Vatican Betrays Virgin Mary for Prophet
PJ Media,
Raymond Ibrahim
Original Article
Posted By: OhioNick,
2/27/2021 12:07:07 AM
The same folks to bring you “Abrahamism”—the idea that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are intricately connected—have narrowed their sights on promoting Mary, the mother of Christ, as “a Jewish, Christian and Muslim woman,” in the words of Catholic priest Fr. Gian Matteo of the Pontifical International Marian Academy. In a ten-week webinar series titled “Mary, a model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam,” the academy will seek to present Mary as a bridge between the two religions.
This may be easier said than done — at least for those still interested in facts.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 2/27/2021 12:17:35 AM (No. 709453)
Satan is inside the Vatican now.
137 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 2/27/2021 12:34:21 AM (No. 709460)
RE #1:
Satan has been inside the Vatican ever since Pope Benedict retired.
142 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Ketchuplover 2/27/2021 12:36:01 AM (No. 709461)
"Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”
Luke 18:8
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 2/27/2021 12:42:00 AM (No. 709464)
But is Francis a good Catholic?
It seems Biblical doctrine and truth don’t matter, but if someone is DEEMED a good Catholic....well, there you go (ie, Joseph R Xiden)
(Full disclosure: I am not Catholic.)
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bighambone 2/27/2021 12:45:51 AM (No. 709466)
This is an example of why there are so many ex-Catholics out there.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 2/27/2021 2:39:07 AM (No. 709494)
Hang on to your Rosary beads, its going to be a bumpy ride. There has never been a previous pope that dared to defame Christ's mother. Not exactly a good career move. Frank is an imposter. Pope Benedict XVI is my Pontiff. It seems evidence grows daily that twelfth century St. Malachy may be correct, although theories have been advanced regarding a suspected 17th century forgery.
Here is the prophesy in question: "In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End."
Since the imposter was installed it has been pointed out that Bergoglio's life did not match the description of "Peter the Roman". Given that Frank is not really the pope would explain the mismatch. It could be that "Peter the Roman" will follow after Pope Benedict is called Home. Our time of "extreme persecution" is beginning. I'm struck by a certain symmetry; the events of the Passion, and the birth of the persecuted Church, began with a kiss of betrayal from one of the Twelve while St. Malachy describes a betrayed Church as her mission comes to fruition.
Our Holy Mother appeared at Fatima in 1917 and warned of the dangers of world-wide communism. She advised praying the Rosary as our defense. Bishop Fulton Sheen's life was dedicated to the crusade against communism. St. John Paul II came to the Universal Church from the bowels of communism to witness the Freedom of Christ Risen. He was dedicated to our Holy Mother, her initials are displayed on his papal crest. Despite these three holy witnesses, the world fell into the delusion of heaven on earth without God.
The smoke of Satan has been present in the Church since Judas, sometimes as a mere smell and others thick as fog. Through it all the Catholic Faith as been sustained, enriched and strengthened, but only due to the fact that the corporal Church survived through the ultimate guidance of the Holy Spirit. Mature and faithful souls recognize that the political state of the Church does not tarnish or diminish Her Divine Mission to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass daily in Remembrance of Him; Jesus Christ fully present in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Its time for all Catholics, even those who have strayed from the Church, to rattle the beads! Stay faithful, my friends.
137 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
smokincol 2/27/2021 3:20:10 AM (No. 709503)
I was already out the door on Catholicism but this is the last straw. Damn these people in the church hierarchy.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
coyote 2/27/2021 4:02:17 AM (No. 709508)
What do you expect of someone raised under the Nazi sympathizing Perons.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
5 handicap 2/27/2021 5:30:38 AM (No. 709535)
I cannot think of even one word that is too despicable for Francis the Talking Mule, who occupies the Vatican. Most of which would get me kicked off Lucianne again.
30 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
WhamDBambam 2/27/2021 6:18:42 AM (No. 709557)
A reason the Papacy shouldn't be an affirmative-action token.
27 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
mathman 2/27/2021 6:22:03 AM (No. 709560)
The Roman Catholic Church made Mary the Queen of Heaven 1600 years ago. Since then it has been learned that she was born without sin and bodily ascended to Heaven. Oh, by the way. It was not Jesus' death on the cross that saves us. It was the breaking of Mary's Sacred Heart.
So get out those Rosary beads and pray to the one who did not die for our sins, since she did not die.
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
Rinktum 2/27/2021 6:57:01 AM (No. 709580)
Liberalism destroys everything it touches. Do not put your faith in things of this earth. Put your faith and trust in the one who laid down his life to save you from eternal damnation. Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrificial lamb of God. He is the only one worthy to pay our debt of sin. John 14:6 - Jesus saint unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father except by me.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Toby Ten Bears 2/27/2021 7:04:25 AM (No. 709582)
Islam began in the 7th Century... You have to be a special kind of stupid to buy what the Catholic Church is selling.
44 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
lakerman1 2/27/2021 7:38:58 AM (No. 709605)
time for a modified Tom Lehrer satirical song - The Vatican Rag. (You can google the original.)
First he got down on his knees,
fiddled with theology,
bowed his head without respect, to,
mecca spect, mecca spect mecca spect.
Made a cross on his abdomen, when in Rome do as the Romans,
Francis, full of Allah, hard for us to swalla,
Doing the vatican rag.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
PostAway 2/27/2021 7:46:41 AM (No. 709608)
It is trite, really a cliche, for older women to become more closely in adherence to their Christian faith and yet I have found myself more closely attuned to the Bible and the gospel than I was as a young woman. Does the banality of that fact make my faith less God-sent and perhaps more of a simple human phase? I don’t know but I find myself more immersed in His word than ever before and this article is troubling to me.
Christians, either Catholics, Protestant or Orthodox, are going through a severe trial of faith. Is it a sign of the End Times? Who can say? Our knowledge of the future is insufficient and we are instructed by Jesus to stay away from prognostication. The demands of how we conduct of our earthly lives remain the same whether we are about to fight at Armageddon or at another slightly less frightening time.
Mary is revered in the Catholic Church in ways that Protestants like me don’t understand as we see her in a rather peripheral way compared to Christ and his disciples and we do not pray to her or spend a lot of devoted time studying her individually. However Catholicism and the Pope are important to the Christian faith worldwide and what the pope-ish Francis does matters to all of us.
Islam is a religion founded by a bloodthirsty warlord whose viciousness is reflected in the Koran and the treatment of non-Muslims in predominantly Muslim societies. It is impossible to honestly reconcile Christianity and Islam and concessions to Islam must ultimately negate the message of Christ’s love. If I were a Catholic priest, I would speak against this pope from the pulpit as if my soul depends on it, which it obviously does, and if I were a parishioner and my parish priest remained silent I would run away. The job of bringing Christ to the world cannot allow for lies and willful ignorance and Francis is making choices he has no authority to make.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/27/2021 8:24:30 AM (No. 709632)
#15, while I agree with you, I must point out a centuries old fallacy. We Catholics do NOT pray to Mary. We honor her and we ask her to pray for us.
Just do a search on the Hail Mary, read it and you’ll see.
45 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
paral04 2/27/2021 8:52:00 AM (No. 709662)
That is a miracle since Mohammed wasn't born until 570 AD which means Christ died 570 years before then.
Was Mary, Christ's mother the founder of Islam and they kept it a secret all those years? The Vatican has some "splainin" to do.
16 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Yuban 2/27/2021 9:03:25 AM (No. 709681)
The Catholic Church continues to give communion to the likes of Biden and Pelosi. To give communion to avowed baby killers is all I need to know about the Catholic Church. Like all organized religions, they have a bottom line. I totally agree with #12. Nuff said.
14 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
downnout 2/27/2021 9:04:29 AM (No. 709682)
Pope Francis is no more a Catholic than Rocky the flying squirrel.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Venturer 2/27/2021 9:04:43 AM (No. 709683)
Being no theologian or expert on Islam, I don't wholly understand what this priest is trying to do.
He is a priest the bottom of the scale in Catholic ranking.
What I am saying is that he isn't a Bishop, or a Cardinal one of the higher ranks .'I cannot see a priest having the authority to preach such things, and I don't know if his teachings are accepted by the Pope.
Certainly I hope they are not.
He is basing this tripe he is speaking on the Koran. And some statement by the pedophile who started that Cult . A monster who imagined himself in heaven having sex with the Mother of Christ. Now I don't know how this "priest" can equate that with Islam in any way except if he believes Muhammed is an immortal god and not a murderous monster responsible for so many deaths. Islam is a cult of people who took on a man such as Hitler or Joe Stalin or Nero and made a god out of him. A religion?? Hardly.
IMO this man should be heavily censored and taught truth instead of the wet dreams of a monster.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/27/2021 9:10:24 AM (No. 709689)
Dittos on the "splainin" to do. It'll cost a bit of cash for the RCC to change out all those icons of the blonde, blue-eyed shiska they have promoted for centuries as the Virgin Mary. Jesus lovers know she was a Jewish girl of the tribe of Levi.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Kate318 2/27/2021 9:14:30 AM (No. 709695)
Catholic discussion here: #16, I understand what you are presenting, but don’t you mean that we don’t worship Mary, as many non-Catholic Christians believe we do? I pray TO Mary all the time, in asking for her prayers and guidance. She’s even graciously gifted me with a vision and a miracle or two, compliments of her Son ; ).
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/27/2021 9:18:57 AM (No. 709698)
Pope John Paul is my pope... this "so called" pope has never represented my faith as a practicing Catholic...The Blessed Mother was the mother of Jesus and had no ties to islam..the Vatican's attempts to play politically correct games doesn't work for me....just as his attempt to erase guilt for abortions with his edict that everyone who had an abortion should be forgiven... that's God's business... not his.. the pope...the Ten Commandments are exact...and there is no "perhaps" attached to each commandment.."perhaps" thou shalt not kill"..."perhaps" thou shalt honor thy father and mother...the directive is clear...
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
hershey 2/27/2021 9:32:33 AM (No. 709713)
Still don't think we are in the 'End times'???? Think again...
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
LadyHen 2/27/2021 10:46:59 AM (No. 709815)
Satan is working feverishly in ALL the arrogant and prideful branches of "Christian" academia and scholarship. Call the things they do exactly what they are. Evil. We are assured there is no mercy without justice so His justice will come as swiftly as His mercy. Why they do not fear this and protect their souls, I do not know.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
preciosodrogas 2/27/2021 11:02:28 AM (No. 709838)
I agree that this is very disturbing, and, even though it is a prime concern for The Church, it effects all believers to one degree or another. I see and I grabble with the concern of how to remain faithful to our Lord and God and not enable the unfaithful. The Bible calls on us to judge the actions of others, to not accept false teachings and it tells how we are to confront them. If the unfaithful one will not correct his actions he is to be shunned. Paul had to confront Peter in this regard. It is our duty and obligation. If Peter is subject to corrective action then certainly the pope is also subject to it.
We are called to pray over such matters and act. I find it tough when I come to issues like this to separate the chaff from the wheat because all the static that a sinful nature injects in to it. The times are turbulent and we are being pushed to the limit which only makes it more difficult we sort it out. I wish I had an answer because it feels like it is above my pay grade, which, I guess it why we have a Bible.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
JackBurton 2/27/2021 11:20:59 AM (No. 709862)
Good article with lots of historical background on this and more. Recommend.
4 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
little guy 2/27/2021 11:56:34 AM (No. 709899)
This is really nothing more than trying to reduce everything down to mean temperature --- no hot or cold passion allowed. Everything becomes soggy oatmeal in the spirit of Kum-ba-ya. This blending, however, is always one sided.
One of the very few things I find admirable about radical Muslims is their monomaniacal obsession with their God and their faith in their own religion. No wooden nickels for them! No sir. They would never dare turn around and say that their beloved messenger --- born in 570A.D. --- was now in Heaven and a water boy for the Holy Spirit or a servant to St. Paul. They'd kill over that should anyone be dumb enough to try and teach it. Yet ... many Christians who should know better ... like ordained priests! --- merrily throw our religious traditions into the melting pot!
Read about the Crusades and find out why they were really fought! Kum-ba-ya my eye.
Imagine if high-ranking Christians said something as insulting as Buddah was really Hebrew and from the Lost Tribe --- or Shiva was nothing more than a fallen Christian archangel. Insulting. Just like this 10 week "webinar".
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
The Remnants 2/27/2021 12:31:57 PM (No. 709928)
Not a good idea.
I can imagine Her Son announcing - in a very loud voice - or maybe in a whisper - "That's enough".
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Reply 30 - Posted by:
Kafka2 2/27/2021 12:53:34 PM (No. 709942)
There is a direct link between Judaism and Christianity because the first Christians were Jews. And, there would be no conflict in saying that Mary was both a Jewish and Christian woman. However, saying that she was also a Muslin woman doesn’t make any sense. Islam did not exist until the 7th century when it was created by Muhammad. It appears that Muhammad incorporated a number of practices of the Christian/Catholic church at that time, but Islam held no woman in high regard. (And, they still don’t.) This looks an attempt to drive a very square peg into a round hole.
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
NotaBene 2/27/2021 12:59:04 PM (No. 709947)
The world-wide war is against Cultural Marxism. God, Nation and private property are the organizing principles of Judeo-Christian civilization. Christ instituted that a man and a woman should start their own home and not follow polygamy, part of the principle of subsidiarity (what is closest to the people is best). God gave us free will as individuals to do evil if we choose. On the footsteps of our1776 came the French Revolution guided by the Freemason secret societies. Cultural Marxism changed from the struggle of the working class against the bourgeois to the struggle against God, the Nation State, and the family. Pancho Bergoglio is a Marxist who s completing the work of Vatican Council II, in which Freemason Annibale Bugnini changed a worship that had stood for 2000 years. The Holy Family is the example for all Christians to follow. Pancho Bergoglio was the religious leader of an important Peronist faction in Argentina. Jesuits have been doing the Devil’s work for a Century. The Curia now marrying the Virgin Mary to Mohammed is one more steppingstone on the way of the Marxist-Coporate complex towards the New World Order.
WE were very lucky that Bergoglio campaigning against Donald Trump from the Mexican side of the border failed once. This gave US four MAGAnificent years to experience the joys of Capitalism done right. This war against Christian Civilization will never end. Marxists are evil and we must live separate from them.
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 2/27/2021 2:12:39 PM (No. 709996)
I think She can take it.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
RedWhite&Blue2 2/27/2021 2:15:28 PM (No. 709997)
12 years Catholic school
Altar boy
Choir boy
Yes Sister
Yes Father
Church every Sunday
Faithful to God
Faithful to Jesus
Pray every day
But in my heart
That ain’t my pope!
17 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
DVC 2/27/2021 3:39:38 PM (No. 710052)
How is it even possible to claim that she "is Muslim"?????
That evil child rapist didn't even invent his brutal, barbaric rape and pillage "religion" until 7 centuries after she had left this Earth?
Evil, evil in the Vatican.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 2/27/2021 5:22:51 PM (No. 710070)
Mary is far from a peripheral person in the life of Jesus, his Apostles and the early disciples. As reported in St. Luke's Gospel, Mary's womb knit the very human body of the Son of God. The Archangel Gabriel proclaimed her, "Full of grace." Only a soul without Original Sin can be considered "full of grace". Mary is the only completely human person ever born without this stain. She suckled the Savior of the World at her breast, taught Him to walk and taught Him his prayers. When He was 12 He stayed behind in Jerusalem, causing Mary and Joseph much worry as they sought Him for three days, finally finding Him in the Temple. He returned to Nazareth with them, "and was obedient to them...And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age..." (Luke 2:51-52)
Jesus performed His first public miracle at the intercession of His Mother at the wedding feast in Cana. Mary noticed that the hosts were running out of wine and she mentioned that fact to her Son. He at first rebukes her, "Woman, my time has not come," yet He immediately instructs the waiters to fill the jugs with water and take them to the wine steward. The steward is amazed such good wine was saved for the last. It is through this Gospel story we have confidence to ask Mary to intercede on our behalf with her Son. Jesus' first miracle, transforming water into wine, is a foreshadowing of His Great Miracle of transforming wine and bread into His Divine Blood and Body.
Mary is mentioned in many Gospel stories being present when Jesus is preaching. She was a witness in the courtyard when He was condemned to death. She witnessed His scourging. As He struggled under the burden of the cross, He was only able to give an anguished look at His distraught Mother. She stood three hours at the foot of the cross with the Magdalen and St. John. The only three of all the Apostles and disciples to be there. One of Christ's last words were giving His mother to the world, "Son behold your mother. Woman behold your son." She watched her Son die. Then she received His lifeless body into her arms, but this time so unlike the first time in Bethlehem. She was present in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost and became the Mother of the Church. It is noted in Scripture that Christ never referred to Mary as "mother". He used the word "Woman". Catholics believe Mary is the "Woman" of Revelation. She is the New Eve, a Woman without sin and totally in service to God.
I would hardly call her role in Salvation History "peripheral". I wish this had been my post last night. Holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
LadyHen 2/27/2021 7:38:17 PM (No. 710160)
Thank you #35. We Orthodox also call her blessed and ask for her prayers. She was one of the reasons I became Orthodox after growing up Evangelical. Her womb more spacious than the Heavens and the very throne of Our God and Savior as an unborn babe, such incomprehensible beauty. Everything she is and does points us to Christ, a true model of righteousness and Christian piety.
3 people like this.
Bless the German prelates for dispensing with Benedict. It was all "preordained" by the Germans.
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