American Thinker,
Andrea Widburg
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/9/2021 7:17:58 AM
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Had Trump remained president, his legacy would have included making true peace in the Middle East. This would have encompassed Sunni Arab nations laying down arms as to Israel, while Iran would have been rendered inconsequential – and, perhaps, the beleaguered Iranian people might have been able to eject the mullahs. With Biden, though, Obama pulls the strings, which means wooing the mullahs, being hostile to Israel, and denigrating the Saudis. Nevertheless, some amazing Saudi outreach to Israel means Trump’s Middle East peace plans still matter.
Trump’s genius in terms of the Middle East was to ignore the Palestinians into oblivion.
American Thinker,
Denise McAllister
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/8/2021 4:41:28 AM
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Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem made headlines in 2020 for keeping her state open during the COVID-19 outbreak and opposing Faucian dictates about masks, stay-at-home orders, and church closures. To this, conservatives applauded — and rightly so. But does holding the line during a pandemic in a state with less than 900 thousand people — about the size of Charlotte, North Carolina — now warrant the frenetic swell of support for Noem among conservatives to be the next vice president or even president? Absolutely not — especially at time when the fight for constitutional conservative values is more important than ever.
The Federalist,
Joy Pullmann
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/7/2021 9:02:06 AM
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My husband and I have been Amazon users for about 15 years. (Snip) We became Prime members in July 2017 and delighted in two- and even one-day shipping of everything from diapers to canned goods to dry erase markers to work boots, eliminating the annoyance of running to the store over one or two items. It seemed fun, easy, and exciting.
And then it wasn’t fun, easy, and exciting any more, because Amazon became evil—and I learned how evil they had really been all along. Using it to indulge my own greed and materialism was one problem. Amazon’s use of its market power is another. Both are a big deal.
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/7/2021 7:35:10 AM
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In ancient Greece, they warned that excessive pride and arrogance will without fail lead to punishment. In ancient Rome, slaves rode behind conquerors whispering in their ears “memento mori” -- you are mortal -- meaning that both fame and you die. (Snip) Just consider the rise and fall of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In this case we can see why he rose to such fame. Why he’s being attacked right now has several explanations. As I detail, I think it’s because others with the same greed for power and fame in his own ranks are vying for the same unearned glory he once held.
Epoch Times,
Jennifer Lahl
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/6/2021 7:44:19 AM
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If you’ve seen the 1974 movie “Chinatown,” you may recall that great scene, where the detective, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), confronts Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway) about the identity of the woman he believes is Evelyn’s father’s mistress. (Snip) Fast forward to today, to real life, not a Hollywood film or make believe, with the very confusing news story of a transwoman physician, Dr. Jesnoor Dayara, in Gujarat, India who has frozen his sperm so that when he undergoes sex-reassignment surgery sometime later this year, the child he hopes to give birth to as a woman will be biologically his. It can be confusing to unpack this story too!
New York Post,
Glenn H. Reynolds
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/5/2021 1:27:38 PM
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In America, class warfare is often disguised as culture war, and culture war is often cloaked by talk of race. But underneath it all, the class warfare is still there. Whether accidentally or intentionally, America’s upper classes seem to wind up harming the working class and small businesses, always in the name of some high-minded cause.
On immigration, for example, the go-to move is to call people who object to open borders racists and nativists. But what’s behind it? As Biden economic adviser Jared Bernstein commented: “A tight job market pressures employers to boost wage offers . . . One equally surefire way to short-circuit this useful dynamic
Gateway Pundit,
Joe Hoft
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/4/2021 8:48:49 PM
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The Gateway Pundit reported on January 9th that the FBI in Georgia stepped in and shut down the forensic analysis of shredded ballots, took the ballots away from the forensic team, and brought them back to the shredder to destroy the evidence.
Today we have more on this incident from two sources.
(Snip) This group of individuals who were connected to the investigation to uncover the 2020 election fraud immediately began sifting through what was not yet fully destroyed. They reportedly found shipment transit receipts linked to China, ballots, and other sensitive information related to the 2020 election.
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/4/2021 8:22:14 PM
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The Republican Party’s leaders still don’t get it.
That’s the big takeaway from a newly-released strategy document from the largest Super PAC backing Republican House candidates.
The Congressional Leadership Fund spent $140 million in the 2020 cycle, and could very well spend even more in 2022. It will hold enormous sway over what candidates are recruited in next year’s House races, and what their message is.
Republicans substantially outperformed expectations in 2020’s House elections.
(Snip) But according to CLF head Dan Conston in a newly-released memo, the victory came down to one thing: Putting a new, more “diverse” gloss on the tired pre-2016 Republican Party.
American Conservative,
Declan Leary
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/3/2021 5:09:17 PM
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Richard Levine was born in 1957 in Wakefield, Massachusetts, an affluent suburb 20 minutes north of Boston. He went to Hebrew school and had a bar mitzvah before heading to the very tony (very expensive) all-boys Belmont Hill School, where he played as a linebacker on the football team. (Snip) Eight years after his move to Pennsylvania, the doctor began to see a therapist.
Another eight years after that, he publicly announced his decision to transition to presenting as a woman. Now, a full decade after that announcement, Richard—now Rachel—stands as Joe Biden’s nominee for the United States’ Assistant Secretary for Health.
New York Post,
Marisa Dellatto
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/2/2021 7:01:56 AM
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Three isn’t a crowd for these dads.
A gay, polyamorous California throuple made history in 2017 when they became the first family in the state to list three parents on a birth certificate.
Their reproductive journey and legal battle to become fathers to Piper, now 3, is detailed in “Three Dads and a Baby” (out March 9, Cleis Press), written by one of her dads, Dr. Ian Jenkins.
Jenkins and his partners, Jeremy Hodges and Dr. Alan Mayfield, don’t see their family — which now also includes their son, Parker, 1 — as unusual.
American Greatness,
John Fonte
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/1/2021 5:54:24 PM
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A massive new national project called “Educating for American Democracy” will be launched on Tuesday with the explicit aim of “redefining” and then “harmonizing” American civic education nationwide.
From the days of Thomas Jefferson, Noah Webster, Horace Mann, and the McGuffey readers to Ronald Reagan’s farewell address and the controversy over national history standards, citizenship education (broadly understood) has always been a vital function of American schools for the perpetuation of the American way of life. That’s about to change for the worse.
Conservative Treehouse,
Original Article
Posted by
Judy W.
3/1/2021 8:00:13 AM
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President Donald J Trump has taken the reigns on the monetary side of the MAGA movement in a shift that will draw a distinction between the RNC and the priorities of the MAGA movement. President Trump is starting his own Political Action Committee.
While President Trump has affirmed he will not initiate a third political party, he is taking a strategic third party financial approach with the initiation of SAVE AMERICA PAC.
For those who want a third party option, this approach is even smarter. Essentially, if people use the PAC instead of the RNC contribution President Trump will control the cash.
People have become insane, divorced from reality. Can you imagine claiming that allowing men who call themselves women to play sports as women will not give them an advantage? Or that allowing biological men into women´s shelters and women´s prisons is just fine? And that you can lose your job or your business for not affirming these lies?