‘Unplanned’ now has more Twitter followers than Planned Parenthood
BizPac Review,
Margaret Menge
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
4/1/2019 6:25:45 PM
The movie “Unplanned” now has more Twitter followers than Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson, whose story is told in the movie, announced Monday afternoon. Look who we just passed in followers. ?? #unplannedmovie pic.twitter.com/PCFY7EPp0A — Abby Johnson (@AbbyJohnson) April 1, 2019 -As of just before 3 p.m. on Monday, the “Unplanned” Twitter account had 266.8K followers while the Planned Parenthood Twitter account had just 255.5K followers. The Twitter account for “Uplanned” was started in August of 2018, while Planned Parenthood’s Twitter account has been in existence since November of 2011, almost seven years earlier. Johnson’s gleeful announcement follows a wave of
Reply 1 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 4/1/2019 7:02:21 PM (No. 20350)
I hope that this movie results in a reawakening about the horror and immorality of abortion, and the outright greed of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Rubinski 4/1/2019 7:49:44 PM (No. 20356)
Saw it today. Very powerful. It really made clear to me that Planned Parenthood is demonic and should be vigorously opposed everywhere.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Strike3 4/1/2019 8:19:32 PM (No. 20361)
Once again we see that the loud, radical, obnoxious crowd is not the biggest crowd.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
judy 4/1/2019 8:30:01 PM (No. 20353)
God is good!!!
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Going to go add my name to the Facebook page. I don´t do tweet-er.
Looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do with this movie.
And #4, Yes, He is! All the time!!!
49 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
emmajustin 4/1/2019 10:01:48 PM (No. 20348)
I saw the movie. Amazing and horribly truthful.
I don´t know how to do twitter and refuse to contribute to facistbook.
But I have been emailing everyone on my contacts list to encourage them to go see the movie.
26 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
columba 4/1/2019 10:22:45 PM (No. 20358)
This nation might be able to be saved.
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My husband and I saw the movie today. Everyone should see it. One of the most revolting scenes (and there were several) for me was when Abby was asked to come back to the "POC" room because they needed help there. This scene is in the trailer. Abby had never been in there as yet. She said to her colleague, "products of conception"? And her colleague said, laughing, "no, products of children", like this was their idea of a sick joke. It was truly demonic.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Rubinski 4/2/2019 8:10:08 AM (No. 20354)
I agree that POC scene was chilling, but I heard them say (while laughing) that POC stood for “pieces of children.”
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
VegasGrump 4/2/2019 8:15:44 AM (No. 20357)
I invited two friends to lunch, then the movie tomorrow. I hope we will be able to keep the lunch down watching all of the depravity. I can´t imagine God is real happy with Planned Parenthood. Parenthood, hah! That is the least of PP´s agenda.
17 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
mutant geezer 4/2/2019 10:35:18 AM (No. 20359)
This movie should be required viewing for every 7th grader in public schools.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
WestCoast 4/2/2019 10:44:19 AM (No. 20344)
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
WestCoast 4/2/2019 10:45:57 AM (No. 20363)
I bought tickets but neither my wife nor I can handle seeing the film. I wish they would show this to seniors in high school.
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I stand corrected, #9. It was truly a chilling moment.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
rsgonner 4/2/2019 11:01:49 AM (No. 20360)
Abortion is the left´s blood sacrifice to Satan. This movie is terrific, and it has stirred up the Powers and Principalities to a very high degree. It is palpable.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
zzzghy 4/2/2019 11:10:59 AM (No. 20351)
There may be a Hand afoot.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
TXLakeRat 4/2/2019 11:25:29 AM (No. 20345)
Nothing against Unplanned, it´s great.
Measuring success by counting twitter followers? Sorry Margaret, you lost me.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
ladycatnip 4/2/2019 12:00:51 PM (No. 20349)
#8 I agree with you - it´s demonic.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Timber Queen 4/2/2019 1:38:42 PM (No. 20362)
#17 - Measuring success by counting Twitter followers may seem juvenile to we mature citizens; however, it’s our modern public square for expressing opinion. It’s the yardstick that the faux media and activists use to trumpet their positions as mainstream, therefore it’s the measure that should be used by conservatives. President Trump recognizes the power behind the tweet and it’s his bully pulpit.
The increase in Twitter followers comes after news that Unplanned has added 600 screens to its distribution. This morning’s email from 40 Days for Life reports an increase in prayer volunteers among the 377 vigil sites in the US. Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills depend upon obfuscation and subterfuge to operate; they count on the uncomfortableness that surrounds the murder of babies to limit public pushback against their business. Pushback is the defining activity during the Time of Trump.
#13 – Thank you for buying tickets, however I have to ask how you expect schools to show this movie to seniors in high school when you and your wife could not bring yourselves to view it? What if everyone bought tickets, but didn’t put their behind in the seat?
Unplanned is the story of redemption, not only for Abby Johnson but for our nation. Her redemption was made possible because people went beyond their uncomfortableness to stand peacefully praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion mill for the 40 days of Lent; then twice a year for year after year. We can no longer hide behind our uncomfortableness. There are still a few weeks of Lent to see the movie and pray at a vigil. By the way, PP hates 40 Days for Life. AMDG
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
normal user 4/2/2019 7:42:08 PM (No. 20346)
Wonder why Twitter hasn´t verified with a blue check the movie´s account? With 52k followers, Shazam the movie has been verified...
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Tianne 4/2/2019 9:25:57 PM (No. 20355)
Our nation can remain a beacon of hope and honor if we vow to keep all tiny hearts beating.
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