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Posts on Saturday, May 9, 2020

Italy to restart Catholic Masses this month
ahead of schedule
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 11:52:36 PM Post Reply
Italians will be able to attend Mass starting May 18 after a meeting between top bishops and Italy’s prime minister resulted in a plan to reopen religious services after they were shut down during the coronavirus pandemic. When the churches do reopen, there will be stringent guidelines in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Restrictions will include priests wearing gloves while giving communion and churchgoers wearing face masks. Additionally, collection plates will be set aside in favor of bins at church entrances, where adherents can place money safely. The move comes the same week as the country's church leaders blasted Italy’s government
'No reason why we can't open up now': Diner
owner tells Andrew Cuomo to reopen upstate
New York
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 11:50:23 PM Post Reply
A restaurant owner in upstate New York is calling on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to reopen the economy and lift lockdown restrictions meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus. "It's been devastating economically to businesses that have closed [and] are never going to reopen,” Crazy Otto's Empire Diner owner Scott Tranter told Fox News on Saturday. “We had 22 employees that we had to lay off. We just got the Paycheck Protection Program brought ... 15 of them back last week.” "If you look at the statistics, if you look at the data, there's no reason why we can't open up now, and that's my message to the governor," he said.
Gowdy ready to expose reporters who 'aided
and abetted' Adam Schiff during Russia investigation
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 11:45:29 PM Post Reply
Former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy says voting out Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff is not enough punishment for the damage he has done to President Trump and the intelligence community. During a Friday night appearance on Hannity, Gowdy told the Fox News host he also wants reporters who advanced the fake Russian collusion story to be named publicly and that he's willing to do it. "The media, not only did they not provide scrutiny over Adam Schiff, they aided and abetted him," Gowdy said. "Politico, the Hill, Washington Post, New York Times, I'll come on and even give you the reporters' names sometimes.
Alex Marlow: Biden’s #MeToo Scandal Could
take Out a Generation of Democrat Women
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 10:56:21 PM Post Reply
Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow recently discussed the dismissal by women within the Democrat Party of the recent sexual assault allegations waged against former Vice President Joe Biden. “Joe Biden has zero evidence to suggest he wasn’t a criminal here,” Marlow said, before describing Tara Reade’s consistency with the allegations. “It fits a pattern. The eighth time a woman has said Biden had been inappropriate with them throughout his career. This is a woman who was a Biden employee.”
Elon Musk says Tesla HQ 'will move to
Texas or Nevada immediately' after
California county health official says factory
CAN'T reopen - despite Gov Gavin Newsom
giving it green light
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 10:37:03 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk has announced that he plans to move the Tesla HQ to Texas and Nevada 'immediately' after a California county health official said that the plant could not reopen. The disgruntled CEO took to a comment thread on Twitter to share that he was also planning to file a lawsuit against Alameda County. Musk's fury was directed towards Alameda County Health Officer Erica Pan, who on Friday announced that the Fremont company would not be able to reopen, despite California Governor Gavin Newsom lifting some coronavirus restrictions. 'Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately,'
Why is Obama Panicking Now? – The
Importance of Understanding Political
Surveillance In The Era of President Obama…
Posted by earlybird 5/9/2020 10:35:10 PM Post Reply
Why is former President Obama calling forth all his defensive resources now? Why did former national security advisor Susan Rice write her cya letter? Why have republicans in congress not been willing to investigate the true origins of political surveillance? What is the reason for so much anger, desperation and opposition from a variety of interests? With the release of recent transcripts and the declassification of material from within the IG report, the Carter Page FISA and Flynn documents showing FBI activity, there is a common misconception about why the intelligence apparatus began investigating the Trump campaign in the first place. Why was Donald Trump considered a
When TV and Film Still Had Heart replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 10:27:04 PM Post Reply
There is a real darkness in our country and, no, it isn’t the president’s fault. He has simply amplified a hidden sentiment that has been masked for a long time. This goes for all forms of media, but specifically, it applies to movies, television, and obviously the news. I’d include music, but I have zero idea what the kids are listening to nowadays. Saying the media is biased is like saying Led Zeppelin is your favorite band, so let’s just go down the path of television and movies. I was blessed to be a 1980s child, a time when movies were so unrealistic they were a thing of beauty.
Exclusive—‘A Red Shockwave’: Navy Fighter
Pilot Mike Garcia Aims to Flip
California Seat Back to GOP
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 10:25:45 PM Post Reply
Mike Garcia, a retired U.S. Navy Fighter pilot running in California’s 25th congressional district special election upcoming on Tuesday, is aiming to try to launch what he calls “a red shockwave” across the country by retaking the seat for Republicans.The district, which had been Republican for many years, fell to the Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections when now former Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) won it as part of the “blue wave” on election night. Hill has since resigned after being caught in a scandal encompassing lewd relationships with staff members, forcing this special election on Tuesday.Garcia, the GOP nominee, appeared on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125
Three Times Joe Biden Was Reportedly
Involved with the Russia Collusion Hoax
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 10:04:18 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump hinted that Barack Obama and Joe Biden could soon be implicated for their alleged roles in the controversial Russia collusion investigation. “There’s more to come from what I understand, and they’re going to be far greater than what you’ve seen so far, and what you’ve seen so far is incredible, especially as it relates to President Obama,” Trump said during an appearance Friday on Fox & Friends when discussing Obama’s role in the Russia probe. “I believe he and Biden…Sleepy Joe was involved in this also, very much, and other people around President Obama were totally involved,” Trump said.
Why the dismissal of
Michael Flynn’s case could
win Trump reelection
Posted by sagman 5/9/2020 9:46:55 PM Post Reply
Until Thursday, Donald Trump’s reelection chances were not looking good. The booming economy — the lynchpin of his reelection campaign — lay in a COVID-induced coma, his near-daily jousting with a contemptuous press corps was yielding diminishing returns, and the Democratic leadership was salivating at running the cardboard-cutout version of Joe Biden against their hated enemy, trapped in the White House by the coronavirus panic. What a difference a couple of days makes. With the stunning announcement Thursday that the Justice Department was dropping all charges against Mike Flynn, Trump’s short-lived first national security adviser, the tables have suddenly turned.
Fauci to begin 'modified quarantine' replies
Posted by happywarrior 5/9/2020 9:45:40 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House's coronavirus task force, tells CNN he will begin a "modified quarantine" after making a "low risk" contact with the White House staffer who tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The "low risk" assessment means he was not in close proximity to the person who tested positive during the time when that person was known to be positive for the virus.
Comey Told Congress He Didn’t Know
If Michael Flynn Lied To FBI: Transcript
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 9:38:59 PM Post Reply
A congressional transcript from March 2017 released Thursday showed that then-FBI Director James Comey was uncertain whether Michael Flynn had knowingly lied to the FBI during a White House interview weeks earlier. Comey questioned a Justice Department official’s theory that Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail, according to the transcript. Comey’s statements to the House Intelligence Committee on March 2, 2017, have been the subject of intense speculation over the past several years, particularly regarding his comments on Flynn.
N.J. man killed pedestrian with his
car then fled, prosecutor says
Posted by Ribicon 5/9/2020 9:21:08 PM Post Reply
A Paterson man is accused of fatally hitting a man with his car before fleeing the scene, authorities said. Police arrested Fabio Campos Azofeifa, 47, and charged him with vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella said in a statement. Campos Azofeifa was being held in the Bergen County Jail pending a first court appearance. At 8:19 p.m. Friday, Hackensack Police responded to the report of a pedestrian hit on Court Street, across the street from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office building. When officers arrived, they found a man, identified as James Dixon, of Hackensack,
Don Jr. makes spot-on prediction
for Sunday talk shows this week
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 9:17:44 PM Post Reply

Though so many new bombshells in the Russian collusion delusion hoax and conspiracy theory emerged this week, Donald Trump Jr. is confident they’ll receive limited (if any at all) coverage during the mainstream media’s Sunday shows. “Who wants to bet that rather than focusing on all the real damning info in the Leftist Government Officials testimony’s (which amazingly were never leaked) right now mainstream media is scouring my 30 hours of testimony for grammatical errors to highlight on the Sunday shows???” he tweeted late Saturday. Look: (Tweet)

Democrats propose coronavirus relief
package to send $2,000 to each American
every month until after the pandemic
is over
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 9:13:52 PM Post Reply
Democrat senators have released plans for a coronavirus relief package to send $2,000 to each American every month until after the pandemic is over. Senators Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey introduced a bill Friday to send a direct payment of $2,000 each month to people who make less than $120,000, as record job losses have left millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. Unemployment hit historic highs this week, with the US economy losing a staggering 20.5 million jobs in April - the steepest plunge since the Great Depression. The Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act put forward by the three Democrats aims to expand on the
Ten new COVID-19 deaths
reported, 3,011 cases to date
Posted by NHChemist 5/9/2020 8:59:09 PM Post Reply
Ten more New Hampshire residents have died from COVID-19, state health officials announced Saturday, as the total number of cases here surpassed 3,000. The Department of Health and Human Services reported 71 new positive test results for COVID-19. There have now been 3,011 cases identified in the state since the crisis began. (Snip) The two southernmost counties, bordering Massachusetts, have been the hardest hit in the pandemic here. There have been 670 cases identified in Manchester, 283 in Nashua and 670 in the rest of Hillsborough, bringing the countywide total to 1,404.
The Nation’s Report Card replies
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 8:31:51 PM Post Reply
The Department of Education just released results of the quadrennial National Assessment of Educational Progress tests in U.S. history, civics and geography given in 2018 to thousands of American eighth-graders: “Grade 8 Students’ NAEP Scores Decline in Geography and U.S. History; Results in Civics Unchanged Since 2014.”The tests were administered from January to March 2018 to a nationally representative sample of 42,700 eighth-graders from about 780 schools. The news is not very good. Only 24% of students performed at or above the “proficient” level in civics. Worse yet, only 15% scored proficient or above in American history and 25% were proficient in geography
Flynn prosecutor's contested claims impacted judge's
pivotal December opinion, FBI docs suggest
Posted by poster 5/9/2020 7:30:23 PM Post Reply
Newly released FBI documents suggest a federal judge in Washington was swayed by apparent misrepresentations from a top prosecutor when he issued a memorandum opinion in December 2019 -- a ruling that marked one of the lowest points in former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn's effort to withdraw a guilty plea on a charge of lying to investigators. In the pivotal Dec. 16, 2019, memorandum opinion, D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan denied Flynn’s request that the government be compelled to search for and produce additional exculpatory "Brady" material. That decision now appears to have been heavily based on inaccurate or misleading claims by top prosecutor Brandon Van Grack.
New York's Cuomo says
3 children have died
from coronavirus-related mystery ailment
Posted by Hermoine 5/9/2020 5:58:57 PM Post Reply
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday that three young children in New York have died after being hospitalized with a rare and mysterious COVID-19 related illness. One of the deaths was a 5-year-old boy on Thursday. At his daily coronavirus briefing in Manhattan, Cuomo said the news was “disturbing.” “This is the last thing we need at this time,” he said. New York hospitals have reported 73 cases involving children experiencing symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease and toxic shock-like syndrome possibly due to COVID-19.
5 SoCal counties have 71% of all California
COVID-19 cases — and 80% of hospitalizations
Posted by NorthernDog 5/9/2020 5:40:46 PM Post Reply
New California data released Saturday show how the majority of cases and deaths, as well as current hospitalizations, are concentrated in Southern California. California on Saturday said it has 2,678 fatalities from coronavirus, up 93 from a day prior, a rise of 3.6%. There are now 64,561 confirmed cases statewide, up 2,049 cases from a day earlier, a rise of 3.3% A total of 912,570 tests have been conducted in California and reported to the California Department of Public Health, officials said Saturday. Gov. Gavin Newsom has set a goal of testing 60,000 residents daily; 37,298 new tests were conducted
A Pandemic of Illogic replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 5:29:17 PM Post Reply
When dealing with politicians, the less logical the statement or action, the more political the statement or action. This truism is notably evident as we contend with the pandemic of COVID-19 and its attendant pandemic of illogic. For example, Governors Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.), Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.), and Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), have instituted continuing lockdowns—some of questionable state and federal constitutional validity—to defeat the novel coronavirus. In Whitmer’s case, she has been notoriously lax about providing the sources of and the actual data driving her decision—now a unilateral one— to extend her emergency powers over the citizenry, not for the purpose of “flattening the curve” (which already has been done),
Why the Justice Department Kept This
Mueller Scope Memo a Secret
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 5:25:38 PM Post Reply
Now that the Justice Department belatedly has admitted that the entire investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was a sham, it is time to turn to the bigger picture. On August 2, 2017, acting attorney general (for all matters involving the Trump-Russia collusion hoax) Rod Rosenstein signed a memorandum expanding the jurisdiction of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. Almost a year after Mueller released his report, the expanded jurisdiction memorandum remained a secret until Wednesday. A third jurisdiction memorandum remains secret. It is unclear why the Department of Justice says it kept this memo secret until now or why it continues to keep the third memo secret to this day.
Obama rattled in leaked private call,
says dropping Michael Flynn case
means ‘rule of law is at risk’
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 5:24:25 PM Post Reply
The man who very likely had an oversight role in destroying former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s life actually said during a private call this week that letting him off the hook threatens “the rule of law.”In a call with former members of his administration, Barack Obama not only criticized the Justice Department’s decision to drop its case against Flynn, who briefly served as President Donald Trump’s top security consultant, but he blasted the administration’s coronavirus response as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said
Obama says coronavirus response
has been a ‘chaotic disaster,' blames
‘selfish’ mindset
Posted by JunkYardDog 5/9/2020 5:18:55 PM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama on Friday said that the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been an “absolute chaotic disaster” and blamed it on a “selfish” and “tribal” mindset that has become operationalized in government. “This election that’s coming up on every level is so important because what we’re going to be battling is not just a particular individual or a political party. What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy — that has become a stronger impulse in American life,” he said.
It Never Ends: Now MSNBC Suggests
Vladimir Putin Was Behind DOJ Dropping
Case Against Michael Flynn
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 4:37:02 PM Post Reply
The media over the past few years has reported a false narrative that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during his 2016 campaign to steal the election.That narrative was proven false after a lengthy special counsel investigation found no evidence of such collusion. Media outlets and their Democrat supporters refused to acknowledge that they got the story wrong or that they were biased in their reporting. They are continuing that behavior now that the Department of Justice dropped its charges against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.FBI agents, in handwritten notes, questioned what the goal
Supreme Court unanimously rules encouraging
illegal immigrants to stay in US is criminal
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 4:32:14 PM Post Reply
In a rarity, the Supreme Court has issued a unanimous ruling in upholding a U.S. law that bars people from actively encouraging illegal immigrants to remain inside the country. All nine justices on Thursday overturned a ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals which had said a federal anti-harboring statute was unconstitutional because it allegedly violated the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee.In upholding the U.S. law, the high court also chastised the 9th Circuit judges for “drastically” veering from established judicial norms. And interestingly, the decision was written by one of the high court’s most liberal members, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
'Unhappy? Go To Another State,'
Murphy Tells NJ's Jobless
Posted by Ribicon 5/9/2020 4:27:29 PM Post Reply
In case you missed the end of Thursday's daily news briefing, Gov. Phil Murphy told anyone unhappy with the guy in charge of New Jersey unemployment to "Go to another state." The governor said anyone who doesn’t like state Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo can move. Murphy’s dismissive remark came when asked by a reporter about Bergen County Assemblyman Kevin Rooney’s call for the labor commissioner to fix the backlogged unemployment system or resign. Earlier, state officials announced that more than a million New Jersey residents have filed jobless claims due to the coronavirus pandemic—but that 300,000 still had to be processed.
Donald Trump Meets with Republicans Who
Mock Democrats for ‘Cowering’ at Home
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 4:19:09 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump on Friday afternoon met with House Republicans at the White House during the coronavirus pandemic.“We’re at a position where we have to start all over again, and we will start all over again, and we will build something that was even better than we had before,” Trump said.The president, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and several Republican members of Congress met in the State Dining Room of the White House on Friday afternoon, carefully spaced six feet apart.House Republicans praised Trump’s handling of the virus, noting that he was right to shift to reopening the country as quickly as possible.
San Antonio Condemns "Chinese Virus"
as "Hateful Speech,"Encourages Reporting
"to the Proper Authorities for Investigation"
Posted by mrdj 5/9/2020 2:32:21 PM Post Reply
A just-enacted San Antonio City Council resolution provides, in relevant part (emphasis added): WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a public health issue, not a racial, religious or ethnic one, and the deliberate use of terms such as "Chinese virus" or "Kung Fu virus" to describe COVID-19 only encourages hate crimes and incidents against Asians and further spreads misinformation at a time when communities should be working together to get through this crisis; and WHEREAS, the Jewish community has been targeted with blame, hate, antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories about their creating, spreading and profiting from COVID-19; and WHEREAS, to target and stigmatize specific communities for the COVID-19 outbreak and world- wide spread creates
Prince William and Kate Middleton
reveal Charlotte and George are
learning the words to We'll Meet Again
in VE Day video call to war veterans
Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2020 2:26:42 PM Post Reply
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were left tickled pink by stories of Churchill's 'secret' birthday message to his son when they chatted to Second World War veterans about their VE Day memories. (Snip) Kate revealed Prince George and Princess Charlotte have been asked by their teachers to learn Dame Vera Lynn's famous wartime anthem. She said: 'The school has set all the children a challenge and they're currently trying to learn the lyrics to the song We'll Meet Again... so it's been really lovely having that playing every day.'
Elon Musk says Tesla will sue 'irrational'
Alameda County, relocate headquarters
Posted by poster 5/9/2020 2:21:00 PM Post Reply
Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter Saturday morning to announce his company will file a lawsuit against Alameda County over its shelter-in-place order that does not allow for the return of manufacturing along with the rest of the state. "Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately," he tweeted. "The unelected & ignorant 'Interim Health Officer' of Alameda is acting contrary to the Governor, the President, our Constitutional freedoms & just plain common sense!" (snip)The local order is stricter than Governor Gavin Newsom's state order, which allowed for the return of retail and manufacturing on Friday. Local officials have declined to soften the order to be in line
'I am not a vigilante': Man who filmed shocking footage of
Ahmaud Arbery being shot dead says through his lawyer *
Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2020 1:38:11 PM Post Reply
The man who filmed the shocking footage of Ahmaud Arbery being shot dead has said through his lawyer that he followed him because there had been 'a number of crimes in the neighborhood' - despite cops saying there were no burglaries reported in the two months leading up to the jogger's murder. William 'Roddie' Bryan, a neighbor of Gregory and Travis McMichael, was pictured Friday for the first time since his cellphone footage exposing the brutal slaying of the innocent jogger was leaked this week, as his lawyer protested his innocence.(Snip) Gough also said the shooting simply 'start[ed] happening in front of him'
Women have been hit hardest by job losses in
the pandemic. And it may only get worse.
Posted by poster 5/9/2020 12:49:18 PM Post Reply
The last time Americans faced an economic crisis, it was called a "Mancession." As millions of people lost their jobs in the Great Recession, 70 percent were men, many in construction and manufacturing. This time, as job losses linked to the coronavirus pandemic dwarf what the country experienced in the 2007-2009 crisis, the heaviest toll is falling on women. Waitresses, day-care workers, hairstylists, hotel maids and dental hygienists are among the 20.5 million people who watched their jobs vanish in April - the most devastating spike in unemployment since the Great Depression. "I had a good rhythm going. I wasn't rich, I couldn't complain saying I was poor,"
Ted Cruz owns Joe Scarborough: ‘You
chased after Trump for 2 years like a
teenage girl throwing her panties’
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 12:33:40 PM Post Reply
Senator Ted Cruz verbally body-slammed MSNBC’s henpecked host Joe Scarborough by reminding him that he had “chased after Trump for 2 years like a teenage girl throwing her panties at the latest boy band” to book Donald Trump on his show before he became president.The feud erupted after Scarborough tweeted a deceptively-edited video suggesting that Vice President Mike Pence was carrying empty boxes of personal protective equipment (PPE) as part of a staged photo-op.However, the full C-Span video debunked the fake news when it showed Pence (who’s in charge of the White House coronavirus task force) carrying full boxes of PPE and later joking
J.C. Penney 'will file for bankruptcy and
plans to permanently close around 200
of its stores' - just days after Neiman Marcus
and J.Crew also filed amid the economic
fallout from the coronavirus pandemic
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 12:30:13 PM Post Reply
J.C. Penney Co is preparing to file for bankruptcy protection as soon as next week with plans to permanently close about a quarter of its roughly 850 stores, becoming the latest major U.S. retailer to succumb to fallout from the coronavirus outbreak, according to people familiar with the matter. A bankruptcy filing would cap a long decline for the iconic 118-year-old department store chain, which struggled with a nearly $4-billion debt load and competition from e-commerce firms even before the pandemic's onset.The Plano, Texas-based company, which employs nearly 85,000 people,
Menendez pushes for fed aid to
states Murphy says would avoid
mass layoffs in national address
Posted by Ribicon 5/9/2020 11:02:20 AM Post Reply
Congressional Democrats emphasized their demand for more federal funding for state and local governments by tapping U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez to deliver their weekly radio address on Saturday. Menendez, D-N.J., is the lead Democratic sponsor of bipartisan legislation providing $500 billion in federal funding for states to make up for revenue lost when they shut their economies to stop the spread of the coronavrius.(Snip) “This isn’t a blue state or red state issue, this is an American issue," Menendez said in his address. “If we ever want to get back to normal, to see businesses thrive, we need to ensure that our police
Power-Hungry Governors Must Understand
an Economy Is Like Dominoes
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 11:00:11 AM Post Reply
To say these last few weeks have been trying, nerve-wracking, confusing, and uncertain is the grossest of understatements.Even watching the president’s daily coronavirus briefings did little to glean enough information to form any solid opinions. The negative and abrasive questions of a totally biased media, the sometimes stilted science-speak of some of the officials and guests left you wondering what they actually said.The shutting down of America, the uncertainty of when the bans would be lifted and what the workplace would look like when they finally were, the problems of social distancing, wearing masks,
Social gathering reported as 'coronavirus
party,' Walla Walla Co. commissioners say
Posted by Ron_lfp 5/9/2020 10:56:17 AM Post Reply
Walla Walla County leaders are responding on Thursday after health officials walked back their claims that people in the county were holding "coronavirus parties" in an attempt to contract the disease. County health officials had previously said they knew of multiple instances of people hosting these parties, thinking they would be infected with the disease then develop immunity. The story got widespread attention and was picked up by local media outlets (snip) After the story ran on KREM on Wednesday, a Walla Walla County Health Department spokesperson reached out to "recall" their comments and explained that the parties weren't intended to infect people.
Little Richard, Founding Father of Rock
Who Broke Musical Barriers, Dead at 87
Posted by StormCnter 5/9/2020 10:56:14 AM Post Reply
Little Richard, a founding father of rock and roll whose fervent shrieks, flamboyant garb, and joyful, gender-bending persona embodied the spirit and sound of that new art form, died Saturday. He was 87. The musician’s son, Danny Jones Penniman, confirmed the pioneer’s death to Rolling Stone, but said the cause of death was unknown. Starting with “Tutti Frutti” in 1956, Little Richard cut a series of unstoppable hits – “Long Tall Sally” and “Rip It Up” that same year, “Lucille” in 1957, and “Good Golly Miss Molly” in 1958 – driven by his simple, pumping piano, gospel-influenced vocal exclamations and sexually charged (often gibberish) lyrics.
Maher: Trump Turning America ‘Into a
Failed State’ ‘More Important Than
Tara Reade Achieving Closure’
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 10:51:19 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher discussed the sexual assault allegations made by Tara Reade against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and stated that the matter is a he said, she said, and that “The entire world needs to be put back together like Humpty-Dumpty. Why should one person’s victimhood trump everyone else’s?”Maher began by saying, “Just because Fox News is obsessed with the Biden sex assault allegations, it doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be. You may have noticed that Donald Trump has one move, accuse you of the very thing he’s guilty of, puppet?
McKinley County healthcare
workers say hospital in disarray
Posted by cjjeepercreeper 5/9/2020 10:48:41 AM Post Reply

GALLUP, N.M.  – A New Mexico hospital is under siege tonight in one of the state’s biggest coronavirus hot spots. Healthcare workers in McKinley County said they are struggling in an environment that is unsafe for workers and patients. State Senator George Muñoz said the hospital recently lost its only pulmonologist, who monitors people on ventilators. Everyone requiring that care was flown out. More workers said they are on their way out too as they are overworked and understaffed. Nurses and doctors are the frontline workers fighting COVID-19. “That is who we take care of, our community,” one healthcare worker said. In hard-hit McKinley County, Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital is filled

GOP Congressman Paul Mitchell sues
Gretchen Whitmer over Coronavirus Handling
Posted by maryann4629 5/9/2020 10:40:26 AM Post Reply
LANSING – A Republican congressman sued Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in federal court Monday, alleging she has violated the constitution in her management of the coronavirus pandemic. U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell, R-Dryden Township, said he wants a judge to "define the limits of a state's police power."
Richard Grenell, a True Hero of Our Times replies
Posted by Garnet 5/9/2020 10:17:26 AM Post Reply
You may have noticed, as a mere citizen of this country, there are many things you are not supposed to know.You are not mature enough or intelligent enough to handle certain information. You are in, in effect, a child in a supposedly democratic republic. When Congress wishes to interview key players on a matter of significance, they first, and often only, do it in camera so you infants are not allowed to hear the truth as it emerges under oath. The result? In public, you are lied to, repeatedly, until you are constrained to believe the lie that is being echoed endlessly by the media.
Biden to scale up campaign
as anxiety grows
ahead of general election
Posted by barbcrose 5/9/2020 10:14:31 AM Post Reply
Former Vice President Joe Biden has approved a series of new hires that will significantly expand his presidential campaign and could begin to quell concerns among a growing chorus of Democrats that are anxious for his team to scale up ahead of the general election fight with President Donald Trump. The staffing includes new senior advisers with a focus on the virtual side of campaigning, all coming from former competitors-turned-endorsers' campaigns.
'1619' Pulitzer Will Boost Socialist
Teaching in Schools
Posted by PageTurner 5/9/2020 10:04:25 AM Post Reply
The Pulitzer Prize Board this week awarded its commentary award to The New York Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones for her essay launching the “1619 Project.” This will accelerate a trend already underway: subjecting schoolchildren to a curriculum that blames slavery on capitalism and whose creator believes socialism offers the best path to racial equity. The overt political nature of the 1619 Project should alert parents, educators, members of school boards, and political leaders that a major political experiment is being practiced on the nation’s schoolchildren.
Lost in Translation: Immigrant communities
struggle to get timely information
about COVID-19 in native languages
Posted by voxpopuli 5/9/2020 10:01:35 AM Post Reply
The daily and hourly flood of critical information about the COVID-19 crisis has made communicating with immigrant communities in Minnesota a challenging and frustrating task, leaving some non-English speakers struggling to access public health and financial resources. (snip) Yang, whose family arrived in St. Paul from a refugee camp in Thailand in 1979, said the current crisis reminds him of those times. "It brings back vivid memories of the refugee camp where you're shut down. Your circle – you're supposed to stay in the camp. You're not supposed to leave," Yang said.
Biden, who told coal miners to 'learn
to code,' can't quite figure out how to use Zoom
Posted by PageTurner 5/9/2020 9:58:19 AM Post Reply
From his lockdown redoubt, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden gave a 'virtual' campaign rally another go -- and it was a disaster. Here's Tucker Carlson on Fox News, with some eye-rolling disgust not so much at Biden's general leftwingery, but at his failure to muster any basic technical prowess We see Biden flopping around, wondering if he was on camera, and generally not getting the gist of how Zoom, or whatever program it was he was using, works. "They introduced me? Am I on?" Biden asked someone off-screen as he approached the camera, taking off a pair of dark aviator sunglasses.
Arrested Dallas Hairdresser’s GoFundMe
Launched Before She Even Reopened
Posted by StormCnter 5/9/2020 9:27:05 AM Post Reply
On Friday, Ted Cruz flew to Dallas for a haircut. He hadn’t been looking particularly shaggy, but as hair salons have become the latest front in the culture war, Cruz—never one to miss an opportunity to declare which side he’s on—invited photographers to join him before he donned a face mask and a leopard-print smock for his visit to Salon à la Mode. The Dallas salon has become pivotal in the stay-at-home-order debates after its owner, Shelley Luther, was arrested on Tuesday and sentenced to seven days in jail on a contempt of court charge. That stemmed from her refusal to apologize and close down her store until the second phase
‘Why Does The Burden Fall On Us?’
No Easy Answers For Those Waiting
For Unemployment Benefits
Posted by AltaD 5/9/2020 9:17:16 AM Post Reply
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker continues defending the state’s unemployment system. (Snip) Gov. Pritzker’s hesitation to admit significant challenges in the system until Thursday has taken a toll. “And when you have a governor who was saying this past week there were no problems with the system my god,” he said. “He’s in denial that alone. Just festers such anger in you. It really shows how ill-prepared the state was for any kind of catastrophe really.” “And if we have a problem today what’s going to happen next week when other people come in and the situation becomes worse,” said Bob Pardon, an IT professional.
FBI director in 'hot seat'
as GOP demands reforms
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 5/9/2020 9:08:07 AM Post Reply
FBI Director Christopher Wray is coming under fire from Republicans and allies of President Trump. GOP lawmakers, pundits and conservative figures are signaling growing frustration with Wray over concerns that he has not moved quickly enough to "clean house" within the FBI, a frequent target of criticism for Trump. Their concerns are linked to the FBI investigation into Russian election interference and the Trump campaign.
Where Does Lt. Gen. Flynn Go
To Get His Reputation Back?
Posted by PageTurner 5/9/2020 8:58:39 AM Post Reply
After a jury found former Reagan administration Labor Secretary Raymond J. Donovan innocent of politically motivated fraud charges in a case that dragged on for four years, costing him his job and much of his fortune, he famously asked: “Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?” Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who underwent a similar ordeal, must be wondering the same thing. Donovan was charged in September 1984, conveniently just before the presidential election. If those who brought the charges thought they would ruin Republican Ronald Reagan’s reelection chances, they were very wrong. Reagan carried 49 states
Shhhh, the numbers are dropping replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/9/2020 8:52:39 AM Post Reply
Here’s some contraband, some non-fake news. If you repeat it, you might get face-masked. If you’re a nail salon owner trying to feed your family, you might get thrown in jail. I assume it will be banned from Facemaskbook. Here it is. The virus numbers are dropping. In hard-hit Italy and Spain, the numbers peaked around the end of March – over five weeks ago. Both daily new cases and daily deaths are now down over 70%, as shown in these graphs.
Blue suicide: Dem governors
will pay a huge price in November
for unnecessarily long lockdowns
Posted by Magnante 5/9/2020 7:28:50 AM Post Reply
Some of the most populous states in the country – blue states dominated by Democrats – plan to continue the economic carnage of full lockdowns for a long, long time. Gavin Newsom of California promises no return to normal until a vaccine is developed, which could be never (snip) Apparently, the political theory is that poor people support Democrats at the polls, so impoverishing most people means permanent majorities keeping them in power. Meanwhile some red states like South Dakota and Wyoming never locked down their entire states, while others are now reopening step-by-step
Donald Trump Jr. Offers to Walk Conservative
Girl Disowned by Her Leftist Parents Down
the Aisle
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 7:26:50 AM Post Reply
While politics is no stranger to driving a wedge between friends and family, one set of parents has apparently gone way too far with it and disowned their conservative daughter and her fiance, so much so that they have refused to attend their wedding. In a Tic Tok video, Tracy Boettcher, the daughter, claimed her parents told her to choose between them and her fiance. “I chose myself,” said Boettcher. “I chose what would make me happiest in the long-run.” Boettcher said in her video that her mother told her she was incapable of being loved because of her sexual assault at the age of 17 and added that she’s choosing her fiance.
A Key Obama Meeting Was Held to Ensure FBI
Russia Collusion Probe Wasn't Discovered by
the Trump Administration
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 7:10:37 AM Post Reply
I mean, we shouldn’t be too shocked about this I guess, given the scale of the anti-Trump operation executed by the Obama administration. Then-President Obama had to have known. If not, then he wasn’t in control of the executive. Katie touched upon this earlier this week, noting that new documents from the Department of Justice in their motion to dismiss their case against ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was the victim of an FBI plot to entrap him on perjury charges. Flynn has been vindicated, and more light is being shed on the scope of this whole operation. The deep state does exist. They’re malicious. They’re ruthless.
The FBI Did a Hatchet Job in Their 302 Report
on Michael Flynn…And Some Familiar Names
Were Involved
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 7:07:21 AM Post Reply
The Trump-Russia collusion story was a myth. It was a manufactured lie peddled by the liberal media that engulfed the nation for over two years. In many ways, we’re not over it. There are still hordes of liberals so deranged, so mind-broken over the 2016 election, that they think the Russian colluded with Trump to tilt the race. Not true. There is no evidence this ever occurred. None. That’s why every single bombshell was a nothingburger. The report from the Mueller probe, which needs a review of its own in the wake of the Flynn fallout, said there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.
Taking the Coup Clan to the Cleaners replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 6:38:37 AM Post Reply
If confirmed as Director of National Intelligence, Texas Republican John Ratcliffe said this week, he would not let any “outside influence,” impact or alter intelligence. His loyalty would be “to the Constitution and rule of law” and Ratcliffe would “speak the truth to power.” As Ratcliffe knows, the intelligence community has been protecting the powerful from the truth, but change is in the wind. On May 4, acting DNI Richard Grenell informed Congress that some 53 transcripts of interviews were declassified, redacted and ready for release. These include interviews with former DNI James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Samantha Power, Andrew McCabe, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and John Podesta.
Pamela Geller Sues NYC Over Freedom of
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 6:31:39 AM Post Reply
It's striking how many of the Bill of Rights have been casually tossed aside with little in the way of legal action or protest. But there's a growing pushback. Even in New York City. Pamela Geller says in a new lawsuit that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ban on public demonstrations violates her First Amendment right to protest the shut-down. “There is no justification, pandemic or otherwise, for a government official to revoke this fundamental right of the people,” wrote lawyer David Yerushalmi in the civil rights filing that asks a judge to rescind the directive. These demonstrations, she argued, can be held while “maintaining proper social distancing.”
The Really Bad News for Biden Is How
Unenthusiastic His Dems Defenders Are
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 6:27:34 AM Post Reply
What the Tara Reade accusation really exposes is not that Biden is a cretin. Everyone already knew that. It's the lack of enthusiasm. It's not just the Bernie supporters hoping to kneecap Biden. The Democrat establishment isn't converging in a human shield around Biden the way it had for Bill Clinton. Dems would like to pretend that they've been changed by the impact of the #MeToo movement. Nah. Back then, Democrats were enthused about Bill Clinton. His cult of personality never matched Obama's, and at that point it had sunk quite a bit (though not as much as it would by the end of his second term),
Did the Lockdown Model Cause Half the
Coronavirus Deaths in New Jersey?
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 6:06:09 AM Post Reply
On March 31st, New Jersey Commissioner of Health Judith Persichilli issued an order to nursing homes and rehab facilities ordering them to take coronavirus patients. Relying on Governor Murphy's Public Health Emergency executive order, she issued a Health Department order that set out to achieve "the expedited receipt of patients/residents discharging from hospitals" by warning that, "no patient/resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the post-acute care setting solely based on a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19." The New Jersey Health boss further warned that "post-acute care facilities are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized patient/resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."
I Just Flew. It Was Worse
Than I Thought It Would Be.
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 5:16:10 AM Post Reply
The cabin was restless. It was a weekday afternoon in late April, and I was among dozens of people boarding an airplane that most of us had assumed would be empty. Flight attendants were scrambling to accommodate seat-change requests. Travelers—stuffed shoulder to shoulder into two-seat rows—grumbled at one another from behind masks. An ominous announcement came over the in-flight PA system: “We apologize for the alarming amount of passengers on this flight.” Each of us was a potential vector of deadly disease. I arrived at my assigned row, and found a stocky, gray-haired man in the seat next to mine.
‘Scandal Free’ Obama Strikes Again replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 5:04:47 AM Post Reply
It's one of the biggest lies in leftist media and insider Washington politics: President Obama left the White House after eight years without a single scandal. "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us," Obama said during a private event in 2018, which was then repeated by his adoring allies. This is blatantly untrue and new information about the FBI's unsubstantiated criminal investigation into General Michael Flynn proves Obama was engaged in scandalous abuses of power right up until the moment he left the presidency.
Fake news isn't a problem
as long as it's anti-Trump
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 5:01:49 AM Post Reply
A deceptively edited video of Vice President Mike Pence is making the rounds, so it’s time for a fact check: No, the vice president did not deliver empty boxes of personal protective equipment to a Virginia healthcare center on Thursday. Any claim to the contrary is fake news spread by people unwilling to do a little research. That includes Jimmy Kimmel, who, during his show on Thursday, played a 40-second video clip purportedly showing Pence, who had a hot mic on, grabbing a couple of boxes only to be told that they were empty. “Well, can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera?” Pence replies. And then the clip,
Everyone Deserves to Live
Under the Biden Standard
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 4:57:55 AM Post Reply
Why should Joe Biden get due process, but not others accused of sexual misconduct? That’s the question raised by the progressive reaction to Tara Reade’s accusation against Biden on the one hand, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s new rules for handling sexual-harassment cases on college campuses on the other. There have been voices on the left who believe Reade, but generally the note has been one of skepticism about her allegation, along with admonitions that the evidence must be considered carefully. Many of the popularizers of the phrase “believe women” have climbed down to simply saying that women’s accusations should be heard and then evaluated in light of the facts.
Deep thoughts by James Comey replies
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 4:50:37 AM Post Reply
Jack Handey is the inspiration for this series. He gave us, for example, this deep thought: If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is “God is crying.” And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is “Probably because of something you did.” Someone should tell it to James Comey and delete “probably.” Comey of course felt the need to unburden himself yesterday on the dismissal of the case against Michael Flynn. Kim Strassel’s comment on Comey’s deep thought is actually deep.
Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to
Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent
Posted by Pluperfect 5/9/2020 4:43:31 AM Post Reply
This will teach those Islamophobes that Islam is a religion of peace: a professor is facing death threats for suggesting otherwise. Nicholas Damask, Ph.D., has taught political science at Scottsdale Community College in Arizona for 24 years. But now he is facing a barrage of threats, and his family, including his 9-year-old grandson and 85-year-old parents, is in hiding, while College officials are demanding that he apologize – all for the crime of speaking the truth about the motivating ideology behind the threat of Islamic jihad worldwide. Damask, who has an MA in International Relations from American University in Washington, D.C., and a Ph.D. in Political Science
Stay-at-home Serial Killer Andrew Cuomo replies
Posted by shazbot123 5/9/2020 4:43:13 AM Post Reply
Well, well, isn’t that special. After yelling at President Trump for not locking down the nation soon enough and the people of New York for not obeying his lockdown edicts, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo admits that most Chinese Wuhan virus infections occur in the very place he, assorted health experts, and the anti-Trump lamestream media insist we should be -- in our homes. And nearly all of those occur to people with preexisting conditions:
How the 1619 Project slandered America replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:38:50 AM Post Reply
In the absence of traditional public examinations this time of year, as a result of you know what, here’s a little history quiz for you. What year marked the creation of the United States? Most of you will probably answer 1776, the year of the Declaration of Independence. Credit might also be given if you said 1788, the date of the ratification of the Constitution. You’d all be wrong. The correct date, apparently, is 1619.
News Flash: DOJ Targeted
Other Conservatives
Posted by Magnante 5/9/2020 4:37:04 AM Post Reply
A friend emailed me recently to say that on May 1st, in his opening monologue, Tucker Carlson made the statement, ”You don’t want to live in a society where the most powerful agency in government imprisons people it doesn’t like. That is horrifying.” (snip) what happened to Flynn is so similar to what happened to Steve, my husband – former pit bull Republican congressman from Texas. (snip) [Sidney]Powell told radio host Bill Martinez, “If the government wants you in prison, you will go to prison. It doesn’t matter whether you are innocent or not. … Look what has happened to Congressman Steve Stockman.”
Taking Inventory replies
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:33:32 AM Post Reply
The shutdown goes on and on. But to tell the truth, I am so depressed by it that it hardly matters anymore. Outside the walls of my house in Beverly Hills, it’s just like “1984.” As some smart person wrote recently, wearing the most possible face covering, respirator, gloves, long-sleeved shirts — all of this has become a political statement. The statement is that we go along with The Party. If Big Brother Newsom says it, it’s true. It’s even truer than true, whatever that is. Still, I manage to maintain a little sliver of sanity. I have many homes, and Brother Newsom has decreed
California: Gavin Newsom Orders
Vote-by-Mail for November Election
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 4:30:35 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday signed an executive order permitting all registered voters in the Golden State to vote by mail in the upcoming presidential election, citing concerns stemming from the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.“I signed an executive order that will allow every registered voter in California to receive a mail-in ballot,” Newsom said. “That mail-in ballot is important but it’s not an exclusive substitute to physical locations.”“People that are otherwise not familiar with mail-in ballots, are uncomfortable with them, may have disabilities, may have other issues that may preclude that as an appropriate option,
Turley: McCabe’s “bizarre” defense notwithstanding,
the FBI had no business targeting Flynn
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:29:21 AM Post Reply
How will the former upper echelons of the FBI answer for themselves in the wake of the withdrawal of charges against Michael Flynn? If former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe gives us any indication, it will be a full-frontal defense and an attack on the present leadership of the Department of Justice. “General Flynn was not targeted,” McCabe told CNN’s John Berman, “he was properly investigated in a well predicated case.” A brief part of the conversation is below, but McCabe goes on to say that the reason the FBI conducted a veiled interrogation of Flynn was that he had “surreptitious” meetings with Russian ambassador
Stacey Abrams should be
taken out of the veepstakes
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:25:00 AM Post Reply
Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams became a national progressive icon in 2018 after narrowly losing her gubernatorial bid in that historically conservative state. Her open campaign to become former vice president Joe Biden’s running mate, however, shows that faith in her is sorely misplaced. Abrams has not been shy about seeking the job. Unlike other rumored contenders, she comes right out and says she’d make an excellent running mate. Nor is she shy about saying what she thinks she’d bring to the ticket: campaigning skills among minority communities, a history of public service and “25 years in independent study of foreign policy.” Surely, Biden must be honored that someone so distinguished
Trump Hopes Tara Reade’s Allegation
Against Biden Is False ‘For His Sake’
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 4:20:32 AM Post Reply
Following Tara Reade’s recent interview with Megyn Kelly, President Trump said he hoped her sexual assault allegation against Biden is false “for his sake.” Speaking with “Fox & Friends” on Friday, the president, while recalling the many accusations of sexual assault he himself has faced, said he had seen Reade’s interview with Megyn Kelly and concluded that Biden has to fight the battle that will prove his innocence. “I’ve had battles too where I’ve had false accusations many times,” Trump said, as reported by Fox News. “I think you understand that. We had one recently — a woman in Florida made an accusation and it was one time.
United Kingdom reveals last decoded
Nazi message to mark VE Day
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:20:22 AM Post Reply
To mark Friday's 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, the British government revealed the final Nazi message intercepted and decoded by U.K. codebreakers as Allied forces were advancing through Germany. "To mark #VEDay75 our Historian Tony Comer tells an untold tale from our archives. For the first time he reveals the final messages intercepted by GCHQ from a German communications network in the days leading up to #VEDay," tweeted Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). At 7:35 a.m. on May 7, 1945, a Nazi soldier identified as "Lt. Kunkel" sent a final message to colleagues from the town of Cuxhaven on Germany's North Sea coast.
Magician Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy
dead at 75 from COVID-19 complications
Posted by MissMolly 5/9/2020 4:17:20 AM Post Reply
Roy Horn, who found fame as one half of the Siegfried & Roy duo of Las Vegas-based magicians, has died. He was 75. A spokesman for the double act said Horn died Friday in a Las Vegas hospital due to complications related to COVID-19. "Today, the world has lost one of the greats of magic, but I have lost my best friend," Siegfried Fischbacher said in a statement obtained by Fox News. "From the moment we met, I knew Roy and I, together, would change the world. There could be no Siegfried without Roy, and no Roy without Siegfried.
Believe all … Bidens? Tara Reade has
exposed endless Democratic hypocrisy
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 3:58:56 AM Post Reply
Bits and pieces of confirmation keep rolling in for Tara Reade’s accusations against Joe Biden, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi clearly voices the view of the Democratic establishment when she declares it a “closed issue.”Pelosi explained on MSNBC: “I have said I am proud to support Joe Biden for president. I believe him when he says it didn’t happen. But I also believe him when he says let them look into the records, and that’s what they should do.” And: “I’m not going to answer this question again.”Never mind that Biden is blocking efforts to look into his records,
Exclusive: ‘They Did It To Me First’—
Rod Blagojevich Knew Exactly
What The FBI Did To Flynn
Posted by Imright 5/9/2020 3:47:48 AM Post Reply
Former Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich says he knew the playbook the FBI was running against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — because they used it on him first. In an exclusive statement to the Daily Caller, Blagojevich explained that his firsthand knowledge of the way the FBI operated in his case gave him unique insight into the way that Flynn — like so many others in President Donald Trump’s inner circle — was treated in the early days of the Russia investigation. “In my long and unhappy experience, I saw how they use trickery and deceit as legal tools. They lie and they cheat; they manipulate
Obama ‘Worried’ That Flynn Cleared By DOJ
Over Illegitimate Investigation: ‘Rule Of Law
Is At Risk’
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 12:52:10 AM Post Reply
Former President Barack Obama said on Friday that he was “worried” by the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) decision to drop the charges against former national security adviser Michael Flynn this week after Attorney General William Barr said that “there was not a legitimate counterintelligence investigation going on.” “The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said. “And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free.
FLASHBACK: Biden Said In 2008 That He Was
‘Arrested’ After He ‘Walked Into’ Women’s
Dorm At Ohio University
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2020 12:37:56 AM Post Reply
A newly unearthed clip from 2008 shows CNN reporting that Joe Biden told a crowd in Ohio that he was “arrested” for following a group of young women into their dorms, which he said was not allowed “back in those days.” The clip and the incident happened on October 15, 2008, when Biden was Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s running mate. “On our ‘Political Ticker,’ Barack Obama’s running mate playfully admitted he was arrested more than 40 years ago. Biden joked about it in Ohio,” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said. “He said he was attending a football game between his university and Ohio University,
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