Mueller staff leak that Barr´s summary was too kind to Trump
Washington Examiner,
Zachary Halaschak
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
4/4/2019 12:57:50 AM
Some of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators are reportedly frustrated over Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Mueller’s investigation, saying the findings in the actual report are more troubling for President Trump than Barr suggested. A New York Times report cites officials saying some of the investigators involved in the 22-month inquiry are worried public perception of the investigation has been improperly shaped by Barr’s initial summary, a four-page memo to Congress in which he said Trump did not collude with Russia. Officials reportedly declined to elaborate upon why or how many members of the special counsel´s team of dozens
Reply 1 - Posted by:
john56 4/4/2019 1:00:47 AM (No. 22653)
Land mine alert. Lots of unproven charges. Or as Shifty calls it, proof.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
JimBob 4/4/2019 1:38:30 AM (No. 22650)
Remember the Anthrax scare?
Remember the national uproar, and article after breathless article in the Media talking about ´leaks´ from the investigation that indicated that "researcher Steven Hatfill" as the ´main person of interest´ or ´main suspect´?
Remember the investigators draining a pond in Hatfill´s neighborhood, looking for ´equipment´?
Hatfill´s career was wrecked, his life completely disrupted........
Then it turned out that Hatfill was COMPLETELY INNOCENT!
Then the Investigators turned their attention to someone else (I forget their name).... and the leaks started again, naming this new person. The second ´subject´ of the leaks and national Media attention was DRIVEN TO SUICIDE.
Case closed.
THAT was Mueller at work.
Nasty ´Leaks´?..... that´s what Mueller DOES!
.... and the people he hired are WORSE!
But.... President Trump is a Counter Puncher.
I am not holding my breath, but it seems to me that there is a much greater possibility that there will finally be a VIGOROUS, THOROUGH, AND PROMPT INVESTIGATION of the whole mess.... the ´Pack-O´-Lies´, Comey, Strozck, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Misfud, Loretta Lynch, the whole bunch of ´em, all the way up to the HildeBeast and Zero.
I say refurbish a part of Alcatraz prison and LOCK ´EM UP!
Better yet, dig a hole under part of it, and BURY ´EM UNDER IT!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
crashnburn 4/4/2019 2:38:01 AM (No. 22660)
Better yet. Bury them in Giants Stadium next to Jimmy Hoffa!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
bighambone 4/4/2019 2:42:05 AM (No. 22657)
Since the Robert Mueller Special Counsel report obviously states that no evidence was found that President Trump or his campaign unlawfully conspired (colluded) with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. How could Trump be guilty of obstruction of justice in that respect, as there was never any justice to obstruct, as evidenced by Mueller’s report that was composed after his investigation concluded?
The fact that the Mueller report specifically points out that the Mueller Investigation did not exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice appears to be a bone thrown by the Democrats on Mueller’s team, who are now leaking, to their good buddy James Comey, and the Democrats in Congress who intend to keep investigating Trump indefinitely, in search of some factor in his past business or personal life that they can use, at least in their minds, as legitimate grounds to institute impeachment proceedings against Trump. Clearly the career DC Democrat insiders, both bureaucrats and politicians, believe that only career Democrat lawyer-politicians are qualified to be elected to the office of US President. It’s all political!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
PChristopher 4/4/2019 2:47:22 AM (No. 22661)
If Barr had been too kind, I suspect that FrankenMüller would´ve said something.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Janylou 4/4/2019 3:41:45 AM (No. 22646)
If ever there was a demonstration of collusion and obstruction, it is the democrat party and their pessitute partners, especially the Slimes. This hatchet job is nothing more than to help the democrat narrative that AG Barr is hiding something and to keep this Russia collusion narrative alive because they want PDJT gone.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
judy 4/4/2019 4:16:30 AM (No. 22651)
Republicans should be complaining that Mueller had all Dems on his committee.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Trigger2 4/4/2019 5:39:14 AM (No. 22658)
Donkey Face has his nerve, especially when he gave the Butcher and the rest of her corrupt cabal the crown jewels of immunity. Any real investigation would have precluded that corrupt attorney and his cabal from ever practicing law again.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 4/4/2019 6:49:56 AM (No. 22648)
This is total bull. It´s a play by the democrats.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
ledbythnose 4/4/2019 9:31:44 AM (No. 22656)
Here´s the deal Folks..
Sources close to is Sources familiar with´s Cousin . But Officials commenting on are distant kin to un named Sources. On the other hand . Inside Sources are very distant Cousins of Those in the know. When the Propagandist can´t verify a story using real verifiable facts , they always resort to this Family to find notable info. I get sleepy trying to keep up.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jar 4/4/2019 9:54:41 AM (No. 22652)
Let´s have an article detailing a breakdown and full description of all the Dems on Mueller´s team, pointing to why each and every one of them has an ax to grind.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 4/4/2019 10:23:10 AM (No. 22655)
Investigate and prosecute these people for leaks.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
heartsurgeon 4/4/2019 10:23:40 AM (No. 22649)
The fact that Barr hasn´t ordered the arrest of Pres. defacto proof of obstruction of justice!!
Clearly, Barr is a tool of Trump.
To the commies, justice is Trump in jail. Anything (like facts) that stands in the way of that is "obstruction".
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/4/2019 10:40:58 AM (No. 22659)
Barr’s summary was of the main points in the report. Although that has been reported, the Dems and their bought-and-paid-for media prefer to trumpet that there were 400 pages (!!!!) and “we only got 4!!!!!!”….
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/4/2019 10:45:16 AM (No. 22647)
PS. We knew the Mueller investigation was political, that the people on his investigative team were highly political, so we should not be surprised when they continue to use the “report” for political purposes.
That is why the very political Democrats and their media want the unredacted report. So that they can grub around and smear a lot of other people and muddy up the President and his administration without having come up with a prosecutable offense.
The court of speculation, lies by inference and innuendo. And all that icky stuff.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 4/4/2019 11:25:53 AM (No. 22654)
Based on the lamestream medias´ past accuracy in reporting on the Russian "collusion scandal," I would say that the exact opposite is true in this case.
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