sacrifice be far behind? Baal demands it.
14 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
padiva 3/7/2021 7:05:20 PM (No. 717674)
About 15 years ago, I met a woman who was raised in a satanic family. They were taught to hide the dysfunction that came with the satanic culture.
She was gang raped to produce a child who would be used as a child sacrifice. No birth certificate. No death certificate. This happened once or twice. (I wanted to listen and not ask too many questions.)
When she was pregnant after the last gang rape, she found refuge with an older Christian couple. The child was placed in an adopted home. She became a Christian.
The young man is now about 30 years old.
20 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
foxglove 3/7/2021 7:13:18 PM (No. 717682)
I do not think Satanists care about obeying the law and would sacrifice whenever and whatever they please. There has to be a money angle to this.
12 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/7/2021 7:32:13 PM (No. 717690)
I'm hoping this is fake news. Sadly, it doesn't seem so. Are they going to be paying women sol they can perform ritual abortions?
Somebody should ask them what rituals they plan on doing, and what purpose they have. Also ask why their rituals require human blood.
Also ask them how many babies they want to abort. Just a few? Tens? Hundred? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundred of thousands? Millions?
I'm reminded of a horror novel I once read involving the occult where a nation murdered millions to carry out a ritual so summon a powerful creature. The creature they attempted to summon had literally sucked the life energy out of an entire universe it existed in. They wanted to summon it because it had promised them 'power'.
Why stop at abortions? Lets legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. How about legalized murder?
This isn't stupid. Its evil. Btw, it doesn't matter what you believe. You should be more concerned about what they believe. These people truly believe in this stuff.
11 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 3/7/2021 7:59:28 PM (No. 717702)
Satan is alive and well and is like a roaring lion, out to destroy anything and everything in his path.
Only God can help us now.
16 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
MickTurn 3/7/2021 8:17:49 PM (No. 717712)
I'm all for it if the only Abortions legally performed are 'post birth' ONLY on the Members of this Sick Cult!
There is no time limit on post birth right...1 day, 50 years, No matter...Right?
1 person likes this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Luandir 3/7/2021 8:18:36 PM (No. 717715)
Libs, you own this. You have enabled them every step of the way, and now this abomination is in sight. Can it be stopped now?
10 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 3/7/2021 8:59:07 PM (No. 717736)
Freedom of religion - part of the 1st Amendment. That's how we get stuff like this, and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib in congress.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
HisHandmaiden 3/8/2021 12:55:18 AM (No. 717808)
‘Thou shall not murder.’ [Commandment #6]
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
danu 3/8/2021 1:58:08 AM (No. 717823)
The Injustices of SCAMUS fight to author favourable opinion upholding rights of Prince of Darkness to receive tribute from his worshipful child murderer evil minions.
It's a tax....
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
franq 3/8/2021 5:55:55 AM (No. 717856)
My thoughts exactly, #2. A Holy War, if you will.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
hershey 3/8/2021 6:05:40 AM (No. 717860)
End Times baby, End Times....
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I am now seeing the many well deserved reasons for this judgement from God on our nation.
We have tolerated evil for decades now. We need not be hauled off to Babylon in captivity, as the Jews were. We have fashioned our own hell on earth right here.
3 people like this.
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