After proving his innocence, Trump shouldn’t have to be humble
Michael Goodwin
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/31/2019 5:46:08 AM
Soon after news broke that special counsel Robert Mueller found no Russia collusion, media types began offering their idea of an olive branch to President Trump. It generally came in the form of advice that he try to “heal” the nation. One writer encouraged the president to give an Oval Office address in which he is “contrite, humble and authentic in tone” and use it to ask the public “for a new opportunity to be president of all Americans.” Allow me to go out on a limb with a prediction: Hell will freeze over first.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
dst4life 3/31/2019 6:54:35 AM (No. 18662)
This shows the Left´s lack of personal responsibility. If they do something wrong, it´s someone else´s fault, and that someone else must change to make the Left feel better. This tendency alone makes them unfit for office.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
lakerman1 3/31/2019 7:12:23 AM (No. 18660)
Swalwell was on Fox yesterday, said there were two impeachable offenses in the public record. Those were the meeting at Trump Tower with the Russians, and Trump´s public request of the Russians to steal Hillary´s missing emails and release them to the public.
His position is, of course, stupid and silly, but he is as stupid and silly as his positions.
(DJT did not ask the Russians to steal Lady Lucifer´s emails - he jokingly said the Russians probably already had them, and should release them.)
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Condor44 3/31/2019 7:53:12 AM (No. 18659)
Is there anyone more stupid or ridiculous as Swalwell?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
privateer 3/31/2019 8:12:29 AM (No. 18658)
This is basically a very good column. But I take exception to this: FTA ´Not long ago, it was believed there were about 10 million illegal immigrants here. At this rate, it will soon be 20 million — and growing.´ If Goodwin actually believes those LOW numbers, he should work for the Chamber Of Commerce.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/31/2019 9:20:43 AM (No. 18673)
No American should have to prove their innocents when the charges are false and made by criminals(D)...
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/31/2019 9:59:08 AM (No. 18657)
I have enough anger for me and Trump both. But he is in a position to quietly, efficiently fix this. Don´t get mad, get even.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bpl40 3/31/2019 10:08:21 AM (No. 18671)
Deliberately delaying Trump´s innocence for over two years is a crime in itself. Those responsible should not be allowed to simply move on.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mobyclik 3/31/2019 11:14:54 AM (No. 18655)
We can only hope that justice DOES prevail and I mean by that: The CRIMINALS that ran this attempted coup all wind up in jail.
Mr. President, you´re Tweets and rallies are doing the job that the Useless Media REFUSE TO DO...pointing out the criminal element known as the Democrat Party. NO reason to be humble over that.
For once, ´´I´´ demand something: Indict, prosecute and JAIL all of these traitors!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
starboard 3/31/2019 11:31:16 AM (No. 18666)
Swalwell and Schiff made a lot of money campaigning to destroy President Trump under falsehoods and a made up narrative. These lilliputians can´t campaign on ideas because they don´t have any. They are void of anything that is truthful.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
saguni 3/31/2019 11:38:41 AM (No. 18656)
I get confused, but I thought the feds already had possession of Hillary´s hard drives before the debate when Trump asked Russia to find the missing emails.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
happywarrior 3/31/2019 11:39:33 AM (No. 18672)
Thanks for posting OP. No calls to ‘move on’ in this piece!
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/31/2019 11:40:43 AM (No. 18669)
President Trump shouldn´t have to be humble? Don´t think that will be a problem. President trump is his own biggest cheerleader.
´Heal the nation´ is just another ploy by the left to shut Trump up. The left has been trying to do this since before he came President, and it is tiresome. They don´t seem to get that the more they try to silence him, the more he speaks out. Don´t ever let the left control the discussion, Mr. President!
As for impeachment, all the left has are lame excuses that do not reach the requirements for the rule of law, but that won´t stop them. The left has no regard for the rule of law, and are too stupid and dishonest to quit.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
TexaTucky 3/31/2019 12:08:54 PM (No. 18670)
It´s not just semantics to note that innocence need not be proven in a justice system where the defendant actually IS innocent unless and until a plaintiff proves guilt.
The Left failed to prove their case.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
jimkata 3/31/2019 12:13:27 PM (No. 18664)
Waiting for the Trump counter-punch....
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/31/2019 12:29:51 PM (No. 18663)
Trump has political capital. In a way he can spend it however he likes because his base is immovable. My support is unconditional. The is the one that cancelled the Paris Climate Agreement. No need to do more for me. I have never seen a better president in my lifetime. I would like to see the Electronic Communication, Operation Hurricane, FISA warrants, all published without redactions. I want at least the following conspirators indicted for the coup: Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr, Perkins Coies lawfirm, Michael Sussman, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Victoria Nuland, John Brennan, Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud, Loretta Lynch, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, and Barack Hussein Obama.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
felixcat 3/31/2019 1:07:29 PM (No. 18667)
Howie Kurtz interviewed Donald Trump Jr and caught a few minutes on interview today. Changed the channel right after Howie tells Donald Jr - shouldn´t your side have done a better job of getting your side of the story out? WT*!!
Hey Howie, maybe your fellow "journalists" should have done a better job of looking only at the facts and not lying to fit some Lefty/Dem narrative. sheesh.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/31/2019 1:45:36 PM (No. 18674)
No he should not. He earned the right to strut, after all he and all of us told you Lefties that Trump didn´t collude. Hillary on the other hand did. The fact that Ukraine is doing their own investigation proves that.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/31/2019 2:57:17 PM (No. 18675)
Ukraine should be interesting. A woman called Chalupa was the one that got the Clinton Campaign involved because Ukrainians oppose Putin. Clinton and our CIA were the ones that organized the coup that removed the pro-Russian duly elected president of Ukraine. After that the Ukraine funneled millions into the Clinton Crime Family foundation. I am glad that it cost Ukraine the Crimea. East of the river Don the people are Orthodox Christians so it cost them that too (the majority of Ukrainians are Catholic). Obola and Kerry did not lift a finger and the European Union are cowards. Ukraine is where our anti-Russian deep state coup originated.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
lana720 3/31/2019 3:54:22 PM (No. 18668)
Ludicrous! Our President was sacked, shamed and virtually pilloried for doing nothing!
The other side is already in campaign mode, and they expect DJT to bow and scrape? That’s THEIR job!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Geoman 3/31/2019 5:51:47 PM (No. 18665)
The beauty of humility is that it is not forced or even expected. Besides, you can still kill your enemies and be humble about it.
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