American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
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Posted by
3/4/2021 9:51:04 AM
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Most people are canny enough to know that when someone advertises himself or herself as a certain kind of thing, the opposite is likely to be the case. Think: "Honest John's Used Cars." "Mom's Cooking." "We're from the government and we're here to help." "I'm a lady."
Which brings us to Meghan Markle, the Hollywood B-list actress who finagled a role for a couple of years as the Duchess of Sussex.
After telling us how selfless she was for ditching the royal family in order to go make money (off of them, no less), including a coming March 8 tell-all interview to Oprah Winfrey, here's the biteback from Buckingham Palace:
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted by
3/3/2021 10:56:27 AM
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Dissidents have been warning us for years about the nature of China's communist totalitarian regime.
But unlike a lot of them, the dictatorship also has money and markets.
In the West, that means quisling defenders, many with a snoot in the trough.
So here comes a pitched curve ball for China's clapping seals, according to the South China Morning Post:
A Chinese court has upheld a ruling that a textbook description of homosexuality as "a psychological disorder" was not a factual error but merely an "academic view".
The Chinese LGBT community, and the 24-year-old woman who filed the lawsuit, have expressed disappointment at the decision,
Fox News,
Fox 7 Austin Digital Team
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Posted by
3/3/2021 10:25:43 AM
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AUSTIN, Texas - Republican Texas State Representative Bryan Slaton has filed a bill in the Texas House of Representatives asking that a portion of I-35 in Austin be renamed the Steve Adler Public Restroom Highway.
The portion Slaton is asking to be renamed is the area between 4th Street and 11th Street where those experiencing homelessness reside.
Slaton, who represents House District 2, says in a news release that "since the legislature has made it clear it intends to rename some highways and bridges this session, I think it's imperative that we start with a highway that truly recognizes the contributions of (Austin) Mayor Adler."
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/27/2021 8:17:48 AM
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Given all the predictions that President Donald Trump would lead the ruination of the U.S., and despite the 24/7 attacks hurled at him from all quarters, Trump got stronger marks than Barack Obama on all but two of seven key metrics that IBD/TIPP has been following for 20 years.
Raghavan Mayur, the president of TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, which runs the IBD/TIPP poll, explains it all on his new site:
Although often ignored by the mainstream press, the Investor’s Business Daily-sponsored IBD/TIPP poll has proven to be the most accurate in the past five presidential elections. And since 2001,
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/24/2021 6:53:09 AM
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Congressional Democrats are demanding to know what communications giants such as Comcast and AT&T are going to do about “the spread of dangerous misinformation.” How quickly this country is descending into an authoritarian regime where the government controls speech and the flow of information.
Ahead of a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Wednesday, California Democratic Reps. Anna G. Eshoo and Jerry McNerney wrote a letter to Comcast, AT&T, Spectrum, Dish, Verizon, Cox, Altice, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Google, and Hulu. According to the New York Times, which says it has reviewed the correspondence, the pair is not pleased that “the
Brenda Richardson
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Posted by
2/20/2021 6:39:29 AM
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Vice President Kamala Harris has signed a deal to sell her loft-style San Francisco condo for $799,000, about 63% more than what she paid for it, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Harris bought the two-level condo for $489,000 in 2004, when she became California’s first female district attorney in San Francisco’s history and the first Black woman and South Asian American woman in the state to hold the office.
The one-bedroom property is on the top floor of a boutique building in the South of Market district, a former industrial zone where warehouses have been converted into headquarters
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/18/2021 7:05:46 AM
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Though widely anticipated, the death of Rush Limbaugh after a long battle with cancer is a major blow to conservatives. His witty, often acerbic commentary had been a daily anchor to reality for many Americans, tired of the mainstream media’s lies, bias and prevarications. But with his death, Limbaugh leaves a hole in the conservative movement that is impossible to fill.
The center-right media firmament has many bright stars. Unfortunately, none shine as brightly as Rush did. As the numerous accounts of his death and life point out, he was the most listened to radio show host in history.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/17/2021 6:09:04 AM
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The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released its economic forecast for the next decade. It got little press attention, probably because it completely undermines the arguments for another massive COVID-19 stimulus bill.
President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress continue to portray the economy as deep in a recession. In Wisconsin on Wednesday, for example, Biden said that “Now is the time we should be spending. Now is the time to go big.”
But according to the CBO’s economic forecast, real GDP this year will climb by 4.6%. Assuming that holds true, it would be the biggest annual increase in gross
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted by
2/11/2021 9:37:01 AM
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To the extent that Joe Biden drew votes, a very big reason was the expectation from parents and students that he would re-open the public schools, currently on extended shutdown over COVID concerns. That was his promise, that was a signature issue, with many pixels spilled in multiple spots on Biden's campaign website supporting the claim that he was serious about re-opening schools.
Now that he's in office, too bad for those who actually believed him.
Instead of re-opening the schools, Biden's re-drawn himself a goal line for school re-opening so pathetic, so wretched, so insignificant it's actually lower than what's already going on now in school reopenings.
Issues & Insights,
The Editorial Board
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Posted by
2/11/2021 6:20:31 AM
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“Time is a luxury our country does not have.” That was Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer explaining why Democrats are in such a mad rush to pass a massive $1.9 trillion COVID “relief” bill.
What Schumer, President Joe Biden and other Democrats, and the mainstream media fail to mention is that the government still hasn’t spent $1.3 trillion of the previous COVID relief funds. If the public knew that, would a majority be in favor of anything like the new Biden plan?
For those with short memories, there have been five COVID relief bills in less than a year, with
American Thinker,
Monica Showalter
Original Article
Posted by
2/5/2021 9:45:43 AM
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Joe Biden's family and associates are back in business, making money off the family name. Sure, Biden reportedly admonished his brother to 'watch yourself,' but that didn't stop brother Frank getting busy advertising his ties to Joe in an ad for a Florida law firm on the day Joe was sworn in. Son Hunter reportedly never divested himself of his China holdings as had been leaked earlier. On the Kamala Harris side of things, stepdaughter Ella got a lucrative modeling contract, and niece Maya got herself a book deal and clothing range.
Now son Hunter has got himself a lucrative book deal, too,
Molly Ball
Original Article
Posted by
2/5/2021 6:12:29 AM
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A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing.
The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence.
Instead, an eerie quiet descended. As President Trump refused to concede, the response was not mass action but crickets. When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump’s ouster.
Socialism has made the country dependent on the Red Cross.