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Posts on Monday, October 14, 2019

Trump: ABC News Airing Fake Syria
Bombing Video is a ‘Real Disgrace’
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 11:25:14 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Monday evening hammered ABC News for airing a video that purportedly showed a recent Turkish military operation against Kurdish civilians in northern Syria, which actually appears to have been filmed at a Kentucky gun range in 2017.“A big scandal at @ABC News. They got caught using really gruesome FAKE footage of the Turks bombing in Syria. A real disgrace,” the president wrote on Twitter. Tomorrow they will ask softball questions to Sleepy Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, like why did Ukraine & China pay you millions when you knew nothing? Payoff?” (Tweet)
Dems Decimated in Louisiana: GOP
Gains Senate Supermajority, Dem
Governor Now on the Ropes
Posted by Maryland_Patriot 10/14/2019 10:49:34 PM Post Reply
In Louisiana's Saturday election, Republicans had a lot to cheer about. Among statewide office-holders, the incumbent GOP Lieutenant Governor (68 percent), Attorney General (66 percent), Treasurer (60 percent, and Agricultural Commissioner (58 percent) were all re-elected without the need for a run-off, under the state's 'jungle primary'-style system. It also appears that the solid Republican majorities in both state legislative chambers will remain intact -- with the GOP expanding its Senate advantage into super-majority territory by picking up a pair of Democratic seats:
Trump Sends Emergency Delegation to
Turkey Amid Bloody Offensive in Syria
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 10:47:08 PM Post Reply
A delegation of senior Trump administration officials will depart for Turkey "as soon as possible" to negotiate a ceasefire following Ankara's bloody offensive into Syria that killed civilians and helped to reinvigorate the ISIS terror group, according to senior administration officials.The delegation will seek to "achieve a deal" in the coming days to end the full-scale battle that erupted when Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan permitted his forces to invade Syria following an announcement by President Donald Trump that he is removing American forces from the region. The troop withdrawal, which has been criticized by both Republican and Democratic leaders, set the stage
Ohio Swing Voters Outraged at Democrats’
Lawless Impeachment Attempt
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 10:41:19 PM Post Reply
They may not know it and they may not care but the lawless Democrats are losing swing voters with their latest impeachment attempt. Democrats are hoping to impeach President Trump for making a call to the leader of Ukraine. The entire process has been a lawless attempt to nullify the 2016 election. (Photo) Axios reported: YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Swing voters in this Rust Belt state are expressing a range of unease about impeaching President Trump, from fears it will hurt the economy to frustrations that House Democrats are more invested in going after Trump than in helping people.Why it matters:
JW Investigates If Ousted Ukraine Ambassador
Ordered State Dept. To Monitor Journalists,
Trump Allies
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 9:48:08 PM Post Reply
Judicial Watch is investigating if prominent conservative figures, journalists and persons with ties to President Donald Trump were unlawfully monitored by the State Department in Ukraine at the request of ousted U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, an Obama appointee. Yovanovitch testified “in secret” to the House impeachment inquiry against Trump on Friday, October 11, 2019. Her “secret” testimony was leaked to the New York Times during the hearing. Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating Yovanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain U.S. persons using State Department resources. (Snip)Yovanovitch reportedly created a list of individuals who were to be monitored via social media and other means.
Judicial Watch Reveals Surveillance Targets
Requested by U.S. Ambassador Yovanovitch
and State Department – But Bigger
Question is Missing…
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 9:41:56 PM Post Reply
There are times during research when searching for details leaves the obviously immediate questions unanswered. This is one of those examples. Judicial Watch is hot on the trail of a State Department effort to monitor domestic political opposition.Specifically former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, initiated a request for State Dept. officials to conduct surveillance on: Jack Posobiec, Donald Trump Jr., Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Michael McFaul (Obama’s ambassador to Russia), Dan Bongino, Ryan Saavedra, Rudy Giuliani, Sebastian Gorka, John Solomon, Lou Dobbs, Pamella Geller and Sara Carter. More details: (Via JW) Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating Yovanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates
Democratic debate watchers concerned
about Bernie Sanders health: Poll
Posted by NorthernDog 10/14/2019 9:08:14 PM Post Reply
Heading into Tuesday's Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders has a special post-heart attack burden: to prove he's healthy enough to serve as president, a new poll shows. In the HuffPost/YouGov survey, released Monday, 42% of Democrats said the Vermont senator's "physical condition is not good enough." Sanders, 78, was hospitalized in Las Vegas recently for three days after experiencing chest pains following a campaign event. The doctors discovered he had suffered a myocardial infarction when the senator underwent surgery to receive two stents. In the survey of 1,000 people from Oct. 8-10, 26% of Democrats said his health was good
Trump’s Syrian Maneuver Works –
President Erdogan Asks for Negotiations With
Kurds in Syria…
Posted by DVC 10/14/2019 8:41:12 PM Post Reply
President Trump has played this out perfectly. By isolating Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and effectively leaving him naked to an alliance of his enemies, Erdogan is now urgently asking for the U.S. to mediate peace negotiations with Kurdish forces. This request happens immediately after President Trump signed an executive order [See Here] triggering the sanction authority of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Erdogan called the White House requesting an urgent phone call with President Trump.
Donald Trump Thanks Harry Reid
for Calling Him ‘Very Smart’
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:13:01 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Monday thanked former Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid for affirming his genius.“Former Democrat Senator Harry Reid just stated that Donald Trump is very smart, much more popular than people think, is underestimated, and will be hard to beat in the 2020 Election,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Thank you Harry, I agree!”In an interview with CNN contributor David Axelrod, Reid admitted he used to think Trump was “not too smart” but had since changed his mind.“I don’t think he’s intellectually a powerhouse but he is basically a very, very smart man,” he said.
Trump Says He’d Rather Focus On The
Southern Border Than Northern Syria Border
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 6:18:58 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump said he would rather focus efforts on the U.S. southern border than the northern Syria border in a Monday tweet.The president announced Monday he plans to impose sanctions on Turkey in response to its “destabilizing actions in northern Syria” after the U.S. removed its remaining 50 soldiers from the region. “After defeating 100% of the [Islamic State] Caliphate, I largely moved our troops out of Syria. Let Syria and Assad protect the Kurds and fight Turkey for their own land,” the president said.“I said to my Generals, why should we be fighting for Syria and Assad
Target raised wages. But some workers say
their hours were cut, leaving them struggling
Posted by NorthernDog 10/14/2019 6:08:23 PM Post Reply
Two years ago, Target said it would raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour by the end of 2020. The move won praise from labor advocates and put pressure on other companies to also move to $15. (Snip) "I got that dollar raise but I'm getting $200 less in my paycheck," said one, Heather, who started in November at a Florida store working around 40 hours a week. She's now below 20 some weeks, she said. "I have no idea how I'm going to pay rent or buy food." Hours for workers in retail are notoriously unpredictable and often
Joe Biden calls for a constitutional
amendment to publicly finance elections
as he unveils ethics plan to 'ensure no
future president can ever abuse the
office for personal gain'
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 6:08:20 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has called for a constitutional amendment to publicly finance elections as he unveils an ethics plan pointed at President Donald Trump. These proposals are to 'ensure that no future president can ever abuse the office for personal gain,' the Biden campaign told NBC News ahead of its formal announcement of reforms on Monday. The ban on private dollars, reminiscent of Biden's first days as a Senator nearly 50 years ago, comes as he has been lambasted by Democrat rivals for his leaning on lucrative fundraising events. The amendment would overturn Citizens United and mean public financing for all campaigns and Biden also proposes to provide
Bill Barr: ‘In the Framers’ View, Free
Government Was Only Suitable and
Sustainable for a Religious People’
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 5:55:26 PM Post Reply
Attorney General Bill Barr spoke at the University of Notre Dame Law School on Friday, saying that the Framers of the U.S. Constitution believed that a “free government was only suitable and sustainable for a religious people.”“In a free republic, those restraints could not be handed down from above by philosopher kings,” Barr said. “Instead, social order must flow up from the people themselves, freely obeying the dictates of inwardly possessed and commonly shared moral values.“And to control willful human beings with an infinite capacity to rationalize, those moral values must rest on authority independent of men’s wills,” he said. “They must flow from the transcendent Supreme Being.
Project Veritas Exposes CNN's
'Personal Vendetta' Against Trump
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 5:42:17 PM Post Reply
CNN is one of the most visible and prolific anti-Trump networks out there. Over the weekend, James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas team announced that they were working on a series based on information brought to them by an insider at the network. It’s what you’d expect from staff and management that has become infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of the top hosts hate Trump. CNN president Jeffrey Zucker hates him as well. So, it’s not shocking that the animus leeches into the programming. Zucker is heard on calls, giving marching orders to focus on impeachment and ignore other stories. He rips Fox News for peddling conspiracy theories
It was Russia. Ask Senate Republicans. replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 5:28:53 PM Post Reply
A new report by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirms what the White House refuses to accept: Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help then-candidate Donald Trump and to hurt his presidential rivals. The findings are alarming for the breadth of Russia’s operation, the Kremlin’s direct involvement and the ongoing threat posed by foreign meddling to American democracy. But perhaps more than anything, the report amounts to a bipartisan rebuke of the White House’s own disinformation campaign to shift the blame away from Russia. The committee, chaired by Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., released a second report this week that furthered the findings of America’s intelligence community
James O’Keefe Releases CNN Insider
Video – CNN President Gives Daily
Instructions To Target President Trump….
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 4:10:36 PM Post Reply
Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has released part-1 of an insider video series highlighting daily instructions from CNN President Jeff Zucker to his organization. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect to this insider report is the 9:00am daily instructions from the president of a news organization telling his executives which aspects of the political effort to disparage President Trump should be their focus. (Video)
Mark Zuckerberg hosting
dinners with conservative leaders
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 4:06:11 PM Post Reply
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has met with prominent conservatives in recent months seeking their perspectives on how his platform polices content. Zuckerberg has met with a number of journalists, commentators, and at least one lawmaker over a number of "off the record" dinners and meetups. Zuckerberg is reportedly attempting to build relationships in Republican circles to help fend off potential pressure from President Trump’s Department of Justice. Trump has made overtures about breaking up Zuckerberg’s company on grounds that it is an unfair monopoly, something the social media titan wants to avoid.
Democracy Dies In Darkness:
Adam Schiff Just Banned A GOP
Lawmaker From Attending Key
Ukrainegate Deposition
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 3:59:03 PM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., just banned a key Republican lawmaker from the deposition of a former anti-Trump national security official believed to be at the center of ongoing Ukraine proceedings, sources tell The Federalist. Schiff tossed Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., out of the deposition. Although the U.S. House of Representatives has not approved a resolution authorizing a formal impeachment investigation, House Democrats have nonetheless insisted that they have full authority to subpoena all documents and testimony they desire, even if specific committees lack the jurisdiction to demand particular information.
The Whistleblower
and the 'Schiff-Biden Dossier'
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 3:53:59 PM Post Reply
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption. The Russian collusion fantasy was designed to frame Trump while diverting attention from Hilary Clinton's real collusion with Russia in Uranium One and using the Clinton Foundation as a pay-for- play cash cow as secretary of state.
Taibbi: Impeaching Trump Would
Establish ‘Intelligence Community
Veto over Elections’
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 3:52:14 PM Post Reply
Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi reframes the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry — and its latest development in the arrest of two associates of Rudy Giuliani — as a “permanent coup” against President Trump playing out more slowly than coups he has experienced firsthand in other nations. Taibbi’s article comes after he criticized corporate media’s framing of the Deep Stater as a non-partisan “whistleblower,” despite being a registered Democrat who worked with former Vice President Joe Biden in the White House.
Researchers: Sex Robots
Should Have ‘Consent-Modules’
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 3:49:32 PM Post Reply
University researchers from institutions around the globe are working together to design “ethical” sex robots that have to consent before engaging in intercourse. They envision “consent modules” added to sex robots that humans would engage with before sexual relations. Anco Peeters of Australia’s University of Wollongong and Pim Haselager, an associate professor at The Netherlands’ Radboud University, published a research article recently that made the case for “ethical” sex robots. In the article, which was highlighted this week by The College Fix, Haselager and Peeters propose that sex robots should have to consent prior to intercourse with their owners.
ABC News Airs U.S. Gun Range Video,
Calling It a Syrian War Zone — Twice
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 3:44:10 PM Post Reply
ABC News on Monday removed a video which the network presented as Turkish military forces attacking Kurdish fighters in northern Syria — amid reports that the footage may, in fact, be from a U.S. gun demonstration. The footage, which ABC News purported was of an attack on the border town of Tal Abyad, was aired Sunday on World News Tonight and Good Morning America on Monday morning. However, a comparison by Gizmodo shows the video was captured at Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky back in 2017. “[I]t’s clear that the videos are the same,” said the website.
Schiff Is Getting Nervous replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/14/2019 2:54:33 PM Post Reply
House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, stands at the center of the impeachment of the president scam. And as word gets out about his real game and how he got it — through a spying operation aimed at the White House that he directed, he's starting to get weirdly wobbly. Two instances just from the weekend are starting to stand out. First, in stark contrast to the big hullabaloo he made about hearing from the so-called "whistleblower" in Congress ahead of the planned Trump execution, Schiff suddenly doesn't think the whistleblower is so very, very necessary to testify at his hearings at all:
Hunter Biden swears no more corruption
if Dad wins
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/14/2019 2:49:05 PM Post Reply
News broke yesterday morning that Hunter Biden has officially stepped down from the board of directors of a Chinese-backed private equity company. Additionally, he made a public promise that if his father, Joe Biden, wins the presidency, he will "forego all foreign work." Quite a lot to unpack here. Firstly, he's missing the point entirely. While President Trump's Ukraine phone call shined a bright light on Joe and Hunter Biden's corruption, the outrage was never about him working for a foreign company. It was about how he got those positions in the first place — with his father's power and status in the U.S. government.
Cory Booker’s numbers are
falling short in all kinds of
ways. Here’s the breakdown.
Posted by Ribicon 10/14/2019 2:34:26 PM Post Reply
Washington—Cory Booker is trying to get the numbers to add up to 2020. The U.S. senator from New Jersey will be one of 12 Democratic candidates on the stage Tuesday for the fourth presidential debate in Ohio (and has qualified for the fifth one to be held Nov. 20 in Georgia). He’s done well in the first three debates, is expanding his field operations in the early caucus and primary states, and continues to land key endorsements. But he shows little movement in opinion polls, and it’s getting late. The odds of him winning are long. And he lags in fundraising,
Report: Fox News Hosts Criticized,
Mocked Trump During Advertiser
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 2:08:44 PM Post Reply
A new report about the relationship between President Donald Trump and Fox News alleges that hosts Chris Wallace and Martha MacCallum criticized and mocked Trump during a closed-door meeting last month. Fox News hosts Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, and Martha MacCallum attended an event in Manhattan to assure advertisers that “Trump doesn’t own” them, according to a piece published Sunday in the New York Times. The Times report continues: “‘Contrary to the opinion of some people, he’s not our boss,’ Ms. MacCallum said, marveling at Mr. Trump’s criticism of Fox News for airing interviews with Democratic presidential candidates.
California Turns Off a Lot
More Than Just the Lights
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 1:57:58 PM Post Reply
Going solar isn’t necessarily any protection from California’s new “planned” power outages, and local residents and business are enduring a lot more than just a few inconveniences. Bloomberg’s Chris Martin has a story on California’s troubles with one of my favorite headlines ever: “Californians Learning That Solar Panels Don't Work in Blackouts.” Apparently, many of California’s would-be Earth-savers had no idea that just putting solar panels on their roofs doesn’t mean they’ll have power when PG&E switches it off. As Martin explains: "Most panels are designed to supply power to the grid -- not directly to houses. During the heat of the day, solar systems can crank out
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz ejected from
closed-door impeachment meeting
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 1:49:51 PM Post Reply
A Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee was ejected from a closed-door impeachment hearing. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida tried to enter a hearing Monday in which lawmakers from three different committees are interviewing President Trump’s former top aide on Russia, Fiona Hill. Gaetz said he believed he should be allowed to attend the hearing because impeachment inquiries traditionally are handled by the House Judiciary Committee, and he serves on that panel. But the House parliamentarian told Gaetz he is not allowed to attend the hearing because he does not sit on either the Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, or Oversight panels, which are the official committees conducting the impeachment inquiry.
Trump-Mexico Immigration Deal Breaks
Up Caravan of 2000 Migrants
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 1:46:08 PM Post Reply
New immigration procedures implemented by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) effectively disbanded a group of 2,000 mostly Central American caravan migrants. Immigration policies put in place following an agreement between Mexico and the Trump Administration broke up a caravan consisting of approximately 2,000 people from Central America, Africa, and the Caribbean Islands, the Associated Press reported Saturday. The group began to move northward from Tapachula, Chiapas, early one morning last week after being held up for official travel documents. The group quickly encountered Mexican Federal Police and members of the newly formed National Guard. When the group came upon the police and soldiers, some scattered while others surrendered.
Billionaires Could Face Tax Rates
Up to 97.5% Under Sanders
Posted by NorthernDog 10/14/2019 1:33:16 PM Post Reply
Billionaires may have much more to fear from a Bernie Sanders presidency than they do from an Elizabeth Warren administration, according to two economists advising both candidates. That’s one of the conclusions of a new interactive website developed by University of California, Berkeley professors Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman. If Sanders had his way, they calculate that the 400 richest Americans, on average, would have an effective tax rate of 97.5%. That includes not only their income, but also a wealth tax that whittles away at the family fortune. The 97.5% average effective tax rate under his plans compares with
Sunday Talks: Rand Paul Schools Chuck
Todd on Pragmatic Foreign Policy –
Toad Mutters, and Grumbles
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 1:23:28 PM Post Reply
The background protestations, grumbles and sounds of the insufferable Chuck Todd while his ‘Share Blue’ talking points are being deconstructed is actually a little funny. In this interview Senator Rand Paul explains the pragmatic policy of withdrawing 50 U.S. troops from Northern Syria to avoid them becoming victims to a cross-border incursion by a NATO ally, Turkey, while the ridiculously pontificating European collective does nothing except criticize the U.S. for not defending their interests. Chuck Todd is flummoxed. Additionally, Senator Paul creates a ‘splodey head when the conversation turns to the Ukraine and Rand Paul points out the hypocrisy of Democrats trying to impeach President Trump for political foreign policy
The Fine Art of Biden, Obama and
Clinton Keister Kissing
Posted by Cavallodifiero 10/14/2019 1:06:18 PM Post Reply
Completely overlooked in President Donald Trump’s take that Joe Biden “was only a good VP because he would kiss Barack Obama’s a—“ is Obama’s kissing the keister of Joe Biden. Not only did Obama plant kisses on the rump of Joe Biden—he did so for eight infernally long years. Obama’s instant, never media-question alibi for not knowing about major corruption was he was never aware of it until coming across it in the media. Hmmm.
Another Newsweek Conspiracy: 'Greta
Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize’
By Big Oil
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 1:02:58 PM Post Reply
Newsweek reporter Rosie McCall offered a conspiracy theory as to how a 16-year-old environmental activist somehow failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year: “Greta Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize by Committee Run by Norway, One of the World's Biggest Oil and Natural Gas Exporters.” This new theory comes courtesy of a magazine fresh off breaking the news that opening tanning salons in urban neighborhoods were a plot to give gay men skin cancer, or something. (Snip)McCall gave Norway some credit for weaning itself off the fossil fuels poison and moving to reduce its emissions, but of course it wasn't good enough:
Goalpost Shift: Schiff Now Says There
Doesn’t Need To Be A Quid Pro Quo
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 12:57:38 PM Post Reply
The goalposts they are a’ changing. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said on Sunday that there need not have been a desire for a quid pro quo agreement between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for their phone discussion to lead to the president’s impeachment. Democrats claim Trump was withholding millions in U.S. aid, which he wanted to exchange for Ukranian help investigating the business dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who made upwards of a million dollars from a gas company in the country. Now, Schiff says no quid pro quo is necessary.
ABC News ‘slaughter in Syria’ footage appears
to come from a Kentucky gun range
Posted by Mr. Know-It-All 10/14/2019 12:54:03 PM Post Reply
Are you distrustful of the coverage of what is happening now in northern Syria between the Kurds and the Turkish army? You have good reason to be. ABC aired supposedly shocking footage Monday morning purporting to be from the frontline battle between the Syrian Kurds and the invading Turks. The only problem is the footage appears to come from a nighttime demonstration at the Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky.
GOP lawmaker introduces bill to
investigate Biden family's dealings
with Ukraine
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 12:53:56 PM Post Reply
Amid House Democrats' push for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump, a Republican lawmaker plans to introduce legislation to turn the spotlight on the Biden family’s dealings with Ukraine. “I’m not asking for a foreign government to investigate him, I want the United States Congress to investigate him,” Rep. Bradley Byrne, of Alabama, (Snip) The resolution, expected to be filed Tuesday, calls for several House committees to formally investigate Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukrainian firm Burisma Holdings during the period in which his father served as vice president. ‘ The investigation will look into whether those dealings resulted in improper conflicts of interests and whether Hunter’s work made an impact
Census Bureau seeks state data,
including citizenship info
Posted by Ribicon 10/14/2019 12:52:05 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Census Bureau is asking states for drivers’ license records that typically include citizenship data and has made a new request for information on recipients of government assistance, alarming some civil rights advocates The two approaches, documented by The Associated Press, come amid President Trump’s efforts to make citizenship a key aspect of federal information-gathering in the run-up to the 2020 Census, despite this year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that a specific citizenship question can’t be included in the 2020 Census questionnaire. Civil rights advocates worry that the wider net being cast by the Trump administration for such information
Watch Chuck Todd Admit He’s
Suppressing News
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 12:48:12 PM Post Reply
The public unraveling of Chuck “the presidential race is over” Todd continued last week when the Meet the Press moderator bragged about suppressing news.This was actually the second time last week that proved President Trump has thoroughly broken Chuck Todd, has undone the poor guy to a point where he keeps publicly humiliating himself with bizarre behavior.The first time occurred when Todd’s face melted over Trump calling on China and Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. Although the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee paid a foreigner to pay other foreigners to investigate the Trump campaign (the Steele Dossier), although four Democrat senators actually did
Republican Sen. Cramer: 'The New Precedent
for Impeachment' Is Dislike of the President
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 12:32:34 PM Post Reply
"There was no quid pro quo" in President Donald Trump's July 25 phone call with the Ukraine president, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.Host Jake Tapper, annoyed, repeatedly pressed Cramer to say that Trump's mention of the Bidens in that phone call was "inappropriate." Cramer told Tapper that President Trump is "very clear" in expressing his opinions, and Cramer said he doesn't get the sense that Trump was "pushing" the Ukrainians to do something: I think he talks. He thinks out loud. He expresses whatever's on his mind. And people can take that and twist it any way they want to.
Fat People Are Killing Us replies
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 12:26:04 PM Post Reply
Last Friday was World Obesity Day, and I celebrated by continuing to stay in shape. Every three years, excess body fat kills twice as many people than the Holocaust supposedly did in six years, so why aren’t donuts illegal? Researchers estimate that in 2015, high body weight contributed to four million deaths globally. That’s more than ten times as many people who were murdered worldwide in 2015.(Snip)Two out of every five adult Americans are not only overweight, they’re obese. That’s a massive army of nearly 100 million human hogs who are lowering life expectancy and driving healthcare costs through the roof.
Scientists gone mad replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 12:15:18 PM Post Reply
The men and women of science are supposed to be rational, sober professionals. Yet a few hundred have decided to behave as rabble, having been overtaken by global warming hysteria. Reuters reported Saturday that “almost 400 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate change.” The objective is to warn the rest of us “that failure could inflict ‘incalculable human suffering.’” To say these activist-researchers have broken “with the caution traditionally associated with academia to side with peaceful protesters courting arrest” is almost an understatement. They have chosen to align themselves with the Extinction Rebellion,
Pedophile who abused up to 200 children
stabbed to death in prison
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 12:05:53 PM Post Reply
A notorious British pedophile who was handed 22 life sentences for abusing 22 children in Malaysia — and up to 200 during a seven-year spree — has been stabbed to death in a prison in England, according to reports. Richard Huckle, 33, was found dead Sunday inside his cell at the Full Sutton Prison in North Yorkshire, according to Sky News. He was jailed in June 2016 after admitting to the horrific crimes against children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years from 2006 to 2014. Huckle pleaded guilty to 71 offenses involving 22 children, but it is believed there were many more victims throughout Southeast Asia.
Why China's Brightest Abroad Show
Team Spirit for Beijing's Hardball
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 11:48:18 AM Post Reply
The appearance at Columbia University last month by two leading Hong Kong pro-democracy activists was drawing to a close when, suddenly, students from mainland China arose from their seats and fervently belted out two tunes, “Song of the Motherland” and China's national anthem, “March of the Volunteers.”(Snip) Within hours pro-Chinese government websites like Global Times, the leading English-language organ of China's propaganda machinery, posted video of the incident, praising the students for their “patriotic” gesture. (Snip) Here were Chinese students, living and studying in the West, exercising the freedom to raise a ruckus at an academic conference and implicitly to denounce the pro-democracy yearnings of their Hong Kong counterparts.
Time For Patriots To Declare
War On Antifa Terrorists
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 11:25:43 AM Post Reply
The time for President Trump to take action on ANTIFA in labeling the organization an international terrorist organization is long overdue. It is an international terrorist group, since it also operates in many European countries as well as the United Kingdom aside from the US. ANTIFA is only part of a much larger spiderweb of anti-American terrorist groups, all founded and organized by Barack H. Obama and run via the central organization known as Organizing For Action. ANTIFA along with Black Lives Matter,, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood, just to name a few are all part of the massive Obama organized and managed sphere of influence,
The Glass Floor is keeping America's Richest Idiots at the Top replies
Posted by checkmatekingtwo 10/14/2019 10:24:34 AM Post Reply
In 2014, Zach Dell launched a dating app called Thread. ... Zach Dell is the son of billionaire tech magnate Michael Dell. Though he told reporters that he wasn’t relying on family money, Thread’s early investors included a number of his father’s friends, including Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. The app failed almost instantly. ... And yet, despite helming two failed ventures and having little work experience beyond an internship at a financial services company created to manage his father’s fortune, things seem to be working out for Zach Dell. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is now an analyst for the private equity firm Blackstone. He is 22.
The Rise of Jordan Peterson replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 10/14/2019 10:23:25 AM Post Reply
Given today’s downward cultural spiral, it’s disturbing but not surprising that the makers of a thoughtful new documentary about Jordan Peterson are having a hard time finding somewhere to show their film. Many mainstream and independent cinemas have refused to screen it because they’re “fearful of controversy” or “morally concerned.” One theater in Toronto cancelled a week-long showing after some of the staff “took issue with it.” A theater in Brooklyn cancelled a second screening, despite the fact that the first sold out and received good reviews, “because some staff were offended . . . and felt uncomfortable.”
Ranking Member Doug Collins Discusses
Pelosi-Schiff and Lawfare Impeachment
Scheme Progress…
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 9:57:41 AM Post Reply
Representative Doug Collins appears on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the specific strategy behind the Pelosi-Shiff and Lawfare ongoing impeachment effort. Collins explains why Adam Schiff is holding hearings behind closed doors so they can selectively leak out information that supports the Democrat narrative of impeachment, while also hiding the evidence that refutes their construct. (Snip) Speaker Pelosi, with forethought and planning by the Lawfare Alliance, is intentionally using non-jurisdictional committees because she is manipulating the process. It’s the same reason why the House Intelligence, House Foreign Affairs and House Oversight committees cannot legally send out “Impeachment-based Subpoenas“; they have no impeachment jurisdiction.
Mark Meadows Discusses Fraudulent
Impeachment Process and Upcoming
IG Report…
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 9:51:07 AM Post Reply
North Carolina republican Mark Meadows has been one of the key republican leaders who have remained in Washington DC during the recess break so that he can quickly attend the secret back-room hearings being held by Chairman Adam Schiff. In this interview Mr. Meadows discusses the current status of the impeachment effort. Additionally, Meadows discusses what he knows of the documents provided to Inspector General Horowitz for his pending release of the FISA investigation. Meadows predicts the IG report will be a “scathing rebuke” of the FBI; however, Meadows also predicts the accountability aspect will only end with recommendations for FISA process changes.
Environmentalists have a new
target: Charmin toilet paper
Posted by MissMolly 10/14/2019 9:50:07 AM Post Reply
Consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble faces pressure from environmentalists to clean up its act. More than 150 groups are pushing the maker of Charmin toiler paper and Bounty paper towels to use recycled materials in its products. Currently, neither of those products uses recycled paper, and about one-third of it is sourced from Canada's boreal forest — a large swath of virgin forest that rings the Arctic Circle and acts as a critical check on climate change. "It's just unacceptable that a company like P&G is making toilet paper, a product that is used for seconds and flushed, from virgin pulp,"
James O’Keefe Previews Hidden Camera
Investigation of CNN…
Posted by earlybird 10/14/2019 9:48:59 AM Post Reply
Yesterday Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe announced a new series of releases obtained by an CNN insider who has been secretly recording views, and ideological instructions within the organization. (Video )[Project Veritas] […] This week, a CNN insider will blow the whistle and through Project Veritas will release dozens of recordings made of officials at the highest levels of CNN, revealing a political agenda, bias and misconduct hidden from public view. This series of tapes — which we think will be the biggest story of the year for Project Veritas — blends two extraordinary series of events; a brave insider secretly recording at work and a hard-hitting
Did Adam Schiff Just Admit There
Was No Quid Pro Quo?
Posted by Hazymac 10/14/2019 8:42:39 AM Post Reply
Appearing on CBS's Face The Nation Sunday morning, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff essentially conceded that there was no quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by saying "there doesn't need to be a quid pro quo." "We have discovered in short order not only the contents of that call, but also the preparatory work that went into the call. The effort to condition something the Ukrainian president deeply sought, and that was a meeting with the president to establish that this new president of Ukraine had a powerful patron in the president of the United States that was of vital importance to Ukraine,
Corrupt UAW Executives and the
General Motors Strike
Posted by Cavallodifiero 10/14/2019 8:07:42 AM Post Reply
According to a report in the Detroit News, UAW corruption was responsible for the General Motors strike. UAW Secretary/Treasurer Gary Casteel and Danny Tull, the former deputy to UAW Gary Jones, are co-operating with US Federal investigators in providing information of over $1 million allegedly spent on luxuries for UAW officials. The article cites unnamed sources and a Federal Court Affidavit by the US Labor Department. The allegations directly implicate UAW President Jones. Investigators uncovered sworn witnesses that allege that Jones spent UAW dues on golf clothing in Palm Springs, and
Breaking News: Hunter Biden breaks his
silence and agrees to no-holds
barred TV interview about scandal
engulfing his father as Donald Trump
accuses them of profiting off the*
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:46:51 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden will break his silence and appear on ABC's 'Good Morning America' Tuesday in an interview where 'no questions were off limits,' the network announced Monday morning. Biden, the youngest son of former Vice President Joe Biden, spoke with ABC's Amy Robach over the weekend at his home in Los Angeles, according to ABC. No details from the interview have been released but it is expected to cover a number of topics, including Hunter's work in the Ukraine and China that has become a controversy in the presidential campaign. It's Hunter Biden's first time speaking in public
Seriously? Biden Believes He Can 'Build
On' The So-Called 'Squeaky Clean'
Environment Obama Had
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:36:51 AM Post Reply
Following a speech with at the United Food and Commercial Workers (UCWF) presidential forum in Altoona, Iowa, on Sunday, former Vice President Joe Biden addressed the news that his son, Hunter, decided to step down from the the board of BKR, a Chinese private equity firm. Biden reiterated the position he's had all along, that nothing illegal took place and that the Bidens never discussed business.“Have any consequence that anything was done wrong or illegally by me or by my son [Hunter]. Every major national, international and local news operation has looked into [and] it has said it’s a lie,"
Make Columbus Day Great Again replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:33:52 AM Post Reply
HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY AND STUFF --Christopher Columbus was one of the first victims of Cancel Culture before it was even called Cancel Culture. Due to a decided lack of saintliness, the explorer who kickstarted this hot mess of fun and freedom we now enjoy here in the Western Hemisphere became the whipping boy for progressives who want to rewrite history to fit a PC diversity narrative. I always liked Columbus Day when I was a kid. It was a nice, stress-free day off from school. I have never been much of a Halloween fan, so Columbus Day was my one little moment in the long slog between
Free Trader Paul Krugman Admits Failure
of Globalization for American Workers:
‘Major Mistake’
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:28:16 AM Post Reply
Economist Paul Krugman, the longtime defender of global free trade and a member of the failed “Never Trump” movement, now admits that globalization has failed American workers.In a column for Bloomberg titled “What Economists (Including Me) Got Wrong About Globalization,” Krugman admits that the economic consensus for free trade that has prevailed for decades has failed to recognize how globalization has skyrocketed inequality for America’s working and middle class workers.Krugman writes: In the past few years, however, worries about globalization have shot back to the top of the agenda,
Trump reminds Chris Wallace he will
never be his father in scathing
response to Sunday show
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 7:12:49 AM Post Reply
President Trump slammed Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday for his liberally biased coverage of the Ukraine story. “Somebody please explain to Chris Wallace of Fox, who will never be his father (and my friend), Mike Wallace, that the Phone Conversation I had with the President of Ukraine was a congenial & good one,” Trump tweeted. “It was only Schiff’s made-up version of that conversation that was bad!” Somebody please explain to Chris Wallace of Fox, who will never be his father (and my friend), Mike Wallace, that the Phone Conversation I had with the President of Ukraine was a congenial & good one.
GOP braces for impeachment brawl replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:31:51 AM Post Reply
Senate Republicans are set to be thrown into the middle of a high-profile fight over impeachment and President Trump’s efforts to investigate former Vice President Biden. After two weeks out of town, and largely away from the national media, GOP lawmakers are poised to be bombarded with questions when they return to Washington on Tuesday. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he hadn’t heard much about impeachment as he was traveling in Iowa during the break, but warned of a looming “impeachment cloud” in the Capitol.
Disclosure for thee, but not for me replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:27:54 AM Post Reply
Several years ago, Kert Davies, then a research director for Greenpeace, complained that secret funds, or “dark money,” was behind the opposition to then-President Barack Obama’s efforts to combat climate change. Davies argued this dark money powered the climate “denial machine.” This ominous source of funding was claimed to be responsible for blocking congressional action on Obama’s climate agenda. The media seems to be filled with stories about the danger of dark money and how conservatives are using it to thwart the democratic process. In September, the Kansas City Star published an article raising the specter that conservatives used dark money
Pence revs up communications
operation to combat impeachment
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:26:21 AM Post Reply
Vice President Mike Pence has beefed up his West Wing communications team as he confronts an accelerating impeachment inquiry into President Trump and an unpredictable 2020 reelection campaign. Pence is under pressure to answer questions about Trump’s actions and own his role in the administration’s dealings with Ukraine, which are the focus of a widening investigation by Democrats in the House of Representatives. The vice president is simultaneously trying to reassure skeptical voters that Trump can be trusted with a second term.
Secret Anti-Trump Tribunals to
Continue as Congress Returns
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:24:23 AM Post Reply
The Democrats are returning from their recess and will continue their secret tribunals against ORANGE MAN BAD. The dummies, that’s you all, don’t need to see or hear anything going on inside the tribunals, you just need to know that men and women far, far better than you are making decisions about how to jettison the president you voted into office. Maybe if you could be trusted to make the right decisions, they wouldn’t have to interfere and fix your mistake with their coup. The horror, the horror. This week, the EU ambassador will be up at bat. Did you know parts of his planned testimony
The Strategies of Targeting Trump replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:21:40 AM Post Reply
There is no logical Democratic explanation for impeaching Donald Trump. The various factions within the Democratic Party calling for impeachment are united only by their loathing of Donald Trump, the person, and his systematic repeal of the Obama progressive project. After failing with the voting machine gambit, the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, the emoluments clause, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux-coup, the Comey memos farce, the “resistance” efforts outlined by the New York Times anonymous op-ed writer, the campaign finance violations accusations, Stormy, tax returns, whistleblowers, leakers, the Mueller 22 months charade, and now impeachment 2.0, what exactly is the point of impeaching Trump just 13 months before the election?
The rebellion against reason replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:19:46 AM Post Reply
We don’t need rowdy Extinction Reb-hellions on our streets – we need Education on Extinctions in our science academies, classrooms, and media. Extinctions are natural events that close every chapter of Earth’s history -- they remove species that can’t cope with competition or change. The rocks are Earth’s archives, recording past climates, extinctions, ice ages, droughts, planetary impacts and volcanic activities. There is nothing unusual about current conditions or trends except for today’s huge human population. (Dinosaurs also were very numerous and successful, but only remnants of their line remain today.)
President Trump, all the way live! replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:18:19 AM Post Reply
Brother and sister Americans, we witnessed a new level of president Trump being himself at his remarkable energizing, inspiring, and unifying rallies in Minnesota and Louisiana. Democrats have had a lock on connecting with voters emotionally using their fake compassion, cruelly using people as props. Republicans are sorely lacking in striking an emotional chord with voters. Remember the “Dragnet” TV show? Detective Friday would say, “Just the facts ma'am.” Republicans typically recite just the facts and figures. Trump, like no Republican before him, is gifted with the ability to touch voters' emotions while giving them logic and common sense reinforced with statistical data.
Fox News is Joining
the Fake News Pollsters
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:17:06 AM Post Reply
Those on the political right believe Fox News is an ally, while those on the left criticize Fox as a right-wing echo chamber. Both groups are wrong. Fox News has made a hard turn to the left in recent years. Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are relegated to the Fox News Wikipedia page while the new bosses are the next generation of Murdochs, woke, liberal, and no fan of either President Trump or his supporters. Fox’s news shows are peppered with liberals, from Juan Williams and the recently departed Sheppard Smith to Donna Brazile and Chris Hahn. The evening and weekend opinion show hosts
Trump Stands between
America and Tyranny
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:15:39 AM Post Reply
The movie Titanic had one really good scene. The ship had already swiped the iceberg. The behemoth continued sailing along and appeared to be doing just fine. But one person on the ship, Thomas Andrews, knew that it was doomed. Andrews was a naval architect who was in charge of the plans to build the ship. After he tells the captain and some other key people on the ship that it is going to sink, they react in disbelief. One declares that the ship can't possibly sink. Andrews responds, "She's made of iron, sir! I assure you she can. And she will.
Rashida and the law replies
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:13:47 AM Post Reply
It seems that the charming and attractive Rashida Talib is still running off at the mouth about arresting people, specifically administration officials who refuse to respond to the House’s “impeachment” subpoenas. According to Rashida: "There have been actual serious conversations about what the logistics would look like... if we did have to force someone through a court order to come before the Congressional committee… she said. "This is pretty uncharted territory for many of us and even for Congress.” Of course there have been. Leftists yearn for police powers, for the ability to reach out and punish anyone they see, with a ferocity unknown
Report: Trump’s Former Russia Aide
Who Will Testify in Impeachment
Probe Linked to Christopher Steele
Posted by M2 10/14/2019 6:10:53 AM Post Reply
U.S. President Donald Trump’s former top aide on Russia and Europe, Fiona Hill, is expected to appear Monday for a private deposition in the House Democrats’ impeachment probe. Hill officially left her post in the National Security Council (NSC) in August after serving about two and a half years. Hill, however, handed over her responsibilities a week before U.S. President Donald Trump made the call to his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25. She may not know much about the conversation. Trump’s conversation with Zelensky triggered the unfolding impeachment investigation.
Anonymous Accusations and Their
Dangerous Purveyors
Posted by Garnet 10/14/2019 5:19:05 AM Post Reply
Anonymous accusations have been regarded with suspicion by honorable leaders for at least two millennia. Even the Romans rejected the use of such allegations against Christians. Indeed, the Emperor Trajan explicitly admonished one of his provincial governors against doing so: “Anonymously posted accusations ought to have no place in any prosecution. For this is both a dangerous kind of precedent and out of keeping with the spirit of our age.” The Democrats of our era aren’t troubled by such scruples, it would seem. In fact, they have used just such an accusation as the pretext for their “impeachment inquiry,” and it is indeed dangerous.
The Elite Hates The Trump Doctrine
Because It Puts America First
Posted by Pluperfect 10/14/2019 5:01:54 AM Post Reply
What our betters – those same smug geniuses who brought us Iraq, let NATO deadbeats string us along, and who let Mexico and China exploit us – truly hate is the fact that the American people stood up in 2016 and demanded that our foreign policy stop sucking. Americans are sick of always getting handed the bill for some lame ruling caste priority, whether it’s paying for the privilege of defending Europe on behalf of ungrateful continentals or funding the weird climate religion or letting China get rich off of gutting our industries. Mostly, we are sick of shipping our magnificent warriors off to die in ill-conceived, poorly-planned,
The climate alarmist cometh replies
Posted by Pluperfect 10/14/2019 4:58:40 AM Post Reply
Jane Fonda has been arrested, again. But don’t worry, she did it for your future. The actress recently moved to Washington D.C., so she can get arrested a few dozen times over the next several months in order to protest climate change. Like she did on Friday, she’ll be waiting on the steps of the Capitol for police officers to take her away. This is the type of commitment only a privileged, white actress could have to signaling her moral seriousness. But Fonda insists that she’s protesting climate change for all of us. “It’s as simple as this. We have according to the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
The Syrian Kurds Are
Not America’s Problem
Posted by Pluperfect 10/14/2019 4:48:48 AM Post Reply
All of Washington has been atwitter with the president’s recent decision to draw down American forces from their ongoing mission in Syria. The reason is the purported American abandonment — betrayal, in the eyes of many — of the Syrian Kurds. But the situation is more complicated than that. There has been much conflation of both the American mission in Syria and the disposition of America’s erstwhile Kurdish friends. The fact is, despite being the world’s largest stateless ethnic population, sharing a contiguous landmass that cuts across Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran — roughly a 500,000-square-kilometer area — the Kurds are by no means a monolithic entity.
The Whistleblower and the "Schiff-Biden Dossier" replies
Posted by shazbot123 10/14/2019 4:43:09 AM Post Reply
In a striking parallel to the Trump-Russia "collusion delusion" fueled by the manufactured Steele dossier, we now have what I will dub the "Schiff-Biden dossier," a manufactured tale of Trump corruption involving a tangled web of Deep-State swamp rats seeking to deflect attention from the real collusion and the real corruption.
Rand Paul Calls For Probe Into 4
Democratic Senators Over Threats To Ukraine
Posted by Pluperfect 10/14/2019 4:37:27 AM Post Reply
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called for a probe into four Democratic Senators on Sunday over a letter that they sent to Ukraine in 2018 that threatened to withhold aid from the country if it did not continue to investigate President Donald Trump. When asked by left-wing “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd about whether he was concerned over Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s interaction with Ukraine, Paul responded, “If anything is consistent here it’s that both parties have tried to involve themselves in Ukraine. So for example, four senators, Democrats, wrote a letter to the Ukrainian government and said, ‘If you don’t keep investigating Trump
Stop scapegoating Christopher Columbus replies
Posted by MissMolly 10/14/2019 4:31:10 AM Post Reply
Why are we so eager to search out scapegoats for the injustices of history? Whatever the reason, Christopher Columbus is now the fall guy for the sins of slavery, the exploitation of indigenous peoples, the rape of natural resources and most of the legal, financial and territorial abuses that followed the first European steps in the New World. His accusers want to eliminate Columbus Day and replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day. Columbus is a 15th-century man in a 21st-century court, and the jury is stacked with self-righteous, injured parties who have 20-20 hindsight. Vilifying him won’t change the unfairness of history, but it will delegitimize
Elizabeth Warren Is Jussie Smollett replies
Posted by MissMolly 10/14/2019 4:22:22 AM Post Reply
Elizabeth Warren has a moving story about being fired from a teaching job because she was pregnant, a story that perfectly complements her political narrative that she is the tribune and champion of those who have been treated unfairly by the powerful. Joe Biden has a moving — and horrifying — story about his wife and daughter being killed by a drunk driver, a story that similarly could not have been designed more perfectly to bolster his political image as a man who can be counted on to soldier on in the face of adversity. Of course, neither story is true. Are we still caring about that sort of thing?
Kurdish forces announce deal
with Damascus after US pullout
Posted by MissMolly 10/14/2019 4:18:20 AM Post Reply
Nearly a week after the U.S. announced its decision to pull out troops from northern Syria to make way for a Turkish incursion, Kurdish forces in the country have reportedly agreed to a new deal with Damascus in a desperate bid to face off against Ankara's offensive. The New York Times reported that the deal-- which was announced Sunday evening-- would enable President Bashar al-Assad's forces to attempt to regain a foothold in the country's northeast. The Kurdish fighters had few options after the United States abandoned them, and it had been anticipated they would turn to Assad’s government for support.
Master Sgt. Mark Allen dies 10 years after
being shot while searching for Army deserter
Posted by MissMolly 10/14/2019 4:13:10 AM Post Reply
Retired Army Master Sgt. Mark Allen died on Saturday, 10 years after he was shot while looking for a missing soldier in Afghanistan back in 2009. He was 46. Allen was unable to walk or speak since being shot in the head by a sniper in July 2009 during his attempted search for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who walked off his base in Afghanistan and was imprisoned by the Taliban for five years. Bergdahl later pled guilty and was dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank from sergeant to private and fined $1,000 per month over a ten-month period for deserting his post and endangering the lives of fellow soldiers, including Allen.
Rep. Eliot Engel: Not sure House needs 'another
step' in impeachment inquiry by holding vote
Posted by PChristopher 10/14/2019 3:40:52 AM Post Reply
The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Sunday said it wouldn’t bother him if the full House took a vote on Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump but suggested that it wasn’t necessary at this point. “Doesn’t bother me to vote,” Rep. Eliot Engel, New York Democrat, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “But, you know, the Republicans would rather talk about anything else than about what’s really happened.” (Snip) “I think there needs to be an impeachment inquiry and we should stop the delaying tactics of the Republicans.”
Mexican National Guard Stopped, Turned
Back Migrant Caravan Headed For US
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 1:17:22 AM Post Reply
Mexican authorities stopped a caravan of about 2,000 migrants heading north for the United States, the latest action by their government to crack down on illegal immigration.In the southern Mexican city of Tapachula, a caravan of Central American, Caribbean, and African migrants embarked on foot for the U.S. on Saturday morning. After traveling for about 20 miles, however, they were greeted by hundreds of National Guardsmen and federal police blocking both sides of the highway, according to The Associated Press. The authorities, decked out in tactical vests and helmets,
Stunning: Hunter Biden Was a Paid Consultant
to MBNA Starting at Age 31—As Joe Biden
Pushed Legislation to Promote Credit
Card Industry
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 12:55:42 AM Post Reply

Hunter Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA as his father pushed legislation to help the credit card industry.Hunter Biden was 31 in 2001 when MBNA started paying the US Senator’s son as a consultant. Hunter Biden at 21 was well on his way making a career for himself as a top Democrat Senator’s son. (Tweet) CBS News reported: A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware,     

Caravan of up to 2,000 migrants headed to the
US from Africa, the Caribbean, and Central
America is abruptly stopped and detained
by Mexico
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/14/2019 12:51:36 AM Post Reply
Authorities in Southern Mexico detained hundreds of African, Caribbean and Central American migrants who were heading north Sunday as part of an up to 2,000-person caravan aiming to reach the United States. The group set out before sunrise Saturday from the town of Tapachula, Mexico, where many had been marooned for months unsuccessfully trying to get transit visas. They carried heavy backpacks, babies and parcels on their heads. Just before dusk, after having trudged more than 20 miles north, they were surrounded by hundreds of National Guard agents and police who persuaded the exhausted migrants to board vans back to Tapachula.
Schiff: I ‘should’ve been much more
clear’ about whistleblower contact
Posted by Imright 10/14/2019 12:49:43 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – Rep. Adam Schiff Sunday conceded he should have “been much more clear” in explaining the whistleblower’s contact with his House Intelligence Committee.The leader of the impeachment probe expressed regret for claiming last month his committee hadn’t spoken to the whistleblower who raised concerns about a conversation between President Trump and his counterpart in the Ukraine — when in fact the anonymous official had approached an aide to Schiff for guidance on reporting wrongdoing before filing a complaint.“I should have been much more clear and I said so the minute it was brought to my attention,” Schiff told CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
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