George Floyd and the Butterfly Effect
American Thinker,
Tim Jones
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
4/2/2021 12:06:22 PM
The Butterfly Effect, simply put, is the proposition that small events can trigger and lead to much larger and significant events. It is derived from the idea of a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a tornado elsewhere in the world.
On Wednesday of this week, the third day of the trial of Derek Chauvin, a store clerk by the name of Christopher Martin, who took the counterfeit twenty-dollar bill George Floyd was using to pay for a pack of cigarettes, testified that he almost paid for it with his own money before changing his mind. This one small decision had an effect on the world
Reply 1 - Posted by:
jimboscott 4/2/2021 12:10:39 PM (No. 742718)
I sort of disagree.
The world is screwed up and looking for any butterfly to blame for the pent up anger and wrongheaded understanding of things.
My mom was an incessant worrier. If there was nothing to worry about... that worried her. The world is the same way. If not George Floyd, then it would have been Benjamin Morris or Willy Timsley or Andrew Trunk.
We were going to end up here as a result of tidal influences, not a barely noticeable ripple off in the distant ocean waters.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Laotzu 4/2/2021 12:15:27 PM (No. 742725)
Agree #1. The George Floyd case was not a cause. It was a pretext.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
earlybird 4/2/2021 12:54:41 PM (No. 742756)
Unlike a butterly, this story doesn’t fly. Cigarettes are how much a pack now? I checked and found that in Minnesota they are $9.41/pack. When was he going to pay for it? Immediately. Before Floyd tried to pass the counterfeit $20? Had he thought of that afterward, had Floyd already laid the fake $20 on him, the felony would have been committed. Why would this kid ponder paying for Floyd’s cigarettes? His motivation? Not seeing it. So writer Jones concocted this.
Writer Jones needs to put that butterfly net down and stop writing fantasy.
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Here's what the kid said:
Martin said that he immediately noticed that the bill appeared to be fake, but did not say anything. "The other person that had come in, it kind of seemed like he was trying to scheme, like he knew it was a fake bill and he was trying to get over. I thought George didn't really know it was a fake bill, so I thought I would be doing him a favor," Martin said. He explained that the store had a policy by which if an employee accepted a counterfeit bill, that money would then be taken out of their paycheck. After Floyd left, Martin told his manager, who instructed him to bring Floyd back to the store to resolve the matter. Martin approached the car with another co-worker and asked Floyd to come back into the store. When Floyd refused, Martin went back and told his manager he would take care of the $20 himself but was instructed to try again. Upon hearing the news, his manager asked his staff to call the police.
As "guilty" as Martin now feels, had Floyd simply driven away with his pack of butts and change...
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
NorthernDog 4/2/2021 1:18:03 PM (No. 742774)
Agree that George Floyd's death was just a pretext. It's like blaming WWI solely on the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. A lot of other factors were in place, just waiting for a trigger.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
hershey 4/2/2021 1:48:31 PM (No. 742807)
Hmm. I seem to remember a movie about time traveling hunters that went back to hunt dinosaurs, but they had to stay on a constructed fell off and accidientialy crushed a butterfly...when they got back home, everything had changed, and not for the better...
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 4/2/2021 1:53:23 PM (No. 742816)
#6, That was Ray Bradbury "The Sound of Thunder."
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
udanja99 4/2/2021 2:04:08 PM (No. 742827)
#2 is correct. All of the response was already planned and just waiting for the spark to give Antifa and BLM cover to act.
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Agree with the above - this is hindsight posing as a flow chart.
Look past all the silly murals and tributes to this recidivist violent junkie (whom Google laughingly refers to as a hip-hop artist) and you see that the left are scraping the bottom of the barrel for martyrs and heroes.
In the Bizarro Race World, academic success and making it on one's own steam are derided as betrayal, weakness and sycophancy. Conversely, quotas, grade inflation, and other lowering of standards are regarded as 'justice' and worthless degrees from once-proud schools are portrayed as valuable in the marketplace.
A successful black doctor or businessman might participate in symposiums or mentoring programs but they want no part of the left's exploitation. By process of elimination this leaves only the lowlifes, of which there are many and of which more can always be produced through abysmal government schools and destructive welfare programs.
George Floyd is just a name, really. There are a million like him, which means the left didn't need him specifically but used him just the same.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
rememberwhen 4/2/2021 9:34:18 PM (No. 743171)
If it hadn't been this, it would have been the next "killing" by police of an unarmed black criminal. The left was just looking for an excuse. They found it in Floyd and the carefully edited video that showed what they and their media allies wanted to show. Although he complained several times of unable to breathe before being subdued by the officer, probably half the country has yet to hear of that fact.
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