No Time to ‘Move On’: Trump’s Michigan Triumph
American Greatness,
Roger Kimball
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
3/29/2019 11:21:38 PM
Grand Rapids, Michigan, might be my new favorite city. I hadn’t remembered that it was the president’s last stop on the 2016 campaign trail until he reminded his huge (yuge!) audience there on Thursday night. At 1:00 a.m. on November 8, 2016, he drew some 30,000 cheering people. Some hours before that rally, he recalled, Hillary was waddling (my word, not his) across a stage before 500 or 600 kale-eating advocates for wind power and open borders. I’ll wait while Politifact weighs in with the important correction that Hillary actually drew 687 supporters. That was no big deal because, you
Reply 1 - Posted by:
sunnyday 3/29/2019 11:58:27 PM (No. 17509)
This is a very good read. Thanks for posting.
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George W. Bush moved on from the attempts by the Clinton Administration, on a smaller scale, to weaponize the apparatus of the Federal government. That decision was, largely, a political calculation. He, and the people around him, calculated that prosecuting the members of the Clinton Administration who abused their positions for political gain would not play well to the voters. They may have been right, but it was a mistake because it set up things for the Obama Administration to do much worse.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Axeman 3/30/2019 12:30:53 AM (No. 17508)
FTA: "..clean house, then move on."
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
ladydawgfan 3/30/2019 12:39:32 AM (No. 17507)
Excellent article!! Must read!!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
thomthomp 3/30/2019 2:00:42 AM (No. 17506)
If you are fighting a civilized contest where each agrees to the same rules the the civilized response to a defeated opponent is to help him up off the mat. OTOH, if you are fighting against an existential threat who will stop at nothing to destroy you the logical response when he is on the mat is to continue pummeling him with all you have until he will never get up again. So-called "strategists" like Carl Rove are idiots who don´t realize or don´t want to admit that the current Democrat Party is an existential threat to the republic and all that defines America.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
lazlototh 3/30/2019 2:39:33 AM (No. 17510)
Funny. I ended up in Grand Rapids on business 2 years ago in August and September. I loved it, and loved Lake Michigan, though the words "BUT WINTER!" kept screaming over my shoulder. My favorite was a historical marker at the beach - where in the 1800s the Dutch settlers near New Holland wanted government help in digging an channel. The marker says essentially that "impatient with government delay, the Dutch settlers dug the channel themselves."
It was like Katrina. Little Saigon recovered in months without assistance. My lovely daughter was adopted by us from Vietnam and we had fun taking pride in that. And I´m part Dutch so the historical marker gave me similar pride.
What a beautiful lakefront they have there, in the heart of Trump country. I´d move there if I didn´t mind winter.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Daisymay 3/30/2019 9:22:36 AM (No. 17505)
Great Article. I think Kimball has gone to the heart of the matter. WE, the voters who elected Trump, WANT those who tried their best to take him down TO PAY for what they put our country through. We are not about to walk away, Mr. Rove, we are armed for Bear!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/30/2019 10:00:08 AM (No. 17503)
Dear Karl,
PDT might or might not lose a few swing voters by going after the Deep State traitors who tried to nullify his election and take him down. But you can bet that, if he doesn’t go after them, he will lose lots and lots of Republican voters. Which do you think he will choose, oh wise (/s) one?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
saguni 3/30/2019 12:39:56 PM (No. 17511)
FTA: It is time to clean house. Then we can move on.
President Trump should take a lesson from the Bush Jr. administration. GW Bush let bygones be bygones and “moved on,” and ignored the crap that the Bill Clinton administration did. Even removing all the "W" buttons from every keyboard in the White. Bush was "presidential" and "polite."
0bama saw what Bush had done and went to town, doubling down on everything Clinton had done, to "fundamentally transform" our republic to a democratic socialist form of government.
Now is the time to clear out the detritus of Civil Servants who have come to believe that we exist to serve them, that they know better how to keep this country great than the common voter, who is only interested in bettering their own life and providing for their families.
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