Are We Seeing a Cultural Realignment?
American Thinker,
John Green
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
7/8/2021 6:55:06 PM
Recently we’ve been seeing stories in the news about average Americans pushing back against liberal initiatives. Taken alone, these stories are entertaining, though not particularly earth-shattering. But observed together, do they form a pattern? Are we seeing the beginning signs of a cultural realignment?One recent story is that of women protesting a California spa allowing “perfectly normal women with penises” to use the female facilities. The protesters were quick to point out that they are Democrats and support LGBTGFNB rights. But it turns out there is a limit to the amount of leftist baloney that even Democrats can accept.
Once again an American Overthinker article suggests that there is a limit to Demmunist depravity. I completely disagree.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
GoodDeal 7/8/2021 7:04:31 PM (No. 839735)
What we are witnessing is a spiritual revival and revolution going back to the principles and philosophies of our Founding Fathers. The battle cry is In God We Trust! Not in government We Trust.
The cultural realignment is really the moral decay that has been going on and sugar coating it. Immorality is a sin in the eyes of God. Pick your choice. Righteous living and being faithful to the Lord our God our worship Satan. Remember Soddom and Gomorrah? SF and NY are next.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
danu 7/8/2021 7:21:09 PM (No. 839755)
After watching hours of tape taken at that protest, only 1 salient fact emerged:
the lethargic, indifferent police sprang into action,,, to pose for the cameras,,,,
before attacking a few unarmed citizens.*
[*supporters of the street preachers, it would appear...? ....massively outnumbered by violent aunti fannies]
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
bad-hair 7/8/2021 7:21:48 PM (No. 839757)
We're seeing CNN
When I walk out the door with my morning coffee I see neighbors..
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
usawatcher 7/8/2021 7:24:23 PM (No. 839759)
God ain't got nothing to do with what's going on. People are getting fed up and starting to push back.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
bad-hair 7/8/2021 7:24:42 PM (No. 839761)
PS ... Cultural Re-alignment implies that I need to get in line. Duh
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
bad-hair 7/8/2021 7:27:35 PM (No. 839763)
Soory. I'm over my limit but I do not recall anybody signing the Declaration of Co-Dependence.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Bur Oak 7/8/2021 7:29:20 PM (No. 839766)
I would like to think so but I don't think things have gotten bad enough for a realignment. Too many people haven't a clue.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Newtsche 7/8/2021 7:33:39 PM (No. 839771)
Worse than baloney, malarkey.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
TLCary 7/8/2021 7:51:15 PM (No. 839784)
The American people never aligned with the Leftists. The Media, News, Internet Monopolies, Corporate Billionaires, and the radicals of one party did. The people never have. That list of Marxists will never change and the people don’t need realigned. We need to Revolt!
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
smokincol 7/8/2021 8:42:34 PM (No. 839813)
lib demcommies only take offense at something everyone else finds offensive if they are impacted directly, no other reason. it's a variation of the NIMBY frame of mind - let it happen to everyone else but not I'm too good and too important to be thought of as the same as "you people"
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 7/8/2021 10:56:54 PM (No. 839864)
The problem isn't that in a quest to combat racism the left has gone to far and begun to teach kids to hate themselves. The left as exemplified by BLM have no desire to eliminate racism. They want to institutionalize it.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Rinktum 7/9/2021 6:51:10 AM (No. 840009)
I would like to be as optimistic as the author. I do see movement in the ranks of normal Americans. People aren’t so ignorant that they cannot understand that what is happening is not good for their families, especially their children and their communities. The democrats may have made a grave error in arrogantly pushing CRT down our throats because individuals know in their hearts that they are not the racist devils the democrats paint them to be.
Democrats have created an atmosphere of hate for blacks to continually simmer in and with BLM they have an outlet to express their anger through violence which is exactly what democrats want to spill over into other communities. There is zero attempt to shut them down for the obvious crimes they commit on a daily basis. Cities, businesses, and lives are destroyed for the sole purpose of creating racial divide. Only depravity would explain the democrat mindset if they believe this is a viable political strategy. Clearly, most Americans are repulsed by it. The others are swept up in this manufactured hate and unwilling to recognize the ultimate outcome of the pernicious lie of CRT is their destruction. They truly are useful idiots and will go the way that they always have when their elite overlords are finished with them.
If this country is to be saved, it will be the very same thing that created it. We the people with the help of God. I do believe God has something to do with what is going on. When our backs are against the wall, we turn to God to give us strength and the courage to step up and do what is right. We cannot depend on the Republican leadership because so many of them cannot let go of the status quo although it is destroying the country. They for the most part are self-servng cowards. Americans know it. They cannot wait for anyone else to ride to the rescue. It’s up to us and people all across this nation are answering the call and God bless them for it.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
The Remnants 7/9/2021 7:15:02 AM (No. 840023)
It's not that complicated.There are just more of us who know that 2+2 does NOT equal 5, no matter how often we are told it does. We are the majority. (Remember the riots last summer when a newscaster, standing in front of a burning building, was telling us we were watching a "peaceful protest"?) The majority does not need a t.v. camera and a microphone from some network to tell us what is true because we have blogs and comment sections and our own videos to let others know the answer is 4 and always will be.
And I believe the word TOLERANCE is beginning to lose its shine as well. I think the old-fashioned definition of the word was that tolerance was approving of something that formerly was disapproved of. Like Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco TOLERATES people defecating on their sidewalks! Way back, my brother and his wife went there on their honeymoon, but I would bet the tolerance level for poo on the city streets is getting lower and lower, and San Fran is no longer a honeymoon destination! Just can't tolerate it anymore. We know better.
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For decades the liberals did things covertly and took control of many major institutions, like the media, the education system, and the government, but Trump forced the Marxists to overplay their hand and expose themselves. The wretched libs do not have the hearts and minds of the people. Most Americans love God and country - freedom is in their DNA. They will not cave to political correctness and intimidation.
The Luciferin Left's only hope is a federal police state, which is why they want to defund the local police.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Zigrid 7/9/2021 9:01:49 AM (No. 840142)
The MAGA Movement is big and getting bigger ... the Washington DC focus groups are fooling themselves when they spout poll numbers favoring biden/obama...they are done...Americans are waking up and perhaps the best part of these 6 agonizing biden/obama months has been the waking of America to the swamp and it's vicious patronizing on the agenda... toss nervous nancy and chuckie schemer out on their ears...and while WE're at it... please get rid of dickie durbin of Illinois...
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
LadyHen 7/9/2021 9:07:54 AM (No. 840147)
Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.
The cycle continues. There is a constant however. (clue: women, even Godly ones, are not civilization builders)
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Funny how things work. Let's take sports...and gender's another form of "equality" embraced by those who oppose equality in other arenas. Why are there segregated events? Because the girls can't compete with me in several athletic areas. The competitive goal is to identify and honor victory signifying the best. A "minor league" dilutes that principle. I'm a slow runner. Shouldn't I get a special consideration myself? Everyone should compete on equal footing, shouldn't they?
It's supposed to work that way for school admissions, military status, employment name it. They've come a long way, baby. Anything else providing "advantage" is derided as dilution, affirmative action and such.
I don't believe we are seeing a "cultural realignment". What we are seeing is the normal shifts that take place over time in developed society. We are seeing American culture being turned over to women, many of whom are activists and "Karens" looking for the next "good" they can do. The real "cultural realignment" is that men are checking out, abandoning the field. Look at professions, like medicine and law, even politics, and you see the current and growing dominance of women. Males today are just not into advanced education, perhaps becasue the cards are stacked against them. See any special programs to promote males into anything? Unless they are LGBT or "minority"...where are they? That's the real cultural realignment underway. We substitute sex, gender preference, and other such attributes for "merit". And that's now generally accepted, and expanding.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
NotaBene 7/9/2021 12:00:55 PM (No. 840361)
Our Marxists are steering this Cultural Revolution. They control the narrative. The Man-woman at Wi Spa in Los Angeles was an Antifa militant. They push these sexual deviances now to obfuscate the 3 November steal. Sorry, but we are not winning against Cultural Marxism.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Kafka2 7/9/2021 12:24:45 PM (No. 840400)
FTA: Are we seeing the beginning signs of a cultural realignment?
The answer is NO!
What we are seeing is long overdue push back of realignment of our culture by Progressive/Woke/Democrat elitists who demand we think and do exactly what their ideology dictates or they will destroy us. While claiming to be creating a perfect world, they have created a dystopian hell wherever they are in control.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Casper27 7/9/2021 4:40:37 PM (No. 840675)
The culture of a society is the normal behavior. It is not normal in America to do drive by shootings.
It is not normal to sleep on the roof at night as in some countries.
It is not normal in America to molest your daughters. Other countries...ok.
On and on. We are becoming another country. Suited and styled after Barack Obama.
I think I will watch 'Out of Africa' tonight. Watch Obama with the sore foot and he can't cook.
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
Penney 8/13/2021 1:52:42 PM (No. 877649)
Remember when Obama delivered millions of dollars in suitcases and on pallets to Iran? Now Biden plans to do the same to the Taliban? Dem pols seem to favor the barbarians, eh?
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