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Posts on Monday, May 18, 2020

On Trump-Hatred replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/18/2020 11:19:00 PM Post Reply
It’s not rocket science to say the beginning of Trump hatred came from the Clinton campaign. He was once feted in New York, even by liberals. How did it change from high regard to hated? One thing is clear, dislike was instant once Trump entered the race as a Republican, increased as he ran, and took a quantum leap forward when he won the election. To this day the hatred has grown on a level hardly thought possible. (Snip)It’s beyond over the top, it’s beyond unsetting, but there it is for all to see.
Devin Nunes Discusses AG Barr Remarks
About President Obama and Joe Biden…
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 11:08:58 PM Post Reply
House Intel Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to discuss the remarks earlier in the day where AG Bill Barr does not foresee any criminal investigation of President Obama or Vice-President Joe Biden. Rep. Nunes again refers to the buckets of intelligence that would help outline everything that has taken place. Bucket-1 DOJ/FBI activity prior to July 31, 2016. Bucket-2 DOJ/FBI activity between July 31, 2016 and the inauguration. Bucket-3 everything that takes place after the Trump inauguration, to include the Mueller investigation.(Video)
New Hampshire high school plans unique
graduation ceremony using ski lift
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 11:07:19 PM Post Reply
A New Hampshire high school has planned a ski lift graduation, scrapping an in-person ceremony due to the coronavirus pandemic. Seniors at Kennet High School will each be going up to get their diplomas on a ski lift, with an empty seat between each student, that will take them to the top of a 2,000 foot summit of Cranmore Mountain. “People will ride it up, get their diploma, get a picture of them on the top of a mountain, they’ll go to a different place with a second photographer, and get a pretty amazing backdrop,” said the school’s principal, Kevin Carpenter in an interview with WCAX.
Stacey Abrams would be the most
preposterous vice-presidential pick ever
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 11:02:40 PM Post Reply
Stacey Abrams has another distinction to add to her resume — she is among the most preposterous potential vice-presidential candidates ever.Her attempt to leverage a failed Georgia gubernatorial bid into a spot on the Democratic ticket is so brazenly absurd that it’s hard to think of precedents. But the 46-year-old African-American activist isn’t one to be constrained by standard political practice — or reality. She refused to concede her narrow but clear 2018 gubernatorial loss, instead alleging she’d been undone by a massive voter-suppression scheme. As she put it at a recent event, “malfeasance and incompetence and my opponent, who was a cartoon villain,
Georgia's coronavirus data made reopening look safe.
The numbers were a lie
Posted by Northcross 5/18/2020 10:57:19 PM Post Reply
Nothing about the spread of the coronavirus or the nature of the disease suggests that it’s safe to get back to business as usual. And yet “reopen” is the word on almost every American’s lips, despite apocalyptic warnings from public heath experts suggesting that, without an aggressive national public health strategy, the country could face its “darkest winter.”
Acts of Treason replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/18/2020 10:55:16 PM Post Reply
Perhaps the most troubling-- and dangerous--aspect of the current political conversation is the unwillingness of virtually every elected official and every media pundit to confront what “Obamagate” is obviously about, which is treason. Specifically, treason committed by the Obama White House in attempting to block and then overthrow the Trump presidency. Obamagate is about the failed attempt by President Obama and his appointees to use government intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign and White House, to concoct a phony accusation of collusion with Russia against the president and then to obstruct his administration and overthrow him.
Nets Have a Meltdown After Trump
Says He Takes Hydroxychloroquine
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:46:17 PM Post Reply
Even though the FDA says the use of Hydroxychloroquine was up to a patient and their doctor, Monday’s evening newscasts saw ABC, CBS, and NBC clutch their pearls after President Trump admitted he’s been taking the anti-Malaria drug for several days to prevent catching coronavirus. Acting as though he was self-medicating and not telling viewers that the drug needed a prescription to obtain it, which meant his doctor approved it, these liberal networks decried the medial precaution. ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News kicked off their newscasts
Pelosi Calls Trump ‘Morbidly
Obese’ On CNN
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:42:18 PM Post Reply
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called President Donald Trump “morbidly obese” Monday night after he announced that he has been taking hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus preventative treatment for more than a week.In an appearance on CNN, Pelosi was asked about Trump’s usage of hydroxychloroquine, to which she responded by saying “He’s our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group — morbidly obese, they say” Pelosi said to CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
California is offering $500 cash payments to
unauthorized immigrants who don't qualify for
stimulus checks or unemployment benefits
Posted by poster 5/18/2020 10:41:07 PM Post Reply
California is rolling out a program on Monday that will give $500 cash payments to unauthorized immigrants shut out of traditional government aid programs because of their immigration status. The New York Times reported the $75 million taxpayer-funded program funded will be conducted by phone to reduce in-person contacts. It's expected to distribute cash to 150,000 people and the maximum amount awarded per household is $1,000. "California is the most diverse state in the nation. Our diversity makes us stronger and more resilient," Gov. Gavin Newsom said (snip) "Every Californian, including our undocumented neighbors and friends, should know that California is here to support them
Fox News at NJ gym’s defiant opening:
Crowd cheers as cop says they’re in
violation, then walks away
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:36:40 PM Post Reply
A New Jersey gym kicked opened its doors early this morning as supporters celebrated the move in defiance of the state’s coronavirus shutdown order. Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey reopened Monday morning amid cheers from anti-lockdown protesters who were on hand to rally behind the business and send a message to Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. (Video) “We made the decision to open,” Ian Smith, the co-owner of the gym told “Fox & Friends” host Pete Hegseth on Monday, saying “we’re sick and tired of having our rights trampled on.”“We will not stand down,” he vowed, despite the lockdown and even in the face of police potentially arriving
‘President Tweety’—Biden Dings Trump
with Nickname Over Social Media Use
Posted by Calvinesq 5/18/2020 9:36:40 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, took a shot at President Donald Trump’s relentless social media use on Monday by wryly attempting to christen him “President Tweety.” Biden, who just last week claimed he was resisting giving the president a nickname, floated the new epithet during a video appearance before the AAPI Victory Fund, a Super PAC working to mobilize Asian American voters ahead of the 2020 election.
President Trump Informs Media He is
Taking Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc As
Preventative Measure…
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 8:50:31 PM Post Reply
Spontaneous ‘splody heads erupted around the media press pool today as President Trump remarked he has been taking hydrozychloroquine as a preventative measure against COVID-19. “You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the front-line workers before you catch it. The front-line workers — many, many are taking it. I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it — Hydroxychloroquine,” Trump said. The jaw-agape media immediately reacted: “hydroxychloroquine?” “when?” “now?” President Trump replied: “right now, yeah. A couple of weeks ago, I started taking it. I’ve heard a lot of good stories.
Lindsey Graham Schedules Committee
Business Hearing to Consider Scheduling
Subpoena Authorization Hearing…
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 8:46:46 PM Post Reply
We are nearing the end of the beginning of the end, as Senator Lindsey Graham announces a request for a senate hearing to consider scheduling another senate hearing to consider the possible subpoenas for witnesses to appear at a later senate hearing over potential testimony at a possible senate hearing or deposition thereafter. WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today announced that the Committee would debate and vote on a subpoena authorization related to the FISA abuse investigation and oversight of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.(Snip) The Committee is expected to vote on the subpoena authorization at its June 4, 2020 executive business meeting.
In Three Short Months, California Goes
From $6 Billion Surplus To Asking State
Workers to Take 10% Pay Cut
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 8:30:17 PM Post Reply
Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday laid out some grim financial realities for the state as it faces far less revenue and far higher expenses in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Saying that President Trump could solve California's deficit with a "stroke of the pen," Newsom said that without federal help the state will need to cut pay for some 2.3 million state employees. The next step will be negotiating with state workers' unions to hammer out the details of the cuts, which may involve furlough days or other arrangements. The pay cuts would begin as of July 1.
Judge rules that Oregon virus
restrictions are invalid
Posted by poster 5/18/2020 7:11:18 PM Post Reply
A judge in rural Oregon on Monday tossed out statewide coronavirus restrictions imposed by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, saying she didn’t seek the Legislature's approval to extend the stay-at-home orders beyond a 28-day limit. Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew Shirtcliff issued his opinion in response to a lawsuit filed earlier this month by 10 churches around Oregon that argued the state's social-distancing directives were unconstitutional. Brown filed paperwork within hours seeking an emergency review by the Oregon Supreme Court and a hold on the ruling until the high court could take it up. Her attorneys had asked the judge to stay his ruling until that time, but he declined.
Gavin Newsom: First responders 'first
ones laid off' unless California
gets federal COVID-19 funds
Posted by Ribicon 5/18/2020 6:51:06 PM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom says first responders will be the “first ones laid” off unless federal bucks arrive in the Golden State in the near future. The Democrat appeared to be playing a political game of chicken with Republicans in Congress over the weekend during a discussion about the coronavirus pandemic with CNN’s Jake Tapper. Mr. Newsom specifically had a message for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans when asked about a $3 trillion relief bill being “dead on arrival.”(Snip) Mr. Newsom insisted that he was not looking for “charity” or “handouts,” but instead wanted funds commensurate for “Depression-era unemployment
Trump campaign launches faux ‘investigative’
video series on ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden’s
many flubs
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 5:36:23 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump largely sees likely 2020 Democratic opponent Joe Biden as little more than a figurehead, a surrogate fronting for a cabal that represents his real opponent in November, the president’s reelection campaign is still taking the time to dispatch with the former vice president.(If Biden doesn’t beat them to the punch.)The Trump campaign launched a faux “investigative” series mocking the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee for his many stumbles and gaffes seen on the stump, Fox News reported. Titled “Truth over Facts,” a phrase that Biden used last August at the Iowa State Fair, in Des Moines — in describing “who we are,”
Democrats tell Supreme Court they need
Mueller grand jury material to
consider new articles of impeachment
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 5:28:34 PM Post Reply
The Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee told the Supreme Court it needs the grand jury materials redacted in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to decide whether to impeach Trump over his alleged obstruction of the Russia investigation. Douglas Letter, the Democratic committee's top lawyer, filed a 33-page motion on Monday opposing a Justice Department effort that seeks to have the nation's highest court block the release of the documents. Democrats insist they need the information quickly because the House Judiciary Committee’s “impeachment investigation related to obstruction of justice pertaining to the Russia investigation is ongoing.”
President Trump Admits He Is Taking Life
Saving Drug Hydroxychloroquine as
Prophylaxis Against the Coronavirus
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 5:13:01 PM Post Reply
During his press conference with restaurant owners on Monday President Trump announced he was taking the life-saving drug hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis against the Wuhan coronavirus.President Trump admitted he has been taking Hydroxychloroquine for “a couple weeks”. The president added that he spoke with the White House doctor before he started taking the anti-malarial drug. (Tweet/Video)
Homeless man attacks couple with
machete in fit over lockdowns
Posted by Ribicon 5/18/2020 4:47:49 PM Post Reply
A homeless man repeatedly slashed a married couple in Nashville with a machete because he was angry about shutdowns during the coronavirus pandemic, authorities said. Kelvin D. Edwards, 35, hacked at Kevin Craft, 55, and his wife, Leanne Craft, 50, on Sunday afternoon in the office of a Public Storage center, the Metro Nashville Police Department said in a statement. Edwards grabbed the machete from his bin at the storage facility and allegedly struck the couple—continuing even after they were bleeding on the floor, police said. Six cops responded to a 911 call about the attack and applied multiple tourniquets to help stanch
Ken Osmond, ‘Leave It to Beaver’
star, dead at 76
Posted by Illinois Mom 5/18/2020 4:19:43 PM Post Reply
Ken Osmond, who was best known for his role as Eddie Haskell on the comedy series “Leave It to Beaver,” has died, Fox News can confirm. He was 76. "He was an incredibly kind and wonderful father," Osmond's son Eric said in a statement obtained by Fox News on Monday. "He had his family gathered around him when he passed. He was loved and will be very missed."
Tonight on PBS: Created Equal replies
Posted by Maryland_Patriot 5/18/2020 3:49:17 PM Post Reply
I wrote about Michael Pack’s documentary on Justice Thomas in “Clarence Thomas speaks.” The title of the film is Created Equal. We ran to one of our local suburban multiplexes to see it upon its release this past winter, in the good old days when such activities were permitted. If you missed it, however, you may want to catch it tonight on PBS, where it is scheduled to be broadcast at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern), but check your local listings. (snip) The left could not and cannot deal with Justice Thomas. They disparage him for his silence on the bench, but they don’t want him speaking out either.
Mark Cuban proposes $1,000
coronavirus stimulus check every 2 weeks
Posted by AltaD 5/18/2020 3:17:32 PM Post Reply
The federal government has already sent a one-time check of up to $1,200 to millions of American families, but according to Mark Cuban, the stimulus is not enough to offset the economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic. The billionaire entrepreneur proposed the government issue $1,000 checks to every American household every two weeks for the next two months, with the caveat that the money must be spent within 10 days of receipt or it expires. It would cost about $500 billion, Cuban estimated. (Snip) "It's time to face the fact that PPP didn't work. Great plan, difficult execution. No one's fault. The only thing that will save businesses is consumer demand.
Dems discovering that with sanctuary cities,
what goes around...comes around
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:16:01 PM Post Reply
Atwater, California, has declared itself a sanctuary city — sanctuary from tyrannical government draining the lifeblood from the people. If leftist tyrants can provide safe haven to illegal invaders, why not have sanctuary cities that protect Americans from our newly anointed dictators? So this rural city of fewer than 30,000 people located in the center of California has decided to free itself from the suffocating chokehold of the state. At the end of April, the City Council voted unanimously to open businesses and churches. The Merced Sun-Star reports: Atwater residents gave City Council a standing ovation and cheers Friday when they unanimously passed a resolution
A tale of two governors replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:12:06 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump provoked a controversy midway through the 2020 COVID-19 crisis by asserting that he, the president, set national pandemic policy. If the truth be told, he stepped onto a political minefield, the predictable push/pull of state versus national control on any matter. Most of the "local control" sentiment on pandemic policy comes from the urban American left. True to form, Trump took a prudent step back and allowed that state governors were free to make local medical decisions and set local economic recovery schedules. Unlike many Democrat governors, Trump would be happy to provide counsel, assistance, and guidance — but no local mandates.
Fed chief inadvertantly makes the case for
re-electing Trump
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:01:01 PM Post Reply
Like every Fed chief, President Trump's appointee to the slot, Jerome Powell, is studiously apolitical and circumspect. He often infuriates Trump, who then rage-tweets about him, but I've always been satisfied with him. Trump probably is, too, given that he hasn't told him, "You're fired." Powell did us a service on Sunday speaking to widely watched 60 Minutes and telling us in recognizable language how he sees the economy going. Dollars to donuts, a lot of people watched. He began with the obvious: SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS / 60 MINUTES: There's only one question that anyone wants an answer to, and that is: when does the economy recover?
Elon Musk, having taken the 'red pill,' now
urges others to join him
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:51:58 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk is always interesting. If you ignore the fact that electric cars probably aren't that much greener than regular cars (depending on the source of electricity, many electric vehicles merely shift pollution from the roads to the power stations), his Teslas are brilliant. They are elegant and imaginative, and they handle beautifully. They make rich greenies very, very happy. In some ways, the South African–born Musk is a throwback to 18th- or 19th-century visionaries who came from faraway countries and made their mark in America, whether Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, Baron Johann de Kalb, Andrew Carnegie, or even Irving Berlin. Certainly, Musk is a visionary.
Feeling the heat, media -fact'-checkers are
becoming increasingly silly
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:45:17 PM Post Reply
The media this weekend offered two excellent examples of how so-called "fact-checking" has become an excuse to write straw men and then, using vehement opinion and banal facts as their weapons, to strike those straw men down. The stupidity of their arguments indicates that their brains are shutting down with fear as Attorney General Bill Barr and his lead investigator, U.S. attorney John Durham, close in on the truth behind the attempted takedown of the Trump presidency, a joint Deep State and media enterprise. Writing at the Washington Post, Derek Hawkins asserts that Eric Trump is misleading credulous Trump-supporters by calling the coronavirus a "hoax":
State Department sends $22 million in coronavirus aid to terrorist breeding ground Bangladesh replies
Posted by hershey 5/18/2020 2:32:19 PM Post Reply
The Golden Horseshoe is a weekly designation from Just the News intended to highlight egregious examples of wasteful taxpayer spending by the government. The award is named for the horseshoe-shaped toilet seats for military airplanes that cost the Pentagon a whopping $640 each back in the 1980s. We are awarding the horseshoe this week to the State Department for sending $22 million to Bangladesh to help combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Poll: Biden ‘struggling’ in New York
with whites, youth, suburbanites
Posted by NorthernDog 5/18/2020 1:29:35 PM Post Reply
New York should be a “softball” for former Vice President Joe Biden to hit out of the park, but he is struggling with key groups, according to a new Zogby Poll. While his favorable rating is better than President Trump’s, 52%-41%, the survey showed that the Democrat hasn’t rallied key voting groups like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the most popular politician in the state, has. As for Trump, his approval rating in the state that hosts the headquarters of his corporation is better than that of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The New York based
Mendocino County church service blamed
for rural Northern California coronavirus
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 1:08:37 PM Post Reply
Mendocino County officials said Sunday a Mother’s Day church service is to blame for an intercounty coronavirus outbreak of three people, including the county’s 14th confirmed case of COVID-19 — an elderly Ukiah Valley man. Health officials determined the infected man came in contact with two Lake County residents who recently tested positive, after being present May 10 at an inland Mendocino County church that broadcast services via livestream to others at home, Mendocino County officials said in a prepared statement. The church was not identified, but county officials say they have encouraged the house of worship in question to self-identify “in order to encourage members of the church to seek testing
AG Barr: Durham probe unlikely to lead to
criminal investigations of Obama or Biden
Posted by Ribicon 5/18/2020 1:05:48 PM Post Reply
U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into the origins of the Russia collusion investigation is not expected to lead to a criminal investigation of either former President Barack Obama or former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Attorney General William P. Barr said Monday. “As for President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement based on what I know, I don’t expect Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Mr. Barr said. “Our concern of potential criminality is focused on others,” he continued. Mr. Barr also offered vague details into the investigation’s progress saying he has a “general
They survived ventilators, body aches,
fever. Now, coronavirus survivors
say states shouldn't be reopening
Posted by NorthernDog 5/18/2020 1:03:30 PM Post Reply
AUSTIN, Texas -- Ron Wilkins endured 37 days on a ventilator, a failed kidney, medical paralysis and a mountain of medical bills. As he slowly recovers from a near-death bout of COVID-19, the disease brought on by the coronavirus, at an acute-care hospital near San Antonio, Wilkins and his loved ones now face a new worry: States pushing to reopen stores and local economies. (Snip) The debate over how fast states should reignite their economies flared last week when Dr. Rick Bright, a government immunologist, told a Congressional committee that the window is closing fast to prevent the “darkest winter
Stocks soar amid coronavirus
vaccine hopes
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 12:00:08 PM Post Reply
U.S. equity markets soared Monday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the central bank will continue to support the U.S. economy for as long as necessary and drugmaker Moderna announced progress toward a COVID-19 vaccine.The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained as many as 800 points, or 3.388 percent, while the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite were higher by 2.79 percent and 2.16 percent, respectively. (Snip) Powell warned that while the U.S. economy will return to growth in 2020, it may not reach pre-crisis levels until late next year and that a full recovery may hinge on the discovery of a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Left Is What It Once Loathed replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 11:17:38 AM Post Reply
Compare the current progressive view about civil liberties against the old liberal positions of the past. Surveillance and spying on U.S. citizens? Remember liberal Senator Frank Church of Idaho and his 1975 post-Watergate select Senate investigative committee? It found the CIA, FBI, and NSA improperly over three decades had tapped into the phones of Americans, opened their mail, and worked with telecommunications companies to monitor the data of supposedly suspect politicians, actors, celebrities, and political activists. “Collusion” with the communists and the Russians was often the pretense to surveil American citizens. (Snip) the Left’s position had once mostly been that the government’s unelected deep-state intelligence officers simply had too much power
AG Barr Not So Confident in FBI Director
Chris Wray Anymore – Video…
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 11:14:40 AM Post Reply
More than a week after CBS first constructed their editorial narrative they finally released the full interview between Catherine Herridge and AG Bill Barr. Many people read the transcript; however, thankfully Michael Sheridan excerpts a portion of the video that doesn’t come across in the transcript. When the attorney general is questioned about “still having confidence” in FBI Director Christopher Wray, a newly articulated hesitancy is visible that doesn’t come across in the transcript. WATCH:
Matt Taibbi Calls Out Liberal Media For
Pretending ‘Not to Know’ How Obama
Was Conducting Political Surveillance…
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2020 10:59:47 AM Post Reply
Matt Taibbi writes a lengthy column calling out his colleagues for abandoning all pretense of civil liberties in an effort to ‘resist’ President Trump.Within the column Taibbi walks-through the ridiculous Russia collusion story and notes the necessary use of the media pretending not to know what took place within the Obama administration; including what continues today in the prosecution of Flynn. MATT TAIBBI – […] ” After Edward Snowden’s 2013 revelations about mass data collection, a series of internal investigations began showing officials were breaking rules against spying on specific Americans via this NSA program. Searches were conducted too often and without proper justification,, and the results were shared with too
Republicans plan to recruit 50,000 volunteer
snoopers to check for 'voting fraud' on
Election Day in bid to bolster Donald
Trump's claims Democrats will 'cheat'
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:56:40 AM Post Reply
Republicans are preparing a multi-million dollar, multi-state effort to recruit volunteers to monitor voting places for fraud, a move that could bolster President Donald Trump's claims Democrats will cheat in the November election. President Trump repeatedly has complained elections are rigged: that Bernie Sanders lost the Democratic primary to Joe Biden because of it, that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 through cheating, and even last week's California special election, that Republicans won, was rigged.
Adding to Dr. Fauci's diagnosis:
The critical case for ending
our shutdown
Posted by JayD 5/18/2020 10:55:24 AM Post Reply
By now, everyone recognizes Dr. Anthony Fauci. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is one of the most cited immunology researchers of all time and unquestionably one of the most acclaimed.[snip] However, our elected representatives, the public and the media misunderstand his focused role and even his expertise as a scientist. Basic science underlying a viral pandemic is absolutely critical. But now is the time for the design of sound public policy — and that involves a far broader formulation than a single-minded focus on stopping COVID-19 at all costs.
Why we need a clinical trial of
hydroxycholoroquine, azithromycin,
and zinc ASAP
Posted by Senex 5/18/2020 10:50:19 AM Post Reply

A preliminary study done by New York's Grossman School of Medicine reports on the use of HCQ+AZT+Zinc versus HCQ+AZT alone in four New York Hospitals has issued its report. Here's the key finding of the abstract.(Snip) This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.

The Obama-Biden Pandemic ‘Playbook’
Is Less than Advertised
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:39:11 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign has frequently pointed to a 69-page “playbook” that the Obama-Biden administration created for dealing with pandemics, arguing that President Donald Trump had ignored it.White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany recently called the playbook “insufficient,” according to the Washington Examiner.In fact, the playbook is less than advertised. Of the 69 pages, only 27 are the actual “playbook.” The first 13 pages are the table of contents, executive summary, and various title pages. The last 29 pages are appendices. And within the 27 pages of the “playbook” section, only 17 deal with an international outbreak of an infectious disease.
James Woods gets Trump’s direct attention
with ‘more than any president in my lifetime’
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:34:48 AM Post Reply
Actor James Woods got the direct attention of President Donald Trump after staunchly defending him on social media as someone who “loves America more than any president in my lifetime.” The conservative actor praised the president on Sunday after a weekend of calling out Democrats on Twitter, and slamming former President Obama who took cheap shots at the Trump administration’s coronavirus response.(Photo) “Let’s face it. Donald Trump is a rough individual,” Woods tweeted to his 2.73 million followers on Sunday afternoon.“He is vain, insensitive and raw. But he loves America more than any President in my lifetime,”
On Trump-Hatred replies
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 10:22:44 AM Post Reply
It’s not rocket science to say the beginning of Trump hatred came from the Clinton campaign. He was once feted in New York, even by liberals. How did it change from high regard to hated? One thing is clear, dislike was instant once Trump entered the race as a Republican, increased as he ran, and took a quantum leap forward when he won the election. To this day the hatred has grown on a level hardly thought possible.It has now become common for leftists to accost those who differ by going into hysterics. Hysterics often exhibiting shrieking about how Trump lies, and how he’s
Media Must Report Truth Of
Anti-Trump Spy Operation
Before It’s Too Late For Them
Posted by Senex 5/18/2020 10:03:45 AM Post Reply
As new details emerge about the Obama administration’s broad spying-and-leaking campaign against the incoming Trump administration, reporters have a choice to make about whether to cover this story honestly, at long last. There is a brief window of time afforded the media to get the story right. They should take advantage of it.
Dr. Fauci and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study victims replies
Posted by Senex 5/18/2020 9:30:50 AM Post Reply
Although Dr. Anthony Faucis NIAID (one of the institutes of the NIH) has lost his power to slow-walk a vaccine solution to COVID-19, he still retains his power to disparage HCQ (hydroxychloroquine), the most effective treatment against Covid-19. During the last couple weeks, he has publicized two studies in which HCQ without zinc hasn’t worked with hospitalized patients. He has been so successful at disparaging HCQ that hospital use of HCQ has been declining.
A black activist’s article
about Stacey Abrams has
a surprising admission
Posted by Magnante 5/18/2020 8:11:48 AM Post Reply
Georgia’s Stacey Abrams, a failed gubernatorial candidate, is trying something new in American politics: With naked ambition, she’s simultaneously begging for and demanding the Vice President’s spot on the Democrat Party ticket. (snip) "Abrams excelled in academics and was always in advanced studies, which meant she was routinely the only black student in her classes." I’ve now read that sentence at least ten times, and there’s only one way to understand it: Blacks cannot succeed in academics. Abrams is anomalous because she’s a black person who did succeed. Is that really what Powell (whom I had assumed, based upon that sentence, was a 60-year-old white guy) meant to say?
Nurses give inside look
at ‘nightmare’ NYC-run
adult-care center
Posted by cThree 5/18/2020 7:30:09 AM Post Reply
Out-of-state nurses brought to Manhattan to fight the coronavirus say they found hellish conditions at the city-run adult-care center on Roosevelt Island — from patients with horrific bed sores to feces-smeared walls. “It was just heartbreaking,” said one of the RNs, a mom of four from Wisconsin who spent about 17 days at the Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Care Center. “Patients were in deplorable conditions — very, very dirty, bed sores, terrible odors,’’ the FEMA-contracted nurse, 38, told The Post.
Trump blasts ’60 Minutes,’ ‘creep’ HHS whistleblower after broadcast replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/18/2020 7:21:12 AM Post Reply
President Trump late Sunday accused CBS’ “60 Minutes” of putting the spotlight on another “Fake Whistleblower” who wants to inflict damage on his administration's coronavirus response in order to benefit the "Radical Left Democrats." Dr. Rick Bright, who has a Ph.D. in virology and ran the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, reiterated earlier claims that the government was slow to respond to the unfolding pandemic and said the administration was instead worried about politics instead of science. He blamed Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar of not heeding early warning about the virus
The Texanist: Will the Pandemic
Let Texas Be Texas Once Again?
Posted by StormCnter 5/18/2020 7:18:17 AM Post Reply
In the midst of the very strange times in which we currently find ourselves, the Texanist has made the decision to deviate from his usual format of doling out fine advice and, instead, take this opportunity to look in on y’all and see how everything is going. Is everybody okay? The Texanist and his people are pretty good—knock on wood—and he hopes the same is true for you and yours. Unfortunately, the Texanist is aware that this might not be the case. At the time of this writing, the Texas Department of State Health Services was reporting that across 217 of Texas’s 254 counties there were 35,390 cases
Stealing The 2020 Election
Through The U.S. Mail
Posted by PageTurner 5/18/2020 7:04:29 AM Post Reply
Democrats and their media scribes have spent more than three years glued to the narrative that President Donald Trump stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton by colluding with Russia to rig the outcome. But they don’t care about the legitimacy of elections. If they did, they wouldn’t be agitating for voting by mail this fall. “House Democrats have sought to drastically overhaul the American electoral system in light of the pandemic, arguing dramatic change is needed to allow Americans to vote safely,” Politico reported last week. It seems they have the public on their side. A recent POLITICO/Morning Consult
Nice Try: Governor Cuomo Says
“Nobody Should Be Prosecuted” for
Sticking Sick Coronavirus Patients
into New York Nursing Homes (VIDEO)
Posted by DCGIRL 5/18/2020 6:37:23 AM Post Reply
Governor Cuomo launched his defense plan on Sunday. He tried to anyway. New York Governor Cuomo was asked about the tragic number of deaths in New York nursing homes due to the coronavirus.
There is a huge difference between
Christine Blasey Ford and Tara Reade
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 5:29:59 AM Post Reply
When Tara Reade, a former staffer in the office of then-Sen. Joe Biden, stepped forward to make a claim that Biden had sexually violated her, an endless stream of commentary ensued: It’s hard to not believe her if you believed Christine Blasey Ford (who accused Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexual assault when both were teenagers). Democrats are in a pickle! Live by the “believe women” rule! This effort at moral equivalency made the same error that all such comparisons do: It attempted to treat unequal things as equal. In the case of Ford, she had never changed her account of an assault at a party, which Kavanaugh denies.
Sen. Kennedy: Republicans Tried To See
Coronavirus Relief Pelosi’s Way, ‘But We Can’t
Get Our Heads That Far Up Our Rear Ends’
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 5:19:37 AM Post Reply
Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy called the House Democrats’ latest attempt at coronavirus relief “dead as fried chicken.” Kennedy explained his reasoning during a conversation with Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures.” Bartiromo asked Kennedy directly why he would say that the bill, which proposes another $3 trillion in relief spending, was “dead as fried chicken.” “That’s $3 trillion,” Kennedy began, listing the zeros one by one for impact. “It’s not going to pass the Senate nor should it. My fellow Republicans in the Senate have tried to see things from the Speaker’s point of view, but we can’t get our heads that far up our rear ends,
Forget About Seeing
Any Justice For Obamagate
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 5:15:42 AM Post Reply
Allow me to disabuse you of your naïve delusion that we still live in a country with a justice system and break it to you that no one is going to jail for what was done to Flynn, or for the unmasking business, or for the Russia hoax or, for that matter, for any of the corrupt Dem/foreigner collaborations exemplified by the payoffs received by stripperphile and Bolivian folk medicine enthusiast Hoover Biden. No one. Well, maybe Mike Flynn himself will. Since his judge is now making up the law as he goes along – in law school they taught us that the judicial branch didn’t prosecute,
The smart way for post-coronavirus pandemic
NYC to save money: Stop recycling
Posted by Pluperfect 5/18/2020 5:06:51 AM Post Reply
The financial pressure of the coronavirus pandemic has led Mayor de Blasio to do what he’s never done before: propose reductions in New York City’s sprawling $93 billion budget. A good place to start would be the city’s recycling collection program. That may seem like eco-sacrilege but in extraordinary times nothing should be sacrosanct. For recycling, the numbers don’t add up. By sending recyclables to safe landfills — and avoiding the cost of separate collection — the city could save nearly $200 million. At a time when COVID-19 puts frontline workers, including the city’s 7,000 uniformed Sanitation workers (New York’s fabled “Strongest”),
How Many COVID-19 Deaths Are There? replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/18/2020 4:55:35 AM Post Reply
Deborah Birx, the physician advising the White House’s coronavirus task force, gave voice to a real concern earlier this month. She told officials from the Centers for Disease Control that some of its numbers on mortality and case count could be inflated by up to 25 percent. “There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,” the Washington Post reported Birx saying. We now know more about what she was talking about, since Colorado has become the first state to publish two different numbers. One number is derived using a definition mandated by the CDC, which issued guidelines on March 24 specifying that “COVID-19
Why No Spike as States Reopen? replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/18/2020 4:51:18 AM Post Reply
This morning on the Sunday talk shows, Alex Azar pointed out that in states that have reopened ahead of the others, like Florida and Georgia, there has not been an increase in COVID cases and deaths: “We are seeing that in places that are opening, we’re not seeing this spike in cases,” Azar said on CNN’s “State of the Union” program. “We still see spikes in some areas that are, in fact, closed.” However, Azar said identifying and reporting new cases takes time. … “It’s still early days,” Azar cautioned
Widespread testing might not work in
America. We love our ‘freedom’ too much.
Posted by Pluperfect 5/18/2020 4:46:38 AM Post Reply
Public health professionals are focused on expanding coronavirus infection testing nationwide. “Testing is outbreak control 101, because what testing lets you do is figure out who’s infected and who’s not, and that lets you separate out the infected people from the noninfected people and bring the disease under control,” Harvard professor Ashish Jha says. As Tom Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told The Washington Post, “Our ability to get to the new normal depends to a great extent on our ability to test, isolate, contact trace and quarantine.” Public health leaders are essentially unanimous:
Rogue Judge Sullivan replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 4:38:41 AM Post Reply
Emmet Sullivan, the U.S. District Court judge presiding over the Michael Flynn criminal trial, has delayed ruling on the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss all charges against Flynn in order to get a third party’s views. Sullivan’s action is unconstitutional, cruel, and an enormous abuse of his judicial power. A federal criminal case has only two parties, the defendant and the federal prosecutors, for very fundamental reasons. The enforcement of federal law is a function of only the executive branch under Article 2 of the Constitution. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure enable some interested parties to intervene to protect their interests in civil cases. There is no analogous provision
Lindsey's Obamaphobia replies
Posted by shazbot123 5/18/2020 4:37:16 AM Post Reply
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who loves to bloviate on cable news and the talk shows, is the man who has launched a thousand excuses to not hold hearings on the Deep State attempt to overthrow duly elected President Donald J. Trump. Can’t muddy up the waters with all this stuff going on, Graham opined. He just might disturb someone else’s investigation. Running out of excuses and time, Graham has scheduled hearings in June, but with one very important proviso...
Blame governors for the coronavirus
deaths in nursing homes
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 4:36:29 AM Post Reply
An article in Nowhere Magazine several years ago explored the ways ancient cultures dispatched the elderly, a practice known as senicide. Author Justin Nobel recounted several gruesome rites that made the Inuit habit of putting Granny on an Arctic ice floe seem humane. At one point, Nobel mentioned that his own grandparents had moved “to a fancy nursing home in the suburbs of New York City.” That made me shudder. If they are honest, historians judging the American experience during the coronavirus pandemic will excoriate our barbaric failure to protect the elderly.
Evidence suggests sun entering
‘solar minimum’ stage: reports
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 4:31:43 AM Post Reply
There have been 100 days since there were any recorded sunspots, which one expert says is evidence that we are entering a phase called solar minimum, reports said. There have been whispers on social media about an impending Ice Age (Just What We Need!), but NASA scientists have said we should not be overly worried, according to “So far this year, the Sun has been blank 76 percent of the time, a rate surpassed only once before in the Space Age,” reported, according to Forbes. “Last year, 2019, the Sun was blank 77 percent of the time. Two consecutive years of record-setting spotlessness
Battle over House Dems' coronavirus
aid bill sends these messages
Posted by MissMolly 5/18/2020 4:28:40 AM Post Reply
House Democrats were “bringing us all back today for a vote that will go nowhere,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said of the $3 trillion coronavirus bill approved Friday night. The measure may not go “anywhere,” but it will likely serve as a marker and send a message, in more ways than one. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was sending a message by getting the bill passed. On the other hand, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was sending a message by vowing not to pass the bill. And, like most things in Congress, the sides likely will meet somewhere in the middle. That, in fact, would mean the likelihood
VIDEO: Neighbors Send Man with Cerebral
Palsy Cards, Gifts to Lift Spirits During
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:47:15 AM Post Reply
A man with cerebral palsy in Seward, Nebraska, is feeling loved thanks to community members who heard he needed some cheering up amid the coronavirus pandemic. Dee Soflin’s brother, Marc Bogert, has cerebral palsy and is a resident at the Ridgewood Rehabilitation and Care Center, KOLN reported. According to his sister, Marc is a social butterfly who never stops smiling. “His favorite spot, from what I’m understanding, is by the nurse’s station so he can be the greeter. He’s just — he’s such a good guy,” she said. However, because of the health crisis, Marc’s movement around the facility has been limited,
‘Wizard of Oz’ Draws Sold-Out Crowd at
Maine Drive-in Movie Theater
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:38:49 AM Post Reply
The Pride’s Corner drive-in movie theater in Westbrook, Maine, reopened on Saturday to a sold-out crowd of moviegoers who packed the lot for a showing of the 1939 classic Wizard of Oz. “It feels very nice because I’ve been inside so long,” said Emma Ferris, one of the moviegoers. “It feels good to be able to see a movie again.” A local ABC news affiliate reported that guests were required to park their vehicles between poles that were specifically installed to ensure that each car remained at a safe distance apart and that social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines were also enforced on the premises.
Maher On OCD Pandemic Overreaction: ‘What’s
The Point Of Life If You Can’t Live It?’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:28:57 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, host Maher used his “New Rule” segment to talk about the dangers of overreacting to the COVID-19 pandemic. “New rule: the next time we have a worldwide pandemic, we have to come up with a better solution than everyone becomes Howie Mandel,” Maher stated. The host then spoke about how everyone loves comedian Howie Mandel, but that his obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is “a disease” that has brought great pain to the comedian over the course of his life. “He can’t touch a doorknob or wear shoes with laces [because] they might touch the ground,” Maher noted before quoting Mandel himself.
Democrat Congressman Steven Horsford
Admits Sex Scandal With Ex-Senate Intern.
Resignation Calls Grow.
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:23:36 AM Post Reply
Calls for Democrat Rep. Steven Horsford (NV) to resign from the U.S. Congress exploded over the weekend after he admitted to having an affair with an intern who worked for former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV). Gabriela “Linder said the affair began in 2009, when she met Horsford — then the majority leader of the Nevada state Senate — during her time as an intern in former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Nevada office,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. “They had a sexual relationship that continued intermittently until September 2019, Linder said, though the two remained in contact until April. Linder never worked for Horsford in any capacity.”
The Hypocrisy Of Alyssa Milano Returns replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:18:25 AM Post Reply
Alyssa Milano is a walking series of contradictions. After leading the charge to vilify Brett Kavanaugh with unfounded claims while proclaiming that every woman’s claim of sexual assault be believed without question, suddenly, she’s quiet and very concerned “giving men their due process” when Tara Reade accuses her presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault. And she strongly believes in social distancing … That is until she realized that suspending all elective medical procedures includes abortion. Now, she suddenly wants people to have freedom to visit the doctor … But only if you’re having an abortion, of course.
Google Erases the Existence of Those Who
Speak Unwelcome Truths
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:09:48 AM Post Reply
Daniel Greenfield, the peerless Shillman Fellow and FrontPage writer, tweeted the news on May 7: “Google just erased my Sultan Knish blog and Front Page Mag articles from the first pages of results for my name doubt very much this is accidental.” I did too, so I checked for myself, and sure enough: a Google search for “Robert Spencer” now does not bring up Jihad Watch, where most of my writing outside of books has been published for the last seventeen years, but it does give you defamatory and distorted attack pieces from the far-Left Southern Poverty Law Center and the Saudi-funded Bridge Initiative,
SpaceX to send Class of 2020
graduation photos to space
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 3:09:39 AM Post Reply
NASA and SpaceX are set to launch American astronauts to space from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011, and they want the class of 2020 to go with them.SpaceX will be creating a mosaic of the planet Earth using graduation photos and will be sending it along with astronauts Douglas Hurley and Bob Behnken to the International Space Station.Photos from preschool graduation to grad school are being accepted. You can submit your photos at deadline to submit your photos is 11 a.m. CDT on Wednesday, May 20, so be sure to get them in soon!
Michael Flynn Versus Nidal Hasan replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 3:07:24 AM Post Reply
The Department of Justice has halted the prosecution of Gen. Michael Flynn but judge Emmet Sullivan, who thought the charge should have been treason, is bringing in retired judge John Gleason to argue against the DOJ. The delay provides time to contrast the campaign against Gen. Flynn with government actions against another U.S. military officer. Gen. Flynn, a Democrat, regarded the previous president as a weak leader and spineless coddler of terrorists. In his speech to the Republican convention in 2016 Flynn said, “We should always remember that our country, was built upon Judeo-Christian values and principles.”
Elon Musk stirs the pot with
cryptic 'red pill' tweet
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 2:48:17 AM Post Reply
Tech billionaire Elon Musk, who has emerged as a champion of defying stay-at-home orders intended to stop the coronavirus from spreading, stirred the pot with a cryptic tweet Sunday. "Take the red pill," the Tesla CEO wrote to his 34 million followers.(Tweet) Some followers saw it as a sign that Musk was pushing for the conservative cause. Adviser to the president and first daughter Ivanka Trump later retweeted it, adding the word: “Taken!” (Tweet) "Take the red pill" is a line from the popular 1999 movie “The Matrix” about seeking the unvarnished truth: "You take the blue pill,
Should Flynn’s Team Seek a Writ of Mandamus? replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:39:47 AM Post Reply
After the Department of Justice decided to drop the case against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, it seemed like the presiding judge’s signature was a mere formality. Unfortunately, however, Federal District Judge Emmet Sullivan issued an order inviting third party groups with no interest in the case to file amicus briefs second-guessing the department’s decision to drop the case. Given past precedent, Flynn could very well seek a writ of mandamus based on the court’s unacceptable decision to politicize his case. A writ of mandamus is an extraordinary writ. In Kerr v. United States District Court, the Supreme Court discussed this unusual remedy, stating:
COVID-19 Proves America Needs Economic
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:35:25 AM Post Reply
Reports of a deadly new virus began trickling out of China in December. The infection spread rapidly. By March 12, the World Health Organization deemed COVID-19 a global pandemic. The next day President Trump declared COVID-19 a “national emergency” that would require the “full power of the federal government” to handle. Many assumed this meant building temporary hospitals to care for COVID-19 patients. Others thought the government would provide local authorities with emergency medical supplies. Some imagined we would develop a vaccine. Instead, the government shut down the economy and forced Americans to “social distance”—destroying more than 36 million jobs and at least $2 trillion in economic output
Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Calls US
Soldiers B______ And Appears To Call
For Communist Revolution
Posted by Ketchuplover 5/18/2020 2:31:27 AM Post Reply
Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, believes in making “hella edits” to the US Constitution, abolishing capitalism and that US soldiers are b____es, per her Tik Tok accounts. Hirsi, age 17, was born during Omar’s now dissolved marriage to Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi. In addition to serving as the co-founder and co-executive director of the U.S. Youth Climate Strike, she also runs two Tik Tok accounts where she posts about her socialist political beliefs. Tik Tok is a Chinese-owned social media platform that allows users to post short videos, often in response to other videos
It's the future economy, stupid: Trump bets
his reelection on better times ahead
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:26:20 AM Post Reply
At the center of President Trump’s reelection campaign is a simple message: America is back and ready to turn the page on the coronavirus and its economic fallout. “Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back,” Trump declared at a White House event on Friday. This is usually the argument an incumbent president makes during an economic boom or a victory over a great national challenge. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” reelection theme came after stagflation was whipped and the economy was growing at 6.8%. Trump is making this argument while the coronavirus still rages, and, as he acknowledged, there is no vaccine.
Zinke says Biden’s plan to ban fossil fuel
drilling on federal lands is ‘nuts’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:22:52 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would threaten U.S. energy security with his proposal to end fossil fuel drilling on federal lands, former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said. "It's nuts," he said of Biden's pledge to ban drilling on public lands. The Obama administration had placed a moratorium on coal mining on federal lands in 2016, a policy Zinke quickly reversed in one of his first acts as interior secretary. Biden's climate plan would go further, banning new oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters. Energy analysts say the policy likely wouldn't significantly decrease greenhouse gas emissions, because most drilling occurs on private land.
Start your engines! Nascar returns to empty
grandstands as tracks remain closed amid
coronavirus pandemic - but fans still turn
up to cheer and tailgate outside
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 2:22:03 AM Post Reply
Nascar became the latest professional sports league to restart their season as engines roared at a South Carolina racetrack on Sunday for its first event back.The Real Heroes 400 cup series, in honor of frontline healthcare workers, kicked off the week with a highly anticipated race at the famous Darlington Raceway. NASCAR was dark for the past 10 weeks, the only glimpse of racing coming virtually during a series of gaming events after it shut its doors in March. Inside the race track, stadium seating was idle as fans were not allowed inside to sit in the shoulder-to-shoulder seating.
On reopening decisions, look at data, not
at models
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:19:34 AM Post Reply
“There are things called models,” Dr. Anthony Fauci explained to CNN’s Jake Tapper in March. “And when someone creates a model, they put in various assumptions. And the model is only as good and as accurate as your assumptions.” Over the past several months, models attempting to project outcomes have shown their limits. In March, the Imperial College model shocked the world with a projection that, without any interventions, the United States could lose 2.2 million people. The only solution, the paper argued, was widespread lockdown. Any loosening up of these lockdowns, it warned, would lead to a significant surge in cases and the collapse of the healthcare system.
Rowe: COVID-19 Aftermath Will Expose
‘Luxury Brand’ Higher Education, A
‘Breathtakingly Overpriced Product’
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 2:13:46 AM Post Reply
On Saturday, Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” uploaded part three of a recent interview with Mike Rowe, former host of “Dirty Jobs” and founder of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, to his YouTube channel. You can check out parts one and two here and here. After talking about how many of his guests “come from academia,” and that much discussion surrounds “cancel culture” and “outrage culture” at universities, Rubin asked Rowe to discuss his foundation, skilled trades, and what’s “happening with higher ed” in the pandemic era. Rowe replied
Republicans launch drive to cast Democrats
as China appeasers
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:13:39 AM Post Reply
Republicans are accusing Democrats of appeasing China as part of an accelerating advertising campaign to hold the White House and to win seats in Congress this November. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry launched the latest salvo in this expanding offensive. After state lawmaker Kate Bolz won the Democratic nomination in Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District, Fortenberry targeted his challenger with digital and radio advertising that suggests she is defending China despite mounting evidence Beijing covered up the coronavirus outbreak and caused needless deaths and economic devastation in the United States. Senior Republican strategists expect this message to dominate the fall campaign at all levels.
At least 1 dead after Canadian military jet
saluting front-line coronavirus workers
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:10:38 AM Post Reply
A Canadian acrobatic military jet intended to celebrate first responders combating the coronavirus pandemic crashed in British Columbia, killing at least one person. The plane for the Canadian Armed Forces Snowbird, which is the equivalent of the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels, was participating in a cross-country tour aimed at boosting the morale of Canadians on Sunday when it crashed in a residential neighborhood. The failed flight was part of “Operation Inspiration,” a nationwide mission to salute healthcare and other essential workers. According to the Canadian Royal Air Force, the incident occurred in Kamloops, northeast of Vancouver. In addition to the death of a crew member, another was seriously injured.
California town declares itself 'sanctuary
city' for businesses, opens up in defiance
of stay-at-home order
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 2:01:31 AM Post Reply
A central California city has declared itself a “sanctuary city” for businesses and will open up in defiance of the state’s stay-at-home order. The city council in Atwater passed a resolution Friday allowing businesses to open despite Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order for businesses to remain closed, according to ABC30's Vanessa Vasconcelos. [Tweet] “A resolution of the city council of the city of Atwater affirming the city’s commitment to fundamental rights of life, liberty, and property, and declaring the city of Atwater a sanctuary city for all businesses,” the resolution stated. California issued a statewide shelter-in-place order on March 19,
Democrats are exposing themselves
in Michael Flynn case: Devine
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 1:51:24 AM Post Reply
Samantha Power was “the largest unmasker of US persons in our country’s history,” then-Rep. Trey Gowdy said in October 2017, when he was interviewing her during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe.As US ambassador to the United Nations, she made hundreds of “unmasking” requests during the final year of the Obama administration, although her post had no obvious intelligence function.She asked that the identity of Gen. Michael Flynn be revealed in classified intelligence reports seven times between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration of President Trump
Lawsuit Against Cuomo Alleges 'Bloodless
Coup' Has Stripped New Yorkers of Their
Constitutional Rights
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 1:50:00 AM Post Reply
The lawfare part of the lockdowns has begun in earnest with lawsuits being filed across the country against governors who ordered private businesses closed indefinitely with no due process and stripped them of their constitutional rights because of the Chinese coronavirus panic. The latest lawsuit was filed by New York protesters in Rochester whose businesses have been shuttered by executive fiat. The filing of the lawsuit was announced at a rally organized by RestartROC on Saturday. [Tweet] The group of business owners includes local radio talk show host Shannon Joy, Firing Pin gun shop owner Brandon Lewis, and Libertarian candidate for Congress Duane Whitmer, among others.
It's the future economy, stupid: Trump
bets his reelection on better times
Posted by Imright 5/18/2020 1:47:02 AM Post Reply
At the center of President Trump’s reelection campaign is a simple message: America is back and ready to turn the page on the coronavirus and its economic fallout. “Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back,” Trump declared at a White House event on Friday. This is usually the argument an incumbent president makes during an economic boom or a victory over a great national challenge. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” reelection theme came after stagflation was whipped and the economy was growing at 6.8%.Trump is making this argument while the coronavirus still rages, and, as he acknowledged, there is no vaccine.
Trump Approval Bests Obama, Bush at Same
Point In Their Terms
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 1:41:10 AM Post Reply
On his 1209th day in office, Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at 49 percent. This number is better than the approval for Barack Obama (47 percent) also on the 1209th day in office, and George Bush (46 percent) on the 1205th day in office. The poll measured the approval of Trump from all adults. Interestingly, Trump’s numbers are better than four of the last six presidents. Washington Examiner: Also, at this stage of their presidencies and heading into the reelection, Bill Clinton was at 55% approval, George H.W. Bush at 40%, Ronald Reagan at 52%, and Jimmy Carter at 38%. Obama, George W. Bush, Clinton, and Reagan won reelection.
Cuomo Defends Nursing Home Policy: 'Older
People, Vulnerable People Are Going to Die'
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 12:57:23 AM Post Reply
New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo is under fire for his disastrous policy of sending elderly Wuhan coronavirus patients to nursing homes. President Trump even approved a temporary hospital at New York City's Javitz Center to house and treat coronavirus patients. The president also sent a floating hospital packed with emergency supplies to New York to make additional space. But with a fawning press behind him, Gov. Cuomo decided in all his wisdom that elderly people, sick and contagious with the Wuhan coronavirus, should be sent instead to nursing homes full of other elderly, vulnerable people. The policy went on for weeks.
Why the Lockdown Lost replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2020 12:48:24 AM Post Reply
The nationwide lockdown during the 2020 global COVID-19 crisis will be the debate of historians for decades to come. On one side, pointy-brained lab coats in ivory towers, some of whom had been less-than-successful physicians, found themselves anointed with the inebriation of power. Hollywood stars invited them onto their podcasts. News networks fawned at how they seemed so much more enlightened than the orange man. Their nightly appearance on cable news and network-wide daily two-hour press conferences caused more people to know their name than at any time of their career. With so many trappings their doom was sure, but the price of that failure cost more lives than it should have.
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