For Whom Is Mr. Mueller Speaking?
New York Sun,
Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight,
3/23/2019 6:03:07 PM
While America is waiting to see what Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller reported, here is a question: Whom does Robert Mueller represent? On whose behalf is he speaking in the document just handed to the Attorney General? Is he speaking for a grand jury? Or the Executive branch? Or for Congress? Or the “United States,” as he suggests in documents he’s filed in court? We raise these questions because Mr. Mueller’s appointment as special prosecutor was opposed by the only officer the Constitution empowers to commission him in the first place.
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Ben Around 3/23/2019 6:47:05 PM (No. 10822)
Mueller is only speaking for the establishment bureaucrats (some call them deep state) most of whom were appointed by Obama. He cannot represent the United States as he was not appointed by an elected official.
His appointment was a last ditch effort to force Trump from office, but Trump had the courage to hang in there as he knew he was innocent. Mueller did not successfully prosecute anyone during his long witch hunt. His only accomplishment was to intimidate some weak individuals to cop a plea.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
red1066 3/23/2019 6:48:35 PM (No. 10819)
Mueller speaks for demosluts, rino republicans, and anyone in the deep state that wants to overturn the 2016 election anyway they can.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
OCJim 3/23/2019 6:52:23 PM (No. 10817)
As Alan Dershowitz pointed out so importantly last night, this report is only half the story. It is the prosecutorial half in what is an adversarial situation. Ideally, the results of this report would be released at the same time as a White House response. Since the mad Dems are clamoring for the results immediately, a WH response would come later and not receive the equal weight that it should. As screwed up and corrupt as our MSM is, this will not be covered and many folks will take Mueller´s, Weissman´s et al. work product as definitive.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
VAPMAN 3/23/2019 7:57:06 PM (No. 10824)
I believe that the President could order The Mueller report be shredded and burned in the White House fireplace.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Robert D 3/23/2019 8:16:26 PM (No. 10818)
Not going to read the article. The answer to the rhetorical question is the United States. Beyond that, questions as to Mueller and his report are “fake news” until about 2021. They think they have to write something, but perhaps some day the “press” will recognize the prudence in delay and consideration or contemplation.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Cog 3/23/2019 8:25:19 PM (No. 10820)
This whole episode deserves an Oscar for bullying, for deception, for corruption, for hatred, for tyranny, and for treason. Where is our DOJ? How do they right the wrongs that occurred throughout government in pursuit of our President? We can´t turn back, and we can´t go forward. This precious time can never be restored! We elected a President to renew our priceless democratic republic. Our enemies must never be allowed to prevent that.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
stablemoney 3/23/2019 8:29:57 PM (No. 10823)
Mueller was appointed without probable cause to open any investigation of the POTUS, nor has Mr. Mueller ever bothered to even disclose probable cause, or make the argument. That is just not adequate to bestow any legitimacy upon Mr. Mueller.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Tusker 3/23/2019 11:04:42 PM (No. 10825)
Seditionists and traitors.
Hang them all.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Trigger2 3/24/2019 5:17:22 AM (No. 10821)
Mueller is speaking for the swamp and the subversive Butcher accompanied by the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and all intelligence agencies at her beck and call showing bags of money.
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