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Posts on Sunday, May 3, 2020

ProPublica: Millions of Vote-by-Mail Ballots
Aren't 'Missing' — They're Just 'Most Likely
in Landfills'
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/3/2020 11:55:11 PM Post Reply
Last week I wrote about a new constellation of leftist philanthropy trying to influence the rules of the 2020 election, including pushing vote-by-mail, paying reporters to deny that voter fraud exists, and lobbying Congress to federalize state power over elections. Less than 24 hours later, I saw these dollars in action – through a smear by the propagandists at ProPublica. ProPublica is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) posing as a newsroom. It is the new model in a changing media landscape, where groups like George Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society give ProPublica hundreds of thousands of dollars and ProPublica does what the funders ask.
Trump Supporters: Fear Not Those Discouraging
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/3/2020 11:15:23 PM Post Reply
What are we to make of the dire predictions of President Donald Trump’s political doom — that he doesn’t stand a chance for reelection in November? I’ve read numerous mainstream media reports gloating over polls that show presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden surging and Trump plummeting. I’m not one to casually dismiss polls, but I view them skeptically, especially given their poor track record in more recent elections, and pollsters’ brazen manipulation of them to sway public opinion. Don’t the wildly failed polls forecasting a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 warrant our skepticism? Preelection polling was uniformly wrong, but so were Election Day exit polls.
Can Someone Give Grandpa a Mask? Biden
Coughs into His Hand, Touches Face in
Mika Interview
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/3/2020 11:10:59 PM Post Reply
Democrats have always been good at unified messaging, and they’ve been solid at keeping the “Biden is the leader we need during this coronavirus pandemic” afloat, despite all objective evidence to the contrary. Honestly, I’d be surprised if Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep could lead himself to his own bathroom if were standing in front of it. His creepy quarantine interviews with his wife Jill sitting by his side are more than enough to prompt serious questions about who would really be running the country if this scam to tank the economy and get him into the Oval Office works.
The True Story Of How
I Met My Sister
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 10:02:39 PM Post Reply
In this day and age, especially during this pandemic, staying connected normally means staying glued to a screen. Yet sometimes, if we let it, the technology that often works to isolate us from our environment can bring people together.This is the true story of how I met my sister.One evening in February 1995, that sister, just out of law school, had moved to the Pacific Northwest. She flipped on her television, and, as she told me years later, what she found amazed her: I had just come home from work, turned on the TV, and was getting dinner ready. For some reason, I turned on Jeopardy!
Joe Biden Reads Prepared Answers to
Questions in MSNBC Interview (Video)
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 9:56:55 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden appeared to be reading prepared answers during his ‘interview’ on MSNBC.Al Sharpton tossed Biden a softball Saturday evening when discussing the economic impact the Coronavirus shutdown has had on minority communities.Biden immediately responded with prepared answers, reading from a Teleprompter during a supposed live “interview.”Nothing to see here…it’s just a coincidence that the answers on Biden’s
New York Times Op-ed: Dump
Biden over Tara Reade Allegations
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 9:02:13 PM Post Reply
The New York Times published an op-ed Sunday evening arguing that Democrats should dump former Vice President Joe Biden as their candidate because of the potential damage of Tara Reade’s allegations against him.Reade has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in a Senate hallway in 1993; Biden denies the allegations. In the op-ed, titled “Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B,” Elizabeth Bruenig argues: I have my own impressions regarding Ms. Reade’s allegations, but no one — save Ms. Reade and Mr. Biden — knows with certainty whether her claims are true. What I can assert with firm conviction
Rice: America’s Loss of Life Far Greater
Because of Trump’s ‘Extraordinary Failings’
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 8:42:16 PM Post Reply
Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice said that President Donald Trump’s “extraordinary failings” caused an increase in deaths and economic suffering during the coronavirus pandemic.When asked about Jared Kushner calling the federal government’s coronavirus response “a great success story,” Rice said, “Well, it’s really offensive when you digest the reality that now nearly 70,000 Americans have lost their lives. As you said, well over 1 million infected, 30 million Americans have lost their jobs. We know that number is an underestimate. How one could possibly declare that a success of any sort,
FDA approves coronavirus antibody test
that boasts near-perfect accuracy
Posted by greggojo 5/3/2020 8:27:15 PM Post Reply
The Food and Drug Administration gave emergency approval to a COVID-19 antibody test that boasts near-perfect accuracy, the company said Sunday. Swiss drugmaker Roche said the new test, which determines whether someone had a past infection, has proven 100% accurate at detecting antibodies in the blood and 99.8% accurate at ruling out the presence of them. The company said the test requires intravenous blood draws, with higher accuracy than finger-prick tests.
Some Orange County restaurants and
shops reopen despite statewide orders
Posted by PageTurner 5/3/2020 8:24:07 PM Post Reply
Stopping by Nomads Canteen in San Clemente at lunchtime on Saturday felt a bit like jumping in a time machine and going back two months, before the coronavirus pandemic shuttered businesses across the country and changed life for everyone. Dozens of diners sat at tables on the sunny deck or inside around the beach-themed bar, toasting margaritas and enjoying poke bowls. People stood a foot or two from each other, waiting for tables to open up. And almost no one, from the staff to the customers, wore masks. Nomads Canteen is one of the most high-profile examples of an Orange County business that’s reopened in recent days,
Bush Center Slams Trump: We
Want More Migration
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 8:23:47 PM Post Reply
The economics director at President George W. Bush’s advocacy center slammed President Donald Trump’s popular, pro-American immigration policy.The May 1 slam came just before Bush posted a May 2 video urging national unity in the coronavirus crash that has pushed more than 25 million Americans out of jobs.“The most important thing to remember in this is that we don’t want [Trump’s] temporary policy to become permanent immigration policy,” economic director Laura Collins said a video posted on the center’s Twitter account. She continued.. We know immigrants are good for the economy. We know they’re good for our culture.
Thousands of beachgoers pour into
Newport Beach, hundreds in San
Clemente, city officials say
Posted by PageTurner 5/3/2020 8:18:22 PM Post Reply
Thousands of people in Newport Beach and hundreds in San Clemente took to the shore on Sunday afternoon, as lifeguards and police repeatedly sent beachgoers packing, pointing out they were in violation of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order that closed all Orange County beaches. “We’re seeing some crowds build,” said John Pope, spokesman for Newport Beach. “It’s enough where we want police enforcement to help get everyone off. It’s individuals who didn’t get the word or those who are being defiant.”
Trump to appear in Fox News
virtual town hall at Lincoln Memorial
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 7:26:30 PM Post Reply
President Trump returned from Camp David to Washington DC on Sunday ahead of a virtual town hall at the Lincoln Memorial. The event, titled “America Together: Returning to Work,” will air from 7 to 9 p.m. on Fox News and will be moderated by anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. Trump will answer questions submitted by viewers on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Baier and MacCallum hosted a town hall with Trump on March 5 in Scranton, Pa. The president spent much of the weekend at Camp David,
Hundreds of boaters show support for
President Trump with boat parade
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 7:11:32 PM Post Reply
Hundreds of boaters took to the intracoastal waterway on Sunday to show their support for President Trump. The parade departed from the Jupiter Inlet just shortly before noon and traveled south toward Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. The caravan ended near Peanut Island. The parade caught President Trump's attention and he expressed his gratitude in a tweet. (Tweet/Video)
Allegation against Biden prompts
reexamination of “Believe women”
Posted by NorthernDog 5/3/2020 7:05:28 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden, discussing sexual assault claims in early 2018, told PBS flatly, “Women should be believed.” On Friday, facing his own accusations, he stressed on MSNBC the importance of “taking the woman’s claims seriously when she steps forward — and then vet it, look into it.” hat shift in Biden’s tone reflects the way a former staffer’s claim that he assaulted her 27 years ago is raising new questions for the #MeToo movement. Democrats and women’s activists, eager to unseat a president they consider deeply misogynistic, are facing tough decisions over whether to stick by Biden or distance themselves
Newlyweds arrested for violating
coronavirus social distancing
after Hawaii hotel tips off cops
Posted by NorthernDog 5/3/2020 6:53:45 PM Post Reply
A California couple who allegedly refused to sign a coronavirus quarantine acknowledgment after checking into a Hawaii hotel for their honeymoon found themselves on the wrong side of the law. Borice Leouskiy, 20, and Yuliia Andreichenko, 26, were arrested after leaving their Waikiki-area hotel by special agents for the Department of the Hawaii Attorney General on Thursday. "We appreciate the vigilance and cooperation of the hotel staff, and staff at other hotels, in helping maintain the health and safety of visitors and residents," state Attorney General Clare Connors said in a statement. "It is important that everyone flying into Hawai'i
Salons And Barbershops Across America
Are About To Show How Unnecessary
This Lockdown Was
Posted by Judy W. 5/3/2020 6:14:22 PM Post Reply
In the eyes of many, Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther has become the latest face of justified resistance against governmental tyranny for her steadfast refusal to back down on keeping her business open despite the prospect of going to jail. Luther’s Salon a la Mode opened for business last Friday, then promptly got slapped with a court order to close because of coronavirus restrictions. Instead of meekly complying, as most others doubtless would have, Luther stood outside her salon and literally ripped the thing to shreds. Indeed, it was a moment that would have made Patrick Henry proud.
CNN is a Cancer: Jake Tapper to
Governor Whitmer: Do You See
Michigan Stay-at-Home Protesters
in the Same Vein as Charlottesville
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 6:11:25 PM Post Reply
Thousands of freedom protesters converged on the Michigan capitol in Lansing in late April to protest Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her tyrannical orders during the state economic lockdown. Whitmer’s orders were some of the strictest and illogical in the nation. The governor banned shopping at JC Penney’s but Walmart shopping was approved. Motor boats were not allowed but canoes were allowed. Seeds were not allowed for sale during the April planting season. The governor was drunk on her new-found power.
Ban on private exchange of
goods at Tornio border crossing
Posted by poster 5/3/2020 5:49:05 PM Post Reply
A ban on the exchange of goods between private individuals is due to begin from 8am on Monday at the Tornio border crossing between Finland and Sweden. The measure was announced by the Finnish Border Guard and Western Finland Coast Guard in a statement on Saturday night. According to the border agencies, the government has decided to crack down on private exchanges in all border crossing areas. The Border Guard will enforce the ban and will also monitor human traffic at all border crossings. Meanwhile the Western Finland Coast Guard pointed out that it had reintroduced internal border controls following government's decision in April to close Finland's borders
Florida man labels boat ‘TRUMP’ after
blocked from flying Trump flag on dock
Posted by Harlowe 5/3/2020 4:09:06 PM Post Reply
A Florida boat owner had a quick reply recently after the management of the community where he lives wouldn’t let him fly a “Trump” flag at the end of his dock. Carlos Gavidia of Jupiter got a star-spangled wrapping around the outside of his boat, with the name “TRUMP” in capital letters along the side. Some friends shot video of Gavidia showing off the new design--and President Trump responded. “Very cool,” the president wrote Saturday. “Please thank him!” “Omg this is me!!! #MAGA,” he wrote, after the president’s son, Eric Trump, retweeted the video earlier this month.
People with low vitamin D levels more
likely to die from coronavirus, study finds
Posted by NorthernDog 5/3/2020 2:13:18 PM Post Reply
People with low levels of vitamin D may be more likely to die from the coronavirus, according to a preliminary study. Researchers at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Trust and the University of East Anglia in England compared the average vitamin D levels of 20 European countries with COVID-19 mortality rates — and found “significant relationships” between vitamin D levels and the number of deaths caused by this infection. The study, which has not been peer-reviewed, notes sun-starved “Nordic” countries are among the most at risk. “We believe that we can advise vitamin D supplementation to protect against SARS-CoV2 infection,” the
Coronavirus News: Central Park field hospital
in NYC to stop accepting patients on May 4
Posted by NorthernDog 5/3/2020 2:02:51 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK CITY -- The Central Park field hospital will stop admitting new patients on May 4 now that COVID-19 hospital admissions in New York City is reaching manageable levels. Mount Sinai Health System and Samaritan's Purse -- in charge of expanding medical support and surge capacity to New York City in the fight against COVID-19 -- announced it will take two weeks to treat the last patients, decontaminate and remove the Central Park field hospital tents. "While this crisis is far from over, this marks a significant turning point in the coronavirus outbreak in New York that gives us assurance that we
Michigan's Whitmer says armed
protesters displayed 'worst racism
and awful parts' of US history
Posted by JunkYardDog 5/3/2020 1:57:25 PM Post Reply
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer slammed the protesters who gathered inside the state's Capitol building on Thursday to demand she rescind her stay-at-home orders, saying they represented the “worst racism and awful parts” of U.S. history. “Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capitol depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country,” Whitmer said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “The behavior you've seen in all of the clips is not representative of who we are in Michigan,” she added.
State tax revenues crater due to coronavirus replies
Posted by poster 5/3/2020 1:56:08 PM Post Reply
The economic effects of the coronavirus have finally caught up with West Virginia, with April tax collections coming in substantially below estimates for the month. According to data collected by the State Auditor’s Office, tax collections for the state’s General Revenue Fund came in 33 percent below the adjusted revenue estimates set in January by the Department of Revenue. “They’re terrible, but we expected them to be terrible,” Justice said Friday during his daily coronavirus briefing at the Capitol in Charleston. “We knew this number was coming and we prepared for this number in every way.” April tax collections came in at $388.5 million, which was $192.3 million less than
Lamont to cancel tax relief, seek labor
savings to shrink $2B deficit in July
Posted by poster 5/3/2020 1:20:23 PM Post Reply
Gov. Ned Lamont warned Friday he will cancel tax relief and impose $400 million in emergency spending cuts to mitigate the multi-billion-deficit projected for the upcoming fiscal year. Lamont also hinted he is considering both a gasoline tax hike to bolster transportation funding and another round of state employee givebacks — though he later deflected questions about both subjects. “The numbers are sobering,” Lamont said during a televised, mid-morning press conference one day after analysts projected state revenues would decline a staggering $7 billion between now and mid-2023.
How the COVID-19 virus has impacted
New York state finances
Posted by poster 5/3/2020 1:11:25 PM Post Reply
New York isn’t broke, as Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo likes to say. But with revenue plunging, without further help, it might have to make spending cuts quickly and dramatically — $10 billion or more. Or raise taxes. A 463-page document released by Cuomo’s budget division outlines how the state is staying afloat through workplace shutdowns caused by the coronavirus that have sent the economy tumbling. It shows dire projections about the tax revenue decline across categories such as sales taxes (nearly 20%), lottery (21%) and gaming (34%). The report, called the "Enacted Budget Financial Plan," says the governor might slash aid (snip) — by $8.2 billion as soon as mid-May.
‘Come back to Washington now!’ Trump
slams Pelosi for rejecting quick testing,
refusing to come to work
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 11:47:11 AM Post Reply
With Speaker Nancy Pelosi having already canceled the House’s return from break due to COVID-19, President Donald Trump offered speedy coronavirus testing at the Capitol to entice Democrats to get back to work.When the California Democrat rejected the offer, in a rare joint statement with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Trump fired back in a tweet, referring to his House adversary as “Crazy Nancy.”“No reason to turn it down, except politics. We have plenty of testing. Maybe you need a new Doctor over there. Crazy Nancy will use it as an excuse not to show up to work!” he tweeted.
Why eco-leftists are suddenly
turning on Michael Moore
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 11:45:54 AM Post Reply
I pay as little attention to Michael Moore as humanly possible. But when his latest documentary opened on Earth Day to attacks from fellow leftists, including calls for censorship, it got my attention. After all, one of my favorite scenes in “Lord of the Rings” is watching the orcs fight among themselves. So I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and sat down to watch “Planet of the Humans.” Director Moore’s latest documentary starts with electric cars, the vehicle of choice for the environmentally conscious. As GM proudly unveils its battery-powered Volt, his narrator innocently asks the executive in charge where the electricity to recharge it comes from.
Democrats Aren’t Stuck With Joe Biden replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 11:33:07 AM Post Reply
It is the very beginning of May. The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August. The general election is in November. Dozens of states and territories have not yet held their primary elections. And Joe Biden is still the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency, not the nominee. It is important to remember that, because, as New York’s Sarah Jones writes: “Tara Reade is difficult to dismiss.” Since she publicly accused her former boss, Joe Biden, of sexual assault, multiple outlets reported corroborative evidence that supports her account. She says she told her brother; The New York Times and The Washington Post confirmed that she did.
What Joe Biden Didn’t Say
in His Tara Reade Denial
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 11:18:28 AM Post Reply
“I’m saying unequivocally: It never, never happened.” In an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, former Vice President Joe Biden firmly denied allegations from a former Senate aide, Tara Reade, that he sexually assaulted her in 1993. In the month since Reade made her allegation in a podcast interview, the press has slowly begun to cover the story. Most recently, Business Insider interviewed Reade’s former neighbor, who says Reade told her about the alleged attack in the mid-’90s. Although Biden’s aides have aggressively challenged Reade’s claims, today was the first time Biden has responded directly to them. Biden’s strategy is clear. He maintains that the assault never happened.
Four More "Exhausting" Years? Trump
Reporters Mull Covering a Second Term
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 11:12:06 AM Post Reply
The first year of the Trump presidency was a year of calibration for the nation's top journalists, who learned to keep up with a politician who revels in exhausting the press corps, launching news cycles with early-morning, late night and weekend tweets. The next two years, 2018 and 2019, were even more exhausting, as journalists scrambled to cover government shutdowns, congressional hearings, a Supreme Court nomination, the president's flirtation with North Korea, the Mueller Report and impeachment. At this point, journalists — print, online and television — are used to the Trump pace. Weekends are gone. Work-life balance is not a thing.
Trump Ridicules George W. Bush Appeal
for Bipartisanship amid Coronavirus
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 10:52:25 AM Post Reply
A call by former President George W. Bush for humanity to jettison partisanship amid the Chinese coronavirus pandemic has drawn a sharp rebuke from President Donald Trump. Bush published a video message on Saturday urging unity and togetherness amid the coronavirus’ outbreak, which received 4.4 million views on Twitter as of Sunday morning.Bush’s plea amounted to a call for people to ignore partisanship to protect the most vulnerable and to assist those who have become unemployed.He based his plaintive call on the observation we are all God’s children and therefore equal of merit and support.
Gov. Newsom Puts Politics
Over Data in California Shutdown
Posted by Garnet 5/3/2020 10:13:12 AM Post Reply
Los Angeles County, which has implemented the most draconian beach closures in the country, has in excess of 1,000 coronavirus deaths. Orange County, which has consistently taken a less restrictive approach, has had 45 deaths going into this weekend. Orange County’s population of 3.3 million is larger than 22 states. If it were a state, Orange County’s death rate of 0.0014% would be the 49th lowest in the country. The primary hospital in Newport Beach has a 475-beds capacity and has never treated more than 25 people for coronavirus issues at any given time. The leaders of that hospital system believe that the curve has flattened
Don't Expect Losers of Shutdown
to Sit Idly by Forever
Posted by Garnet 5/3/2020 10:09:52 AM Post Reply
The stay-at-home orders issued by most states have created a puzzling disconnect. On the one hand, opinion polls show the orders to be overwhelmingly popular, but on the other hand there have been protests in states like Michigan and Wisconsin objecting to these quarantines. What to make of this? Public opinion polls are not, nor should they ever be, the sine qua non of republican government. Public opinion is influenced by the government at least as often as it influences the government. That is probably the case here. For weeks, public health authorities have been warning the people that these quarantines are necessary and prudent.
Potential VP Picks Thirsty For Higher Office
Overlook Biden Sexual Assault Allegations
Posted by earlybird 5/3/2020 9:10:43 AM Post Reply
Democrats are descending into disarray as their presumptive presidential nominee battles allegations of sexual assault far more credible than anything ever thrown at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whose unsubstantiated allegations prompted calls for the Justice’s nomination to be withdrawn and subsequent pleas for impeachment. (Snip)As Biden searches for a running mate amid the accusations, here’s what the same people who praised Ford’s testimony are saying about Reade so not to spoil their chances in the veepstakes: Stacey Abrams Abrams is taking a break from her imaginary duties as governor of Georgia to break from tradition by publicly campaigning for the number two spot.
How to stop the coming meat shortage replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/3/2020 8:46:35 AM Post Reply
“Where’s the Beef?” was once just a funny (yet successful) advertising slogan. But now, it could soon be an actual question on the minds of many shoppers. Amid the coronavirus crisis, some are calling attention to the coming meat shortages the United States faces as the virus continues to ravage our economy. Rep. Thomas Massie has been sounding the alarm for weeks, and the Kentucky Republican recently introduced the “PRIME Act” in an effort to address the coming crisis. The congressman is right to be concerned. (Snip) We could soon see farmers unable to keep their farms afloat, livestock killed in mass with no means to be sold, and hungry
The last time they politicized the
treatment for an epidemic
Posted by Magnante 5/3/2020 8:05:20 AM Post Reply
It was 1793. George Washington was President. Philadelphia was the U.S. capital. Dr. Benjamin Rush, a Philadelphia physician and former surgeon-general of Washington’s army, was the de facto head of the Department of Health of the new country. When a yellow-fever epidemic hit Philadelphia, President George Washington fled to Virginia. Dr. Rush stayed behind and worked hard to quarantine and treat the sick. But his treatment, according to Ron Chernow in his biography of Alexander Hamilton, probably did more harm than good
Help, Officer... I'm Being Murdered
by an Unmasked Gunman
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 5:45:26 AM Post Reply
We have rather taken for granted the constitutional guarantees of certainty, rule of law, and due process in recent years. We ignored the water drip torture of prosecutorial misconduct (the Trayvon Martin, Lewis Libby, Ted Stevens cases) and government overreaching (ObamaCare, the Kelo case), but in the past few weeks more of us -- from surfers and skateboarders to doctors, dentists, hospitals, and small shopkeepers -- have been forced to realize what life without these protections is like. And we don’t like it, any more than we like how the government lied, ignored the law quite clearly for purely partisan political purposes
It’s fun watching Democrats struggle
with the Biden conundrum
Posted by Magnante 5/3/2020 5:28:15 AM Post Reply
Saturday’s funniest headline was from the New York Times: “Investigate Tara Reade’s Allegations: Americans deserve to know more about a sexual assault accusation against the likely Democratic Party nominee.” (snip) President Trump, in the ultimate act of trolling, sided with Biden, telling him he should fight back: “I would just say to Joe Biden, ‘Just go out and fight it,'” Trump said in a podcast interview with Dan Bongino. “He’s going to have to make his own decision, I’m not going to be telling him what to do. Biden is going to have to go out and fight his own battles.”
America is awash in overmothered men replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 5:04:34 AM Post Reply
The other day on my podcast, I spoke with Rose Skeeters, a licensed professional counselor in Philadelphia who used to be a single mother of a son. That son is now 10 years old, and Rose has been married for several years to a great man. This man, the boy's stepfather, is literally changing who Rose's son becomes. He arrived just in time. Growing up fatherless, or with a father a son rarely sees due to divorce or workaholism (yes, that's a thing), almost invariably stunts a boy's growth. The end result is almost always too much mother, which means boys will absorb all so much femininity
Home Studios (Part 3)
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 5:01:22 AM Post Reply
The Washington Free Beacon is dedicated to holding the mainstream media accountable and continues to carry out this mission with Nixonian ruthlessness. In furtherance of our commitment to journalistic justice, we present Part Three in an ongoing series that renders scientific judgment on the home studios of television pundits.
If ‘Congress Shall Make No Law
…’ Why Can Governors?
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:56:39 AM Post Reply
The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” That’s unambiguous. Not “pretty unambiguous,” just unambiguous. Full stop. Yet governors across the country are ignoring or suspending almost every one of those rights enumerated at the top of the Bill of Rights, with little to no pushback from the press, which just happens to be the only part of the first two amendments not under assault.
COVID-19 turning out to be
huge hoax perpetrated by media
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:53:33 AM Post Reply
When the postmortem is done on the media’s coverage of COVID-19 (and it will be), it will be clear that the virus was no Black Plague — it’s not even the flu on a bad year. SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has killed 56,749 Americans as of Tuesday. That’s not good. But it’s not as bad as the 2017-2018 flu season, when 80,000 -plus perished. And it’s a long cry from what all the experts were warning about just a few weeks ago: First, they predicted 1.7 million Americans dead; then they redid the models (this time apparently entering a few more “facts”) and said 100,000-240,000 dead.
The Flynn Case Is a Travesty replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:38:17 AM Post Reply
For more than three years, Michael Flynn waged a strange battle to clear his name after pleading guilty to lying to FBI agents and then declining a judge’s invitation to withdraw the plea. But there has always been something very wrong about the case, and we’ve learned more about it in recent weeks. The retired army general, fleetingly President Trump’s first national-security adviser, was investigated during the Trump transition by anti-Trump officials at the FBI and Obama Justice Department on nebulous grounds. There was no criminal predicate for the probe: Flynn’s communications with Sergey Kislyak — then the Russian ambassador to the U.S. —
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Had the Worst Response
to the Crisis of Any Governor in America
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 4:34:13 AM Post Reply
The press has been gushing about the performance of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for weeks. The media often compares Cuomo’s “decisive” response to the coronavirus pandemic to the president, and guess who always wins? Whether it’s good PR from the governor’s office or just the media worshipping a liberal who says mean things about Donald Trump, it hardly matters. What matters is results. And in that department, Andrew Cuomo has been a miserable failure — using several metrics. And it’s not just the numbers. The panicky, sometimes hysterical New York governor began whining about the federal government (specifically the president) not doing anything to help the states with getting medical supplies.
Good Samaritans replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 4:28:23 AM Post Reply
The secularist prejudices of the left remain on open display during the coronavirus crisis. They continue to produce bizarre policies: closed churches, banned funerals and weddings, even as abortion mills keep grinding and jails spring prisoners. Protecting the First Amendment, we’re told, is above the “pay grade” of governors — the same line, by the way, Barack Obama once used after he was asked about the humanity of unborn children. One might have thought New York City mayor Bill de Blasio would be too busy to indulge these secularist prejudices. But he is not. With special relish, he has sternly warned Jews and Christians against assembling.
Biden insiders slam Stacey Abrams’ veep
pitch: ‘No one takes Stacey seriously’
Posted by Pluperfect 5/3/2020 4:25:00 AM Post Reply
The Democratic political field is awash with designing women. Stacey Abrams, a former Georgia State House leader, is aggressively marketing herself as a potential vice president for Joe Biden — increasingly irritating those in the former veep’s orbit, an insider said. Meanwhile, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, one Biden’s 2020 presidential-race rivals, is rarely mentioned as a possible running mate. She has her sights set on something else — secretary of defense, say those familiar with her plans. Female former candidates have also been auditioning for the VP job — albeit more subtly than Abrams. On April 20, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar came in for a chummy appearance on Biden’s podcast “Here’s the Deal,”
Cancel culture warriors still trying
to cancel Masterpiece Cakeshop
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:19:31 AM Post Reply
It’s now been eight years since liberal activists began their campaign to attempt to drive Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips out of business for the sin of refusing to decorate cakes with messages that conflicted with his religious values. Thus far, his antagonists have managed to tie him up in court endlessly, but after the Supreme Court sided with him it sounded as if the brouhaha might be over. No such luck, sadly. One of the usual suspects immediately tried to order a cake from Jack to celebrate his “transition” from male to female. Phillips declined and was promptly sued again.
The smoke-filled room
that could oust Joe Biden
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:16:27 AM Post Reply
Never was former Vice President Joe Biden the 2020 dream. He promised electability and familiarity, which turned out to be good enough for a plurality of Democratic voters in the early primaries. But now that every other Democratic contender has dropped out and dutifully lined up behind the presumptive nominee, that choice might be sitting less comfortably. Biden is campaigning from his basement, giving interviews in which he occasionally moves past gaffes into total incoherence, raising questions about his mental fitness. Worst of all, evidence for a sexual assault allegation against him begins to mount.
Even anti-Trump NY Times
wants Biden sexual assault allegation
investigated – Bad news for Dems
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:12:42 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s disastrous interview Friday on “Morning Joe” on MSNBC has caused more problems for the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee than it solved. Biden’s denial of an allegation by a former member of his Senate staff that he sexually assaulted her in 1993 was followed Saturday by a call from The New York Times for a further investigation. When the paper dedicated to seeing Donald Trump become a one-term president turns on his challenger, you know the Democrats are facing a serious problem This is the same New York Times that earlier published an article saying it “found no pattern of sexual misconduct
Dr. Birx: As US reopens, protecting
those at high risk for coronavirus
remains 'very critical'
Posted by MissMolly 5/3/2020 4:07:50 AM Post Reply
Scientists likely underestimated the "number of asymptomatic cases" of the novel coronavirus, Dr. Deborah Birx said Saturday night. "I think we're learning every day about the virus and how it interacts with us as human hosts," Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, said during an appearance on Fox News' "Justice with Judge Jeanine." "And that's been very important, to constantly be triangulating data," she added. "I think we underestimated, very early on, the number of asymptomatic cases. And I think we're really beginning to understand there are people that get infected -- that those symptoms are so low-grade that they don't even know that they're infected.
Chicago Mayor: Quarantine Scofflaws
“Will be Arrested and Taken to
Jail, Period”…
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 2:36:30 AM Post Reply
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced on Saturday that she is instructing the police superintendent to cite, arrest and jail all non-compliant residents who permit gatherings and parties in their residence. Failing to comply with the stay-at-home orders and maintain social distancing will no longer be met with a warning.Police are authorized to deliver citations, conduct immediate arrests and potentially jail any non-compliant resident in the city of Chicago.“This is how it is going to be: We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail,”
Orange County DA 'outraged' after
commissioner releases 7 dangerous
sex offenders due to COVID-19
Posted by DVC 5/3/2020 2:32:53 AM Post Reply
Orange County, Calif. District Attorney Todd Spitzer stated Saturday that he is "outraged" after the state ordered the release of seven high-risk sex offenders from the county's jails over concerns they could contract coronavirus. Appearing on "Fox & Friends Weekend" with host Jason Chaffetz, Spitzer said that the issue at hand is not just in Orange County or California, but "is a ruse that has been pulled on the American public, on jails and custodial facilities all over the nation." "We've all been told that during the pandemic we needed to release people early, you know, with less than 30 days on their sentence
'Once upon a virus': China mocks the
US response to the coronavirus
crisis with a Lego-like animation
featuring a terracotta warrior wearing a
face mask and the Statue of Liberty
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 2:25:06 AM Post Reply
China has published a short animation titled 'Once Upon a Virus' mocking the U.S. response to the new coronavirus using Lego-like figures to represent the two countries. Washington and Beijing are locked in a war of words over the origins of the disease, which emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has grown into a global pandemic. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was confident the coronavirus may have originated in a Chinese virology lab, but declined to describe the evidence. In the animation posted online by China's official Xinhua news agency,
Biden To Al Sharpton: VP Committee
Looking At ‘Significantly More
Than One Black Woman’
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 1:58:07 AM Post Reply
During an interview on MSNBC between far-left activist Al Sharpton and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, Sharpton talked about the nature of Biden’s vice presidential selection committee, and observed how no African American woman has ever been the running mate for a presidential candidate.“The sensitivity, I think that we have, is that whomever is selected, that black women be clearly seen as qualified to be vice president,” said Sharpton.“You understand the sensitivity of the issue, even though you’re not prepared to pre-empt your committee in terms of what you will do. You’re not ruling out a black woman.”After Sharpton gave Biden the floor,
USA Today's Susan Page: Unfair Attacks
on 'Decent Human Being' Biden Hurt
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 1:46:10 AM Post Reply
Susan Page of USA Today joined The 11th Hour host Brian Williams on MSNBC Friday night to discuss the allegations of sexual harassment and assault surrounding Joe Biden and argued that it is a "great unfairness" that Biden is hurt more by such allegations than President Trump because, unlike Trump, Biden is running as a "decent human being." After playing a clip of Trump on The Dan Bongino Show, where Trump denied allegations against him and said he does not even know some of the women, Williams told Page, "he went on to say the most interesting thing,
North Korea, South Korea troops
exchange gunfire along border, South says
Posted by poster 5/3/2020 1:41:52 AM Post Reply
North and South Korean troops exchanged fire along their tense border on Sunday, the South’s military said, blaming North Korean soldiers for targeting a guard post. The Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul said in a statement that North Korean troops fired several bullets at a South Korean guard post inside the heavily fortified border. South Korea fired two rounds in response after issuing a warning broadcast, it said. South Korea suffered no casualties, the military said. It's unknown whether North Korea had any casualties. The North's official Korean Central News Agency hasn't reported about the incident.
NY Times, MSNBC journalist warns
shutdowns and wrecked economy
could trigger fascism in the US
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 1:40:59 AM Post Reply
One of The New York Times’ resident “conservatives,” Bret Stephens, warned Friday that the onset of another great depression triggered by the economic havoc being wrought by the country’s lockdowns could, in turn, lead to the rise of fascism.And of course Stephens, the same “conservative” who three years ago called for deporting allegedly lazy white Americans to make room for illegal aliens, attributed this potential threat to President Donald Trump. And this despite Democrat politicians being the ones displaying genuinely fascist tendencies amid the coronavirus crisis.He made the remarks while speaking with left-wing HBO talk show host Bill Maher
AP Admits Not Reporting, Deleting Tara
Reade 2019 Interview Detailing Charges
Against Joe Biden
Posted by Imright 5/3/2020 1:36:12 AM Post Reply
The Associated Press reported on Saturday it interviewed Tara Reade Friday about her allegations that former Vice President and presumptive 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in the 1990s when she was an aide in his Senate office but buried that the outlet failed to report on its interviews with Reade in 2019, when she first made public her dealings with Biden.“The AP declined to publish details of the 2019 interviews at the time because reporters were unable to corroborate her allegations, and aspects of her story contradicted other reporting,” the report said.The AP report claims that in the 2019 interviews
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