The Most Epic Media Failure in U.S. History
PJ Media,
Rick Moran
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/25/2019 5:53:39 AM
There is a pall hanging over the left side of the internet today. The disappointment is palpable. How is this possible, they´re asking? We were so certain that the president of the United States was a traitor — that Hillary Clinton didn´t lose the 2016 election because she was the worst candidate in modern history, but because Trump and the Russians worked together to steal it. It´s like election night, November 2016, all over again. Once again, leftist delusions have been shattered, this time by a putative ally -- special counsel Robert Mueller.
And THAT´S sayin´ somethin´!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
janjan 3/25/2019 7:45:47 AM (No. 12038)
The media will learn nothing from this. There was never an objective to report the facts. The objective was to take down Trump using every weapon in their arsenal. This is who they are.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Lazyman 3/25/2019 8:15:26 AM (No. 12043)
It was a large smokescreen that worked to cover up the Shadow Government. Many of the Rats have covered their tracks by now.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Paperpuncher 3/25/2019 9:23:23 AM (No. 12036)
There is a way to fix it. Go back to the basics of who, what, where, when (no slant). But, at this time in history it is too far gone down the partisan path to fix. The only way would be to fire them all, put them out of business and start over from scratch. Clean out the journalism schools and start over teaching the basics. You might add some required classes on integrity an honesty.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Chuzzles 3/25/2019 9:46:18 AM (No. 12045)
If Moran is saying by failure that their coup didn´t succeed like it did with Nixon back in the day, I am thrilled at their failure. They bought this hoax, sold it to their fellow leftists, and now are looking at the dusty crumbs of a disaster that is still settling. This notion on the left that they don´t care what the report says that they KNOW he did something says a lot for their own corruption.
We are seeing the consequences of not challenging the bald faced, brazen and outrageous lies and snark of the left for the past 30 years. When you have never been required to show proof of your allegations in the past, why would you start now?
One of the reasons I have been on Lucianne since nearly the beginning is that I know I can find reputable information posted here from worldwide sources, and not depend on domestic propaganda from people who really should know better.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
chance_232 3/25/2019 9:49:18 AM (No. 12040)
Neither the left nor the media, but I repeat myself, have or will learn anything. They remain convinced that collusion happened. And if not collusion, a plethora of other crimes. Thr true believers are convinced that the most corrupt criminal enterprise in American history occupies the White House. Nothing will convince them otherwise.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/25/2019 10:05:10 AM (No. 12047)
It all goes back to the indoctrination system that has existed for years in America. From K through 16.
Such a media failure has its roots in how students are taught and by whom. The left has controlled our education system for a long long time via the unions and the college-level intelligencia. The system has taught people what to think and not how to think. Hence, today´s tendency to succumb to mass hysteria.
Journalism began to die a slow and methodical death in the 1960s. As example, for those of you old enough to remember the Walter Cronkite days and his hard-left reporting slant of the Vietnam War, you get the idea.
I don´t know how the msm will recover from its latest epic failure. Meanwhile, it remains mystifying why anyone continues to consume its news product.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Nevadadad46 3/25/2019 10:11:25 AM (No. 12035)
%3 is pretty close to what I believe about this media disaster.
However, we might be discussing the wrong critter. The media themselves are no longer the issue. I wonder why the media - almost universally, has been led down this incredibly self-destructive path and none of them, though they are filled with highly intelligent people, have shown the slightest inclination to save themselves.
They are businesses, more than a journalism effort- and always have been. So, one has to wonder, what could the owners and profit makes of these businesses see as a worthwhile effort to get to this point? The model of the failing NY Times is a great example. The family continued to take their empire down one failed story after another. Pinch Sulzberger was allowed to ride that gallant horse to death and no one in the family intervened. Why is that? When did it happen that business people became so inclined to cash in their profits and financial future for social and political causes? What happened to that old model of doing business? In the ´50s Pinch would have been dragged out of the NY Times building by his shirt collar!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
ledbythnose 3/25/2019 10:25:34 AM (No. 12039)
Bravo #6 very well stated.
The bigger issue is that the Media did not intend to fail. They maliciously conspired with the Democrat Party to take out this President and overthrow this Government. That is at best a Seditious Conspiracy. And at worst TREASON. Neither of which should or will go unpunished.We have reached the point now that either the Government will prosecute these Criminals or the American People will be forced to exact justice on them the old fashion way. Which I truly hope is not required..
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Faldo 3/25/2019 12:24:39 PM (No. 12037)
Waterboard Glenn Simpson and ROB GOLDSTONE--you´ll get everything...!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 3/25/2019 12:45:07 PM (No. 12041)
This article goes part of the way to the complete truth.
I can understand people in the administration being concerned about Russian infiltration. I can understand media being concerned about Trump´s pushback against them. I can understand people putting forth a maximum effort to defend what they think is right and win their point.
Where ALL of these people go off the rails is when they decide they are justified to use ANY AND ALL means to accomplish what they want. Unethical, immoral, illegal, YUP, all OK. They are hysterical about Trump and Trump has only taken LEGAL actions to follow his agenda. Mueller may have found things about Trump that he didn´t like but he brought no actionable legal faults to light.
So on one side you have Trump obeying the law and rules. On the other, you have a paranoid, hysterical mob who is willing to do ANYTHING to overcome their irrational, unproven, and unfounded fears.
We cannot cede our country to their insanity.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
mobyclik 3/25/2019 6:12:39 PM (No. 12046)
FTA: ´´TV news is bleeding viewers — not because they are anti-conservative but because there are so many other choices available for people to become informed.´´
I say BULL! People are moving to other news sources BECAUSE of the hate and lies spewed by the so-called unbiased ´´media.´´
I get 90% of my news right here on the best site on the net...and further news from the best posters on the net.
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