It´s Official: Democrats Want Illegal Aliens Voting in U.S. Elections
Katie Pavlich
Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx,
3/11/2019 12:24:40 PM
In case you missed it last week, House Democrats voted against a motion preventing illegal aliens from voting.(Tweets) Meanwhile, Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued during a press conference last week we should be welcoming our "newcomers" by allowing them to vote. "When we talk about newcomers, we have to recognize the constant reinvigoration of America that they are, that we all have been, our families," Pelosi said in Texas. "These newcomers make America more American. And we want them, when they come here, to be fully part of our system and that means not suppressing the vote of our newcomers to
Reply 1 - Posted by:
trackman999 3/11/2019 1:13:21 PM (No. 1295)
Of course they do. They know they can´t win without cheating. They know they certainly can´t win with their radical platform. Legalized cheating and fraud are their only options.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
VirtuDawg 3/11/2019 1:27:52 PM (No. 1293)
Democratic Party scorecard for 2019 (to-date)
- Party of socialism, under guise of "green new deal"
- Party of infanticide
- Party of anti-Semitism
- Party of "deep state" treason
- Party of voting "rights" for illegal aliens
- Party of blackface (VA Gov and Lt Gov)
- Party of rape (VA Lt Gov, and of course Bubba Clinton)
- Party of open borders
And, it´s only mid-March, less than 3 months into the year.
Stand by for much more to come!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
golden 3/11/2019 1:30:38 PM (No. 1307)
This is how they keep winning California. The illegal vote. If they just had ID laws the state would flip.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jar 3/11/2019 1:43:41 PM (No. 1292)
In Pelosi´s scheme, do these people need to speak English? Do they need to know anything about American history? Probably not.
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Her comments add credence to the prospect of Democrat states NOT actually concerned with illegals voting, and likely illegal voting, thus, not looking to investigate or prosecute such matters either.
And, then they have the media willingly not reporting on it too.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Clinger 3/11/2019 1:58:58 PM (No. 1304)
The democrats are fine with seven billion people voting to be served by the half of us who pay income tax.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Geoman 3/11/2019 2:21:34 PM (No. 1309)
If the entire white population South Africa ,clearly in danger of persecution, if not outright genocide, came pouring over our borders, would the democrats sing the same tune?
democrats would bring war to our streets if that were to happen. They should expect the same if their third-world as instant U.S. citizen initiative is successful.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
MorningStar 3/11/2019 2:24:24 PM (No. 1303)
Good List poster #2, with one exception: In VA, it´s Gov. Northam and AG Herring who are self-admittedly guilty of blackface; Lt. Gov. Fairfax is facing allegations of violent sexual assault, as well as rape. And yes, all THREE still remain in office. UNBELIEVABLE!! That´s the DEMS for you.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Krause 3/11/2019 2:27:35 PM (No. 1310)
When you talk about immigrants or ´newcomers´ you have to describe them as legal or illegal. Otherwise, it makes no sense.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Phantomll 3/11/2019 2:58:00 PM (No. 1298)
What don´t the ´Rats understand about the word "illegal"?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Grampstosix 3/11/2019 3:24:14 PM (No. 1296)
#2 Well said
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
4freedom 3/11/2019 3:24:17 PM (No. 1299)
Nancy should be kicked out of the Senate, that way she would have more time to go to the border and wash more feet.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
chance_232 3/11/2019 3:34:55 PM (No. 1311)
At some point, unions that represent skilled trades, ie... IBEW, UAW, etc are going to turn on the democrats. People wont support for long a party that is hell bent on putting their employers out of business. At some point, union workers are going to get tired of paying higher taxes to support illegal aliens. Because in some areas, illegals outnumber tax payers.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
MorningStar 3/11/2019 3:45:39 PM (No. 1301)
Ms. Nancy should be expelled from the House, as she IS the current Speaker. Mitch McConnell is the majority leader in the Senate. With Ms. Anti-Semite, and other LEFTISTS, we should win back the House in 2020!!
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The word is "illegal", not undocumented, not newcomers, "illegal". Let´s keep our language straight, Nancy. They are illegal, they should not even be here let alone voting.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bighambone 3/11/2019 4:48:55 PM (No. 1306)
The leftist Democrat long-term plan is to legalize all illegal aliens, which may amount to 22 million mostly poor, uneducated and socialist minded illegal aliens, with more coming everyday, through their so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform amnesty and to eventually grant them US voting rights by way of a Democrat crafted “path to citizenship program”. You can bet your boots that the Democrats would not be supporting such programs if they thought that more than a very small percentage of what they call their “New Americans” would ever vote Republican. Once legalized those former illegal aliens under existing chain migration programs could start bringing untold additional millions of their foreign relatives into the USA.
What the Democrats really want to do is change the racial demographics of the USA to where a coalition of Democrat supporting minorities would essentially outnumber the current majority population, thus turning the current majority population into just another minority. The Democrat Party today is socialist and is moving further and further to the left, to the point where they envision the USA becoming a one party run socialist utopia just as has happened in most other socialist to communist countries.
Until that happens the Democrats have no problem with illegal aliens fraudulently voting in US elections, as long as they vote for the Democrats. That’s why the Democrats refuse to support effective borderline barriers to keep illegal aliens out of the USA, and have invented the so-called Sanctuary Cities concept that has no basis in law, to defend and protect as many illegal aliens in the USA as possible, along with using ill conceived politically based rulings from activist liberal Democrat federal judges to delay and frustrate the removal of large numbers of illegal aliens, including criminals, from the USA.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
Muguy 3/11/2019 6:32:57 PM (No. 1308)
Unless we stand against this with unrelenting CONVICTION, these brazen media bully tactics will overcome us.
They are going for broke on everything hoping to pull con job on the people who are not educated enough to know what is going on.
Airhead Ocaisional Cortex is not smart enough to pull all this DAILY barrage of crap out of her head alone--SHE iS BEING MANAGED and is just a puppet and a created celebrity
The Old Style demonrats are freaking out, but feel like they have to go along or BE LEFT BEHIND
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What would Zell Miller or John F Kennedy say about this revamped socialist clown party today?
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
rochow 3/11/2019 10:52:18 PM (No. 1300)
I assume that legal aliens can join in and start voting. Strange, they usually get arrested and go to prison. There has to be some sort of punishment meted out for having entered the country legally I suppose. So, the laws of this country are totally upside down but that´s alright with the none too bright Pelosi.
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