Press goes Code Avocado against Trump,
Don Surber
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
4/2/2019 11:12:27 AM
Reuters reported, "America would run out of avocados in three weeks if Trump shuts down the U.S.-Mexico border." Fox News reported, "America would run out of avocados in weeks if Trump shuts border with Mexico, grower warns.” (Snip) "The Real National Emergency: We Could Run Out of Avocados in 3 Weeks If Trump Shuts Down the US/Mexico Border." The Daily Wire reported, "Holy Guacamole! Avocado Growers Say U.S. Will Run Out Of Avocados In Three WEEKS If Trump Seals Border." How can you take seriously an occupation that repeatedly dives off the deep end over the tiniest of items?
Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 4/2/2019 11:17:19 AM (No. 21038)
You take my avacados, please!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MrDeplorable 4/2/2019 11:17:26 AM (No. 21040)
Come on, this is out of The Onion, right?
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The "collusion" in this country is on the left. This fake story illustrates that.
An avocado shortage is earth shattering news? Really?
I have nothing against avocados, but if they disappeared completely tomorrow I probably wouldn´t miss them. Yet every freekin "news" show I have seen since yesterday (local news only, I don´t watch the national propaganda crap) has featured this story at some point.
It is quite clear that all of the "news" people in this country take their lead and marching orders from some grand poobah in the east coast "news" cabal.
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Now we can´t crown the Guacamole Queen, at the Armadillo in Austin TX.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 4/2/2019 11:26:30 AM (No. 21046)
No avocados??!!??
Oh, the horror!!!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
ginadee 4/2/2019 11:28:34 AM (No. 21045)
There are states right here in the U.S.of A. that grow avocados, right? Why the panic? I could think of other things I could live without like illegals bombarding our open borders. Avocados or no illegals?
The answer is easy.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
pinger 4/2/2019 11:30:02 AM (No. 21027)
No problem. Now if it were Oreo cookies....
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
HoraceR 4/2/2019 11:35:03 AM (No. 21022)
This is what Reuters thinks is important, not avocados, but belittling the problems on the border. They´re rubbish and unfortunately their idiotic narrative is being picked up here in Phoenix by the Arizona Republic.
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Less killer central American gangbangers, fewer innocent dead Americans, and a new domestic avocado industry toboot?? What’s the downside????
Build the danged wall already!!!!
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In WWII they made do without rubber, metal, hose, chocolate....
What a whimpy, entitled, spoiled society we have become. Our soldiers who died in Europe would be ashamed of their descendants!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
govlawyer 4/2/2019 12:06:49 PM (No. 21043)
Oh, the humanity!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
snowoutlaw 4/2/2019 12:08:28 PM (No. 21032)
Avocados are one of the largest crops in San Diego and our the farmers are hurting due to the dumping of avocados from Mexico. Ask our farmers what they think. Basically the Reuters story is 100 fake.
30 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/2/2019 12:17:04 PM (No. 21031)
There are numerous varieties of avocados. They are a seasonal crop by variety. The Mexican avocados cover the period when the varieties grown here are not being harvested.
That said, the prices for avocados grown here are absurd. The big markets then have them sitting around, turning black on their counters, because they do not sell. At the stores that sell both American and Mexican avocados, the prices are good and the avocados fly out the door...
11 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
HotRod 4/2/2019 12:18:01 PM (No. 21026)
The great Avocado famine! It will go down in history along side the Great Irish potato famine!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
bad-hair 4/2/2019 12:18:38 PM (No. 21024)
I suspect avocados will grow north of the border. Would it not be ironic if the USA became a net exporter of both oil and avocados?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
heartsurgeon 4/2/2019 12:23:27 PM (No. 21036)
Millenials love $15 Avocado toast with their morning chai latte.
this is aimed at mobilizing millenials against Trump.
i kid you not
12 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Butch 4/2/2019 12:32:49 PM (No. 21041)
Import them from Colombia. There is a huge crop here. That´s great news for all the hipsters who must have their avocado toast.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/2/2019 12:48:02 PM (No. 21023)
I am neither a milennial nor a hipster, but have loved avocado on toast and in hamburgers. Or just a plain half, pit removed, hollow filled with balsamic vinaigrette. All at home. Would never ever spend $15 for avocado toast.
The Hass is prized now because it has the good nutlike flavor (good oil) and is sturdy enough to ship well and keep well. I buy my avocados while still green and firm, ripen them in my cool pantry until they yield at the neck to very gentle pressure. Then wrap each in a piece of foil. Stored this way in the fridge, they will last a week or sometimes longer.
I rarely pay more than 65 cents for an avocado. 49 cents is more usual.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/2/2019 12:49:35 PM (No. 21025)
You’d eat that avocado half out of its shell, with a spoon. Delicious.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
privateer 4/2/2019 1:15:10 PM (No. 21035)
I can live happily without gagamole; it looks like Martian vomit.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
JoniTx 4/2/2019 1:26:04 PM (No. 21034)
This article in the Daily Wire, from November 26, 2018 is interesting:
"3 Times Previous Presidents Closed the Southern Border" ~~
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 4/2/2019 2:09:25 PM (No. 21037)
Well Don, I suspect they are worried about the survival of their avocado toast breakfast than they are about the survival of their fellow citizens.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
judy 4/2/2019 2:18:05 PM (No. 21029)
Trump is defending border security......How sad....while the fake media has been reduced to defending the poor little avocadas....
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
udanja99 4/2/2019 5:19:33 PM (No. 21033)
Avocados are grown in California, Florida and probably Texas too. Buy American!
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 4/2/2019 11:56:30 PM (No. 21030)
The Daily Wire is feeding the avocado narrative. According to its website, the Daily Wire is "[l]ed by the incomparable Ben Shapiro... a hard-hitting, irreverent news and commentary site for a new generation of conservatives."
Would that be the "new generation of conservatives" who want avocados more than they want border security? The free trade at all costs crowd?
Or just a bunch of guys who market themselves as conservatives because it´s easier than getting a real job.
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Who says the journolist is dead? Surber analyzes the financial and other implications for the projected avocado shortage and comes up with the same conclusion as most of us did. American lives are at risk. Close the border.