The Jussie Smollett Travesty
National Review,
Kyle Smith
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/26/2019 5:39:41 PM
Chicago prosecutors, dropping the case against Jussie Smollett for allegedly filing a false report that caused a spasm of national anguish and anger two months ago, are hinting that they believe Smollett is in fact guilty of fabricating the supposed January 29 attack — but think he should be only lightly punished. Very lightly: They require that he forfeit a bond of $10,000 and do community service, although it is unclear whether this means some unrelated community service Smollett has already done for reasons unrelated to the great Subway Sandwich ambush of 2019.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Geoman 3/26/2019 5:47:47 PM (No. 13865)
Can´t help but believe that this is the ever-progressive Chicago "Machine´s" answer to the Mueller report.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
FunOne 3/26/2019 5:56:02 PM (No. 13855)
The spirit of Al Capone continues to hang over and taint all political activities in Chicago.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
BigGeorgeTX 3/26/2019 6:17:35 PM (No. 13861)
C´mon. Is anyone really surprised? Anyone?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
columba 3/26/2019 6:20:40 PM (No. 13858)
During the Obama fiasco of eight years, the DOJ guy then is now the mayor or Chicago. He was quoted as saying NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE. Eye witness report from the Chicago admitted that this move was completely the decision of the mayor.
Crooks are crooks no matter where they work.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/26/2019 6:21:22 PM (No. 13854)
Don’t be surprised if next year the Hollywood leftists who live in a a world of fiction, during the run up to the Presidential Election release a highly self acclaimed movie starring Smollett, telling his side of the story and slamming two (non-existent) MAGA hat wearers who committed a Trump inspired hate crime against Smollett. No doubt low information minority communities would swarm to the theatres and lay down 20 bucks a head to take in that fraudulent propaganda.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Newtsche 3/26/2019 6:21:49 PM (No. 13857)
I hope that Smollett spends the rest of his days hearing noises.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
ginadee 3/26/2019 6:23:27 PM (No. 13860)
IS this an inspiration for other black kids to aspire to?
The American Justice system was on trial. It was found that with the right amount of money coming from an unmentioned source and placed in the right pockets that justice can be bought. This is a travesty. Jussie Smollett, karma will someday come along and give you what you deserve.
I feel your worse days are ahead. You deserve every one of them as well as the actors that set this all in motion.
If by some set of circumstances, someone comes along and ´works´ you over, who is going to believe you? ...or care for that matter?
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Zbogwan2 3/26/2019 6:25:48 PM (No. 13853)
Now if Smollett ever gets his but kicked again, even by White Racists,he´ll be just like the fabled kid that cried wolf, if he reports same?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
lakerman1 3/26/2019 6:35:51 PM (No. 13856)
#8, there is the real possibility that a male homosexual Trump supporter will beat the snot out of Jussie.
Wouldn´t that be poetic justice?
Now let´s see if the gutless Federal attorney in Chicago fails to prosecute Jussdie for the hate mail fake letter.
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Those of us who are native born Chicagoans can recite the 4 little word´s in our sleep. It´s The Chicago Way.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
droopydog 3/26/2019 7:27:02 PM (No. 13851)
I´m guessing that Smollett has compromising video of Bath-House Barry.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Goose 3/26/2019 7:29:12 PM (No. 13852)
I missed the press conference due to my nap. Did any of the reporters ask if the Chicago PD is still looking for the two white guys in MAGA caps?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
kono 3/26/2019 9:36:58 PM (No. 13863)
Anybody having in mind what #8 mentions is liable to find surveillance cameras operating and pointed in the right direction (unlike when Smollett tried to stage the fake attack).
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
seamusm 3/26/2019 11:47:59 PM (No. 13862)
Sorry folks but DA´s (District Attorneys not dumb as**s) make similar decisions ALL the time and everywhere not just in Chicago. First time offenders even for non-violent felony accusations are let off almost routinely if they just play nicely. It is not a travesty. It´s just the reality whether one is black or white or rich or poor. Smollett is lucky he has no prior record and no one was hurt. The police may be PO´ed but many got overtime out of it. It is not a statement about Chicago corruption or a biased Democrat prosecutor. Society just can´t put every dang crimiinall behind bars after horribly expensive trials. Now on the other hand....what about that mail fraud???
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
SALady 3/27/2019 3:12:22 AM (No. 13864)
Every day, lie-berals love to cry that poor blacks and homosexuals are being attacked by racist white men.
But they just can´t ever seem to find an actual case where a black or homosexual was attacked -- except by other black men or homosexuals!!!!!
So they keep making up fake attack stories!!!! And because they never get anything more than a slap on the wrist punishment when the truth comes out, they just keep doing it over and over again!!!!
If fact, I wouldn´t be the least bit shocked to see Jussie Smollett involved in another fake attack claim!!!! He knows he will get away with it, and stretch out his 15 minutes of fame for a few more minutes!!!!!
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