Continued High Stakes
PJ Media,
Richard Fernandez
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
3/28/2019 6:55:20 PM
Two years ago I predicted the attempt to nullify the 2016 election with the Russian collusion investigation would threaten both Trump and Obama. "The most singular thing about Donald Trump´s wiretap accusation against Barack Obama is how he´s refusing to play the game of extremities — losing a Flynn here and getting a Sessions paralyzed there — and getting right into lethal range. Trump´s gone right past Schumer, ignored the surrogates and gone straight for the former president himself." (Snip) Unfortunately the prediction has now come true. "Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday that President Donald
Reply 1 - Posted by:
earlybird 3/28/2019 7:02:16 PM (No. 16143)
Richard always seems too genteel for mano a mano contact… He is no different here, concerned about loss of civility and a king lying on the floor. There’s only one real king here, though he - unlike the other fellow - is not the sort to crown himself. Instead he is a man of and for the people.
We have needed a bold leader who was also on the right side. A patriot, not a pretender. He knows there is only one really guilty person in this entire mess and is willing to call him out.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/28/2019 7:25:57 PM (No. 16145)
"unless the combatants disengage, someone will get hurt."
We are counting on it and we know who the N-word in the woodpile is. Our entire system of justice depends upon seeing a set of large ears pinned to the wall.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/28/2019 7:32:20 PM (No. 16141)
Someone should get hurt. And a lot of his cohorts with him, including his wife and his former Secstate. You know, the people who in reality did collude with Russia.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
plomke 3/28/2019 7:35:47 PM (No. 16155)
Wretchard seems to be under the impression that everthing should go back to normal now.
Too late.
We,the people through our elected representatives,deemed eligible a candidate who was not only not born an American,but was not raised as one.
We,the people elected and re-elected a foreign born communist,muslim community agitator to the highest office in the land.
There is no more normal to go back to.
This is war,they are playing for keeps,how about you,Wretchard???
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
jimincalif 3/28/2019 7:52:54 PM (No. 16150)
FTA: "It will be a terrible moment for American political civility when a king lies on the political floor. The whole point of a peaceful transition of power is to prevent a clash between kings. Yet the very tragedy the electoral process is intended to prevent is happening before our eyes."
The old "both sides" moral equivalency nonsense, just like Israel and Palestinians. Obama, Clinton and their minions sought to disrupt the peaceful transition - and almost got away with it. There should be hell to pay, so no else tries to do it again.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/28/2019 8:48:15 PM (No. 16140)
WHY is it always Republicans that have to compromise and let dems get away with their crimes?
This has nothing to do with a peaceful transfer of power. This has to do with a fundamental abuse of power to overthrow an election before and after the fact. The DOJ, FBI, and Intelligence Agencies were all corrupted into domestic spying without justification. Domestic spying against a political opponent.
We don´t know if BO was in on this but we should sure be asking the questions to find out. We should be asking WHO these corrupt players were reporting to? We should be considering laws that will hold agencies and agents severely accountable for this behavior.
NO, we should NOT budge an inch because we are talking about the corruption of our election system, a fundamental and essential piece of government by We the People. Pundits that can´t understand this critical fact have no business giving advice.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
kdog 3/28/2019 8:59:39 PM (No. 16144)
The advice is ALWAYS stand down ... to Republicans.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Sanchin 3/28/2019 9:02:48 PM (No. 16151)
Since when do we have Kings? I thought our foundation was established to reject the idea of kings. Alas our media and so so many others are yearning for the concept. Long live the King/Queen who ever that may be because America aint nothing like she used to be.
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"When you strike at a king, you must kill him."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The unspoken sequel:
"Because if you don´t, he will kill you." If you are lucky.
Pencil-neck Schiff, his minion Swalwell, and his allies better think their next moves out very carefully.
Personally, I think it will take a few people swinging from the gallows and the rest in prison for a long time to put things right.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
preciosodrogas 3/28/2019 10:40:16 PM (No. 16147)
What poppycock. Evidently he did not notice that, first of all the US has no kings, one of his kings is a crook and deserves to be cast out and imprisoned.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
watashiyo 3/28/2019 10:41:21 PM (No. 16153)
Keep it simple. You do the CRIME, you do the TIME.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Lucky5 3/28/2019 11:10:20 PM (No. 16152)
We got to this horrible point with the media and other left wing radicals who have taken over our schools precisely because we ALWAYS STAND DOWN. No more. They are winning the culture war and telling 5 years they can pick their gender and having trannies read books to them, just to name one small thing.
We are not standing down anymore. Blow that out your ear please.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
JL80863 3/28/2019 11:14:40 PM (No. 16142)
Yes the stakes are high. They are so high that everyone must learn that if you try to illegally void a presidential election the full force of the law will brought against you. Nothing else is acceptable.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Kate318 3/29/2019 12:06:54 AM (No. 16149)
Not this time, Richard. Not this time.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
DVC 3/29/2019 3:27:30 AM (No. 16148)
These folks went FAR past anything that can just be overlooked. They did serious, provable crimes, and they need to pay for them.
If a bunch of high level folks at FBI, DoJ and CIA do not go to prison for this, this will be the new normal and we WILL be headed for a civil war.
If the laws are enforced, if they clean out these bastards and put them in prison for a long time, MAYBE things can move back towards normal.
They broke out of "politcs" into "crime" and "treason", and we can´t put the sword away without some blood on it, so to speak.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/29/2019 5:31:14 AM (No. 16146)
President Trump should not fold. All the players need to be hauled before court and prosecuted. Otherwise, demonrats will try this again. This country needs real justice for once instead of all these cover-ups.
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