Around the world, backlash against
expensive climate-change policies
Washington Examiner,
H. Sterling Burnett
Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter,
5/18/2019 4:51:53 AM
From Alberta to Australia, from Finland to France, and beyond, voters are increasingly showing their displeasure with expensive energy policies imposed by politicians in an inane effort to purportedly fight human-caused climate change.
Skepticism over whether humans are causing dangerous climate change has always been higher in America than in most industrialized countries. As a result, governments in Europe, Canada, and other developed areas are much farther along the energy rationing path, cutting carbon dioxide emissions as required. However, residents in these countries have begun to revolt against the higher energy costs they suffer under due to high taxes on fossil fuels and mandates to use expensive renewable energy.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 5/18/2019 5:47:15 AM (No. 66644)
REAL science has never supported the theory. Instead of working on getting the proof of their theories, ever more alarmingly declared, the Alarmists turned it into a moral issue. The groundwork had already been laid because polluting had already been linked to immoral behavior. That's why CO2 was declared a "pollutant". This was not a scientific battle, this was a propaganda battle.
Behind the scenes, it was supported by politicians because it was also crafted as a POWER and POLITICAL CONTROL battle. That's why politicians, who normally run away in the face of negative public opinion, cling so strongly to climate initiatives. Enormous amounts of power and money are at stake. Many $trillions would ultimately flow to world governments who would also require tight control of the economies of the world to achieve "climate control".
But PEOPLE keep slamming on the brakes of the climate movement. The alarmists keep setting deadlines. It will be TOO LATE if we don't act NOW! Their own "science" says it is already too late. Even draconian actions taken now will do very little to mute temperature changes. Yet they push on, BECAUSE the POWER, MONEY, and MORAL aspects are still driving it past the "science".
So, WHY BOTHER? Why destroy society as we know it to no purpose? Let's continue to push, as we already do, for more efficient technologies and economically reasonable energy policies. If climate issues emerge (they haven't so far), then we will have to take actions as best we can.
As often is the case, the PEOPLE may be smarter than the "experts", the moralists, the power seekers, and the politicians.
21 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 5/18/2019 5:49:59 AM (No. 66645)
It is very unfortunate that so many people drank the international msm's cool aid and didn't question these fake energy rationing and alternative energy scams all of which aim to achieve the new world order and one world government. Ok, go ahead and revolt now and see what it gets you - yet higher-cost and less available energy.
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once again lying to the public. Solar panels are not renewable and need to be replaced and the rare earths that are used in them are toxic. They present a fire hazard that most people are not even informed about since you have electricity on your roof and the panels cannot be shut off with a switch. Once again these do gooders have paved the way to you know where and it ain't heaven on earth I assure you.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
udanja99 5/18/2019 7:19:50 AM (No. 66668)
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this were the beginning of the end of the entire hoax?
13 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 5/18/2019 7:41:43 AM (No. 66678)
In our area a few frosty mornings are in the forecast this week. It's hard to worry about global warming when the petunias are in danger of freezing in late May.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bpl40 5/18/2019 7:44:37 AM (No. 66681)
They are not 'policies'. They are blatant fraudulent schemes designed to effect income transfer and consolidate or extend state control of people's lives. It is not a question of if but when people will rebel against this.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 5/18/2019 8:21:05 AM (No. 66691)
The greatest tragedy - -
- - in Italy the once vibrant, colorful, bustling cities have been turned into zombie towns. They all have something called a ZTL - - which forbids vehicular traffic in the center of the cities. This has created deadly, lifeless areas totally lacking in charm - - and lacking in any reason to still visit there.
All because of the leftist hoax known as Gullible Warming.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
padiva 5/18/2019 9:26:56 AM (No. 66739)
Will it be less windy if leaf blowers and hair dryers are illegal?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Salt5792 5/18/2019 10:37:44 AM (No. 66794)
Human activity has no effect on global climate
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Twinkle93 5/18/2019 11:10:11 AM (No. 66809)
Article should have stated that in spite of no rationing, the United States has reduced carbon
admissions more than most any country.
5 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
ROLFNader 5/18/2019 12:06:47 PM (No. 66827)
If the Europeans have started to think it's a hoax , it's probably going to be even easier to convince liberals in America. IIRC, kicking the Paris Accord to the moon, Alice, was President Trump's first move. Nuff said.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 5/18/2019 2:53:22 PM (No. 66896)
Good news.
People around the world waking up to the lies which are only there to provide more tax money and more control over your life to the government.
The whole theory that the miniscule trace gas, CO2, is some kind of magic trigger to global climate shift has always been purely drive by computer models which are no more accurate than a shaman's tossed chicken bones and pebbles or a gypsy's tarot cards.
Smoke and mirrors by watermelons (green outside, red inside) to control your life.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
whyyeseyec 5/18/2019 4:32:20 PM (No. 66957)
Does anyone remember the enviro-whiners forcing MTBE into our gas? How did that work out?
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The globalist elites won't be happy until we are all riding bikes and standing in line to get the food and supplies that they choose to give us.
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