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Biden's Party is Over… and the Hangover
Has Begun

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Posted By: Hazymac, 12/20/2023 9:06:06 AM

As we approach the last year of Joe Biden’s term, it’s an opportune moment to reflect back on January of 2021. Our new President had been inaugurated (though we still don’t know that he was elected). Democrats believed the evil Trump had been vanquished from the body politic forever. We were assured that blue-collar Joe from Scranton was going to return normalcy to Washington -- as if that were a good thing. Biden was riding high in the polls. His “wingmen” were in control of the executive branch. His allies were in power in Congress and his media lapdogs would guarantee that all news was good news.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: udanja99 12/20/2023 9:34:15 AM (No. 1621003)
Excellent summary but Joe didn’t do any of the things listed. 0bama did them. Now, in typical 0bama fashion, he is leaving Joe and the demonicrats hanging there to take all of the blame, leaving the messiah to escape unharmed.
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 12/20/2023 9:34:31 AM (No. 1621005)
Well-written. Thanks for posting.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Italiano 12/20/2023 9:41:43 AM (No. 1621010)
First President that I've ever hated, and do I ever.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: janjan 12/20/2023 9:46:49 AM (No. 1621017)
Biden thought he could double down on the mess Obama created and be revered for it. Obama was wearing the lofty mantle of being the ‘first black President’ even though technically he’s not. He’s bi-racial. But for that he was given a pass. The Democrats erred badly by thinking that the bumbling fool Biden could destroy America and make people happy about it. What he did was expose a very stark difference between life under a demented nitwit who is easily manipulated- and Trump.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 12/20/2023 9:54:47 AM (No. 1621028)
And our nightmare continues.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: cjjeepercreeper 12/20/2023 9:59:18 AM (No. 1621037)
Great summary. IMO a must read. Forward to liberals you know to make their heads explode.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: jalo1951 12/20/2023 11:22:33 AM (No. 1621086)
When I type FJB I literally mean FJB. And like #3 I really do hate him and those people behind the scenes who are pulling his strings. The destruction he has heaped on America and Americans is unforgivable. Between the chaotic border crisis, to inflation (food & housing), his "green energy" nonsense, covid policies, sexualizing of our children, his family kickbacks and big checks, and on and on can we ever recover? And to top it all off he doesn't understand why we, the simple people of the great unwashed, don't feel the need to worship him. I am not proud of my hatred but I will own it. While this article did not, could not, list every nefarious action this clown has done it was excellent in hitting FJB "high spots" in ruining this country. He is a very dangerous national security risk. They really do want us eating bugs, living in a dark, damp, cold hole, only using public transportation and enjoying it and thanking them. The goal is 100% control over us at all times.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: BarryNo 12/20/2023 12:15:37 PM (No. 1621117)
Just a heads up: there are 15 million illegals in the USA right now, and a significant number (nearly half) are yound military age men from China, Africa as well as South of the border. If they are supplied weapons, they will be the largest invasive force ever inflicted or I'm bedded in this country. We can't count on Biden's military to do more than screw up as usual, as they will also be arrayed against us. Contact your friends. It may not be true, but, better safe than sorry.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/20/2023 1:46:26 PM (No. 1621158)
Not so fast, folks. The dim party is not over...yet. Meanwhile, understand that L.Com is being closely monitored by the deep state. Careful with your comments and how much you disclose about yourselves lest you end up on another "list".
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 12/20/2023 4:07:04 PM (No. 1621218)
Can’t wait. Don’t hire the lapdogs left behind.
3 people like this.

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Hitler Wasn't Available: New York Times
Runs Article by Hamas Official
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Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:28:56 AM Post Reply
The New York Times wants you to weep for the people of Gaza, and for what Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, which Gazans cheered in large numbers, has brought upon them. In service of that goal, on Christmas Eve the Paper of Record ran a weepy piece by a prominent Gazan, someone who has witnessed the Israeli incursion firsthand. Did the Times give this plumb editorial space to a “moderate” Gazan, a known foe of the Hamas regime, one of those “innocent Palestinians” who have nothing, nothing whatsoever, to do with Hamas? Uh, not quite. “I Am Gaza City’s Mayor. Our Lives and Culture Are in Rubble,”
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Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:17:57 AM Post Reply
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Sen. Susan Collins Is Hard at Work Crafting
Gun Control Legislation for the Troops
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:08:22 AM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is working on legislation ostensibly intended to prevent mass shootings like the one that happened in Maine on October 27. The tragic incident took place when Robert Card, a member of the Armed Forces, went on a spree in various locations, killing 18 people. He was later found dead after a manhunt. It was later revealed that Card had a history of mental illness and had even threatened violence against his fellow servicemembers at a military base. Yet, he was still able to legally purchase a firearm despite Maine’s yellow flag law, which allows for the temporary seizure of firearms from those deemed to be a risk
Israel finds 'child-sized' suicide vests
stored in Palestine medical facility
2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/25/2023 5:38:01 PM Post Reply
After all the hullabaloo about the 'love of the Palestinian children' we've had shoved in our faces to demonize Israel and its war on terror these past months, here's what amounts to 'love' from the Hamas terrorists. According to Legal Insurrection, citing news sources: "The Israeli ground offensive continues to expose the depths of Hamas’ depravity. The Islamic terrorist group that burnt and beheaded Israeli babies on October 7, is now apparently grooming Gaza’s children to become suicide bombers in its jihad against the advancing Israeli troops. Israeli soldiers found ‘child-sized suicide vests’ during a raid in northern Gaza, the Israeli media reported Sunday citing military sources. The children’s suicide vests were reportedly hidden
Good Riddance to Louisiana's Leftwing Governor 3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/25/2023 11:10:45 AM Post Reply
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A Woman's Obituary About Her Dead Mother
Was So Brutal a Newspaper Had to Pull It
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/25/2023 10:54:35 AM Post Reply
For Gayle Harvey Heckman of Michigan, this might be the first time she could have some merriment on Christmas. The reason is simple: her mother is dead. Ms. Heckman went on a Genghis Khan rampage against her late mother, who she described as “violent, cruel, and hateful.” It didn’t stop there. The obituary also revealed disturbing allegations of serial sexual abuse, which floored the readership of Wilcox Newspapers. The piece was so shocking that the newspaper pulled the submission. For their part, management admitted they didn’t give the obituary a “good look” before publishing (via The Messenger):
Pistol-Packin' Rabbi Aims to Arm, Train
Jewish Community
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/25/2023 10:14:57 AM Post Reply
When he was teaching me to shoot, the Old Man used to caution against relying overly much on mechanical safeties on a gun. "Remember," he told me, "The only safety you can always rely on is the one between your ears." Some years later, when I left my rather idyllic and peaceful northeast Iowa home and started living in locales with higher crime rates, I discovered a corollary to that rule; "Don't rely overly much on law enforcement or civil authorities. The only hands that you should rely on to provide security for yourself, your family, and your community, are your own." Rabbi Yossi Eilfort has taken .
The Drumbeat for Joe Biden to Exit the
Race Gets Louder
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/24/2023 6:18:26 PM Post Reply
If you are a Democrat and lose The Hill and NBC in a single day, it just might be time to take a hint. While President Joe Biden's inclination to cling to power does not seem to ebb, the drumbeat from the media for him to let go seems to be getting louder. Earlier today, PJ Media's Rick Moran asked when Democrats would dump Joe Biden as their nominee in 2024, noting some of the bad press. But the chorus is just getting louder. Yesterday, The Hill took great pains to point out Biden's horrible approval rating. "President Biden’s year-end approval rating is worse than any other modern-day president
Boot Biden off the Ballot? 5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/24/2023 1:41:49 PM Post Reply
In the wake of the Colorado Supreme Court’s outrageous ruling that bars Donald Trump from the ballot in that state, many Republicans have urged that states controlled by the GOP do the same thing to Joe Biden. My point here is not to endorse that strategy–partisan majorities banning their political opponents from participating in elections is obviously not a good thing–but rather to note that, if Republican-leaning courts in some states are so inclined, there is a rather clear legal path to barring Joe Biden. I wrote here about the federal bribery statute, 18 U.S. Code § 201, and the fact that an officeholder (Joe Biden) need not have personally benefited
The United States Just Emulated Neville
Chamberlain, and We Know Where That Led
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/22/2023 5:32:18 PM Post Reply
As expected, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire, for Israel to let all aid go unchecked into Gaza—without condemning Hamas. The vote was 13 in favor and zero against... with both the U.S. and Russia abstaining. The ramifications of this, as well as what it shows about the United States, are significant and disturbing and need to be understood by not only every Jew but by every American. Had the United States vetoed the resolution, it would have failed because the U.S., a permanent member of the Security Council, can stop any resolution with a veto. UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield whined
2020 Election Fraud and the Courts 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/22/2023 3:09:01 PM Post Reply
While it’s far too late for the judicial worm to turn on illegalities in the 2020 election in a way that would overturn the election of President Biden, maybe there are other consequences to be had for the people who engineered what may be the most consequential criminal collaboration or conspiracy in history. To quote the daily X post of @lsferguson: "Who gave the order to stop counting votes” in unprecedented lockstep, sending home election monitors, and increasing the opportunities for voter fraud is a prima facie basis to believe there was a criminal conspiracy in the 2020 election. But there is much more to create reasonable or probable cause
Blockbuster Poll Casts Doubt on Outcome
of 2020 Election
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/21/2023 9:21:53 PM Post Reply
What if the 2020 election was actually far from the most “safe and secure” in American history, as the mainstream media have relentlessly parroted over the past three years? What if Joe Biden actually lost several of the closely contested battleground states due to widespread mail-in voting fraud? What if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election? These questions have been dogging me ever since the 2020 election was called in favor of Joe Biden. However, thanks to a new poll conducted by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, we may be able to answer these taboo questions with a new sense of confidence. Here are a few of the key takeaways
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Posted by Beardo 12/25/2023 12:41:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 9:11:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by rememberwhen 12/25/2023 6:08:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 7:20:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 9:20:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 12/25/2023 6:41:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/25/2023 10:20:43 PM Post Reply
President Biden ordered strikes on three locations in Iraq after three U.S. service members were wounded, one critically, in an attack early Christmas morning credited to a militia group backed by Iran. In a statement Monday, National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said Biden directed the strikes against three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups, which claimed credit for the initial attack against U.S. personnel. The groups, the U.S. said, are all connected to Iran. The U.S. attack was carried out by a one-way attack drone, according to the statement, which said the three locations were “focused specifically on unmanned aerial drone activities.”
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 5:44:10 PM Post Reply
Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been slammed for her Christmas post that called Israel a violent occupying force and likened Jesus to the Palestinians. Posting on Instagram on Christmas Eve, AOC shared a photo of a child lying on a pile of rubble surrounded by wooden nativity scene icons. Accompanying the photo, the New Yorker wrote: 'In the story of Christmas, Christ was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in a massacre of innocents.' She went on to compare Jesus being hunted by King Herod to the 'right-wing forces' currently 'violently occupying Bethlehem.'
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Posted by mc squared 12/25/2023 11:11:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 6:27:29 PM Post Reply
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Sen. Susan Collins Is Hard at Work Crafting
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Posted by Hazymac 12/26/2023 8:08:22 AM Post Reply
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is working on legislation ostensibly intended to prevent mass shootings like the one that happened in Maine on October 27. The tragic incident took place when Robert Card, a member of the Armed Forces, went on a spree in various locations, killing 18 people. He was later found dead after a manhunt. It was later revealed that Card had a history of mental illness and had even threatened violence against his fellow servicemembers at a military base. Yet, he was still able to legally purchase a firearm despite Maine’s yellow flag law, which allows for the temporary seizure of firearms from those deemed to be a risk
RFK Jr. Denied Secret Service Protection
a THIRD time
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Posted by Imright 12/25/2023 3:14:44 AM Post Reply
In a story broken by the Deseret News, Robert Kennedy Jr., son of slain 1968 Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Sr., and nephew of slain President John F. Kennedy, is being turned down for any protection in his Presidential run. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told the Kennedy campaign in a letter that U.S. Secret Service protection for Kennedy is “not warranted.” Last month, Kennedy obtained a restraining order against a stalker who broke into his house in late October. (X)
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