How Do You Solve a Problem like AOC?
American Greatness,
Michael Walsh
Original Article
Posted By: Gertrude,
3/21/2019 9:43:30 AM
I first noticed something was up in the New York City backwater called the 14th Congressional District when a friend across the aisle, a well-respected political columnist, tweeted out the news of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “upset” victory against the incumbent Democrat, Joe Crowley, just minutes after it happened. Who cares? thought I. Crowley, one of the last of the Irish machine politicians, had safely sailed to reelection to the House for a decade, often without even a primary challenger. But the 29-year-old AOC,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
Refried 3/21/2019 10:01:50 AM (No. 8064)
Totally agree with poster #1. Let her run wild and create chaos and havoc within the Democrat Parti. Let them deal with her and may it be loud and messy!
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
IowaDad 3/21/2019 10:15:17 AM (No. 8054)
Just encourage her -- a lot!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
italianlooks 3/21/2019 10:17:20 AM (No. 8065)
AOC is a Netflix, NBC, CBS, ABC Hollywood movie.., right out of central casting., reading her lines, high stylte makeup Hair, clothing, and lack of brains.. obviously was on the directors couch at one time.,
We should hang our heads in shame for giving this the time and coverage that the media is giving AOC!
Where is Edward R Marrow?
Bob Woodward.. shame on you .
they watch a phony movie and scold the one person on the planet Donald J Trump for tackling big issues, not playing smallball!
They should be thanking him!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
ravenhaven 3/21/2019 10:23:18 AM (No. 8057)
The fourth horseman, of course, is Linda Sansour.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
red1066 3/21/2019 10:38:34 AM (No. 8062)
Outside of the media, no one cares about AOC. The fact that I can write or say AOC, and everyone knows what I´m talking about proves this person has gotten WAY too much publicity. Ignore her. She´s an idiot with a swelled head from it all.
15 people like this.
So, the only ones who can correct these "mistakes", to stand athwart of history and shout "STOP!" are the people they represent. Let me say it again...That they REPRESENT. So demand those civic-minded New Yorkers, Minnesotans, Michiganders reverse their error. Not much else anyone outside can do...oh, sure, send money...
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/21/2019 11:24:24 AM (No. 8059)
Don´t worry. The democrats will dispose of her soon enough. One way already suggested was to eliminate her small district by having it subsumed by neighboring large districts. Democrats want dumb voters, but not THAT dumb!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
hershey 3/21/2019 11:31:42 AM (No. 8067)
Interesting #1, I never looked it up, but I always thought it meant ´getting stuck with your own knife´....
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
ToryWhite 3/21/2019 11:55:21 AM (No. 8053)
She let her batteries wind down.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/21/2019 11:58:38 AM (No. 8061)
Giving her enough rope may not be enough because AOC may well be a reflection of the people who elected her. She could win re-election just like a Nancy Pelosi or so many others that have no business being in Washington. Has anybody determined which demographics put her over the top? Or was it a successful case of voter fraud. Does her district have any large lefty colleges?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
ginadee 3/21/2019 12:05:04 PM (No. 8070)
One can solve the problem of A.O.C. by ceasing to giving her so much coverage and discussion. Have you ever ignored an ill behaving child? They eventually settle down after their antics fail to get your attention. Hold on, Alexandria will soon be
swept to the side when a new election is held. In the meantime enjoy her as the clown she is. She is helping our side.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/21/2019 12:16:45 PM (No. 8060)
Wow, when ever Taco Barbie speaks I hold my breath and listen to every word with awe and wonder at her intelligence. Uh, no. But I agree. Keep talking, sweetie. While there have been some pretty stupid people in Congress no one seems to enjoy showing off their stupidity as much as you. Gag me with a spoon.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/21/2019 1:58:30 PM (No. 8052)
Make her US Ambassador to Antarctica!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/21/2019 2:20:12 PM (No. 8056)
Remember as great numbers of illegal aliens continue to flood into the USA they boost up the populations in a lot of leftist and liberal Democrat leaning areas. Because as it stands now, the illegal alien population figures will be counted in the 2020 census, those figures will result in the reapportionment of more new congressional districts into those areas. And because illegal aliens are not legally qualified to vote in those districts where they are sojourning, it makes it much easier for Democrat socialists to win those districts with very low vote counts as happened in the New York 14th Congressional District where Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez was elected.
In the short term that is the Democrat game plan to win as many congressional districts as possible that have large urban illegal alien populations, until they can legalize just about every illegal alien through amnesty, and eventually grant those mostly all poor, uneducated, and socialist minded foreign born people US voting rights. Since the number of illegal aliens now in the USA may well exceed 22 million, with about a hundred thousand new illegal aliens coming in across the insecure borderline each month, such action by the Democrats would permanently change the voter demographics in enough key States to the Democrat’s favor to permanently keep the Democrats in dominant and permanent political power.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
zoidberg 3/21/2019 2:45:40 PM (No. 8068)
The more she talks, the better it is for President Trump.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Catherine 3/21/2019 3:11:50 PM (No. 8063)
Oh let her be. She my laugh a day - she´s always said something so stupid it boggles the mind. She won´t be around long. Pelosi will take care of it.
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"How do you solve a problem like AOC?"
Like Don Knotts used to say on the "Andy Griffith Show"... "you´ve got to nip it, nip it in the bud".
If you remember that show, you would think that was funny.
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How ? I can´t say that here. Somebody is paying the media for nonstop coverage of this woman who doesn´t have the sense gawd gave an animal cracker.
Follow the money. All roads lead to the same place.
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