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Posts on Monday, May 11, 2020

Michigan Judge Sides with Barber, Rejects
Gretchen Whitmer Demand to Close Shop
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:19:36 PM Post Reply
A Michigan judge has denied a motion made by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration that an Owosso barber close up shop during the coronavirus outbreak.Great Lakes News was outside Karl Manke’s Barber & Beauty Shop on Monday when the ruling came down.(Video) Reporter Katie Heid said the judge denied the state’s claim that the 77-year-old Manke to close his shop because he was allegedly in violation of Whitmer’s stay-at-home order.“This is not only a big victory for Mr. Manke, but also for other small businesses,” she said. “Who else will open their doors?”
Eighteen Republican attorneys general
press Congress to hold hearings
on China's coronavirus 'deceit'
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:12:49 PM Post Reply
More than a dozen Republican attorneys general called on Congress to conduct hearings about China's "deceit" during the coronavirus outbreak. Eighteen state chief legal officers sent a letter to congressional leaders over the weekend asking them to look into the disinformation tactics put out by the Chinese government when the virus first broke out in Wuhan at the end of 2019.The letter, led by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, accused China of working with the World Health Organization to mislead the world intentionally about the origins of the outbreak. The letter was directed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell,
Speaking of unprecedented replies
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:06:49 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama has a conflict of interest — a personal stake — in commenting on the ordeal of Michael Flynn and the Russia hoax in which it was embedded. One would never know it, however, from the ecstatic dissemination of the leak of his halting comments on the Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.Jonathan Turley takes a headfirst dive into Obama’s comments in “President Obama Declares ‘There Is No Precedent That Anybody Can Find’ For The Flynn Motion [He May Want To Call Eric Holder].” He also tweeted his column out with a dig at a prominent host of one of the Sunday morning gabfests
McConnell: Obama 'should have kept
his mouth shut' about Trump
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 10:55:34 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a scathing rebuke of former President Barack Obama for criticizing President Trump's response to the coronavirus.On Monday, McConnell appeared on Team Trump Online, a YouTube program hosted by the president's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, and slammed Obama for criticizing the Trump administration's handling of the pandemic."Generally, former presidents just don't do that. I remember that President George W. Bush and his father went right through eight years of Democratic administrations after they left office and kept their mouths shut because they didn't feel it was appropriate for former presidents to even critique a president of another party,"
Report: Grenell Wants To Unmask The
Obama Officials Who Unmasked Michael Flynn
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 10:45:26 PM Post Reply
Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence, visited the Justice Department last week seeking to declassify documents related to Obama administration officials’ unmasking of Michael Flynn in transcripts of phone calls he had with Russia’s ambassador, ABC News is reporting.Grenell is asking the Justice Department to declassify a list of names of officials involved in the unmasking process, a senior intelligence official told ABC. Unmasking refers to a process where top U.S. government officials can request information on American citizens picked up during electronic surveillance of foreigners. Flynn was unveiled as taking part in a Dec. 29, 2016 phone with Sergey Kislyak,
Melinda Gates slams Trump administration
for creating 'chaos' and showing lack of
leadership in coronavirus response
Posted by Ribicon 5/11/2020 8:36:20 PM Post Reply
Melinda Gates openly condemned the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic, saying that a lack of leadership at the national level has led to 'chaos' across the board. The billionaire philanthropist, who co-chairs the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with her Microsoft co-founder husband, did not mince words when asked to weigh in on America's handling of the global health crisis in an interview with Today Show's Savannah Guthrie on Friday. 'I'm both surprised we weren’t better prepared, but quite honestly I’m surprised we’ve wasted so much time. That we haven’t had leadership at the national level
Attorney: Shiawassee judge denies shutdown
of Owosso barbershop
Posted by Daria 5/11/2020 8:16:32 PM Post Reply
Owosso, Mich.— The most defiant challenge of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s pandemic-prompted restrictions on businesses has not come from a titan of industry but from a 77-year-old barber and occasional novelist in a small town between Lansing and Flint. Still dressed in his hair-cutting smock and with clients waiting inside, Karl Manke choked up Monday when he was cheered by the more than 50 people, mostly unmasked, carrying American Gadsden flags and chanting his name.
Photos: Here are 36 thrilling photos from
the Lone Star Flight Museum’s ‘Flight
to the Finish’ flyover across Houston
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 7:08:36 PM Post Reply
HOUSTON – The Lone Star Flight Museum’s ‘Flight to the Finish’ flyover was a high-flying, heartwarming show across Houston on Mother’s Day. Families from across the city gathered to see the show. Nearly 30 rare and historic warbirds flew across the city to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day and in honor of those that served and sacrificed during World War II.Here are 36 breathtaking photos of the choppers at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston:
'Social Distancing' is Snake Oil,
Not Science
Posted by EQKimball 5/11/2020 6:50:07 PM Post Reply
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York says that it’s “shocking” to discover that 66 percent of new hospitalizations appear to have been among people “largely sheltering at home. We thought maybe they were taking public transportation,” he said, “but actually no, because these people were literally at home.” (Snip) There’s a reason that “social distancing” wasn’t a buzzword common to the American lexicon prior to 2020. There’s very little science behind “social distancing” at all.
Why Did Obama Tell The FBI To
Hide Its Activities From The
Trump Administration?
Posted by Ken M. 5/11/2020 6:44:24 PM Post Reply
In 1980, a teenage Amy Carter left a burnt cake in the oven of the White House’s family quarters in a reflex of childish revenge for her father’s landslide loss to Ronald Reagan. In 2017, Barack Obama and Joe Biden avenged Donald Trump’s surprise victory over Hillary Clinton by leaving what they claim was a Russian agent in the West Wing. That conclusion inevitably follows if one accepts as credible the FBI’s supposed predicates for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the Trump campaign and the four related probes into George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn.
Politico: Special election tomorrow may
hand Dems 'unthinkable' defeat in House
Posted by DVC 5/11/2020 6:42:11 PM Post Reply
Politico has never been known as a cheerleader for Republicans, so when it headlines, "Democrats are on verge of the unthinkable: Losing a swing district in California," you know that the donkeys are facing a humiliating and symbolically important blow to their House majority and a possible portent of disaster on November. Recall that pervy Congresswoman Katie Hill resigned after being caught in sexual involvement with her staff. Tomorrow will see a special election in her suburban Los Angeles district largely in the Inland Empire, pitting a Dem state rep against a ruggedly handsome retired Navy combat veteran fighter pilot, who just happens to be Hispanic.
IRS stimulus checks labeled 'DECD
sent to deceased people anyway
Posted by NHChemist 5/11/2020 6:21:51 PM Post Reply
The Internal Revenue Service appears to have known it was sending coronavirus stimulus checks to decreased individuals because the label “DECD” is printed on the check. “Stimulus checks to dead people: Check says deceased right on it!” Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, tweeted on Monday with a photo of a check the IRS sent to a deceased person with the “DECD” label next to their name. When asked about the checks, the IRS directed Just the News to a link to the agency's webpage
Ted Cruz Slams ‘Sick and Twisted’
Death Wish for Stephen Miller
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 6:03:14 PM Post Reply
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed a “sick and twisted” column by a feminist writer who is yearning for the death of Stephen Miller, one of President Donald Trump’s top advisers on immigration policy.“This is sick and twisted,” Cruz said in a May 11 tweet in support of Miller. “Political disagreements are fine, but—especially in a time of crisis—we need more love in the world and less hate. #OneAmerica“ (Tweet) “I Will Personally Be Thrilled If Stephen Miller Dies of Covid-19,” said Molly Osberg’s headline at“While I am generally loathe to wish physical harm on those I disagree with,
‘Western Pact’ states seek
$1 trillion more in federal aid
Posted by Ribicon 5/11/2020 5:50:39 PM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday that he and his counterparts in Oregon, Washington, Colorado and Nevada were calling for the federal government to provide an extra $1 trillion in aid to their coronavirus-ravaged states. “These budget shortfalls are so much bigger than any state,” the governor said at his daily coronavirus briefing, Deadline reported, referring to the Western pact, an alliance to increase the states’ buying power for medical supplies. Much of the aid will go to help public safety officials like policemen, firefighters and EMT’s, as well as to schools. Newsom said this aid was needed because real unemployment
‘Inordinate amount’ of urine, feces
left behind at NJ parks: officials
Posted by Ribicon 5/11/2020 5:31:57 PM Post Reply
New Jersey—As New Jersey state parks reopened during the COVID-19 pandemic, parks police have reported an unsettling “inordinate amount of urine and feces being left behind.” State Police Superintendent Pat Callahan announced the “disheartening” information during Gov. Phil Murphy’s coronavirus briefing Monday. There is a "zero tolerance" policy for anyone who is caught in such a situation, Callahan said. “The whole idea behind parks is to give citizens time to enjoy fresh air and have time outside,” he added. "We understand restrooms are closed, but people should be planning accordingly and should not be urinating in bottles and leaving them behind," Callahan said.
Obama’s airbrushed dreams replies
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 5:07:45 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama’s memoir Dreams From My Father, (Snip) played an important role in his progress to becoming President of the United States in 2008.(Snip But after his election to the US Senate and his electrifying keynote address to the Democratic Party Convention, (Snip) the book was republished and rapidly became an international bestseller, (Snip)Obama had originally envisioned a book entitled Journeys in Black and White. The original typescript reveals that he worked his way through three successive alternative titles before settling on Dreams. (Snip)But these new identifications are less memorable than several family disclosures that Obama revealed in his initial typescript but then deleted prior to publication.
The ‘Freesistance’ can Prevent Dems
from Prolonging the Shutdown
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 2:48:23 PM Post Reply
Destroying America’s economy is the Democrat plan for stealing a presidency. They can live with the toll a closed economy will take on the lives and well-being of Americans -- it’s a small price to pay for the fundamental transformation of the United States of America they seek.To many people’s surprise, Trump throughout his first term has been expert at shepherding the economy, which until the advent of the WuFlu was outperforming all eight years of Barry’s presidency. With low unemployment, tax reform, energy independence, etc., on his résumé, it looked as if the president was going to coast to reelection this November over an addlepated Joe Biden.
New transcripts reveal
Loretta Lynch uninformed as
FBI targeted Trump's campaign
Posted by Ribicon 5/11/2020 2:33:51 PM Post Reply
Newly released documents show FBI agents operated on autopilot in 2016 and 2017 while targeting President Trump and his campaign with little or no Justice Department guidance for such a momentous investigation. Loretta E. Lynch, President Obama’s attorney general, said she never knew the FBI was placing wiretaps on a Trump campaign volunteer or using the dossier claims of former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to put the entire Trump world under suspicion. Mr. Steele was handled by Fusion GPS and paid with funds from the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign. “I don’t have a recollection of briefings on Fusion GPS or Mr. Steele,”
As Lobbyist for Huawei, Las Vegas Radio
Station May Have Broken Law
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 2:31:21 PM Post Reply
A local Las Vegas radio station may have broken federal communications laws when it failed to disclose its partnership with Chinese telecom giant Huawei, according to a former official of the Federal Communications Commission. Las Vegas Public Radio, the self-professed "people's voice of Las Vegas," registered to lobby for Huawei in May 2019, promising to "address concerns that Members of Congress, Executive branch and American businesses have about Huawei products/services being developed or manufactured in the US for US consumption" in its lobbying disclosure. In turn, Huawei promised to help the radio station open up a branch in China.
Gov. Tom Wolf denounces Pa.
counties reopening without his
approval as ‘cowardly,’ ‘selfish’
Posted by NorthernDog 5/11/2020 2:26:48 PM Post Reply
HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Wolf issued a stern rebuke against Pennsylvania counties and businesses that plan to reopen without state approval, calling it a “cowardly act” that could cost those areas not only lives but federal stimulus money, too. Over the past week, a host of lawmakers, district attorneys, and law enforcement agencies in counties still under strict COVID-19 closure orders said they planned to defy Mr. Wolf and unilaterally move themselves to the next phase of the governor’s reopening plan. State officials have given 37 counties the go-ahead to ease restrictions, lifting the stay-at-home order and allowing some businesses
Gov. Tom Wolf warns of consequences for Pennsylvania counties planning
to reopen early
Posted by quincy2 5/11/2020 2:25:59 PM Post Reply
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf issued a warning Monday about the consequences for counties and businesses that plan to reopen in defiance of his shutdown order. [snip] • Counties will not be eligible for federal stimulus discretionary funds the state receives and intends to provide to counties with populations of fewer than 500,000. • Businesses in counties that do not abide by the law will no longer be eligible for business liability insurance and the protections it provides. [snip] • Restaurants that reopen for dine-in service in counties that have not been authorized to reopen will be at risk of losing their liquor license.
Coronavirus: Ohio to test
1,200 residents at random;
case count grows to 24,081
Posted by Harlowe 5/11/2020 2:23:48 PM Post Reply
Around 1,200 Ohioans might soon find out that they have been selected to be tested for the coronavirus as part of a statewide study.(Snip)Selected households will receive a postcard and a letter in the mail notifying them and providing a time frame when a team of state health department workers plans to visit them. During the in-person visit, one adult resident will be randomly picked to participate. Participation is voluntary, Amato said, and the postcard and letter state that recipients may opt out by phone or email. Households also may decline to participate when the state workers arrive.
Melee Erupts In Van Nuys Target Store
After 2 Brothers Refuse To Wear Masks
Posted by NorthernDog 5/11/2020 2:22:03 PM Post Reply
LOS ANGELES – Two brothers who refused to wear masks inside a Target store in Van Nuys last week were arrested following a brawl with security guards that left one person injured. The incident occurred Friday at a Target store located at 5711 Sepulveda Blvd. According to Los Angeles police, the brothers entered the store without masks and were asked to leave by a security guard. One of the suspects then punched the security guard, police said, which then lead to a fight involving the two suspects and four security guards. One of the security guards suffered a broken arm and
Mexican president calls for apology,
investigation of Obama-era ‘Fast &
Furious’ gun-running operation
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 1:36:59 PM Post Reply
With former President Barack Obama’s name beginning to creep up more and more when it comes to co-conspirators at the highest levels of his administration trying to take out President Donald Trump, what could be a bad month may get worse.With the stroke of a pen, Obama may have thought he stymied any real digging into the gun-running operation known as “Fast and Furious,” but not so fast.Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador not only wants an apology from the United States, he’s also looking for answers to a lot of questions about the Obama-era operation.“What seems serious to me is that a violation of our sovereignty
Facebook Puts Soros, Muslim Brotherhood,
Activists in Charge of Censorship
Posted by Harlowe 5/11/2020 1:15:01 PM Post Reply
Facebook controls as much as 80% of social media traffic. That means that it has the power to erase conversations, shift narratives, and control how people speak to one another. With 190 million users in the United States, the social network monopoly has more control over what people see than all of the media giants combined do. And now Facebook is putting some very troubling political activists in charge of its Oversight Board who will decide how it censors.(Snip)Only a quarter of the Oversight Board originates from the United States. That means three quarters of the censorship court comes from countries with no First Amendment.
Obama's General Flynn Problem replies
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 1:06:22 PM Post Reply
And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. (Snip) That was former president Barack Obama last week after the DOJ dropped the case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who had not been “charged with perjury,” or anything else. The FBI set up Flynn in a perjury trap, with threats against his family, and that violated both institutional norms and the rule of law. The 44th president set up the whole thing in a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting with FBI boss James Comey, vice president Joe Biden, CIA boss
The DOJ Just Dropped Its Case Against
Flynn. Here Are Some Of The
Key Moments
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:57:06 AM Post Reply
The Department of Justice dropped its case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn on May 7 after prosecuting the former national security adviser for nearly 18 months for lying to the FBI.Attorney General William Barr ended the DOJ’s pursuit of Flynn after a review of the case turned up evidence that the FBI investigation into Flynn was carried out on unjust grounds, and that Flynn’s statements did not have a “material impact” on the Justice Department’s investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election.“It’s on the question of materiality that we feel really that a crime cannot be established here because there was not, in our view,
Biden campaign ramps up digital staff
amid tech woes, Dem pressure
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 11:22:44 AM Post Reply
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s campaign is beefing up its digital staff, just as it had been hit by a series of technical problems at a virtual event on Thursday -- and amid alarm bells from Democratic allies that it is lagging behind the Trump campaign on the digital battlefield. The Washington Post first reported that Biden's team had bulked up its staff, picking up senior digital staff from the campaigns of former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. The Post reported that the expansion, which will double the campaign's digital team, had been planned for March but was put on hold amid the coronavirus
Terrifying moment revelers run for their
lives after gunman opened fire injuring
five during 600-person party at a Texas
Posted by Ribicon 5/11/2020 11:17:41 AM Post Reply
A shooting in a Texas park that injured five people at a 600-strong party is at the centre of a police investigation today—and a video has emerged showing revelers fleeing the scene. Around 30 rounds of gunfire were heard at Village Creek Park in Fort Worth at 6.30pm on Sunday. Officer Buddy Calzada revealed around 600 people had gathered to set off fireworks when the gunshots erupted on the scene. Two people were critically wounded and three injured in the shooting.(Snip) 'This is one of the few parks in Fort Worth where African-Americans feel they can go and enjoy themselves,'
Durham Moving Full Throttle on Russian Probe Review replies
Posted by ToryWhite 5/11/2020 11:15:15 AM Post Reply
U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham is going “full throttle” with his review into the origins of the investigation into suspected Russia-Trump coordination in the 2016 election, with additional top prosecutors involved in looking at different components of the original probe, sources told Fox News. Two sources told Fox News that Jeff Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri who was tapped by the Justice Department in February to review the case of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, is continuing to help with Durham’s investigation even after the DOJ’s move last week to drop the case against Flynn.
Bloomberg-Founded Gun Control Group
Pledges $8M to Turn Texas Blue
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:12:31 AM Post Reply
Mike Bloomberg-founded Everytown for Gun Safety is spending $8 million in hopes of turning Texas blue in the November 2020 elections.KRGV reports that Everytown already pledged the money and will, this Thursday, name “three staffers to help with its Texas campaign.”Everytown senior political adviser Charlie Kelly commented: “[Texas is] clearly emerging as a top battleground state — there’s just no question about it — and it’s why we’re investing $8 million in the state this cycle. Between the investment and our network of 400,000 grassroots supporters,
80% Of Border Crossers Are Turned Back
In Under Two Hours, DHS Deputy Says
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 11:09:56 AM Post Reply
Eight in 10 illegal entrants at the border are being turned back quickly because of policies implemented to combat the coronavirus pandemic, the acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said. Ken Cuccinelli, the second-highest DHS official, reacted to the latest enforcement action data from the U.S.-Mexico border. April apprehension numbers reached a low not seen in several years, and most of the aliens who did appear unlawfully at the border were immediately sent back to Mexico. “Just look at April — 80% of the people [Customs and Border Protection] apprehended at the border were returned back over the border in an average of under two hours. That’s astonishing,”
Castle Rock eatery defies lockdown, enjoys
packed Mother’s Day brunch; punishment
cries follow
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 11:04:17 AM Post Reply
Odd as it may be, defiance in America today is defined as a restaurant opening its doors for Mother’s Day.And on that note, C&C Coffee and Kitchen, located in Castle Rock, Col., is a rebel with a cause, as the establishment began trending Sunday after the owner shared a video of a packed house — even though the state remains under a Safer at Home order that closes restaurants, food courts, cafes, coffeehouses, and other similar places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption, according to a spokesperson for Gov. Jared Polis.
'Blood on his hands' - Andrew Cuomo
admits forcing COVID-19 patients into
nursing homes, refuses to take blame
Posted by PageTurner 5/11/2020 10:57:41 AM Post Reply
New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his political allies were quick to declare that President Trump had 'blood on his hands' based on the state's failure to prepare supplies for the coronavirus pandemic. It now comes to light that the bloody hands were Cuomo's. It's not just that the subways were continuously running packed, or New York City's schools took a long time to shut, or city officials were busy going to the gym, if not encouraging people to attend those Chinatown parades, the better to Get Trump.
Donald Trump Signals ‘Obamagate’
Investigation: ‘He Got Caught’
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 10:42:56 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Sunday repeatedly challenged former President Barack Obama for investigating him and his winning campaign before leaving office.The president shared several messages on Twitter that criticized the ex-president.“He got caught, OBAMAGATE!” Trump wrote.(Tweets) Trump was triumphant after the Justice Department decided to drop the prosecution of his former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. But the president was also angered at his predecessor.(Tweet) Other anti-Obama memes the president shared noted “Watergate will look like a parking ticket!”
Dirty Dozen: The 12 revelations that sunk
Mueller’s case against Flynn
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 9:42:34 AM Post Reply
Shortly after my colleague Sara Carter and I began reporting in 2017 on the possibility that the FBI was abusing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Americans during the Russia investigation, I received a call. It was an intermediary for someone high up in the intelligence community. The story that source told me that day — initially I feared it may have been too spectacular to be true — was that FBI line agents had actually cleared former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing with Russia only to have the bureau's leadership hijack the process to build a case that he lied during a subsequent interview.
Encouraging Illegal Aliens To Remain In The
US Is A Crime, Supreme Court Rules
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 9:37:09 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday. The Supreme Court justices voided an earlier decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which had ruled that a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the First Amendment by restricting free speech. The ruling by the nation’s highest court Thursday upholds the law. The Supreme Court not only vacated the appeals court’s decision but also criticized the judges for “drastically” straying from judicial norms.
General Flynn, Team Obama, and You replies
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 9:33:40 AM Post Reply
Symbols matter. And I don’t mean in the churlish and asinine sense of the “symbology” one might find in a Dan Brown novel. I mean it in the sense of visual shorthand for deep cultural concepts and values. (Snip) One symbol we forget at our peril is our civilization’s representation of Lady Justice. Traced back to the Roman depiction of Justitia, holding a sword in one hand to signify decisive and final judgment, and a pair of scales in the other for measuring the validity of a given case, since the 16th century Western physical expressions of Justice have added only one additional symbolic touch to Lady Justice: a blindfold. Why?
Biden Is Planning an
FDR-Size Presidency
Posted by StormCnter 5/11/2020 9:32:22 AM Post Reply
When fourth-term senator Joe Biden built his Wilmington, Delaware, home in 1996, he had no plans to turn it into a backup office, let alone a presidential-campaign isolation bunker from which to plan a crisis presidency an order of magnitude more expansive than anything in the past half-century. Now, nearly every morning, Biden spins through an early Peloton ride in the upstairs weight room, dresses (formally, no sweatpants), drinks his breakfast shake, and sits at the phone in his study awaiting the latest updates on the world’s misery. Then, sometimes looking at the small lake abutting his backyard that bulges out from Little Mill Creek,
Unbearable Truths About Our Current
Political Moment
Posted by earlybird 5/11/2020 9:22:56 AM Post Reply
Sometimes the truth is like mythical kryptonite. It radiates power and yet promises great destruction.(Snip) Take the Chinese genesis of the COVID-19 epidemic. We started in February with the usual Chinese deceptions about their role in the birth, transmission, and worldwide spread of the virus. (Snip) All that gobbledygook talk of a Chinese wet market, of patient-zero bats, snakes, pangolins and such, were likely ruses to deflect attention from a conveniently nearby level-4 Chinese virology lab. We are beginning to learn that Chinese scientists were conducting research on—surprise, surprise—coronaviruses in general, and in particular, methods to enhance their lethality
Media Find In Coronavirus
A Crisis They Can’t Waste
Posted by PageTurner 5/11/2020 7:34:46 AM Post Reply
Are we alone in feeling as if the media are enthusiastic cheerleaders of the coronavirus pandemic? We can’t be the only ones who sense the glee with which the news about the body count, the Democrats’ wailing over the president’s handling of the crisis, and the “new normal” are delivered across our screens. Nor is it possible that no one else is noticing that the states that believe reopening is necessary to survival are being portrayed as communities of rubes who deserve to suffer the sting of mass death. The coronavirus coverage goes beyond the “if it bleeds it leads” tenet of sensationalized media coverage.
CDC director on hot seat over his
predictions, agency performance
Posted by kreeger 5/11/2020 6:13:00 AM Post Reply
Robert Redfield takes dire view of scope of coronavirus, but it helps to know he was a driving force behind AIDS hysteria of the '80s and '90s.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is increasingly on the hot seat for its performance during the pandemic, from its testing and counting of COVID-19 cases to its chief's predictions for a second wave of the disease.
Seth Rich Refuses to Stay Buried replies
Posted by Magnante 5/11/2020 5:48:37 AM Post Reply
“I am reliably informed that the NSA or its partners intercepted at least some of the communications between Mr. Rich and Wikileaks,” wrote attorney Ty Clevenger in a startling letter last week to Richard Grennell, Interim Director of National Intelligence. Clevenger represents Ed Butowsky, a high-profile author and financial adviser who dared to ask questions about the late Seth Rich and was sued for his troubles. (snip) In the real world, most killers have a reason. Those who fire two shots and take nothing from the victim always do. In the major newsrooms, journalists have been perversely keen on not knowing what this reason was.
Is Trump warning us of a
big break about
the Steele Dossier’s origins?
Posted by Magnante 5/11/2020 5:44:12 AM Post Reply
When Trump tweets out an article with the message “Wow, this is BIG!” it’s wise to pay attention. (snip) Under oath, Podesta claimed that “I’ve subsequently learned that [Perkins Coie] had contracted with Fusion during the course of the campaign, but I didn’t know that during the campaign.” However, a short time later, in response to a different question, Podesta admitted that the campaign, along with the DNC, had paid for Fusion GPS’s work
Chuck Todd grievously misquoted
Bill Barr on Meet the Press
Posted by Magnante 5/11/2020 5:39:14 AM Post Reply
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd included a very short clip of a statement Attorney General Bill Barr made during an interview with Catherine Herridge. In its abbreviated form, the quotation made it sound as if Barr intended to use the Big Brother technique of controlling history by consigning to the waste bin anything countering the official narrative. In reality, Barr said quite the opposite, standing up for justice and the rule of law. (snip) the statement is so clear that it’s difficult to imagine anyone misinterpreting it, but that’s nevertheless what Chuck Todd did on Sunday when he had Peggy Noonan on his show
'Seinfeld' veteran Jerry Stiller has died replies
Posted by hooverdog 5/11/2020 5:34:45 AM Post Reply
Jerry Stiller, father of actor Ben Stiller and best known for his Emmy-nominated portrayal of the outrageous and combustible Frank Costanza on NBC’s “Seinfeld,” has died of natural causes. He was 92. Stiller’s time on the Jerry Seinfeld sitcom not only cemented his place in American pop culture. As he once recalled, it represented “the best years of my life as an actor.” His death was announced by Ben Stiller, who tweeted early Monday: “I’m sad to say that my father, Jerry Stiller, passed away from natural causes.
The True Story Behind the
Death of Michael Jordan's
Father, James Jordan
Posted by DaddyO 5/11/2020 5:01:17 AM Post Reply
You’d be hard-pressed to find a basketball fan who isn’t praying to the sports gods every Sunday night, thanking them for what’s been church the past few weeks: The Last Dance, ESPN’s 10-part documentary on the Michael Jordan-era Chicago Bulls dynasty. In the six episodes leading up to this Sunday night, The Last Dance has been buzzer-beaters and championships, reminiscing and s**t-talking, Michael Jordan showing off a photographic memory, stogie and whiskey at his side. In other words: The sports documentary of sports documentaries. And then, almost as soon as Episode Seven starts, The Last Dance turns into something more.
New York has mismanaged
COVID-19 from top to bottom
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:45:24 AM Post Reply
Andrew Cuomo is having the time of his life. His approval ratings are through the roof and he’s being talked about as a replacement for Joe Biden should Joe wander off somewhere without his Visiting Angel, never to be found again. Hipster merchandise featuring his face is exploding on Etsy and he’s getting a nightly hour with his own brother on CNN to chat about oh, this and that, and whatever is happening in his day at the given moment. It’s quite the arrangement! Andrew doesn’t ask his brother why he broke quarantine, literally endangering lives and the younger Fredo doesn’t ask him about 1,700 previously uncounted
Democrats Are Out To Destroy
the Presidency They Covet
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:41:08 AM Post Reply
Sometimes we wonder whether the Democrats intend to run for the presidency on a campaign to bring back the New Jersey Plan. Not the plan to disrupt traffic on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge. Rather, the famed plan presented to the real George Washington at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. It would have granted the executive power of the United States not to a single individual but to members of an executive committee. What invites the question — however hypothetical — is the reaction of the Democrats to the decision of the United States to move to drop the criminal case
Adam Schiff lied about the Trump
investigation — and the media let him
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:38:56 AM Post Reply
Last week, Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell forced Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff’s hand. If the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee didn’t release the transcripts of 53 interviews from the committee’s Russia collusion investigations, then he’d do it himself. The transcripts, many of them from nearly three years ago, were declassified and ready for public viewing since June. As the grand impresario of collusion, Schiff has filled print and broadcast media since January 2017 claiming that he has seen “more than circumstantial evidence” of a Trump-Putin conspiracy.
Why Have the Big Late-Night TV
Hosts Gone Silent on Tara Reade?
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:33:32 AM Post Reply
On Oct. 8, 2016, almost a year to the day before The New York Times and The New Yorker would publish investigations into movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s serial rape and sexual abuse that would ignite the #MeToo movement, the Washington Post ran a clip of then-presidential nominee Donald Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women. The hot-mic moment saw the reality TV host confiding in Access Hollywood sycophant Billy Bush, “I don’t even wait [to kiss women]. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” Trump waved away the disturbing exchange as “locker-room talk.”
Mail-In Ballots Are a Recipe for
Confusion, Coercion, and Fraud
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:25:22 AM Post Reply
Enormous pressure is being mounted to use our current crisis as an excuse to transform how we vote in elections. “Coronavirus gives us an opportunity to revamp our electoral system,” Obama’s former attorney general, Eric Holder, recently told Time magazine. “These are changes that we should make permanent because it will enhance our democracy.” The ideas Holder and others are proposing include requiring that a mail-in ballot be automatically sent to every voter, which would allow people to both register and vote on Election Day. It would also permit “ballot harvesting,” whereby political operatives go door-to-door collecting ballots that they then deliver to election officials. All of these would dramatically
It’s Time for the Left to Stop
Pretending Obama Was Scandal-Free
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:18:59 AM Post Reply
How many scandals will it take for the left to admit that Barack Obama had the most corrupt presidency in U.S. history? Recent revelations that Barack Obama was personally aware of and involved in the bogus investigation of Trump over nonexistent collusion with Russia and the railroading of Michael Flynn should have put the myth of Obama’s scandal-free presidency to bed. They didn’t of course. If the dozens of other scandals during his presidency didn’t stop Obama’s loyal believers from believing in his messianic infallibility, Obama’s participation in a coup against Trump, a man they’ve been conditioned to believe is worse than Hitler, is not going to convince them.
What’s next in the Flynn case? replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 4:14:48 AM Post Reply
The Department of Justice’s motion to dismiss its case against Gen. Flynn doesn’t end the matter. Flynn pleaded guilty and the case is at the sentencing stage. In theory, Judge Sullivan could deny the DOJ’s motion and sentence Flynn. I say “in theory” because I understand that motions like the DOJ’s are routinely granted. As the DOJ states in its motion to dismiss, “When the Government so moves, the role for courts. . .is ‘narrow’ and circumscribed.” That’s because “decisions to dismiss pending charges. . .lie squarely within the ken of prosecutorial discretion” and “at the core of the Executive’s duty to see
1619 Project Creator Says Her Series
Is ‘Journalism’ and ‘Not a History’
Posted by MissMolly 5/11/2020 4:09:19 AM Post Reply
The creator of the controversial 161 commentary series on the impact of slavery in America, is now saying her work was meant to be "journalism" and "not a history." "The 1619 Project is not a history," Nikole Hannah-Jones said in an MSNBC interview on Sunday. "It is a work of journalism that examines the modern and ongoing legacy of slavery." Hannah-Jones won a Pulitzer Prize for the 1619 Project last week, but the initiative has been frequently criticized for its inaccuracies by historians.
Time to Stop the Madness replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/11/2020 3:59:14 AM Post Reply
My maternal grandparents were Lebanese Christians who came to America in the first decade of the 20th century. They settled in Atlanta, Georgia, where my mother and her older brother, Tom, were born. When my mother was a toddler, her mother died. My grandfather was a peddler who made a subsistence living selling dry goods to hillbillies from the back of a horse-drawn wagon. He and his children were very poor and lived in what was easily the roughest, most notorious, and least desirable part of the city. One day, when he was about twelve years old, Tom vanished without a trace. My mother and her father frantically searched far and wide.
Michael Flynn fiasco will reveal Obama’s truth replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 3:55:08 AM Post Reply
No wonder Barack Obama is “pretty darn invested” in making sure Donald Trump doesn’t win re-election. The former president knows his Teflon coating is wearing thin. With his nemesis, Gen. Michael Flynn, suddenly exonerated, he also knows that Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr are closing in on the truth of his role in the whole dirty Russia-collusion lie. “There’s more to come,” President Trump told “Fox & Friends” on Friday, the day after the Justice Department dismissed its case against Flynn, having found that the FBI had laid a “perjury trap” for his short-lived national security adviser.
Casino closures during coronavirus hit
Native American tribes especially hard
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 3:47:53 AM Post Reply
The nationwide closures of casinos during the coronavirus pandemic have dealt a devastating blow to many Native American tribes relying on these enterprises as their main sources of income. To protect people's health in tribes with limited medical resources, some 500 Native American casinos have closed voluntarily. The U.S. government authorized $8 billion for tribes in a coronavirus relief package this past March, but the distribution of that money has been a slow process. "We can't fund any programs without the casino" — no health care, education, law enforcement or fire protection, said Phil Haugen, the chief operating officer of the Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority.
Wanted fugitive captured in Mexico,
brought back to Texas, officials say
Posted by Pluperfect 5/11/2020 3:42:49 AM Post Reply
One of America’s most wanted fugitives, on the run for the past four years over a slew of crimes, was captured Friday in Mexico and returned to the United States, police revealed. Jeffrey Winston Forrest, 47, was wanted by the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department in Abilene, Texas, for two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child, bail jumping and failure to appear in court. According to police in the Mexican city of Zapopan, members of the State Attorney’s Office, Zapopan Police Department and the National Institute of Immigration (INM) arrested Forrest on Friday afternoon. Investigators said they spotted him in Zapopan after his presence and identity were confirmed
Trump is Not Weakening replies
Posted by Imright 5/11/2020 2:52:40 AM Post Reply
Kristy at #Reopen USA posted the following: “Anyone else feeling like Trump is behaving a bit weak in all this? It's just a question don't attack, I've been a supporter from day one, and continue to be, but I'm surprised at how he is handling the re-opening of the country. Some of these Governors are blowing it big time, and it seems like he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve, and is kind of supporting the way they are going about it. Just curious what everyone's take is, I wish he was advising with a more diverse group of people. Thoughts?”I characterize President Trump's behavior as strategic rather
NBC admits Chuck Todd's 'Meet
the Press' deceptively edited Barr
remarks on Flynn
Posted by DVC 5/11/2020 2:49:43 AM Post Reply
NBC News' Chuck Todd aired a deceptively edited clip of Attorney General Bill Barr discussing the Michael Flynn case during his "Meet the Press" broadcast on Sunday, prompting the network to concede the mistake hours later -- but there is still no word on whether Todd will apologize on-air. Asked by CBS News' Catherine Herridge how history would judge the DOJ's decision to move to dismiss the Flynn case, Barr initially responded, laughing: "Well, history is written by the winners, so it largely depends on who's writing the history." After the brief clip aired, Todd remarked that he was "struck by the cynicism of the answer -- it's a correct answer
Iran Sinks Its Own Battleship replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 1:50:09 AM Post Reply
Oops. The friendly fire may have killed dozens of servicemen, Al Jazeera have reported. According to local media, an Iranian battleship was accidentally hit by a C-802 Noor missile during military exercises, causing it to sink. ELINT News reported that the Iranian Jamaran frigate accidentally fired on the Konarak support ship with an anti-ship cruise missile during exercises. Twitter user SkyWatcherIntel first broke the story, and included a photo of the vessel that was struck and sunk
We’re Winning replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 1:08:45 AM Post Reply
Let’s take a moment to bask in the glow of liberal pain as the wins keep coming and our enemy’s defeats mount. LTG Mike Flynn was freed of the leftist frame-up. That lady in Texas was freed from jail after refusing to kiss the Ted Lieu of an Obama pal by apologizing for the “crime” of wanting to feed her family. And the awesome Ric Grenell freed the transcripts of the House’s garbage Russia hoax investigation, revealing that the CNN talking Schiff-heads who assured you that Trump and Putin were making out in the onion dome of the Kremlin were telling a very different story under oath.
A New Day in a Fearful America replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 1:03:58 AM Post Reply
It’s a new day in America, that much is guaranteed. By now you’ve been told repeatedly how we’re living in a time like no other. Schools are empty, roads throughout most of our communities are quieter than normal, and the facemask fashion trends were certainly an unexpected twist to this year’s summer wardrobe. It is certainly a new day, but few would say things are better. Much like America in the days and months following the attacks of September 11th, our friends, family, and neighbors are beginning to ask how far we need to go in order to win the war against the “Invisible enemy” as President Trump has described it.
WATCH: Sen. Mazie Hirono Sounds the Alarm
on Trump's Judicial Success
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 12:58:56 AM Post Reply
Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is a little late to the party. She is just now figuring out that one of President Donald Trump's most successful acts has been the number of judges that have been placed on our courts, particularly on the circuit court level. He made a pact with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), whose motto is to "leave no vacancy behind," and it has paid off big time for conservatives. After months and months of successful appointments in the Senate, Hirono is finally figuring out the goal: for Republicans to nominate and appoint judges with a conservative bent.
Pelosi won’t tolerate reporter acting like
Trump is our president: ‘Don’t waste your
time or mine on what he says’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 12:34:16 AM Post Reply
Americans weary of the rank partisanship increasingly displayed by Democrats the longer President Donald Trump is in office aren’t likely to see a respite anytime soon, if the behavior of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is any indication. In an interview Friday with C-SPAN in which the California Democrat literally stammered her way through, she became contentious with anchor Steve Scully when he asked if the president is part of the discussions going on in Congress to pass yet another multi-trillion-dollar coronavirus relief package. “I…I don’t have any idea what the president does,” Pelosi responded after a few seconds of appearing to be confused. “He said that the House was on vacation,” Scully continued.
Testimony states both Hillary Clinton and
then-Obama National Security Adviser Susan
Rice knew of paid dossier research
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/11/2020 12:05:31 AM Post Reply
New information suggests failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the Democrat National Committee and the Obama administration all knowingly played a role in the production and dissemination of the since-debunked Steele dossier. The information concerns Perkins Coie, the law firm that was hired by Clinton and the DNC in 2016 for reasons that remain in dispute. The firm wound up hiring the opposition research firm Fusion GPS to conduct research on then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. Fusion GPS then hired Christopher Steele, the man responsible for the smear-laden Steele dossier, to perform the actual digging.
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