Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians
Breitbart Media,
Thomas D. Williams
Original Article
Posted By: earlybird,
3/18/2019 8:27:18 PM
Political leaders and public figures were falling over themselves this weekend to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand, while dozens of Christians were slaughtered by Muslims in Nigeria to the sound of crickets. The mosque attacks were indeed a horrific affair and worthy of universal condemnation. Presidents, prime ministers, royalty, and religious leaders rushed to extend their condolences to victims and their families — as well they should — while decrying the hate that purportedly motivated the shootings. Without exception, the mainstream media gave top billing to the shootings, with newspapers carrying the story on their front pages
Reply 1 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/18/2019 8:44:30 PM (No. 5288)
Of course the msm is silent. What went on in Nigeria does not fit their agenda. muslims are a protected class, Christians, not so much.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
panther361 3/18/2019 8:50:39 PM (No. 5278)
Lately, one of the few things I look forward with excitement is what wiil replace the MSM.
They are running out earth in which to dig their hole. Standing by to backfill when they´re done.
33 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
watlines 3/18/2019 10:05:58 PM (No. 5274)
Liberalism is a belief system that aligns better with Islam, both of which deny the need for, or existence of, a triune God and a Savior.
The murder of Christians, therefore, is no big deal.
The Koran approves of smiting their necks; the liberals similarly avoid Judeo-Christian moral law, the prime example of which is their current push for infanticide.
Meanwhile, Jesus patiently waits for the last person to accept His wonderful offer.
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An eye for an eye til the whole world goes blind. Christians have some catching up to do.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
rochow 3/18/2019 11:40:05 PM (No. 5285)
Asked Klobuchar about this after she had to open her mouth on CNN or some such. I don´t expect she will answer!
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
leonardo 3/19/2019 1:18:18 AM (No. 5273)
"Muslim Massacre of Christians"?
Why bother reporting when the Muslim killing of Christians, Jews, and other Muslims is an "expected" occurrence?
After all, you can rail against guns´ horrific use when you intend to confiscate them from non-Muslims to stop the killing, but don´t hold your breath waiting for Middle East Muslims to give up their killing weapons. If Israelis suddenly disarmed there would be another Holocaust, but if Muslims disarmed there would be instant peace.
40 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Red Jeep 3/19/2019 7:55:03 AM (No. 5287)
Name 3 stories ignored by the MSM for $1:
1. Muslim massacre of Christians.
2. 14 straight weekends of riots in France.
3. Calls for resignations of the Virginia Governor, lieutenant Governor and Attorney General over black face and sex harassment.
37 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Marjbaldwin 3/19/2019 8:03:16 AM (No. 5268)
It could not be clearer whose side the Enemedia is on.
That kind of sympathy used to be a punishable offence.
24 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/19/2019 8:18:49 AM (No. 5266)
In re to #7, another easy one ignored by the msm is Obie´s and Billary´s and their teams´ roles in the Russian dossier. And Billary´s email scandal. Or how about the msm´s silence regarding the Covington lawsuits. Or how about...
32 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
Rinktum 3/19/2019 8:42:29 AM (No. 5280)
The media are dedicated to dispensing only the news they believe is worthy. How do they decide what is worthy? We are allowed to hear only the news that pushes their progressive agenda forward. We cannot be allowed to hear any news that challenges their dogma.
These people are fascists. There is no term that better describes them. Truth be told, if they could, they would eliminate anyone who does not see the world through their progressive lens. They are dangerous and determined and will push forward when they have the political power. Therefore, never ever vote for a democrat. Your very life may depend on it.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
joew9 3/19/2019 9:43:39 AM (No. 5279)
It´s because it happens all the time. Been happening for over a thousand years. Dog bites man - not news. Man bites dog - news.
New Zealand was man bites dog.
But frankly I think the news media is OK with Christians being massacred.
28 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/19/2019 10:06:30 AM (No. 5264)
The media clearly picks and chooses what they want their viewers to see. Dissatisfied? Look elsewhere.
The local news station once again used a shooting (this time the one in New Zealand) to launch into another diatribe for gun control. I stopped listening.
21 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Georgia Peach 3/19/2019 10:32:15 AM (No. 5270)
#11, very well said.In church Sunday, we prayed for the victims in New Zealand,not a word on the slaughter in Nigeria.The priests probably don´t know it´s happening.
25 people like this.
Muslims killing Christians (or anyone) is "man bites dog" stuff. Outside of expressing outrage, what are you going to do about it?
15 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
ARKfamily 3/19/2019 11:24:46 AM (No. 5282)
Thank you #3, very well said.
11 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
curious1 3/19/2019 11:43:33 AM (No. 5275)
Were the shoe on the other foot, the leftoid mediots would be screaming raycism.
So let´s return the favor: The media are ignoring the Nigerian massacres and murders because the victims are black. They are RAYCISTS!!!!
Shove it down their throats every time they open their mouths to spout their lies.
17 people like this.
how is it that this sustained nonsense is not affecting their bottom lines? i have a vague recollection that somehow cable providers divvy up subscription fees and "allocate" shares to individual networks but this allocation method apparently does not rely upon value of viewership as strongly as profit motives should dictate. appreciate any insight.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
columba 3/19/2019 12:48:06 PM (No. 5276)
Christians are viewed by the Left as dangerous. Christians answer to God, who is eternally the creator and guide of the universe. Throughout History dictators have worked to banish Christians. It hasn´t worked and isn´t working.
Constantine learned it. The Soviets learned it. The Left will learn too.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Trapper 3/19/2019 1:15:04 PM (No. 5286)
Thank you for putting this in the Must Reads. Perhaps it is because they are Nigerian, but I suspect there is a blackout on the story because they are Christians murdered by Muslims.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
jorgecito 3/19/2019 1:25:28 PM (No. 5281)
Leftists who pretend to be Christian are not bothered by the murder of these innocents.
Why? Because Nigerian Christians tend to be more socially conservative than the faux-Christians who have taken over our churches in the West.
Christians in Nigeria are more traditionalist in their views on marriage and abortion ... which of course are positions the Left hates. Ergo, for today´s Left, it´s ok to commit violence against them.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/19/2019 2:14:11 PM (No. 5283)
Just like the Chicago murder rate, it’s black on black crime so the media doesn’t care. If the Nigerian muslims were white and were killing blacks, it would be the 24/7 lead story for weeks.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Trapper 3/19/2019 2:31:28 PM (No. 5272)
280 - As of yesterday, the body count stands at 280 Nigerian Christians murdered by Muslim jihadists in the past 5 weeks. Why do American news media not care?
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
amynruss 3/19/2019 3:34:32 PM (No. 5267)
#23 - My heart cries for those Christians in Nigeria. 280 - Good Lord, please take them in Your Arms and give them the Peace they could not get here on Earth. Amen
I wrote a FB post on Saturday concerning the MSM totally ignoring the Nigerian massacre of 120 Christians, when NZ coverage on the 50 Muslims murdered was just starting. Coverage needed to be done on BOTH tragedies, but only NZ coverage could a person see on TV, PC or social media. Shame on MSM on pushing their political agenda RATHER than reporting as journalists the NEWS FOR ALL. Not just one segment of population. Shame on you all!
22 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
chase9365 3/19/2019 5:16:56 PM (No. 5269)
Black lives don´t matter if they´re Christian.
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