Pope blames illegal migration to capitalist countries ... on capitalism
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted By: PageTurner,
4/1/2019 11:31:32 AM
Pope Francis was at it again, offering up a confused "narrative" about illegal immigration in his bid to hector Western nations seeking to control their lawless borders through the construction of border walls. This time, his Marxist analysis of things got in the way of his theologically-charged argument, making him look like a V.S. Naipaul-style third-world boob. With a hat tip to the Daily Caller, get a load of this interview he gave to a Spanish journalist, blasting the West´ for building walls against human surges of unvetted illegal immigrants,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Osprey21 4/1/2019 11:38:34 AM (No. 19950)
Well, the Pope is a communist, so there´s that...
84 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
janjan 4/1/2019 11:39:05 AM (No. 19935)
Like all liberals he is first a Leftist and second a Pope.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Quigley 4/1/2019 11:43:34 AM (No. 19937)
Tear down that vatican wall, mr popeywopey.
83 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Scribelus 4/1/2019 11:45:40 AM (No. 19938)
Why Willie Sutton robbed banks: that’s where the money was.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
JunkYardDog 4/1/2019 11:47:07 AM (No. 19916)
This Pope...whatta dope! He won´t even let people kiss the papal ring.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
VietVet68 4/1/2019 11:53:29 AM (No. 19929)
So the Pope blames capitalism for the surge of people looking to come to the US??
Then this would put forth the theory that liberals really are trying to help Trump end illegal migration by doing their best to end the successes of the United States. In effect, the left would have us look more like Venezuela so migration here wouldn´t look as attractive to the illegals. Those liberals are so much smarter than all of us.
26 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
JonR 4/1/2019 12:01:04 PM (No. 19941)
This pope has all but made himself irrelevant! No credibility whatsoever!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 4/1/2019 12:01:33 PM (No. 19946)
OK - - I get it - - now I get it.
The rest of the world is flocking to capitalist countries just to prove how evil capitalism is.
Gee - - why couldn´t I think of that?
20 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
VinGoombatz 4/1/2019 12:01:39 PM (No. 19944)
I think it is a good day when Dim Francis manages to get his socks on in the morning.
49 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Clinger 4/1/2019 12:14:42 PM (No. 19919)
"Francis said “in general” capitalism provokes the situations of poverty that drive people to flee, because “fewer and fewer reach people with a lot of money and there are more poor people with very little money.”
You mean by being the successful the land of opportunity we have "provoked" poor people into leaving failed collective and oppressive states? I think you inhaled some bad incense, get that checked out.
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This Papa is misguided.
Silly me. He is the leader of an organization that says he is infallible. Of course he supports tyranny. Anything that walks on two legs and takes a whiz is fallible. There is no human that is not.
The Catholic Church has painted itself into a corner. The Faith is what matters. The words of Jesus to Peter were not about the world but about the Kingdom (all creation, not just the world). The idea that any could inherit that mantle is, well, it is wrong. I come from a church that recognizes only elders and deacons. The Elders are the last word in the church NOT the minister. So...2 cents right here. Not that it matters. We only read scripture and try to do the right thing. Administration of a huge organization is peril and the politics enter into it and therefore corruption and the Old Worm are back in the pews.Worry about your own house and things will fall into place.
So we have the Protestant split.
14 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
rochow 4/1/2019 12:32:23 PM (No. 19922)
Could someone in the Vatican suggest to this commie that he needs to go! BTW, two living popes is always a bad omen.
51 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 4/1/2019 12:32:59 PM (No. 19921)
That Pope needs to understand there should be no mixing of politics and religion. It goes both ways, you know. This is how governments end up banning certain religions- when they try to take over the state´s business. This is one crazy Pope. No wonder some people hope the predictions of St. Malachy comes true!
For Latin speakers (Ahem!- you Priests out there): "Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus"
17 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Nashman 4/1/2019 12:33:33 PM (No. 19945)
The Pope is not misguided. He knows exactly what he´s saying because he believes it. Why? Because he´s NOT a man of God but a lying imposter using his position to advance his political goals. There´s a hideous place in hell for this guy.
33 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
FormerDem 4/1/2019 12:40:12 PM (No. 19943)
Marxism tries to imitate the ethics of Christianity and that is why they look alike. And always will. You have cause and effect mixed up - the origin and the imitators. Don´t overinterpret similarities. And it is not his job to stand up for capitalism. He is trying to save every soul on earth including Maduro´s. Maduro having been baptized, the Pope has to care about it if Maduro sets off for hell as he has done. I do not know a braver figure on the world stage than the Pope.
12 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Calico Al 4/1/2019 12:47:37 PM (No. 19927)
If capitalism is so bad why don´t he suggest the migrants flee to Venezuela?
19 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 4/1/2019 1:02:59 PM (No. 19918)
If capitalism is so bad, he should stop charging admission to the Vatican museum.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Jobe 4/1/2019 1:03:33 PM (No. 19949)
Infallable my ass! Hard to believe that this man is infallable in matters of faith and morals when he is SO WRONG in matters of economics and political theory. Basically, he is saying that Capitalism works so well that it attracts people from autocratically ruled countries, third world dictatorships, and communist ruled countries. These successful capitalist countries should damage themselves by opening their borders. I guess it is the 21st century way to do what the old communist block did. That is, share the misery while it increases.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
mc squared 4/1/2019 1:45:02 PM (No. 19947)
Will someone rid us of this meddlesome Pope?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
BarryNo 4/1/2019 1:52:42 PM (No. 19924)
They know where the money is.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Newtsche 4/1/2019 2:12:17 PM (No. 19936)
The Pope is a classic simpleton.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
h24015 4/1/2019 2:30:38 PM (No. 19931)
Thank you poster #17!
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Janylou 4/1/2019 2:41:41 PM (No. 19939)
Spoken like a true communist! You cannot tell me this pope is a man of God because communism and God are not compatible!
21 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
JMJ724 4/1/2019 2:57:21 PM (No. 19940)
These are the times that try Catholics souls.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 4/1/2019 3:39:00 PM (No. 19948)
Is Pope Commie I the Anti-Christ? I don´t think he rates that status. He´s more of a run-of-the-mill libtard.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Knotwyrkin 4/1/2019 3:47:46 PM (No. 19915)
Well, the Church certainly likes my monthly contribution to my parish, that is the result of capitalism...
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
winnie1 4/1/2019 4:13:03 PM (No. 19932)
The new President of Italy likes Trump and is following what Trump is doing. He is not excepting anymore migrants and may deport the ones that are in parts of Italy. When he does deport stick the Pope on that boat and send him off with them.
14 people like this.
Reply 28 - Posted by:
lana720 4/1/2019 4:56:45 PM (No. 19923)
Please, dear Lord, put duct tape over his mouth!
First, he makes nice with the religion (ideology of the sword) of pieces and now capitalism.
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Reply 29 - Posted by:
Holeymoses 4/1/2019 5:18:52 PM (No. 19928)
Ya just can´t trust a man who wears a dress!
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Pope Frank. There he goes again. Flapping his lips. Best of the best when: he expressed interest in recognizing the church in China. All other true Catholics having Mass in fields and homes. Or his blurb about changing the wording in the Our Father. Always flapping. I´m Catholic. Guess I could get into a lot of trouble for disliking him so much/
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Reply 31 - Posted by:
franq 4/1/2019 7:36:48 PM (No. 19951)
Who in their right mind puts any credence in that false prophet?
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Reply 32 - Posted by:
red1066 4/1/2019 7:37:24 PM (No. 19930)
How can this Pope be Communist and be a religious leader? One doesn´t follow the other.
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Reply 33 - Posted by:
SALady 4/1/2019 7:52:46 PM (No. 19920)
I work with a lot of Catholics in the pro-life movement. None of them can stand this Pope, and believe he is doing a lot of damage to their church and Christianity as a whole!!!
Their only hope is that he will die soon, and an actual Catholic will be chosen to replace him!!!!!
I feel their pain!!!!!
9 people like this.
Reply 34 - Posted by:
msavalla 4/1/2019 7:59:00 PM (No. 19913)
Someone should check the incense in John Paul´s
incense burner. It may have been switched for Marijuana.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
XCenturion 4/2/2019 4:14:39 AM (No. 19934)
This pontiff is giving Catholics a bad name.
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Seems like he should consider immigration closer to home. As in immigrants turned away in his own country.
Apologies to Catholics but when Obola beat a path to visit the Pope soon as he moved into the Vatican, I became suspicious. Same payroll.
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
mathman 4/2/2019 8:10:37 AM (No. 19917)
I long for the days when "Is the Pope Catholic?" was a joke question.
And just skip the infallible stuff. That only applies to very specific situations.
He is a dead loss.
5 people like this.
i guess the pedophilia issue has been solved so he can now turn his attention to this. my intellectual curiosity just plain forces me to ask: "why do catholics put up with this?".
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Someone should ask those fleeing Venezuelans why they´re running to capitalist countries.