Whatta Bunch of Phony Baloneys
American Spectator,
Dov Fischer
Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly,
3/18/2019 5:58:32 AM
Have you ever seen so much mendacity and womendacity at once? Whatta bunch of phony baloneys! It was bound to happen in the Democrat-Left Age of Intersectionality. In an era where you lose “society-advantage points” for being White, more points for being male, more for having progenitor roots anywhere in Europe, and a few more for being all three plus “straight”… In such a society, it was bound to happen that imposters would start emerging — even among candidates for the nation’s highest office and among their biggest donors — claiming false identities. Remember Rachel Dolezal,
Reply 1 - Posted by:
MainelySane 3/18/2019 6:33:48 AM (No. 4494)
All those people, insane as they are, are now "mainstream".
What a crazy world we live in!! Our national Congress is loaded with true lunatics.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
jinx 3/18/2019 7:57:36 AM (No. 4484)
A must read. If he expanded this to cover the Kennedy´s and Al Gore etc., he would have a book.
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Identity politics is an unfunny comedy but all the to and fro masks an unpleasant and/or dangerous truth:
The left has no ideas, no proposals, no innovations, no improvements. They have a lust for raw power and the happy-face nonsense about sex, skin tone, etc. is a sideshow.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
49 Ford 3/18/2019 8:34:18 AM (No. 4487)
Remember the "Seven Dwarves" from 1988? Maybe we should dub the current bunch the "Mickey Mouse Club":-)
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Hugh Akston 3/18/2019 8:34:58 AM (No. 4486)
Worth a read as much for his literary phraseology as it´s content. This may be my fave -
Which brings us to the newest impostors: the spawn of the rich and famous Hollywood-liberal elite who got smuggled into some elite American colleges like Yale, Stanford, and USC when their parents bribed some College Coyote, who specialized in smuggling morons across college-admissions borders.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bad-hair 3/18/2019 10:05:16 AM (No. 4493)
I think my favorite is President Trump being disappointed. He can no longer refer to Lizzie Warren as Pocahontas because her DNA test proves she´s WHITE.
Very good article, give it another must-read vote.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/18/2019 10:13:22 AM (No. 4490)
Love Dov!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
HotRod 3/18/2019 11:33:20 AM (No. 4498)
I think Beto O’Rourke is an Irish-American version of the French Macron.
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Being a "phony baloney" never disqualified anyone in politics. Would you prefer to start with President Barack Obama, or Sen. Mitt Romney? You´d have no trouble filling a Top 10 list if asked.
One can make fun of these apparent lightweights all day long...and there is a fair chance one will be our next president if able to sell free refrigerators to that eskimo electorate.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Clinger 3/18/2019 1:30:17 PM (No. 4491)
We are in an era of celebrity power. When asked about his executive credentials Obama replied by referring to his successful campaign. You know, the campaign that ran itself with 99.276% of the media working for him. We (the big we) didn´t care, the "clean articulate African American" was all that we required.
Even Trump. Did we vote for Trump because he convinced us that he had a grasp of global political science, and had a deep conviction in carrying on the intent of our founders, or did we elect him because he wasn´t Hillary and he had celebrity status? Turne
We are at the point where we can elect a cardboard cutout equipped with a tape recorder spouting fluffy talk of unicorns and rainbows.
This media age leaves us vulnerable to prettyboy front men and women with no clue as to who is the real power.
As long as the candidate represents a cool media story any accidental vetting will be hidden. If the candidate is the next Thomas Jefferson we´ll know about every speeding ticket and defaced mattress tag.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Madinmaryland 3/18/2019 1:34:33 PM (No. 4496)
This article was great. Laughed out loud great. I will send this to me peeps.
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Welcome to abnormal psychology, class...
First topic we will study: Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Any questions?
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Franz 3/18/2019 2:39:39 PM (No. 4485)
Robert Francis "Beto" O’Rourke is of Irish and Welsh ancestry. He is as phone as Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren.
They both realize that being of Anglo-Saxon Caucasian ancestry is now a liability, so they claim minority status to get ahead.
Are they not supposed to benefited from White Privilege?
This is all very contradictory and confusing.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/18/2019 3:02:16 PM (No. 4488)
I will answer #11’s question. I enthusiastically voted for Trump because, when asked what he would do about ISIS, he replied, “I’ll bomb the shiite out of them”. (Language cleaned up to pass the obscenity filter.) That he was not Illary was just icing on the cake.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 3/18/2019 3:17:03 PM (No. 4492)
Funny piece. He´ll have lots more to write about this year.
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