We´re not going to move on from Robert Mueller, Mr. Rove
Rush Limbaugh Show,
Rush Limbaugh
Original Article
Posted By: JoElla Bee,
3/28/2019 6:03:43 PM
RUSH: So I see that Karl Rove is out today with his column in the Wall Street Journal suggesting that Trump just move on now. Don’t focus on the origins of the investigation, don’t waste time trying to find out what happened here, because that’s only gonna tick off swing voters. Now, I know that Karl Rove is a walking genius, indisputable. But I have to tell you I cannot tell you how much I disagree with this. These people need to be identified. They need to be investigated. What they did needs to be reported over and over and
Reply 1 - Posted by:
JoElla Bee 3/28/2019 6:05:45 PM (No. 16095)
FTA: Brennan and all these guys, they had the dossier and they were frustrated as hell all through the Summer of 2016 that they couldn’t get anybody to believe it, because it was a pack of lies! So they attached it to an “intelligence report” to get it the imprimatur of intel, rather than a salacious piece of opposition research. So, no, we’re not gonna let this go, and we’re not gonna say, “What the hell can we do to save the swing voters?” We’re gonna bring the swing voters along, and they’re gonna be informed and educated about what happens when you elect Democrats and put them in power!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
plomke 3/28/2019 6:13:23 PM (No. 16086)
The globalist cabal is running scared.
What happens when the public finds out that its government is not just spying on us,it is actively trying to replace us with a more dependent and pliable populace.
Karl,the jig is up.
Go home,enjoy your the fortune you made while selling out this country.
I suggest retiring to a small island,away from lamposts,tall strong trees,or anything that contains a rope...
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Quigley 3/28/2019 6:18:06 PM (No. 16088)
Mr Rove has lost my trust. I’m really sorry for that because I don’t want more bad guys, I’d like him and the Bushes to be good guys.
But this fraud and the never Trumpers are not to be laughed off; they need to be dealt with for their disloyalty to the country and the republican party. Rove probably advised George W not to respond to the attacks on him. And the result was calamitous. Not that George was likely capable of maintaining his own with the new dimokkkrap agitators.
But I’m done with karl et al until they rehabilitate themselves. Please come back to The United States and the Republican party, karl. Honestly.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lucky5 3/28/2019 6:19:58 PM (No. 16081)
I am furious Rove said this. This is RINO 101. NO NO and NO!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
amylu 3/28/2019 6:23:53 PM (No. 16093)
Mr. Rove is a nice guy and all, I´m sure, but I´ve long wondered what size ladies´ panties he wears.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Hugh Akston 3/28/2019 6:29:00 PM (No. 16084)
The He!! with moving on. Time for the Pubbies to ´reach across the aisle´ with brass knuckles, nunchucks, leaded bats, whatever. Don´t spare the Dem women either. Take it to them.
As we used to say at high school football games - Hit ´em again, Hit ´em again, Harder, Harder.
No mercy.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
droopydog 3/28/2019 6:29:27 PM (No. 16091)
This from the a**-clown who allowed the MSM to beat down W´s approval ratings to the low thirties.
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I am so done with elites (both R and D), and political talking heads!!!
I´m ready for facts, justice and convictions.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
gop_guys 3/28/2019 6:30:46 PM (No. 16089)
It was a miracle he helped get Dubya elected twice. Bush was likable. Clinton hangover helped against Gore and Kerry was traitorous. Rush rightly states Republicans win elections when they espouse conservative values. No more RINOs. No more moving to the center. No more globalist uni-party bovine excrement. Rove is right here in Austin where be belongs.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Jerseyden 3/28/2019 6:33:13 PM (No. 16092)
I don’t know how to get the ‘get along ‘ repubs to understand the Dems are their enemy. The Dems never give an inch in any policy debate only repubs. The Bush Romney factions have to be controlled by the RNC or primaried out in election cycles.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
EQKimball 3/28/2019 6:35:06 PM (No. 16083)
There should be Senate hearings and then a referral to the AG. The Democrats and their media allies meanwhile will try to recapture momentum with their own hearings investigating everything Trump going back to the President´s first kiss. Americans, however, are weary of this. (See the article posted immediately above.) Republicans and the President need to pivot to new policy initiatives and sensible legislation, and let the obsessive politically die of terminal TDS. Guaranteed, the public will not like it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Urgent Fury 3/28/2019 7:04:44 PM (No. 16078)
Rove is sooo 2000.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
JL80863 3/28/2019 7:05:53 PM (No. 16073)
This was not the run of the mill political prank. It was a deliberate with malice aforethought attempt to overturn a lawful election and rule of law. Should everyone move on? Sure. After the conspirators have been tried, judged, financially ruined and imprisoned. At that point we can warn the dems that we will be watching and then shake hands.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 3/28/2019 7:23:01 PM (No. 16075)
But - - but - -¡Yeb! - - ¡Yeb! - - shouldn´t ¡Yeb! be president now?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Yepper 3/28/2019 7:28:09 PM (No. 16087)
#5, No he´s not. He´s, at best, a sub human animal. No offense to sub human animals.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/28/2019 7:36:47 PM (No. 16082)
Another closet democrat who just can´t help himself. They allowed the attack dogs to chew on Trump´s pantlegs for two years over nothing. Now that Obama and his flying monkeys have become the target and actual evidence is at hand that they are all guilty as hell, it´s time to let bygones be bygones and just move on? I don´t think so. Fry them all and change the sheets on the bunks at Gitmo. We have new guests who need them.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/28/2019 7:38:00 PM (No. 16094)
Mr. Rove, you think that not moving on will cost the president some swing voters? I say that moving on would cost him a YUGE number of Republican voters. And he knows it. Heads need to roll.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
DVC 3/28/2019 7:43:45 PM (No. 16077)
There are at least 20-30 traitors who need to be dealt harshly with. THEN we can move on.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 3/28/2019 8:03:22 PM (No. 16074)
Rove is the man who convinced GWB that it was "unpresidential" to answer all the Democrat attacks. Once they realized that Bush wasn´t going to refute their lies, they went wild with their accusations. One of the many reasons Trump was nominated and elected was that the Republican base was tired of "turn the other cheek" RINOs. Trump was the only candidate who fought back.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
ramona 3/28/2019 8:20:34 PM (No. 16076)
Hey Karl, it´s not your party anymore.
Ramona (the Pest)
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
SueDotSue 3/28/2019 9:15:02 PM (No. 16090)
Swing voters? That´s always been GOP E code for don´t be too different from democrats. As it is, the US has only one party. Both parties have the same agenda: open borders, Endless Unwinnable Foreign Interventions funded by US taxpayers, massive central government out of reach of voters, and extreme globalism. Rove and GOP E want GOP to be permanent minority so they don´t have to answer to GOP voters. Rove and GOP have been working for years to prevent the formation of a strong Republican party in Calif. The Calif. GOP chief has actually promoted elimination of Electoral College, ie, death of GOP. As to swing voters, Trump won with them in 2016, the same year he beat Karl Rove. Beating Hillary was easy compared to beating the GOP E.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/28/2019 11:11:18 PM (No. 16085)
Like Trump says, these people need to be held accountable. This is not going away, nor should it. The swamp bit off more of the WH Lion than they could chew, and it is now time to face the consequences for once in your miserable lives Mr. Rove. We still remember Bush not standing up for us, thanks to you. So this is not just going to fade away.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/29/2019 12:08:03 AM (No. 16079)
Mr. Limbaugh has my permission to speak for me on this issue,
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