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Trump's an 'Insurrectionist' -- But Hillary
Was Exercising Free Speech

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Posted By: Imright, 12/21/2023 9:01:59 AM

The "insurrectionist" clause of the 14th Amendment says, "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 12/21/2023 9:37:22 AM (No. 1621576)
This should include Barack Hussein Obama for the pallets of cash he gave to Iran, the world sponsor of terrorism.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: VietVet68 12/21/2023 9:59:18 AM (No. 1621604)
The word hypocrisy probably didn't exist until the democrat party came along.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ronniethek 12/21/2023 10:29:55 AM (No. 1621649)
First of all this clause specifically does NOT apply to the President. Only the ELECTORS for that office The President is NOT an officer of the Federal government. How do I know this? 2 ways. 1-the construction of the clause banning electors but being silent about the President himself demonstrates that that office was excluded.2-Chief Justice Roberts has said so.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: ronniethek 12/21/2023 10:32:31 AM (No. 1621654)
And secondly PDJT has been convicted of nothing let alone of insurrection. He has not even been CHARGED with that offense. This whole thong is KAKA DE TORO.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: chagrined 12/21/2023 11:00:09 AM (No. 1621680)
And don't forget the big, bloviating al Bore in 2000. Where were these intrepid "justices" then? We all know the answer. Doesn't matter whether it's our judiciary, media, educational system, demonrats or their bureaucratic buddies. They are all a cancer on this Republic.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: buckhorn_cortez 12/21/2023 12:37:52 PM (No. 1621745)
The actions available under the 14th Amendment are reserved for the FEDERAL Congress (House and Senate). Fully defined in paragraph 5 of the 14th Amendment.
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Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 4:32:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 4:26:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 4:16:49 AM Post Reply
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- including 40 MURDERERS - after shortening
sentences and increasing paroles in a
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country's biggest jailer
3 replies
Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 4:11:16 AM Post Reply
Louisiana's outgoing governor has pardoned 40 convicted murders in the final three months of his rule in a bid to end the state's unwelcome reputation as the most incarcerated in the nation. John Bel Edwards, the only Democrat governor in the South, will leave office on January 8, after serving the maximum of two four-year terms. The 57-year-old lawyer has made reducing Louisiana's prison population a priority. Per capita, Louisiana locks up more people than any other democracy on earth, with 1,094 people per 100,000 behind bars, according to the Prison Policy Initiative. By comparison, the U.S. as a whole locks up 664 per 100,000; the U.K only 129.
NEW: Trump Talks to Hugh Hewitt About
Hitler, 2024—And Why He May Consider
Attending a GOP Primary Debate
1 reply
Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 12:58:16 AM Post Reply
On Friday, the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, former President Donald Trump, sat down for an interview with syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt. (Disclosure: RedState and Hewitt's radio program are both owned by Salem Media.)In the "Hugh Hewitt Show" interview, Trump talks about a cornucopia of topics, not only about the 2024 campaign and the broader subject of U.S. elections and insurrection, but recent attempts by Democrats and the legacy media to smear Trump as an acolyte of Adoph Hitler. And Trump teased about the possible situation that would push him to attend a GOP presidential primary debate.
Biden ends the year with the worst approval
of ANY modern-day president: He enters
the election year with lower popularity
than Jimmy Carter and faces an enormous
mountain to climb
5 replies
Posted by Imright 12/23/2023 12:10:03 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden ends 2023 with his polling numbers still in the doldrums — worse than any other president at the same stage of their first term — as he prepares for an election next year with voters still worrying about the state of the economy. And that is despite his overall approval rating ticking up slightly. The latest tracking number from Gallup, published Friday, puts Biden's job approval rating at 39 percent, up two points from lows in October and November. That is worse than the last seven presidents in history as they came to the end of their third year in power. Barack Obama was at 43 percent and
Revealed: Harvard cleared Claudine Gay
of plagiarism WITHOUT proper investigation
- as furious colleagues blast Ivy League
school's 'irregular' and 'opaque' probe
into under-siege president
6 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 11:41:35 PM Post Reply
Lawyers for Harvard said that accusations of plagiarism against the university's president were 'demonstrably false', before an investigation into her work had even begun, it has emerged - as academics within Harvard said Claudine Gay's actions were 'repellant'. Tom Clare, a founder of the Virginia-based law firm Clare Locke - which specializes in 'defending clients against high-profile reputational attacks in print, broadcast, and online media' - responded in late October to questions about Gay's work. Gay, who became president of Harvard on July 1, has faced intense scrutiny since the October 7 terror attack in Israel, and condemnation for her failure to immediately condemn students who justified Hamas' actions.
Wisconsin Supreme Court orders new legislative
maps in redistricting case brought by Democrats
3 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 11:05:52 PM Post Reply
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— Todd Wood, Sean Parnell, Dennis Farris,
Shelia Matthews and an Update on the Ongoing
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it Even Happens- 8 PM ET
0 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 10:47:45 PM Post Reply
Tonight, Ivory gives us an update on the ongoing efforts to steal the 2024 election before it even happens. Independent journalist Todd Wood joins Ivory to discuss the latest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza. Combat veteran and the host of VNN’s Battleground – Sean Parnell – joins Ivory to talk about the growing number of homeless veterans. Hypocrisy alert! Texas Rep. Gregorio “Greg” Casar, who helped to defund the Austin Police Department during his time on the city council in 2020, has requested enhanced patrols around his home. Dennis Farris, President of the Austin Police Retired Officers Association joins Ivory to discuss.
Dem Rep. Moulton: Border, Israel, and
Ukraine Are Important, But We Need Citizenship
for DACA Kids
13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 10:20:06 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “State of the Race,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that Israel and Ukraine funding are important and border security needs to be tightened, but House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is “catering to the extremists” by putting them together because it doesn’t include “a pathway to citizenship for kids like DACA kids, who came here with their parents through no fault of their own, and are essentially living as aliens in their own country.” Moulton said, “Well, look, this is incredibly important, not just for our allies’ national security, but for our own. And we’ve been making this argument for months that, if Putin isn’t
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Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 12:50:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 3:28:41 PM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/22/2023 2:14:33 PM Post Reply
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Notorious? Slams Mike Johnson
for Daughter's 'Purity Ball' in 2015
15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 3:32:36 PM Post Reply
First, the secular liberal media mocked House Speaker Mike Johnson for working with his son to avoid sinful sexual Internet sites. Now ABC News is piling on the Jesus-freak thing with an old video of Johnson and his daughter at a purity ball. Here's the headline online: (Snip) ABC reporter Will Steakin reported that they suddenly "unearthed" an old German TV news outlet profiled the future speaker of the House and his then-teenage daughter. "This looks like a wedding," a news reporter says in German in a 2015 n-tv news segment that was unearthed by ABC News. "But they are not bride and groom -- but rather
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15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 3:21:49 PM Post Reply
The recent ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot has even Trump's staunchest critics calling foul. It has been called the disenfranchisement of millions of Trump supporters. Trump's legal team has stated that they will immediately file an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Republicans are outraged by the decision, so much so that now, according to Breitbart, GOP lawmakers in three states are introducing bills that would remove President Joe Biden from the ballot - states that will be key on election night 2024.
Fascism: Democrats in Four States Including
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Massachusetts Decide to Have Only Joe
Biden on the Primary Ballot
15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 8:51:00 AM Post Reply
Four states—Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts—have decided to force voters with a single option for the Democratic primaries: Joe Biden. The decision, which effectively crowns Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in those states without primary contestation, has incited allegations of disenfranchisement and questions about the democratic process within the party. The true threat to the demise of our democracy lies with the Democrats, not Donald Trump. The communist party will now decide the Democratic Party’s nominee and who they install into the White House.
One of Chicago’s longest-serving Democratic
lawmakers convicted of racketeering, bribery
and attempted extortion
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/22/2023 11:11:48 AM Post Reply
Former Chicago Alderman Ed Burke, one of the most powerful and longest-serving politicians in the Windy City, was found guilty Thursday of racketeering, bribery and attempted extortion after a six-week-long federal corruption trial. The 79-year-old Democrat was convicted on 13 of the 14 charges leveled against him in a 2019 federal indictment accusing the veteran Chicago City Council member of using his position to steer business from private developers to his law firm. Prosecutors also alleged that Burke threatened to block a measure raising admission fees at Chicago’s famed Field Museum over its failure to grant an internship to the daughter of a former alderman, whom he had recommended.
10 more migrant buses arrive in Denver
as Speer encampment grows
14 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/22/2023 10:14:01 AM Post Reply
DENVER — Residents who live near a migrant encampment at Zuni and Speer say the number of tents is growing and the trash is becoming a larger issue. On Thursday, 10 buses arrived in Denver with 341 migrants inside. The city said that puts Denver on track to break 100 buses just in December. One of the main spots they’re landing is an encampment at Zuni Street and Speer Boulevard. With more migrants coming in, residents’ concerns are growing — one of those concerns being the trash created by a growing number of people in that one spot. Beau Blackford is one
The Dark World of Hamas’ Sadism and
Sexual Torture
14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/22/2023 7:22:33 AM Post Reply
The “Bible” of the English Language, the Oxford English Dictionary of 1932, defined the word “ghoul” as “An evil spirit supposed in Mohammedan countries to rob graves and prey on human corpses.” That sounds right. The world was even treated to a display of this on October 7 when an army of Jihadist Arabs violently raped not only living Jewish females but also their dead bodies. One can also assume that they sodomized the remains of dead Jewish men and boys too. From reports by survivors of captivity in Gaza, there is reason to believe, given what is known of Arab sexuality, that the remaining men and boy hostages
Trump asking allies about possibility
of Nikki Haley for vice president
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/23/2023 12:00:54 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump has been asking allies and advisers for their thoughts about Nikki Haley as a potential vice presidential candidate, two sources familiar with the conversations tell CBS News. The feedback from the MAGA crowd regarding putting Haley on the ticket if Trump wins the GOP nomination has been overwhelmingly negative, according to these GOP sources. Politico first reported that Trump allies are working to quash the possibility of a Trump-Haley ticket. The former South Carolina governor has been gaining ground in recent polls, and a top Trump adviser tells CBS News one internal prediction is Haley might be a close third in Iowa to DeSantis, or
Dem Rep. Moulton: Border, Israel, and
Ukraine Are Important, But We Need Citizenship
for DACA Kids
13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/22/2023 10:20:06 PM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “State of the Race,” Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that Israel and Ukraine funding are important and border security needs to be tightened, but House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is “catering to the extremists” by putting them together because it doesn’t include “a pathway to citizenship for kids like DACA kids, who came here with their parents through no fault of their own, and are essentially living as aliens in their own country.” Moulton said, “Well, look, this is incredibly important, not just for our allies’ national security, but for our own. And we’ve been making this argument for months that, if Putin isn’t
Illegal immigrant who raped Ohio woman
claims he was ‘possessed by a demon’
13 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/22/2023 8:02:33 PM Post Reply
A Nicaraguan man who was deported from the US five times has been sentenced to 19 years behind bars for raping an Ohio woman — claiming that he committed the depraved act because he was “possessed by a demon.” German Mathews, 40, pulled his hoodie over his head before sexually assaulting the developmentally disabled woman on April 29 while she walked to a Forest Park bus stop, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. His hands were “covered in the victim’s blood” after he viciously beat the 44-year-old woman in the head and face, police Sgt. Jackie Dreyer said.
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