Obama´s protective shield seems to be shattering
Washington Times,
Cheryl K. Chumley
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/27/2019 6:08:09 AM
Now that the whole Russia collusion thing against President Donald Trump has been proven a media-hyped fallacy, politically savvy eyes are turning toward former President Barack Obama and wondering: What about all that sneaky surveillance stuff? What about all that Team Obama titillation of flawed Trump-Russia insider information? What about FISA and Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele reports used to justify spying of Team Trump? These are good questions. And they demand answers. As Sen. Rand Paul put it, in a tweet: “Time to investigate the Obama officials who concocted and spread the Russian conspiracy hoax!” Indeed. Since Trump’s not guilty on the colluding-with-Russia-to-steal-the-election-from-Hillary-Clinton
Reply 1 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/27/2019 6:58:54 AM (No. 14217)
When Obama campaigned in 2008, his "theme" was hope and change. Quite a few people bought into it thinking there was going to be real hope and change. People are tired of corruption and a lack of accountability in government. Obama disguised things very well. As it turns out, corruption and lack of accountability is a way of life for him and Michelle. I think the truth should be revealed.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MainelySane 3/27/2019 7:27:19 AM (No. 14211)
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
DCGIRL 3/27/2019 7:42:12 AM (No. 14219)
Obama´s plan would not allow President Trump to be elected or allowed him to stay in office President Trump is not your ordinary person, he´s from NY and knows how to defend himself and expose others. Obama thought President Trump would not survive but he did and now it is Obama´s turn to jump into the frying pan.
People of the U.S. are tired of the rich and powerful getting away with crimes that ordinary people like us that would be thrown in jail. The Smolletts, Clintons, Jarretts, Obamas, and many more should pay for their crimes.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lazyman 3/27/2019 7:50:48 AM (No. 14220)
If Loretta Lynch had one ounce of integrity none of the past two years could have occurred.
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One has to be terribly naive to think this subject wasn´t discussed during Obama´s daily intelligence briefings. After all Brennen and Clapper were present and they have been instrumental in promoting this hoax.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
HerbVA 3/27/2019 8:49:45 AM (No. 14225)
Nothing will stick to Obama because the media and the democrat party will do anything to protect their black master.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Jebediah 3/27/2019 9:11:57 AM (No. 14213)
Unfortunately, I think all of us are cynical enough to see that nothing will happen, even if Graham does get to the real story. I suspect our experiment in democracy has failed.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mobyclik 3/27/2019 9:57:15 AM (No. 14223)
If someone were to look into the illegal doings of Obama and his crew, the screams of RACISM!!! would be deafening. What else does the leftwing Useless Media have to fall back on to protect their Messiah?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/27/2019 10:54:56 AM (No. 14224)
The Obama and Clinton investigations should have been going on in parallel with the Trump investigation if the target was the actual collusion instead of the conduction of a "get Trump" campaign. Hillary, the FBI and the DOJ were not smart enough to create a plan "B" because failure to nail Donald Trump was unthinkable.
Of course there was Russian interference of some sort in the 2016 election as there has been in every major election in the world since the 1940s when Russia began interfering in world politics. So did (horrors) the United States interfere in places like Cuba, most of Africa and South America and the Middle East. It´s what meddling people of power do.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Saryden 3/27/2019 10:56:37 AM (No. 14212)
What about Ozero´s interference in the Israel election??
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
MDConservative 3/27/2019 11:09:58 AM (No. 14226)
"Forget it, Jake. It´s Washington."
Remember the Benghazi hearings? "Slam dunk, we got her now, wait until Trey Gowdy gets her under oath..." After ten hours of "tough questioning" Gowdy proved his mettle, coming up with nothing.
What gives anyone the idea, let alone confidence, that the Uniparty wants to honestly investigate and expose any of this?
What´s Lois Lerner doing these days? Whatever, she´s not serving time.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
columba 3/27/2019 12:00:19 PM (No. 14222)
Obama´s "shield" was based on a dream that he was a savior.
However we already have a savior, and he´s not into politics.
Is a nation that legally murders its own children capable of being saved?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Highvoltage 3/27/2019 12:08:11 PM (No. 14216)
Stench of corruption follow the Obamas everywhere they go. It´s time to air out the covers and Lindsey Graham is in a position to do it.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
ronniethek 3/27/2019 1:08:51 PM (No. 14214)
The Kenyan tyrant is going down. God bless America.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
weirdone 3/27/2019 1:46:28 PM (No. 14215)
Now is the time too prosecute the real traitors. Obama, Hilary and all those who aided and abetted our enemies by giving $33 billion to Iran and selling American uranium to Russia.
Funding Terrorism: "U.S. Reportedly Gave $33 Billion to Iran...In Cash and Gold 2014-2016
Over the past weeks there has been much controversy surrounding the $400 million cash payment made to Iran and delivered by cargo plane in the middle of the night in exchange for four American hostages. Cash of course is the currency of terrorists because unlike digital transfers, it cannot be tracked. Iran is unabashedly the world´s largest state sponsor of terror.
But now, reporting from the Washington Times shows the U.S. may have paid Iran as much as $33.6 billion in cash between 2014 and 2016"
Is this not giving "Aid and Comfort " to the enemy, as defined by the US Constitution as one of the definitions of "Treason"? Shouldn´t Obama be charged under U.S. Constitution -Article 3 Section 3?
Shouldn´t those aware of these payments, (HRC among them) and failed to report them, be charged under 18 U.S. Code 2382?
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Pepper Tree 3/27/2019 10:15:57 PM (No. 14218)
Next thing you know, Gay Barri will be taken into custody by the Kenyan National Police after requesting asylum from American persecution.
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