The Reckoning Finally Arrives for the Trump Resistance
Bloomberg Opinion,
Eli Lake
Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect,
3/26/2019 5:47:38 AM
“The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” That single sentence, taken from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, calls for a reckoning. It’s a reckoning for Democrats who saw almost every development in this almost-two-year investigation as another dot connecting a conspiracy Mueller has not found. It’s a reckoning for many in the media that dutifully passed along this theory along without scrutiny or context. And it’s a reckoning for many national security officials who abandoned
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Pepper Tree 3/26/2019 6:22:29 AM (No. 13018)
Heh. What a pitiful string of excuses.
“The country later learned from Mueller that Moscow conducted a social media campaign to flood Twitter and Facebook with fake news and propaganda to discredit Hillary Clinton.“ Yeah? What did those Russians say about Hillary that was not true?
“Trump, meanwhile, once publicly invited the assistance of the Russians.” Uh-huh. Trump made a pretty funny joke regarding Russia, the media and Hillary’s “missing” emails. You humorless lefties lefties latched onto it as proof that Trump was a toady of Putin.
“Remember Senator Harry Reid’s explosive letter to James Comey, released just a few days before the election, alleging that the FBI director possessed devastating information about Trump and his campaign’s ties to Russia?” Yeah, we remember that an also Harry Reid alleging before election day 2012 that Romney hadn’t paid taxes in ten years.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
PChristopher 3/26/2019 6:22:46 AM (No. 13023)
Being a horror fan, I was watching an old episode of that cult favorite "Supernatural" this past weekend. In one episode, the hero, Dean Winchester tells a group of young hunters that Vampires do not beg for their lives on their knees....They attack! That having been said, I am not expecting any acts of penance or contrition from the Commucrat media. I´m expecting them to turn and attack everyone and everything that does not believe that THEY were right all along and that Mueller´s report is flawed and they are not going to stop until they get the metaphorical stake driven through their heart. The foreseeable future is not going to be for the faint of heart.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
janjan 3/26/2019 8:12:29 AM (No. 13013)
Social media was flooded during the campaign with posts about both candidates. Which ones came from the Russians? Does it matter?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/26/2019 8:28:26 AM (No. 13016)
Yes, the Mueller party is over.
"The most important takeaway so far of the Mueller probe is that this dossier is garbage."
Since everything else flowed from the dossier, that means everything the Resistance foisted on the country is garbage as well.
"handful of former officials who validated the worst fears ... The best example is former CIA Director John Brennan"
Yes, and Brennan is now weaselly claiming he may have gotten "bad information". OK, bad information that he wielded as a sword of undeserved vengeance and helped push the Country into a divisive and expensive witch hunt. Maybe Brennan should foot the $33 million dollar Mueller bill.
"a powerful illustration of the importance of keeping spies and lawmen out of politics"
An easy an obvious target but how about Hillary and the DNC´s creation of the dossier in the first place. How about Rice and Powers and others involvement? Since this assault was spread across BO´s administration, was BO an ignorant incompetent "leader" or a mastermind?
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 3/26/2019 8:46:05 AM (No. 13012)
Well, in my opinion, there will be nothing from this disaster. The left will do what they always do in the wake of their ever disastrous carnage- ignore it and keep right on doing more damage. That is the nice thing about so easily living in a fantasy world. You can experience a hurricane and come out the other side of it pretending everything is ju-u-ust fine. Other people will suffer the results of Democrat idiocy. But, never Democrats.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/26/2019 8:56:52 AM (No. 13026)
Sorry Bloomberg, but the reckoning is only just around the corner. Time for a good long look at (and cleaning of) the underside of Mrs. Clinton´s bus.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
GW_Rider 3/26/2019 9:06:13 AM (No. 13031)
I won´t believe there is any sort of reckoning until I see a lot of the usual suspects in orange jump suits.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
sandianne 3/26/2019 9:13:21 AM (No. 13030)
The dossier is not a piece of garbage. It is something Clinton conceived and it MUST contended with. She and possibly Obama must be prosecuted for this horrible lie and for protecting the lie that further separated our nation and cost two years and many millions.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/26/2019 9:21:22 AM (No. 13024)
A caller to the Chris Plante show yesterday pointed out that there were thousands and thousands of social media posts (mostly on Fakebook) from Canada and Mexico which favored Illary. So, is it illegal for only some specific countries to post on social media when it comes to elections?
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Jebediah 3/26/2019 10:34:14 AM (No. 13029)
And I hope to God there IS a reckoning. The Democrats, with the MSM as willing accomplices, have allowed the FBI, Justice and who knows how far up in the Obama White House (and who believes Barack didn´t have a clue?) to employ a two tiered justice system in this country, and destroy the judicial norm of innocent until proven guilty. One norm for THEM, and another for US. I am also sick of hearing how wonderful Mueller is/was: he hired 100% partisans, some with strong Clinton ties, to run his investigation, prepared scripts for those he "interviewed" (Corsi, Papandopolus, Flynn) and threatened their families and bankrupted them. He has a long history of this, by the way, going way back to Richard Jewell!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Sunhan65 3/26/2019 10:37:36 AM (No. 13014)
Watching the Mewlers suffer these past two days has been a great joy to me.
I haven´t had this much fun since election night in 2016.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/26/2019 10:42:56 AM (No. 13017)
It´s no big deal if the Russians did attempt to sway the 2016 election. These disinformation tactics are used all over the world, the United States does it everywhere in third world mudholes and throughout Europe and the Middle East. That´s why the CIA exists, intelligence and counterintelligence.
The most worrisome thing to me is that almost half of this great country voted for an incompetent, crooked, mentally-challenged hag like Hillary Clinton to lead it. That´s where the rot resides, not in some propaganda mill in Russia. This much detachment from reality does not have a cure but strong leadership and a free and strong citizenry can keep it in check.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
qr4j 3/26/2019 11:44:22 AM (No. 13020)
That bit about Mr. Trump´s comments DURING A DEBATE regarding Russia and Hillary´s emails:
1. If Mr. Trump were in cahoots with Russia, why in hell would he broadcast that in a public forum watched by millions of people around the world?
2. If Mr. Trump were in cahoots with Russia, why in hell would he have to signal action during a debate?
3. If American intelligence is all that and a bag of chips, why couldn´t they uncover the lost 30,000+ emails from Hillary´s PRIVATE server -- a server she used in part to communicate classified information?
4. If Leftists are so clever, why can´t they recognize humor when it is patently obvious to most NORMAL people (i.e., non-Leftists)
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 3/26/2019 11:55:02 AM (No. 13015)
So let me ask the question that I´ve been asking all along: HOW exactly could Russia change the results of our elections? No one, and I mean NOT ONE PERSON, has even tried to answer that question.
The best "answer" I heard (and I´ll let you decide its merit for yourself) is that Russia used Pokemon Go!
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
sherlock1 3/26/2019 12:21:21 PM (No. 13028)
Let me translate the Dem´s position into simple words:
"We have hectored, hobbled, and harassed first candidate, then President, Trump on evidence now proven to be totally fictitious for nearly three years, but we want to milk it a bit more on the possibility of an "obstruction" technicality, and also try to get a trove of confidential Grand Jury evidence released that we can mine for dirt for years. But let´s be clear - once we have gotten whatever we can, these partisan politically-driven investigations are bad for the country, and they have got to stop!!"
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
NotaBene 3/26/2019 12:27:07 PM (No. 13027)
Obola and Clinton thought it a great idea to change the government in Ukraine to an anti-Russian one. The Ukrainians then got them into this mess by trying to get to Trump by investigating Manafort through Glenn Simpson and the FBI shop in Kiev.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/26/2019 1:24:12 PM (No. 13019)
When President Trump was running for office during the runnup to the 2016 election he did not have a longtime political machine behind him, as did The Clintons and others who ran for President in the recent past. So Trump had to pick up people to run his campaign “on the fly” who he really did not have the experience of knowing or working with in the past, thus it was easy for some people who had been unsavory characters who had been working the system on the Republican side to get jobs on Trump’s campaign. That won’t happen next time around as now Trump and his crew have the time to vet everyone who will be hired into positions of responsibility during the Trump 2020 campaign.
Since it is now clear that Trump and his crew did not “collude” (conspire) with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton, the notion that Trump obstructed justice when he fired James Comey does not hold water, as how could Trump obstruct an investigation into a matter that never took place in the first place? Besides there is another little factor that the Democrats are conveniently casting aside, that Trump has the constitutional authority to fire any political appointee in the Executive Branch.
Once James Comey became openly political while holding a historically apolitical position, that of FBI Director, he became a dead man walking. Anyone with any common sense would know that the chances were about 99.9% that if Hillary Clinton had won the election that Comey would have been fired within 5 minutes of Clinton assuming the Presidency. If Trump did make a mistake, it was not immediately firing Comey on his first day in office.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Lucky5 3/26/2019 5:09:39 PM (No. 13011)
How did this make into a must read? It is a weak and lame article from the anti trump Bloomberg. I read it and I am annoyed at the writer.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
panther361 3/26/2019 5:40:17 PM (No. 13022)
One thing, for me, still doen´t make any sense. It was clear for a long time Hillary was willing and able to work with the Russians. She was the one who wanted to perform a "reset" with Moscow on our relations. Even went on stage to demonstrate her desires. One would think at that point, the Russians would not want Trump to gain the presidency. Why then was eveything presented to us "deplorables" as the exact opposite?
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/26/2019 7:28:32 PM (No. 13021)
Folks of the resistance, wave your white flag and join us. It´s great over here.
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