´On Seattle, Dying and an Ugly Reflection´
Eric Johnson
Original Article
Posted By: Maggie2u,
3/30/2019 2:54:41 AM
On a chilly night almost two years ago, in a cramped, cluttered room in a dirt-cheap motel on Aurora Avenue, I found myself sitting face-to-face with six heroin addicts. They were nice kids. They seemed tired. Wrung out. But they were honest, and funny at times, and I liked every one of them. I´ll never forget Ace, who was 30-years-old, with a closely shaved head and a slow, drawn out way of speaking. And, of course, they broke my heart.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 3/30/2019 2:59:41 AM (No. 17584)
Sorry for the second post. I was unable to post to 100 words because every time I tried, I got the message that I was over the word limit. I kept deleting words and this is the most I could get. I´m sorry if this causes a problem.
Also, the reporter´s name was in the headline. I kept it there hoping that was the correct thing to do and again, I´m sorry if it was wrong.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MissMann 3/30/2019 3:44:10 AM (No. 17583)
Sounds like Mr. Johnson is seeing the problem very clearly. There are other places just as dire, with officials just as oblivious. What will it take?
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Eric Johnson´s follow-up to the responses that he received is extremely revealing. It highlights why the problem in Seattle is not nor will be addressed realistically by those who have the power to do so. It highlights that just because a politician presents a picture of "utopia" in his/her campaign speeches, who says the right things to win the support of social justice warriors, doesn´t mean that politician has any interest or intent to follow through. Those who supported and voted for the current office holders but walked away without holding them accountable are as responsible as those office holders. Perhaps enough people will look across the country, take note of what has happened with cities that have been under the control of Democrats, and realize that is a critical part of the problem. Democrats appeal to people´s emotions as their only goal is to gain more power. The result is that once beautiful, vibrant cities across the country are dying or have died.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 5:05:29 AM (No. 17589)
Choose to use drugs, choose to die.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
plomke 3/30/2019 7:29:42 AM (No. 17579)
After fifty plus years of the "War On Poverty" we have learned nothing.
Move on.
Leave these people to their destiny.
Natural selection at work...
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Lazyman 3/30/2019 7:59:22 AM (No. 17575)
Let´s get rid of the Electoral College and let these corrupt areas of the country elect our president.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
MickTurn 3/30/2019 8:53:46 AM (No. 17585)
...Seems the Liberal Mecca of Seattle is actually a S*it Hole, Literally!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 3/30/2019 9:03:37 AM (No. 17582)
The sad thing about addiction is that interventions, compassion and rehab only work if the addicts want to change their lives. Until then, all the love, money and services lavished on them is wasted. In the meantime, they leave a lot of wreckage in their wake - devastated families, bankrupt parents, children without parents, crime, homelessness, wrecked health, and so on. I don´t know what the answer is, but one thing is clear - what we´re doing now is only making the situation worse.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/30/2019 9:18:44 AM (No. 17573)
My 29 year old daughter lives in the DC metropolitan area and grew up in Loudoun County, Virginia - one of the top five wealthiest counties for a couple of decades now.
At this point, about a dozen of the people she attended high school with have died of ODs or drug related accidents. The most recent was a couple of weeks ago. She told me that she’s tired of going to these funerals. I thank God every day that she never got caught up in this.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
tootall 3/30/2019 10:04:36 AM (No. 17587)
I am sad and infuriated after reading this article.
If these drugs were not so readily available, there would still be a problem...but it would not be as great.
It makes me wonder if the cheap labor, or Political Power is worth the loss of an entire generation of young people.
I am active in the Recovery Community in So Ohio, and know first hand this tragedy is happening everywhere.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
foxglove 3/30/2019 10:09:59 AM (No. 17591)
Thank you for posting. Whether we like it or not it’s in every one of our communities. A devastating scourge.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
franq 3/30/2019 10:55:18 AM (No. 17577)
San Francisco passes out 400k free syringes a month. Posters on this site advocate drug legality. Yeah, let´s just make it easier for them to kill themselves off. Then the problem will go away.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
mean Gene 3/30/2019 11:30:05 AM (No. 17574)
We left Long Beach because we feared disease spreading from our homeless population to us, only kept separate by our front door.
They might emcamp under overpasses and by riverbeds BUT they have to get the money for drugs from the general population, by hook or by crook.
So, they looted our trash 20 or 30 times a day looking for recyclables, while casing our place to see when we came and went.
We moved to Utah only to find much of the general population is high all the time on prescription drugs. When MDs finally take away their legal access, they become street drug users, later street people.
The Mormon Church corrals them, as best it can, onto the West side of the valley.
But even on the East side I´ve seen neighbors (still able to afford housing) drugged up so bad the EMTs pulled them out in body bag slings.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
jacksin5 3/30/2019 11:32:13 AM (No. 17580)
Like any other commodity, it´s an issue of Supply and Demand. Demand will slow down as supply routes are blocked off.
As most of these narcotics are being smuggled into the country, PDJT´s insistence of controlling our borders and ports of entry becomes clear.
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Thank you for posting. I sent the link to the hour long documentary "Seattle is dying" to my city council. It is not only about how "compassion" has failed these people, but it includes an example of a program that is actually working.
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Seattle has been dying ever since "California liberals" have become the majority in Washington State. Washington and Oregon used to be responsible, conservative states, which legacy is the only reason both states are still relatively solvent. Liberalism has infected Seattle, and in great part is responsible for Boeing moving its headquarters elsewhere. If they could easily move their physical plants to other states they would. They aren´t going to build more here and of course have built others in other states in recent years. So the thousands of conservative engineers in past Seattle history are moving on and have been replaced by the liberal software engineers from California and elsewhere. So Seattle started dying long ago, and the drug use on the streets is just a symptom of this liberal cancer affecting every aspect of culture here and elsewhere. MAGA, but one wonders if it´s even really possible given the Leftist intrenched insanity.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
PostAway 3/30/2019 2:36:39 PM (No. 17576)
Just speculation but maybe there is a clue in this mess, a mess replicated in towns, villages and cities across the country, as to why it is so hard to police our borders and jail illegal criminals. Corrupt American policy makers who and other elites who despise middle America may benefit financially from the drug trade and programs that assist it like Fast and Furious. We are in the midst of revelations of federal law enforcement being used for treasonous gangland-type activity by officials who are proven liars and criminals. Their efforts to oust Trump as an outsider who is unworthy of leadership smacks of narco-state treachery. I’m wondering if it’s time, once again, to say “hello” to our old friends Bill and Hillary and company.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 3/30/2019 3:30:49 PM (No. 17592)
Build the wall to slow down the low of poisons.
But ultimately, if people choose drugs they will die.
As one other poster said, natural selection at work.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
slrobi 3/30/2019 3:48:31 PM (No. 17586)
"Seattle is Dying" is a spot on documentary and this piece also tells the truth of Seattle and so many other cities, really. Eric Johnson deserves an award!
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
NYbob 3/30/2019 3:49:10 PM (No. 17581)
Liberal government with help from the two political parties forced many homes into 2 income families. Manufacturing jobs going away, women pursuing careers, etc. Result a couple of generations of lost kids. Mix in corruption of faith with generations thinking THEY can determine moral values and top off with Hollywood glamorizing, normalizing drug use and this is the end result. Evil communists and ´progressive´ hedonists have destroyed the moral center of family and our national culture. All the guilty parties are so egotistical or actually evil that they don´t care. In fact in a weird way they are proud of their destruction. The worse things get the more opportunities for power grabs they have.
This is ALL about personal responsibility and humility before a greater power. The new cult of victimhood is killing all of us to a degree.
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Eric Johnson is the reporter for KOMO news in Seattle. He´s the one who did the documentary a few weeks ago titled...Seattle is Dying. It´s available for viewing on youtube.
We have had two young people die from overdoses in the past 2 and a half years. Our DIL´s sister was 38 and left three young daughters. She lived in Utah. This past August our best friend´s DIL died of an overdose. She was also 38 and left two young children. She lived in Edmonds, a suburb of Seattle.