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Posts on Sunday, May 10, 2020

Trump wishes American moms a ‘Happy
Mother’s Day,’ opens up about his late mother
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 11:56:38 PM Post Reply
As Americans continue to adapt to the new normal brought about by the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump wished mothers across America a happy Mother’s Day, as he talked about how great his late mother was and how much he misses her. While Democrats and their media enablers may be convinced Trump can do nothing right, the president said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” that his mother thought he “couldn’t do any wrong.” “All I can say is Happy Mothers Day,” Trump said, when asked by co-host Ainsley Earhardt if he had a message for mothers. “I had a great mom, I loved my mom and she loved me
CNN’s Stelter: Trump, Right-Wing Media Care
About Flynn More Than Coronavirus Death Toll
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 10:51:37 PM Post Reply
Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” host Brian Stelter accused President Donald Trump and the “right-wing media” of being obsessed with the news the Justice Department dropped the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn while the coronavirus pandemic death toll continues to go up. Stelter said, “Think about this, between 1,000 and 2,000 deaths a day. It’s as if ten planes crash every day, and we just expect it to happen tomorrow. It’s as if New Orleans floods every day, and we just assume it will happen again tomorrow. That brings us to the president and the leadership we’re seeing or lack of leadership from the federal government.
NBC’s Todd: Trump Moving Away from
‘Fighting the Coronavirus’ to ‘Cheerleading
the Economy’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 10:48:15 PM Post Reply
Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” anchor Chuck Todd accused President Donald Trump of “moving away from fighting the coronavirus” and pivoting to the economy. Todd said, “President Trump is making it clear he’s moving away from fighting the coronavirus to cheerleading an economic recovery. On Tuesday, Mr. Trump announced he was winding down the White House task force. Then a day later, undid the undoing while continuing to urge the reopening of the country in defiance of even his own task force guidelines. He chose also not to wear a mask at a mask-making factory
Benjamin Netanyahu suggests
microchipping kids, slammed by experts
Posted by Harlowe 5/10/2020 10:39:28 PM Post Reply
Cyber experts slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his proposal to "microchip" children who return to schools and kindergartens as the coronavirus lockdown is lifted, Ynet reported on Friday. While speaking at a press conference on Monday, Netanyahu suggested the Health Ministry use new technology to help Israel adjust to its new routine as the state is lifting the coronavirus lockdown.(Snip)"I spoke with our heads of technology in order to find measures Israel is good at, such as sensors. For instance, every person, every kid--I want it on kids first--would have a sensor that would sound an alarm
'A mother's love cannot be replaced or
replicated': Melania Trump pays tribute to
fellow moms in heartfelt addressfrom the
White House
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 10:01:14 PM Post Reply
Melania Trump paid tribute to fellow moms across the country in a heartfelt Mother's Day address.The 50-year-old first lady shared a video to Instagram on Sunday morning at the White House, where she's celebrating the holiday with her husband President Donald Trump and their 14-year-old son Barron. 'On this Mother's Day I want to take a moment to honor and thank all of the caring, selfless and devoted moms of America,' she said with a smile.'A mother's love cannot be replaced or replicated. Mothers provide the comfort and nurture a child needs in order to grow, prosper and succeed
Gowdy Identifies Reporters Who Allegedly
Peddled Misleading Adam Schiff Leaks
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 9:53:37 PM Post Reply
Former Rep. Trey Gowdy accused reporters from CNN, Politico and The New York Times on Sunday of helping House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff “peddle” the now-debunked conspiracy theory of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.Gowdy was asked in an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” to identify reporters he believed took leaks from Schiff for stories related to the Intelligence panel’s Russia investigation.“Well, I hope you have a three hour show,” Gowdy quipped.“Let’s just start with Politico,” Gowdy, a former member of the House Intelligence Committee, said in an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”“Kyle Cheney is just an acolyte for Adam Schiff,”
Creepy robot dogs patrol Singapore park
to encourage social distancing
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 8:56:50 PM Post Reply
One of the creepy robots we warned you about last year is now patrolling a park in Singapore. Created by Boston Dynamics, “Spot”— a robot dog which can run, unlock and open doors, pick itself up, operate in a variety of weather and challenging terrain and even dance — started patrolling the River Plains section of Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park in Singapore on Friday, according to the Straits Times. (Video) As part of a two-week trial, the robot dog was fitted with cameras to patrol the park and broadcast a recorded message “reminding park visitors to observe safe distancing measures,” the paper reported. The government has assured people the dogs
Vintage WWII planes put on a show
across the Houston skies
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 8:28:22 PM Post Reply
HOUSTON — Rare and historic airplanes took to the Houston skies on Mother's Day to honor those who served in World War II. The 30 warbirds made a 125-mile trip across Greater Houston beginning at 2 p.m. For an afternoon, the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and all the problems it’s causing were put on the backburner as people across Houston looked to the skies to catch vintage WWII planes. “Very stressful times for all of us,” said Enrique Flores, who was watching the flyover Sunday with his family. “The economy is bad. Many people don’t have jobs.Flores and his family brought their lawn chairs
Sunday Talks – Sidney Powell Discusses
Details Behind DOJ Dropping Flynn Case…
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 8:04:47 PM Post Reply
Michael Flynn’s defense counsel Sidney Powell appears on Fox New with Maria Bartiromo to discuss events after the DOJ has decided to withdraw the prosecution and drop the case.In the background of the document releases Mrs. Powell outlines the sequence of events in early January where DNI James Clapper briefs President Obama on the Flynn call with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak and that’s the origin of President Obama’s discussion on January 5th with Deputy AG Sally Yates and FBI Director Comey. (Video) Two years ago CTH first outlined how the classified section in the mysterious Susan Rice memo-to-file was likely because Lt. Gen. Flynn was outlined as a target
Rose McGowan accuses Bill Maher of
whispering crude comment to her about
his genitals in the 1990s - and says he
was born with the 'hideous face
he deserved'
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 7:51:41 PM Post Reply
Rose McGowan has accused Bill Maher of whispering a crude comment about his genitals to her when she appeared on his show in the late 1990s.The actress responded to the TV host after he told Real Time With Bill Maher viewers Friday night that they should ignore Joe Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade, claiming there's not enough prove misconduct when she worked for the then-senator decades ago. McGowan, who has been a vocal activist in the Me Too movement and accused Harvey Weinstein of rape, directly addressed Maher, 64, in a tweet on Saturday.'Here's a memory I'd like to share with you,' McGowan began.
Remember when Gov. Kemp was excoriated
for re-opening Georgia? Are you wondering
how that has worked out?
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 6:54:44 PM Post Reply
It was just over 2 weeks ago that Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp was a monster with blood about to be on his hands for greatly loosening the restrictions on residents of the Peach State? Even President Trump joined in, criticizing this move as risky. Since then, we haven’t seen much about the disaster that was supposed to automatically result from ignoring the gospel of Dr.Fauci. Which tells you what has happened in this era of corrupt and dishonest propaganda media. Amanda Prestigiacomo of the Daily Wire fills in the details that any reasonable person would infer from the media blackout:
Police offer teen a job after he turned
in bag with more than $100k in
cash left near ATM
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 6:32:17 PM Post Reply
In this day and age when we hear so much about people who do the wrong thing, it’s like a breath of fresh air to see someone do the right thing. Like New Mexico resident José Nuñez Romaniz. At a time when coronavirus has put a huge damper on the economy, it would be like a dream come true for most people who would happen to stumble across a bag of cash containing $135,000, as Nuñez did. But instead of carting the bag off, he turned the money over to the Albuquerque Police Department. The young man went to a local ATM machine on May 3 to grab some cash
People In Hong Kong Are Becoming
Ill With Rat Hepatitis For First
Time Ever. No One Knows How
It’s Happening.
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 6:18:49 PM Post Reply
A new report this week outlined an increasing virus problem in Hong Kong, which is attached to mainland China, where rat hepatitis E is jumping from rats to humans for the first time in history, and no one seems to know how it’s happening.The first case was reported in 2018 when infectious disease experts at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) examined a man who had just undergone a liver transplant and was having liver problems.“Tests found that his immune system was responding to hepatitis E – but they couldn’t actually find the human strain of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) in his blood,” CNN reported.
Pritzker defends extended order,
faces salon owner lawsuit
Posted by AltaD 5/10/2020 6:12:57 PM Post Reply
Gov. J.B. Pritzker defended his stay-at-home order and incremental plans to reopen, saying Sunday that Illinois residents have to change the way things are done until COVID-19 is “eradicated.” The Democrat's comments on CNN’s “State of the Union” came as he faced a southern Illinois salon owner's lawsuit, criticism from some Republicans who deem his plans an overreach and a Chicago Tribune editorial accusing him of being “cautious to the extreme.” Pritzker dismissed the criticism Sunday. (Snip) “It hasn’t gone anywhere. And so we all are going to have to change the way we do things until we’re able to eradicate it."
MSNBC’s Reid: Trump Moving on Because
Coronavirus Mostly Killing Black, Brown
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 6:11:46 PM Post Reply
Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid said President Donald Trump is attempting to move on from the coronavirus pandemic and reopen the economy because it is “disproportionately killing people who are black and brown, which is not his base.”Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather said, “Joy, I think it’s important to point out that this has developed as it became increasingly clear that those who are suffering the most from the coronavirus are people above a certain age and people below a certain level on the economic scale. And once the president became convinced, ‘Okay, it’s those people at the bottom end of the economic scale and
The Mother Who Raised the
Father of Our Country
Posted by JoElla Bee 5/10/2020 5:00:25 PM Post Reply
For Mother's Day, I interviewed Craig Shirley about his most recent book, "Mary Ball Washington: The Untold Story of  Story of George Washington's Mother.” Four books on Ronald Reagan, one on Newt Gingrich and one on December 1941 – my own favorite – and now you turn to George Washington’s mother? How did that happen?  Actually, I’d been thinking about a book on Washington for a long time. (Snip) I wanted to get at Washington in a different way and I realized that there had never been written an accurate and detailed biography of his mother.
The Real Origins of the U.S.-China Cold War replies
Posted by humboldt 5/10/2020 3:58:06 PM Post Reply
How should Washington deal with an authoritarian regime that is expanding its influence abroad and repressing its citizens at home? That is the question the United States faces today in dealing with Xi Jinping’s China. But it is not a new challenge. After World War II, the United States faced another authoritarian state intent on expanding its borders, intimidating its neighbors, undermining democratic institutions, exporting its authoritarian model, and stealing U.S. technology and know-how. The result, after a period of initial debate and uncertainty in U.S. policy, was the Cold War: a 40-year competition over power, influence, and the contours of global order.
Larry C. Johnson — Two Important Transcripts
Shed Light on the FBI and Two of Their
Posted by earlybird 5/10/2020 3:36:50 PM Post Reply
This piece is based on two of the transcripts that Adam Schiff was forced to release last Thursday and they are revelatory. The first concerns Felix Sater (here’s the transcript). The second is from the FBI Agent who handled Christopher Steele (Snip) If you are the FBI and you are running a counter intelligence investigation into Trump’s ties with the Russians you would want Felix Sater, who helped the FBI on several cases involving Russian spies and Russian organized crime. He was a business partner of Donald Trump’s since at least 2001. And what does Sater reveal about The Donald’s ties to the Russian mob and Russian spies? He exonerates Trump.
Pence on Flynn Returning to the Trump
Administration: ‘I’d Be Happy to See’
Him Again
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 3:10:24 PM Post Reply
In a preview clip of “Axios on HBO,” Vice President Mike Pence said that he welcomes the idea of bringing President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn back into the administration in light of the Justice Department dropping the case against him.Mike Allen asked, “The president has talked about bringing him back in the administration. Is that fine with you?” Pence said, “I think General Michael Flynn is an American patriot. He served this country with great distinction in uniform, and now I believe the decision by the Justice Department lays bare what was clearly prosecutorial abuse, and for my part, I’d be happy to see Michael Flynn again.”
CNN’s Jake Tapper Does Not Challenge
Atlanta Mayor Bottoms For Blaming
Trump for Ahmaud Arbery Shooting
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 2:39:40 PM Post Reply
CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on Sunday about the death of Ahmaud Arbery — and did not question or challenge her when she blamed the “rhetoric” of President Donald Trump for the shooting.Father-and-son Gregory McMichael, 64, and Travis McMichael, 34, were arrested and charged with murder last week after video emerged of the February shooting incident in which Arbery, 25, was killed. When Tapper asked Bottoms about the video on Sunday’s State of the Union, she tried to blame the president (emphasis added): I think that’s absolutely the reason that they were charged.
For Flynn, Dropped Charges Are the Latest in a Life Full of Reversals replies
Posted by siriusckp 5/10/2020 2:35:45 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — There have always been two sides to Michael T. Flynn. There was the rebellious teenager who surfed during hurricanes and spent a night in juvenile reformatory. Then there was the adult who buckled down, joined the Army and rose to become a three-star general. Mr. Flynn was a lifelong Democrat who served President Barack Obama as a top intelligence officer. He also called Mr. Obama a “liar” after being forced out of the job and reinvented himself as a Republican foreign policy adviser.
Biden Campaign Building A ‘Secret’
Group Of Republican Supporters
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 2:34:00 PM Post Reply
The Biden for President campaign is building a “secret” group of Republican supporters in an effort to entice would-be Trump voters to cast a ballot for the former Vice President instead, per a Daily Beast report Sunday.The group is likely to attract so-called “Never Trump” Republicans, many of whom have been working against the president since before he won the election in 2016, and have undertaken several mostly unsuccessful efforts to undermine the president’s administration and derail his re-election.Biden gave some insight into the group’s creation late last month when he suggested that his campaign was “speaking to a lot of Republicans,”
Thirty-six Thousand Feet Under the Sea replies
Posted by StormCnter 5/10/2020 2:31:52 PM Post Reply
Sea level—perpetual flux. There is a micromillimetre on the surface of the ocean that moves between sea and sky and is simultaneously both and neither. Every known life-form exists in relation to this layer. Above it, the world of land, air, sunlight, and lungs. Below it, the world of water, depth, and pressure. The deeper you go, the darker, the more hostile, the less familiar, the less measured, the less known. A splash in the South Pacific, last June, marked a historic breach of that world. A crane lowered a small white submersible off the back of a ship and plonked it in the water.
Birx said 'there is nothing from the
CDC that I can trust' in a White House
coronavirus task force meeting
Posted by Harlowe 5/10/2020 2:28:49 PM Post Reply
Deborah Birx, the White House's coronavirus task force response coordinator, blasted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a White House coronavirus task force meeting during a discussion on COVID-19 data, according to The Washington Post. "There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust," she told CDC Director Robert Redfield, two people familiar with the meeting told the newspaper. The Post reported that Birx and others feared that the CDC's statistics on mortality rate and case counts were inflated by up to 25%. Birx later told The Post in a statement that "mortality is slowly declining each day."
Givers and Takers replies
Posted by StormCnter 5/10/2020 2:23:05 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s suggestion that Washington should allow financially stressed states to declare bankruptcy during the coronavirus crisis has provoked the ire of several Democratic governors, especially New York’s Andrew Cuomo, who has been pressing McConnell instead for aid to states and cities. Though McConnell’s proposal seemed aimed at strapped Illinois, whose legislators have asked for federal help in bailing out their pension funds, Cuomo appeared to take the suggestion personally and fired back at the Kentucky senator. Cuomo claims that New York is a net donor to the federal government—sending more money to Washington in federal taxes than the state gets back in federal spending—
Why 'temporary' layoffs may be
permanent after coronavirus crisis
Posted by AltaD 5/10/2020 2:19:11 PM Post Reply
In late March, Britney Ruby Miller, co-owner of a small chain of steakhouse restaurants, confidently proclaimed that once the viral outbreak had subsided, her company planned to recall all its laid-off workers. Now? (Snip) Call it realism or pessimism, but more employers are coming to a reluctant conclusion: Many of the employees they've had to lay off in the face of the pandemic might not be returning to their old jobs anytime soon. Some large companies won't have enough customers to justify it. And some small businesses won't likely survive at all despite aid provided by the federal government.
San Francisco neighborhood sues over
300 percent jump of homeless sidewalk
tents during coronavirus outbreak
Posted by NorthernDog 5/10/2020 1:44:34 PM Post Reply
San Francisco is being sued by a law school and residents and businesses in the inner-city Tenderloin District who argue sidewalks are “unsanitary, unsafe, and often impassable" as homeless people crowd streets amid the coronavirus pandemic. The number of tents and makeshift structures in the Tenderloin has tripled since January, as homeless shelters are forced to operate at low capacity in order to enforce stringent social distancing requirements, reports say. The federal lawsuit, filed last week in part by the University of California Hastings College of Law, does not seek financial damages but instead demands the city clean up streets
The Southern Democrat with the
power to shut down Trump's convention
Posted by Garnet 5/10/2020 12:11:32 PM Post Reply
North Carolina Roy Cooper has got a doozy on his hands. He’s a Democratic governor, up for reelection in a Republican-leaning Southern swing state, pushing a go-slow approach to reopening the economy as protests intensify and neighboring states move quicker.But that’s just the start: How the first-term governor handles his state's reopening will likely dictate whether President Donald Trump and the Republican Party can forge ahead with a full-fledged convention in Charlotte this summer. “Between the governor and the mayor of Charlotte, who is also a Democrat, they really do control whether or not [the Republican convention] will happen,” said David McLennan, director of the Meredith Poll,
The ‘New Normal’? Ridiculous replies
Posted by Garnet 5/10/2020 12:06:03 PM Post Reply
Crises, even if they are manufactured ones, are great producers of linguistic mutation. Thucydides noticed this. In one of the most famous bits of his History of the Peloponnesian War, the great historian wrote that in a time of civil war certain words changed their usual meanings and took on new ones. For example, “reckless audacity came to be considered the courage of a loyal ally; prudent hesitation, specious cowardice; moderation was held to be a cloak for unmanliness; ability to see all sides of a question inaptness to act on any.” It’s not only civil war that produces such linguistic deformations. Any crisis will do.
Trump is Not Weakening replies
Posted by pros7767 5/10/2020 12:02:30 PM Post Reply
Kristy at #Reopen USA posted the following: “Anyone else feeling like Trump is behaving a bit weak in all this? It's just a question don't attack, I've been a supporter from day one, and continue to be, but I'm surprised at how he is handling the re-opening of the country. Some of these Governors are blowing it big time, and it seems like he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve, and is kind of supporting the way they are going about it. Just curious what everyone's take is, I wish he was advising with a more diverse group of people. Thoughts?”
Giant ‘Cuomo killed my mom’ sign erected
on bridge as heartbroken New Yorkers
grieve on Mother’s Day
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 11:42:10 AM Post Reply
Many New Yorkers are ushering in a grim Mother’s Day this year amid accusations that Governor Andrew “Cuomo killed my mom” thanks to his deadly policy that forced nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients.The bone-headed move resulted in the deaths of thousands of senior citizens living in nursing homes.Cuomo mandated that nursing homes must accept coronavirus patients even though older people are the most at-risk to die from COVID-19. Making matters worse was the fact that nursing homes did not have personal protective equipment or COVID testing capability. Shockingly, the mainstream media not only gave Cuomo a pass on the scandal, but lionized him as a hero.
Trump says US will buy $3billion
worth of dairy, meat and produce
from farmers to give to food banks
and kitchens starting next week
Posted by Ribicon 5/10/2020 11:16:26 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump tweeted that, next week, the United States would buy $3billion worth of dairy, meat and produce from farmers during the economic upheaval caused by coronavirus. Trump said the food would be given to food banks and kitchens. Trump's tweet came as unemployment soars and the prices that slaughterhouses pay farmers for animals have fallen in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Food bank distribution events around the country have seen unprecedented lines, with people waiting for hours in their cars, as millions of people have been left suddenly jobless and dependent on food giveaways.
Flynnocent: why the general has a
long way to go before justice is served
Posted by StormCnter 5/10/2020 10:31:20 AM Post Reply
Just moments ago, the news came in that Department of, um, Justice has dropped its — ‘um’ again — Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump’s first national security adviser. ‘The Government has determined,’ the Court filing read, ‘pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice.’ You think? It’s being blared about the internet that now, finally, at last, the 30-year military veteran has got justice. Not yet he hasn’t.
Many Texas ranchers won’t
survive multibillion-dollar
financial hit from coronavirus
Posted by StormCnter 5/10/2020 10:27:35 AM Post Reply
The spring pastures perfect for grazing cattle on Marisue Potts’ ranch have begun to dry. That means it’s time to sell. Potts owns a ranch near Matador, Texas, where she keeps a herd of about 35 cattle. In a few weeks she’ll take her yearlings and full-grown steers to the nearest auction in Floydada. She expects to make less per head than she’s made in at least a decade. “I’m going to take whatever hit I’m going to take financially,” Potts said. “There are ranchers who can hold on until this bottleneck is fixed and the markets stabilize but I can’t do that.
AP revises its stylebook
to outlaw the use of the word
‘mistress.’ Hilarity ensues
Posted by Magnante 5/10/2020 9:15:09 AM Post Reply
When it comes to dictating how the news shall be presented to the American public, the Associated Press stylebook plays a key role (snip) On Friday, the AP suddenly announced that the word “mistress” is doubleplusungood. "We now say not to use the archaic and sexist term "mistress" for a woman in a long-term sexual relationship with, and financially supported by, a man who is married to someone else." (snip) Professor Margot Cleveland quickly and brilliantly figured out why this change was announced now: "So apparently AP thinks @SenKamalaHarris will be Biden's pick and they're making sure everyone know proper language to use in discussing her political rise to power."
Obama is panicking replies
Posted by Magnante 5/10/2020 9:08:06 AM Post Reply
After seeming years of silence, and plenty of billionaire vacays, President Obama is on the warpath. Here's what the Washington Post is reporting: Former president Barack Obama shared deep worries Friday about the Justice Department’s decision to drop its prosecution of ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn (snip) The release of congressional interview transcripts, the declassification of some elements of the DoJ Inspector General investigation, and the news of the FISA warrant abuses on Carter Page, as well as the railroading of Gen. Michael Flynn, pretty well tell a story of Obama being the big power behind all of these legal abuses
Scalise: Obama, Biden Should Answer
for Their Role in Flynn Case
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 8:52:56 AM Post Reply
On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) stated that former President Obama and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden should answer for their possible roles in the case of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Scalise said, “[P]eople like Strzok referenced the seventh floor in some of these documents, that means the top brass at the time over at the FBI, possibly Justice, possibly even the White House knew about this. When’s Barack Obama going to answer for it and when is Joe Biden going to answer for his role
Blinded by Doomsday Predictions
Masquerading as Science
Posted by andyboy 5/10/2020 8:40:34 AM Post Reply
Conservatives? Anti-science? No way! Science created fuel-burning engines, harnessed electricity, and ushered in an industrial revolution that transformed the world. Science found cures for malaria, tuberculosis, and polio; expanded the world's food supply many times over; significantly lengthened life expectancy; and put men on the moon. No, folks, we have no quarrel with science. But we have a serious problem with something masquerading as science: the manipulation of facts and data to create fearful predictive models.
William Barr’s Perversion of Justice replies
Posted by cThree 5/10/2020 7:07:02 AM Post Reply
“History is written by the winners,” William Barr, the attorney general, said Thursday when asked how he thought future generations would assess his decision to drop all criminal charges against Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, who had pleaded guilty twice to breaking the law. “So it largely depends on who’s writing the history.” In service to Mr. Trump, Mr. Barr is abusing his power not to write, but to erase, some of the most important lessons of American history.
January 5, 2017: A Day that Should Live in Infamy replies
Posted by Paperpuncher 5/10/2020 6:57:10 AM Post Reply
This week saw two major legal developments: The government withdrew its prosecution of General Michael Flynn and the transcripts of the secret basement depositions by the Schiff House Committee on Intelligence were finally made public. Altogether they show a scandalous miscarriage of justice and media malpractice, which continues to this day, instigated by Barack Obama.
Queen Elizabeth Honors War Dead: ‘They
Died So We Could Live as Free People’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 6:05:41 AM Post Reply
Queen Elizabeth II marked the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day with an address to the British Commonwealth honouring the sacrifice of the fallen. The 94-year-old monarch, who came of age during the war and even trained as a driver and mechanic in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, timed her speech to coincide with the exact time her father, the late King George VI, announced that “the dreadful shadow of war has passed far from our hearths and homes in these islands”. Delivered from self-isolation in Windsor Castle, the Queen’s message was of course tinged by burdens placed upon listeners by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic and associated lockdown measures,
Travesty of justice finally
ends for Michael Flynn
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:41:24 AM Post Reply
The Department of Justice, in a long-overdue decision, dismissed the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn, rightly concluding, “based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice.” The FBI launched its counterintelligence investigation of Flynn in August 2016 as part of its larger effort to discover coordination by the Trump campaign and Russian officials to interfere with the 2016 election. Initially, the stated purpose was to determine whether Flynn was working with Russia in a way that threatened national security interests. But we now know from released documents
‘Demand Justice’ Fight Back — Against Judges
Who Like the Constitution
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 5:37:46 AM Post Reply
Anti-democratic Democrats opened up a new front in their relentless war on an independent judiciary in America. An absurdly-named special-interest group calling itself “Demand Justice” filed a formal complaint with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals accusing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of wrongdoing in stacking the federal judiciary with judges who believe in abiding by the Constitution. On the face of it, the complaint is funny because it suggests that “Demand Justice” is so unfamiliar with the actual Constitution that they don’t even know how judges are installed on the federal bench. According to the Constitution, federal judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
The real Lord of the Flies: what happened
when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
Posted by StormCnter 5/10/2020 5:33:26 AM Post Reply
For centuries western culture has been permeated by the idea that humans are selfish creatures. That cynical image of humanity has been proclaimed in films and novels, history books and scientific research. But in the last 20 years, something extraordinary has happened. Scientists from all over the world have switched to a more hopeful view of mankind. This development is still so young that researchers in different fields often don’t even know about each other. When I started writing a book about this more hopeful view, I knew there was one story I would have to address. It takes place on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific.
South Dakota governor threatens
Native American tribes with
legal action if they do not
remove coronavirus checkpoints
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:26:34 AM Post Reply
The governor of South Dakota has issued ultimatums to two Sioux Native American tribes to remove travel checkpoints on state and US highways aimed at protecting themselves from the coronavirus. Governor Kristi Noem sent letters to the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe on Friday requesting that they remove the checkpoints surrounding their reservations within 48 hours or “the state will take necessary legal action”. “We are strongest when we work together; this includes our battle against Covid-19,” the governor said. “I request that the tribes immediately cease interfering with or regulating traffic on US and State Highways and remove all travel checkpoints.”
Bad State Decisions about Nursing Homes
Are Heavily Driving the Coronavirus Outbreak
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:19:23 AM Post Reply
Coronavirus outbreaks in nursing homes have been particularly deadly in California, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. You could make a strong argument that the country’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem, dangerous everywhere but far more prevalent in a half-dozen or so of the country’s more heavily and densely populated states. What’s more, many of these states enacted coronavirus response policies that likely put nursing and assisted-living home residents at higher risk for infection. Notice the California policy described by the San Jose Mercury News: Even as senior care centers have been particularly hard hit by the coronavirus —
An absurd and outrageous shot at Bill Barr replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:14:14 AM Post Reply
The Justice Department’s decision to dismiss the prosecution of Gen. Flynn caused left liberal heads to explode. None exploded more loudly than that of Norman Ornstein. He tweeted, “Bill Barr is a fascist.” No serious analyst would make such a claim, even in the heat of the moment. It’s certainly not fascist to call for review of a case in which a public servant may have been set up for prosecution by his political enemies, and then to drop the prosecution based on a thorough review by a respected U.S. attorney. If Barr had ordered dismissal of the case against the recommendation of that U.S. attorney,
Drudge Report Becomes Sludge Report replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:11:17 AM Post Reply
Matt Drudge’s media links compilation has been one of the sites I’ve checked every morning for the last decade. The Drudge Report always had links to sites with stories I would not see on my trusted sites. I say “had” because I am weaning myself from it due to the dramatic shift in bias I’ve observed, especially in the most recent months. The Drudge Report has become part of the leftist media cabal slanting coverage to defeat President Trump. There were dramatic revelations in the plot to get Trump this week–virtually ignored by The Drudge Report. DOJ dismissed the charges against General Mike Flynn because of clear, unequivocal evidence of the FBI’s plot
Obama blasts Trump's handling of coronavirus
pandemic as 'an absolute chaotic disaster'
and blames the president for America
being more 'selfish, tribal, and divided'
in leaked call
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 5:08:33 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been an ‘absolute chaotic disaster,’ former President Barack Obama said on Friday. President Trump’s predecessor blamed the current occupant of the Oval Office and his allies for exacerbating ‘tribal’ tensions around the country, which he says has hampered the effort to reduce total number of cases nationwide. Audio of the web call in which Obama spoke was obtained by Yahoo News. ‘What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy - that has become a stronger impulse in American life,’ the president said.
Jonathan Turley Rips Apart Obama’s
‘Leaked’ Statement About the
DOJ and Flynn, and It’s Glorious
Posted by MissMolly 5/10/2020 5:08:25 AM Post Reply
As my colleague streiff reported earlier, a “private call” from former President Barack Obama just happened to be leaked to Michael Isikoff. Strange, isn’t it, how this leak parallels leaks during the Russia investigation that also went to Isikoff with information seemingly meant to undermine Donald Trump? The same reporter who was leaked to about Carter Page. Almost as if there’s a pattern there that we’re seeing once again. On the call that obviously was private and not at all staged to be leaked, Obama said he was concerned that the “rule of law is at risk”
The Two Popes Problem replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/10/2020 5:03:26 AM Post Reply
When Pope Francis grants an interview, he makes news by subverting Church teaching. When Pope Benedict XVI gives one, he makes news by upholding it. Therein lies the two popes problem about which the media can’t keep complaining. This last week it ran stories pitting the two against each other after a new book about Pope Benedict XVI appeared in which the pope emeritus defends the Church’s moral teachings and reviews the crisis in the West. The supposed conflict, though, is mythical, as Pope Benedict XVI is far too nonconfrontational and passive to wage any sort of battle against his successor.
Ex-Green Beret behind
failed coup was desperate for
multimillion-dollar bounty
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 5:00:58 AM Post Reply
When he was planning his invasion of Venezuela, Jordan Goudreau compared his mercenary forces to those of Alexander the Great in his most decisive battle against the Persian kingdom. Like the ancient warrior, Goudreau, a 43-year-old decorated former Special Forces soldier, planned to strike “deep into the heart of the enemy,” capture Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro and collect a multimillion dollar bounty. But when his ragtag group of guerrillas docked last weekend in Macuto, a coastal city 20 miles from the capital of Caracas, they seemed to have more in common with the fumbling characters in Woody Allen’s 1971 spoof “Bananas” — about a band of misfits
Court Records: Biden Accuser Tara Reade
was Charged with Check Fraud Days
Before Leaving His Senate Office
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 4:53:45 AM Post Reply
According to California court records, Tara Reade -- the woman who has accused former Vice President Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her 27 years ago -- was charged with misdemeanor check fraud just days before she left the then-Senator's office in the summer of 1993. The charge in question was filed on August 2, 1993, according to emails from an official working at the San Louis Obispo County court, obtained by Townhall (see updates). A document posted publicly by Ms. Reade indicates that she departed Biden's office four days later:
Democrat Law Professor Blasts Obama
For False Statements About DOJ
Dismissing Flynn Case
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 4:52:59 AM Post Reply
Jonathan Turley, Constitutional Law Professor at George Washington University, slammed former President Barack Obama on Saturday after Obama made false statements about the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismissing the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a leaked phone call late this week. “And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to
Elon Musk says Tesla to move headquarters
to Texas 'immediately' amid COVID-19
shutdown in California
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 4:48:45 AM Post Reply
AUSTIN, Texas — Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Saturday said the electric car manufacturer will move its headquarters and future programs to Texas and Nevada “immediately,” in response to Alameda County – where the company’s Fremont, Calif., plant is based – advising Tesla to remain closed until June 1 amid the coronavirus pandemic.Musk also said Tesla is filing a lawsuit against the county, calling the interim health officer “ignorant.”“Frankly, this is the final straw,” Musk said on Twitter. “Telsa will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all,
Marine speaks out after subduing
unruly passenger on flight: 'We
eventually decided to step in and help'
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 4:48:40 AM Post Reply
U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Daniel Kult joined "America's Newsroom" Friday to discuss his role in helping to detain a disruptive airline passenger, for which he has been hailed as a hero. Kult told host Sandra Smith that his trip to Dallas from Tokyo was supposed to be just a "routine flight back home to the States." The Cedar Rapids, Iowa native was joined by Marine Sgt. John Dietrick of Mechanicsville, Va. and Pfc. Alexander Meinhardt of Sparta, Wis. The three are with the 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force based at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Our Endangered Transfer of Power replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 4:43:59 AM Post Reply
In the recent popular memory of many of those who engage in pop politics, we think back to the transition between Bill Clinton and George Bush and the removal of the “w” keys from staffer’s keyboards after a contentiously determined election. That was contrasted by the mutual comity between W and President Obama, the latter grateful for the professional and thorough job done by the Bush administration. Towards the end of his term, Obama pledged to continue in that high spirit, assembled a team of capable professionals,
Harry Potter actress admits she wanted
Boris Johnson to die of COVID-19
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 4:42:24 AM Post Reply
An English actress known for her part in the “Harry Potter” films fueled criticism of the left after revealing her thoughts on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent bout with COVID-19. Miriam Margolyes sparked a social media outcry and even shocked the hosts of Britain’s Channel 4 on Friday when she admitted in an interview that she just “wanted him to die,” speaking of the UK prime minister who was hospitalized in his battle with the coronavirus last month. (Tweet/Video) In an appearance on the British late-night television talk show, “The Last Leg,” Margolyes was asked about what she thought of the British government’s handling
Maryland police release footage
of fatal police shooting
Posted by Pluperfect 5/10/2020 4:42:10 AM Post Reply
Maryland police have released body camera footage of an officer fatally shooting a man who rushed toward him with a knife. The shooting happened Thursday in White Oak, just outside Washington. The officer involved in the shooting was identified as Montgomery County Police Sgt. David Cohen. The department released the video Friday. “Put the knife down!” Cohen, with his gun drawn, is heard screaming as the man runs toward him and then stops before backing away. “Get on the ground! I don’t want to shoot you!” Cohen shouts just before the man starts running at him a second time.
White House Virus Task Force
members face quarantine
Posted by Imright 5/10/2020 4:26:38 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON— Three members of the White House coronavirus task force, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, placed themselves in quarantine after contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, another stark reminder that not even one of the nation’s most secure buildings is immune from the virus. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a leading member of the task force, has become nationally known for his simple and direct explanations to the public about the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes. Also quarantining are Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control
House Judiciary Dems Demand IG Horowitz
to Investigate Barr After DOJ Drops Case
Against Flynn
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 4:24:51 AM Post Reply
Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Friday demanding he investigate Attorney General William Barr over the department dropping its case against retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. The DOJ officially drop its case against Flynn after prosecutor Brandon Van Grack moved to withdraw from the case after he and his team were accused of prosecutorial misconduct after new FBI documents were released that provided insight to their strategy for their interview with Flynn in 2017. The news sparked a large outcry from Democrats and members of the media.
It Turns Out Biden's Public Health Advisory
Committee Has Consistently Downplayed
the Virus
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 4:20:38 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden has had plenty of criticism for President Trump and his coronavirus task force, but if the country was left in his health advisors' hands, we may not have had a handle on this crisis at all. As it turns out, the members of his Public Health Advisory Committee have downplayed the threat of the virus for months. Fox News first noted the trend. The committee is composed of six doctors and former government officials. One of the panelists, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, met with the World Health Organization in February about the virus and saw little reason to fret.
A Pro-life Mothers’ Day Tribute replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 4:15:01 AM Post Reply
An apostrophe is a funny thing. Just repositioning it can change meaning significantly. This Sunday is Mother’s Day, but for me it’s Mothers’ Day. It’s a day I celebrate three extraordinary moms: my birthmom, my mom, and the mama of my four kiddos. (Few know that since 1990, Birth Mother’s Day has been celebrated the preceding Saturday.) I wouldn’t be here if not for the incredible decision of my precious birthmom. When people talk about those fringe cases, the ones people always use to demand limitless abortion, they’re talking about me. Through no fault of my own,
Democratic North Carolina Governor Could
Throw a Monkey Wrench into GOP Convention
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 2:45:04 AM Post Reply
The Republican National Convention is scheduled for August 24-27 in Charlotte, NC, and Donald Trump has been adamant that the event will go forward as planned. That means thousands of Republicans descending on Charlotte from across the country and standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the Spectrum Center, acclaiming Trump as their standard-bearer. That is unless the Democratic Governor Roy Cooper intervenes and nixes the whole thing. Politico: But what makes Cooper’s situation unique is the authority he wields over the other party’s national convention. Trump has been adamant about having a full-scale in-person convention, but as those plans forge ahead, Cooper will have to walk a fine line between protecting and alienating his constituents.
'Mask Shaming' is Just Another Form of
Virtue Signaling
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 2:36:29 AM Post Reply
I wear a mask when I go out. I’m not proud of it. I’m not ashamed of it. I wear it because I’m an old, sick man living with an old, sick woman — neither one of us can afford to get COVID-19. For us, it’s a matter of life and death. But an unscientific observation by me shows that more than half the people who go out aren’t wearing masks. Is that a problem? For them it is. Since I keep at least six feet from everyone whether they’re wearing a mask or not, I pay it no mind. Not so, others. It’s become entertainment in America to express one’s moral superiority
Trump More Popular Than Obama at Same
Point in Presidency Despite Media Bias and
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 2:15:49 AM Post Reply
Obama may have been the left’s messiah for eight years, but he wasn’t as popular as President Trump at the same point in their presidencies, despite the overwhelmingly negative media coverage Trump has received—particularly during the coronavirus pandemic. According to Rasmussen Reports, Trump’s approval rating for May 8, 2020, stands at 49 percent amongst likely voters. Eight years ago, when Barack Obama was up for reelection, his approval stood at 47 percent. In fact, Trump’s approval ratings during 2020 have been roughly in sync with Obama’s approval ratings—generally within a few points of each other.
We Know the Dems Will Get Rid of Biden.
The Only Question Is When
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 2:07:52 AM Post Reply
A popular topic of COVID-19 quarantine conversation for my conservative friends and me in recent weeks has been speculating just how and when the Democrats are going to replace Joe Biden. None of us are talking about “if” it is going to happen, this is definitely a “when” thing. I can’t imagine how much booze and Pepto-Bismol Democratic operatives are going through these days. A year ago at this time they had a primary field that was historic for both its size and diversity. There were relatively younger faces too. And most of them could speak in complete sentences. Now they’re stuck with a drooling septuagenarian fool
'Leave mummy alone': Woman protesting lockdown arrested in front of
screaming son
Posted by MuncsSister 5/10/2020 1:39:39 AM Post Reply
A mum has been arrested in front of NSW Parliament House in Sydney’s CBD for protesting the coronavirus restrictions in front of her screaming son. Video circulating on social media shows the woman speaking with police during a tense confrontation. The woman is wearing a sign which reads: “If you don’t know your rights you don’t have any”. A police officer reads the woman her rights and she asks; “am I being detained?” “I go to sleep with honour at the end of the night – with honour knowing that I’ve defended my rights,” she tells the officer.
FDA desperately needs an overhaul replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 12:41:40 AM Post Reply
The Food and Drug Administration, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, failed America with its coronavirus response. The CDC bears enormous fault for violating its own manufacturing standards and then distributing a faulty test (one that had been contaminated with the coronavirus) to labs throughout the country. In addition, FDA decisions in February and March hampered and delayed the development of tests for the virus and the production of protective equipment. While these failures are extremely visible and have caused needless deaths, the agency’s regulatory approach has led to less visible mistakes for decades.
The unbearable lightness of Joe Biden's
shallow coronavirus declaration
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 12:23:56 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden, stripped of his ability to hold events or campaign traditionally and robbed of the usual spotlight afforded to presidential challengers, has tried to stay relevant. Typically, this has meant giving softball TV interviews from his basement, but even in these, he stumbles. On Thursday, however, he attempted to inject himself into the national debate about reopening the economy with an utterly shallow and sanctimonious statement on Twitter. The former vice president declared: “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: No one is expendable. No life is worth losing to add one more point to the Dow.” This sort of pandering is ridiculous
History-defining question: Will 18 million
‘temporary’ jobless get their jobs back?
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2020 12:19:18 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration and the country face a major risk that if the pandemic is not controlled relatively quickly, another economic depression is in store. The country already is clearly in a form of recession, as confirmed by Friday’s April jobs report that showed unemployment rising to 14.7%. But in theory, many of those workers, such as the 5.5 million newly jobless restaurant employees, could return to work very quickly if the pandemic ended and lockdowns were lifted. The vast majority of job losers in April, 18 million of 20.6 million, according to the household survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, are on temporary layoff.
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