Will There Be an Accounting?
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
3/25/2019 9:04:51 PM
Now that the Left’s collusion narrative has fallen apart, many are speculating about whether those who drove it, and roiled our public life for more than two years on the basis of opposition research that they probably knew was fraudulent, will be held to account. There is much to investigate: the fraudulently obtained FISA warrants; the hundreds of incidents of unmasking of innocent American citizens; the attempt by the FBI’s top leadership to swing the election to Hillary Clinton or, failing that, to derail the newly-elected Trump administration; the CIA’s role in leaking the fake “dossier” to the press while
Reply 1 - Posted by:
tsquare 3/25/2019 9:09:49 PM (No. 12819)
I hope
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
john56 3/25/2019 9:23:00 PM (No. 12808)
I´m okay with the Hillary Clintons and Barack Obamas walking on this.
But I´d like to see some of those "just following orders" folks like Clapper, Brennan, Susan Rice, Comey, McCabe, Stroyk, Page and the Orrs take the heat (and jail time) to send the message that you just don´t do that kind of stuff in America.
And if I were the prosecuting attorney in these cases, I´d make it clear that there are a very limited number of "get out of jail free" cards. Line up early for the best deal.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
obdurate 3/25/2019 9:23:34 PM (No. 12825)
RU(_)KM? Of course not.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
IowaDad 3/25/2019 9:26:49 PM (No. 12824)
I doubt it. Their antics are (to them) the normal way to pursue political power.
"Them" being leftist would-be tyrants. In any era. Anywhere in the world.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Grampstosix 3/25/2019 9:30:19 PM (No. 12806)
#2 I disagree., Anyone involved in the conspiracy ought to pay the price.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bigfatslob 3/25/2019 9:36:39 PM (No. 12822)
#2 I agree time will take care of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. That would look like a Republican vendetta but the inner circle of bad actors working with Obama´s knowledge should send a message. Mueller and Bernstein included with the cabal that set this all up.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
JL80863 3/25/2019 9:44:15 PM (No. 12810)
I agree with you #5. There must be an accounting. There was a sub rosa attempt to over turn a legitimate presidential election by those who are allegedly responsible for protecting us. The founding fathers very wisely provided for civilian control over our military but who provides oversight of the civilian portion of our government? It´s obvious the congress is not up to the task and the deep state knows it and attempted a coup. There must be an examination of who this came to be and what can be done to stop this sort of sedition. This was not just politics as usual. This was an illegal effort to subvert the rule of law.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
dman 3/25/2019 9:46:47 PM (No. 12816)
We´re in a war for the survival of our Constitutional republic. Nothing less.
Wars are "won" when the enemy experiences enough "pain" to force it to calculate that continuing would not be beneficial to it.
These domestic enemies must pay. They must experience legal, criminal, and political pain. Otherwise, they will simply press on until we and our republic yield - if for nothing else than pure exhaustion.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
DVC 3/25/2019 10:04:08 PM (No. 12814)
If none of the FBI, DoJ and probably CIA people who created and used fraudulent FISA approval to do massive wiretapping against the Trump campaign before, during and after the election campaign are punished, it will be clear to all these thugs that it is OK to do this in the future.
No consequences means OPEN season on any conservatives, or more clearly, any non-globalist Swamp Creature candidates.
The evil Uniparty has broken the law massively, provably, and if they go unpunished they will NEVER stop it.
Losing a job is nothing, not punishment. As a minimum there needs to be long jail sentences, in some cases, I think that the death penalty for treason is in order.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/25/2019 10:12:14 PM (No. 12811)
My concern is that if there is no accounting, the type of people in government who did it will feel empowered to try it again.
Someone high in BO´s organization provided coordination for this. It would have gone nowhere if the people like McCabe, Rosenstein, Strozk, Baker, Ohr, Page, etc. weren´t so eager to climb on board. The IRS did stuff like this and got away with it. It´s the "Broken Windows" effect. If they knew that lightning would strike them dead if they did it, they wouldn´t.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
coldoc 3/25/2019 10:34:40 PM (No. 12812)
There will be no accounting. Like mexico eradicating cartels, aint gonna happen. Too much money to be made.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Faldo 3/25/2019 10:36:04 PM (No. 12820)
This is international--it involves Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand and Canada (FVEYS).
It involves the Queen´s Privy Council, the Crown Prosecution Service via British operatives who have been ´working´ with Mueller since 9.11.01, and even to this day.
It involves the corrupt media, print and television. It involves Google, Facebook, Twitter, Crowdstrike and more...
How do you peel the onion only halfway...?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Tanker76 3/25/2019 10:48:32 PM (No. 12809)
Im with #9, I want a scaffold in front of the Capitol building. Some folks need a long drop on a short rope. And leave the bodies hanging to rot in a hot DC summer as a warning to others.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
watashiyo 3/25/2019 11:24:59 PM (No. 12821)
Herds of SCAPEGOATs due to be presented very soon.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/25/2019 11:31:36 PM (No. 12807)
Nope, not unless someone is planning one of the frontier variety. We can hope...
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 3/26/2019 12:48:14 AM (No. 12818)
"Will there be an accounting?" There GD well better be!
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/26/2019 3:06:21 AM (No. 12823)
If this country had an honest FBI and DOJ, then the answer would be yes. But we don´t and I´m sure the current DOJ will decline on the basis of ´preserving the country´. What BS. Why is it ok to fake charges against PT while the real criminals go unpunished. I want justice for once.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/26/2019 4:02:59 AM (No. 12815)
The original plan was for Clinton to steal the Presidency and for Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett to assume shadow command of the government for another eight years. He didn´t stay in Washington because he liked the weather and the golfing. There is no way that either one should come out of this without bloody noses.
There may or may not be an accounting but Hannity will be badgering about it for a long time to come. He seems to have a better handle on it than Congress does so he might as well keep it in the news.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
mizzmac 3/26/2019 7:28:25 AM (No. 12813)
(Justified) criminal conviction jail time would only make Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton into sainted martyrs of the left. The worst punishment that could be inflicted on either of them would be to stop talking about them, and listening to them--effectively ending their lucrative gravy trains at the public´s expense. May they disappear.
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