Why The Left Can’t Understand The Alt-Right
The Federalist,
David Marcus
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.,
3/30/2019 7:36:06 AM
This week, The Economist, one of the most respected outlets in the world (and arguably one that is fairly centrist), falsely labeled pundit Ben Shapiro as “the sage of the alt-right.” Shapiro, and then seemingly every conservative on social media, expressed outrage at the accusation. Before long, The Economist corrected itself, instead labeling Shapiro a “radical conservative,” whatever that means. In this case the misappellation was not just factually incorrect, it was unintentionally cruel. During the 2016 Republican primary when the alt-right came to the fore as shock troops supporting Donald Trump (seemingly without his consent) Shapiro was, perhaps more
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/30/2019 8:19:52 AM (No. 17891)
I suspect Soros and DNC money flowed to the Economist too.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 3/30/2019 9:34:08 AM (No. 17895)
So.... Ben Shapiro is being unfairly stigmatized by associating him with racists? Here´s Shapiro in March, 2016: "if we don’t say “no” to Donald Trump now... Conservatism will become the crypto-racist, pseudo-strong, quasi-tyrannical, toxic brew leftists have always accused it of being.... I will not be complicit in that."
What a hero.
Marcus is right. It is unfair to falsely labeled Shapiro a "sage of the Alt-Right." Ben Shapiro is an idiot of the Never Trump. He said voting for Trump was tantamount to racism and managed to get pretty much everything else wrong too. See for yourself:
On the eve of the election, David Marcus wrote, "My greatest fear in regard to the election, a Trump presidency, is not going happen." He has since written a column entitled "Why The Right Still Needs Bill Kristol."
These geniuses think it still matters how they thin slice their opposition to President Trump. They think understanding Trump will allow "real conservatives" to win his supporters back.
My definition of a real conservative precludes anyone who tried to help Hillary Clinton become President of the United States. We´re doing just fine without you boys. Enjoy your cruise ship scrapbooks and back issues of The Weekly Standard.
We´re trying to save our country.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
TexasRose 3/30/2019 9:43:32 AM (No. 17896)
My understanding was that the alt-right has more in common, policy-wise, with the left than with the right. The only thing that sets them off as different would be wanting a separation between whites and non-whites and a America First policy. The Daily Caller had an article about D´Souza´s interview with Richard Spencer which states: "Spencer’s responses are revealing and not at all in alignment with the foundations of liberty, conservatism or modern Republicanism." And, the article about the interview "shows Spencer saying he embraces socialism, specifically nationalized healthcare and economic government control."
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Golden Goose 3/30/2019 10:30:28 AM (No. 17893)
FTA: "Mainstream outlets must start doing a better job understanding conservatism so that everyone can see what conservatives see so clearly—that people like Shapiro have nothing to do with the alt-right."
Certain columnists must start doing a better job of understanding the left, so that they don´t come across as obtuse or naive.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
doctorfixit 3/30/2019 10:52:06 AM (No. 17888)
The alt-right is a birther myth. It doesn´t exist.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Skeptical1 3/30/2019 11:51:08 AM (No. 17889)
I thought that "alt-right" described people like Milo, who are edgy and in-your-face, but whose agenda pretty much aligns with William F. Buckley´s. Naturally, the Left has taken it upon itself to redefine them as skinhead racist homophobes. The vast (and imaginary) white supremacist conspiracy. Because you can´t have a Leftist movement without an enemy to hate.
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Sunhan65 has it exactly right. Also skeptical1. I think there are indeed alt-right conservatives BUT Spencer is absolutely not one of them. He allows himself to be so-described as a cover for his real, leftist agenda. The media, virtually leftists all, probably are ignorant of this deception, or don´t care to even determine his true nature because it all jives with their contempt of conservatives of all stripes. The hate that exists by the Left has consumed them to the point where they must be defeated, eradicated, wiped out etc because they are incapable of dialogue or debate. If the Left in this country doesn´t fix itself we are in for an ultimate war, and I mean a fighting war.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Aubreyesque 3/30/2019 1:30:35 PM (No. 17892)
The Alt-Right are decendents of John C Calhoun who wanted to change the language of the Declaration of Independence to reflect genuinely racist views of blacks (slaves) and defended slavery. I think some quarters of the Democrat South held him in high esteem, but I can´t be certain of that. Calhoun hated the US Constitution as it was ratified by our Founding Fathers and sought to change it as well. The alt-right do NOT have American Conservative Values as they hate the US Constitution as much as Calhoun did. It stands in their way.
The alt-right has been riding the conservative wave like a remora rides a shark. It is not the shark, nor does it benefit the shark, but because it has attached itself to the shark, enemies of the shark will say "see, the shark and remora are friends, they think alike!"
This is why I was shouting as much as I could on Lcom a couple of years ago that we needed to be careful of these people. They are not conservative!!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 2:38:55 PM (No. 17890)
This is the first effort I have ever seen trying to actually define this nebulous and abused term, "alt-right". I am unconvinced by this definition, I just don´t know. Almost all the people who use it are propagandists, why would I let them define terms?
I doubt that this definition that he uses is used by more than 10% of the folks that throw around this term, because they primarily using it as a club to beat up normal conservatives.
I refuse to use a term which has no generally agreed and understood definition, especially when it is thrown around like 1950s racists used the ´n-word´.
I put ´white nationalist´ in a similar category, in the sense that it is unclear what is wrong with the term on the surface. I am white, and I am a proud nationalist, always will be. So put two factual descriptors together and I am supposed to deny it and cringe in fear of being called one? Hell no. I am a white, and a nationalist. If they want to assign some negative spin to that, then "they" can just go to hell.
I will not cower in fear of this term, I will defend my skin color and my love of this country and NOT let them convert these two good things somehow into a pejorative. I´ll look them in the eye and say, "Damned right, and proud of both."
Letting the hysterical, hateful left define all things in a war of words into bad things is to lose by default. I refuse to cede this term to their twisted, malignant re-definition.
As to "alt-right" I don´t trust anyone who uses this term.
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It would be funny how little the MSM knows about conservativism if it weren´t so serious and destructive. It´s deliberate ignoring of a huge part of the intellectual, political, and moral world.