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Posts on Sunday, April 26, 2020

Bill Gates defends China's coronavirus
response: Billionaire says Beijing 'did
a lot of things right' at the start of
the pandemic and claims criticism of
the Communist Party is a 'distraction'
Posted by Ribicon 4/26/2020 11:47:15 PM Post Reply
It’s too soon to be talking about whether China deserves blame for the coronavirus outbreak and efforts to shift the focus onto Beijing are a ‘distraction,’ according to Bill Gates, who criticized ‘incorrect and unfair things’ said about the Communist-run country. ‘China did a lot of things right at the beginning, like any country where a virus first shows up,' the Microsoft co-founder told CNN on Sunday. ‘They can look back and say where they missed some things.’ Gates, one of the world’s richest men, said that the US handled its COVID-19 response ‘particularly poorly’ compared to other countries that have minimized
New Yorker journalist Hendrik Hertzberg
asks about 'military coup' against
Trump, claims he was sarcastic
Posted by Harlowe 4/26/2020 11:36:53 PM Post Reply
Liberal journalist Hendrik Hertzberg courted controversy Sunday by bashing President Trump and openly questioning in a tweet: “Time for a military coup?” After a request for comment, the left-wing New Yorker magazine reporter weakly attempted to defend himself in a tweet, claiming he was being “sarcastic.” Hertzberg, a longtime political commentator and staff writer at the New Yorker, was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War and later served as then-President Jimmy Carter’s chief White House speechwriter.
‘I kind of stopped existing’: Foreign students are stuck, and reeling replies
Posted by Moritz55 4/26/2020 11:31:57 PM Post Reply
When universities abruptly shut down last month because of the coronavirus pandemic, many students returned to their parents’ homes, distraught over having to give up their social lives and vital on-campus networking opportunities. Graduating seniors lost the chance to cross anything but a virtual commencement stage. But the campus closures have created much greater calamity in the lives of the more than a million international students who left their home countries to study in the United States. Many had been living in college dorms and were left to try to find new housing, far from home in a country under lockdown.
North Korea’s Kim ‘alive and well’: Seoul replies
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 11:23:36 PM Post Reply
Seoul– North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is “alive and well”, a top security adviser to the South’s President Moon Jae-in said, downplaying rumours over Kim’s health following his absence from a key anniversary.“Our government position is firm,” said Moon’s special adviser on national security Moon Chung-in, in an interview with CNN on Sunday. “Kim Jong Un is alive and well.”The adviser said that Kim had been staying in Wonsan — a resort town in the country’s east — since April 13, adding: “No suspicious movements have so far been detected.”Conjecture about Kim’s health has grown since his conspicuous absence from the April 15 celebrations
Watch: NBC’s Chuck Todd Touts A ‘Good
Thing About This Economic Crisis’: ‘Clean
Air’ And ‘Good Views’
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 11:14:06 PM Post Reply
As millions of Americans lose their job, thousands lose their lives, and the economy faces total collapse, Chuck Todd of NBC wants everyone to reflect on the “good news” to arise from the COVID-19 pandemic: “clean air” and “good views.”During a Sunday broadcast of “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd closed out a segment by welcoming viewers to take pride in the clear skylines that are now happening due to everyone being forced indoors and not going to work.“If there is a good thing about this economic crisis, it has been the clean air, and views we haven’t seen for a long time,” said Todd as the camera panned to
Study: Washington Post Bashes Trump Virus
Response with 25-to-1 Negative Headlines
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 9:14:17 PM Post Reply
As the leading newspaper in the nation’s capital, the editors of The Washington Post know much of their influence comes from their ability to set an agenda for the many powerful political and media people who read it on a daily basis. And the first thing those powerful readers see every morning are the big headlines on The Post’s front page, framing the news the way The Post’s editors want them to see it. (Click on image to expand.)In the 100 days since the coronavirus epidemic began to receive significant news coverage, The Post has used its front page to undermine the administration’s response to the unprecedented crisis,
About Those Press Conferences replies
Posted by sagman 4/26/2020 9:00:19 PM Post Reply
President Trump seems increasingly ambivalent about the utility of the daily and sometime marathon press conferences. He should be — and for reasons besides just their length and frequency. First, Trump gets bogged down into long, back-and-forth jousts with the touché Washington press corps. His impromptu skills, honed both as president and in his years on television, usually ensure him tactical victories. He is not peremptory but retaliatory in his put-downs. Fine. Most Americans don’t especially like the Washington press corps. So they don’t mind them earning the repartee that their rude provocation deserves. But Trump’s victories are becoming Pyrrhic.
1993 CNN Clip of Biden Accuser’s Mother
Calling Larry King Vanishes from Google
Play Catalog
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 8:46:24 PM Post Reply
A clip from a 1993 episode of CNN’s Larry King Live featuring the mother of Biden accuser Tara Reade has seemingly been removed from the Google Play catalog.The clip is an important piece of information in Reade’s allegation that Biden sexually assaulted her in the same year, as it supports her claim that she told her mother about the incident. In the clip, Reade’s mother appears to be discussing an incident involving her senator and her daughter, without naming either. (Tweet/Video) Reade’s mother passed away in 2016, but Reade has confirmed to multiple media organizations that she recognizes the voice of the woman speaking to King as her mother.
Hawaii Considering GPS Trackers to
Enforce COVID-19 Quarantine Order
Posted by NorthernDog 4/26/2020 8:37:23 PM Post Reply
The pandemic is prompting Hawaii's authorities to consider some extreme measures to contain the spread of contagion. The Aloha State was among the earliest to adopt some aggressive policies to curb COVID-19 transmission on the islands and already requires all arrivals, be they visitors or returning residents, to self-quarantine for two weeks. Hawaii News Now has reported that state authorities are considering using personal tracking devices to ensure compliance with the rules of quarantine. Failure to comply with the conditions set forth by the governor’s office already bears a hefty penalty—a fine of up to $5,000, a year in prison
Flynn To Be ‘Completely Exonerated This
Week’, AG Barr Has Directed U.S. Attorney
To Review FBI Personnel ‘Communications And
Notes’, Reports Say
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 8:01:10 PM Post Reply
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn will reportedly be “completely exonerated” this week after being charged in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for allegedly lying to federal agents.Fox News host Maria Bartiromo tweeted: “Breaking News: sources tell me @GenFlynn will be completely exonerated this week. It was a total fraud. A Set up. More tomorrow” A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed Bartiromo’s tweet to The Daily Wire. (Tweet)
Police cracking down as surfers make
waves amid beach closures
Posted by NHChemist 4/26/2020 7:43:40 PM Post Reply
It’s hard for an avid surfer like Larry Rocha to pass up a good wave, but he knows that’s what he’s supposed to do while Seacoast beaches are closed to keep hordes of visitors away during the coronavirus pandemic.(Snip) Rye Police Chief Kevin Walsh has threatened to charge surfers who continue to defy no-parking rules, as well as the executive order issued by Gov. Chris Sununu last month. He said they could be charged with a violation under a town ordinance and face a $62 fine.
Sen. Cotton says Chinese students
shouldn’t be allowed to
study science in US
Posted by Ribicon 4/26/2020 6:23:43 PM Post Reply
GOP Sen. Tom Cotton suggested that Chinese students should be banned from studying technology and science in the US—and said he has “little doubt” that Beijing is trying to steal a coronavirus vaccine from America. “In the middle of a pandemic, what’s the most valuable intellectual property in the world?(Snip) “So I have little doubt that the Chinese intelligence services are actively trying to steal America’s intellectual property as it relates to the virus that they unleashed on the world, because, of course, they want to be the country that claims credit for finding those drugs or finding a vaccine,
Video Illustrates UV Catheter Treatment replies
Posted by earlybird 4/26/2020 6:23:10 PM Post Reply
RUSH: No, it is not some newfangled, weirdo thing that ultraviolet light can do damage to viruses and bacteria. How many people in the Drive-By Media do you think have an ultraviolet light sanitizer? How many of you do? They’re selling like hotcakes out there. “Disinfect your iPhone! Put it in this little container here.” What do you think is zapping it? Ultraviolet light is being used to sanitize this stuff: (Snip) Dr. Birx apparently was unfamiliar with this latest application of ultraviolet light in a catheter inserted in the breathing tube of somebody who is intubated, but Trump never told anybody to drink Lysol or inject their lungs with Drano!
Pelosi Suffers Brain Freeze, Stutters,
Forgets California Governor’s Name,
Calls GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy “Mitchell”
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 6:13:26 PM Post Reply
What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suffered a bad brain freeze on Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The look on Jake Tapper’s face says it all. 80-year-old Nancy Antoinette stuttered and forgot her own Governor’s name on Sunday.“My own Governor, um – uh-uh-um Gavin Newsom’s been so spectacular,” Pelosi said. WATCH: (Tweet/Video)
New Jersey Public School Teacher Caught
on Camera Telling Students She Hopes
They Die From Coronavirus For Playing
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 5:58:52 PM Post Reply
A math teacher at Steinert High School in New Jersey was caught on camera telling students who were playing football in the park that they should “die a long, painful death” from the coronavirus.The woman in the video, Nicole Griggs, has been a teacher in the district for the last 15 years.One of the students that the unhinged teacher confronted told the Trentonian that they were playing football on Thursday at the former Homedell School when the incident took place. They captured video of her confrontation and posted it to Snapchat and TikTok with the caption “Y’all Mrs Griggs is losing her
SoCal lunacy: More Encinitas surfers
arrested, while Angelenos told to sit
out the sun with air-con instead
Posted by PageTurner 4/26/2020 3:26:59 PM Post Reply
It's not just Michigan where the bad calls from elected officials are being made. Over in Southern California, more stupidities from local officials supposedly protecting us from the coronavirus are bringing us some absolutely ridiculous acts. First, the surfers aren't backing down in Encinitas. The beaches are closed and the locals are still protesting, and now the cops are making arrests. Here was the scene yesterday as reported by local CBS 8: (snip: video) Get a load of that police activity. The surf rebellion seems to be a global phenomenon well worth noting because surfers themselves are not usually associated with political activity.
Trump wishes ‘great First Lady’
Melania a happy 50th birthday
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 3:11:37 PM Post Reply
First Lady Melania Trump received happy birthday greetings from a number of well-wishers on Sunday, including her husband, President Trump.“Happy Birthday to Melania, our great First Lady!,” the president wrote on Twitter. Melania Trump, who turned 50 on Sunday, is expected to celebrate like most Americans during the coronavirus pandemic — at home. Her chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, said the first lady will spend her birthday with family at the White House, Fox Business reported. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also tweeted birthday greetings.
Stacey Abrams: ‘We Can’t Survive Another
Four Years with Donald Trump’
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 3:04:26 PM Post Reply
Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said America could not survive another term of President Donald Trump.Abrams said, “Vice President Biden has done this job. He knows what he needs to do to win and what he needs to do to help our country recover from four years of incompetence and chaos. I trust Joe Biden to make the best decision. He has a smart team around him. He has no shortage of good candidates to choose from. Certainly, for the African-American community and communities of color because of this pandemic, there’s a great deal of distrust because these communities
Dr. Deborah Birx calls out the press for
'slicey and dicey' headlines and says she's
bothered that Donald Trump's disinfectant
comments are 'still in the news cycle'
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 3:01:12 PM Post Reply
Dr. Deborah Birx said she was concerned about some of the 'slicey and dicey' headlines she's read and said Sunday that she doesn't think President Trump's musing about injecting disinfectant to treat the coronavirus should be in the news anymore. Birx, a member of the president's coronavirus taskforce, was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper about comments Trump made at his Thursday press briefing and whether they bothered her as a medical professional. 'Well, I think it bothers me that this is still in the news cycle,' Birx replied.
State Health Secretary Andrea Palm is not from Wisconsin, but Sen. Tom Tiffany muddled his point replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 2:40:35 PM Post Reply
Wisconsin Republicans continue to blast Gov. Tony Evers and his administration as the state remains shuttered to combat the spread of the coronavirus. A popular target of their ire: Department of Health Services Secretary Andrea Palm. Republican leaders of the state Legislature went to court on April 21, 2020 to try to curb Palm’s power during a health emergency, contending she has "laid claim to a suite of czar-like powers."
Wisconsin hospitals: 361 admitted COVID-19 cases, 4,272 empty beds replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 2:21:00 PM Post Reply
As the COVID-19 pandemic strains health care in hotspots of the country, a close look at the situation at hospitals locally and across Wisconsin shows reason for optimism. In recent days, the number of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 statewide and locally has held steady or declined. On Friday, the state Department of Health Services reported that 361 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized in Wisconsin, with 143 requiring intensive care.
Hundreds Of Migrant Children Held In SoCal
Expected To Be Released Because Of Pandemic
Posted by poster 4/26/2020 2:04:35 PM Post Reply
Migrant children in federal facilities, including hundreds detained in Southern California, must be released to relatives during the pandemic, under a new court order. The ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Dolly Gee in Los Angeles came late Friday after immigrant advocates argued that sheltering with family is safer for the children than keeping them in shelters. Lawyers for the migrant children said the Trump administration no longer had an excuse to delay their release dates. "It did almost take a pandemic and that's tragic that it would require that," said Peter Schey, the attorney leading the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law in Los Angeles.
Sunday Schadenfreude: No way out for
Democrats stuck with senile Biden as #MeToo
allegations cannot be suppressed
Posted by zephyrgirl 4/26/2020 1:49:08 PM Post Reply
Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with Joe Biden now the presumptive nominee. I see no easy way out of the mess that has been created by assembling a coalition of mutually antagonistic grievance groups, while simultaneously assuaging the oligarchs that fund the party and usually call the shots behind the scenes. Now that Tara Reade has credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault with far more evidence than was brought against Justice Kavanaugh, they are stuck.
16 Reasons Why I Believe Joe Biden
Sexually Assaulted Tara Reade
Posted by earlybird 4/26/2020 1:21:21 PM Post Reply
Primarily because I incorrectly believed her story had changed over the course of a year, had moved from unwanted touching to a flat-out sexual assault, I at first had trouble believing Tara Reade’s claim she was sexually assaulted by presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden in 1993. When Reade originally came forward in April of 2019, she joined about a half-dozen women who have credibly accused Biden of unwanted touching. And I say “credibly” because Biden has serially committed acts of unwanted touching in public. (Snip) Now, however, Reade tells a much more lurid and disturbing story of being sexually assaulted by Biden. While working for the then-Delaware Senator while in
In four U.S. state prisons, nearly
3,300 inmates test positive for
coronavirus -- 96% without symptoms
Posted by NorthernDog 4/26/2020 12:07:59 PM Post Reply
When the first cases of the new coronavirus surfaced in Ohio’s prisons, the director in charge felt like she was fighting a ghost. “We weren’t always able to pinpoint where all the cases were coming from,” said Annette Chambers-Smith, director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. As the virus spread, they began mass testing. They started with the Marion Correctional Institution, which houses 2,500 prisoners in north central Ohio, many of them older with pre-existing health conditions. After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no
Exclusive–Scott Walker Blasts ‘Incompetent’
Joe Biden: Barack Obama Didn’t Support
Him ‘Until There Was No Other Choice’
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 11:41:08 AM Post Reply
Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told Breitbart News on Friday he believes the 2020 election will be a “referendum on coronavirus.”“Up until a couple months ago, I think [President Trump] was in good shape. The economy was booming, we had a tremendous impact here, but I think it will be not only how did he handle the health side of it, but how does he get people back to work,” Walker exclusively told Breitbart News. Walker believes Trump is, “like most of us, he’s conflicted between fear of what could happen if things came back again stronger, combined with the frustration over the economy.”
Misleading NYT graph juices
Colorado virus death trend
Posted by Big Bopper 4/26/2020 11:37:00 AM Post Reply
Defying apocalyptic predictions, Colorado was not particularly hard-hit by the Coronavirus. The number of cases and deaths per capita were in the middling part of the U.S. range. Moreover, in Colorado the virus is nearly dead now. A website set up by the state showing virus data over time shows this:
‘Larry King Live’ episode
with Tara Reade’s mom
removed from CNN catalog.
Campaign collusion?
Posted by mrdj 4/26/2020 11:35:26 AM Post Reply
The damning 1993 CNN video featuring Tara Reade’s mother lamenting that her daughter was preyed on by then-senator Joe Biden has been removed from Google Play. Some on social media reacted by accusing CNN of “actively colluding with the Biden campaign to cover up evidence of Joe Biden’s sexual assault.” Liberal Twitter user J.L. Hamilton posted a screenshot of the Google Play catalog of “Larry King Live.” The show aired on CNN from 1985 to 2010. Noticeably missing was the August 11, 1993 episode, where Tara Reade‘s mother, Jeanette Altimus, called in to “Larry King Live”
The Wolf who cried boy replies
Posted by earlybird 4/26/2020 11:08:16 AM Post Reply
After weeks of taking endless and often irrelevant questions daily from a hostile press, President Donald John Trump took none at Friday's briefing on corona virus. Wolf Blitzer of AT&T's Cosmic Nonsense Network called the president chicken for not indulging a self-important press with a moment to pretend they are as important as the president. La dee dah. His network airs the least amount of these daily briefings among the 3 major cable news channels. It is pretty difficult to make the case that you are interested in informing the public when you don't show the press briefings.
Larry King may have upended the 2020
Posted by earlybird 4/26/2020 10:55:44 AM Post Reply
Keep your betting slips. The Democrat Party nomination is not decided. In fact, the nomination may be more in doubt today than it was three months ago when everyone was campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire. The SS Bidenic just kissed an iceberg. Tara Reade filed a criminal complaint in DC alleging that when she was on Biden's staff in 1993, he grabbed her by the [you know what -- and if you don't, you don't need to know]. She waited 27 years? But The Intercept has corroborating evidence in the form of a clip of the Larry King Show on CNN back in 1993. Apparently Reade told her mother, who called King
Hungary prepares to end legal
recognition of trans people
Posted by Ribicon 4/26/2020 10:47:15 AM Post Reply
Hungary’s rightwing government looks likely to push through legislation that will end the legal recognition of trans people by defining gender as “biological sex based on primary sex characteristics and chromosomes” and thus making it impossible for people to legally change their gender. Trans people and rights activists say the law, which has been introduced into parliament as attention is focused on the coronavirus pandemic, will increase discrimination and intolerance towards trans people.(Snip) “In Hungary, you need to show your ID to rent a bike, buy a bus pass or to pick up a package at the post office. It basically means coming out as trans
A Candidate in Isolation: Inside
Joe Biden’s Cloistered Campaign
Posted by NorthernDog 4/26/2020 9:52:03 AM Post Reply
Joseph R. Biden Jr. usually rises before 8 a.m. at his home in Wilmington, Del., and starts his day with a workout in an upstairs gym that contains a Peloton bike, weights and a treadmill. He often enjoys a protein shake for breakfast and puts on a suit or blazer much of the time. In the evenings, he and his wife, Jill, sit down together for dinner, a ritual that was absent for much of the last frenzied year on the campaign trail. In the intervening hours, Mr. Biden attempts to win the presidency without leaving his house. With the
In Wisconsin, yet another Democratic ‘we’re
all going to die’ claim fails
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/26/2020 9:45:47 AM Post Reply
When the Wisconsin Supreme Court allowed Wisconsin’s election to proceed on April 7, Democrats claimed that Republicans were trying to kill people. It turns out (surprise!) that Democrats were wrong again. On April 6, a day before Wisconsin residents were set to go to the polls to vote, Wisconsin’s governor, Tony Evers, citing virus concerns, canceled the elections so they could be rescheduled for June. The Legislature, however, countered that order by filing an emergency appeal with the Wisconsin Supreme Court. That same day, the state Supreme Court, in a 4-2 ruling, blocked the order, allowing the election to take place.
Biden might actually win replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/26/2020 9:32:49 AM Post Reply
When you think of it, it's nothing short of incredible that Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party. One might have thought 2016 would have been Biden's year (if he was ever going to have a time at bat), since Barack Obama's two-term presidency had just ended, and most vice presidents who try for the top spot do so immediately following their bosses' departures. But, as is often the case in politics these days, party nominees can result from when the party decides it's someone's "turn." That was the case the last go-around: the Democrats decided that it was Hillary's turn,
Bill Feehan: Is the cure worse than the disease? replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 9:26:28 AM Post Reply
Gov. Tony Evers’ decision to have Department of Health Services Secretary Andrea Palm extend his safer-at-home order to May 26 is shocking and most likely illegal. The governor only has power to extend his emergency order to May 10. Then he must work with the Legislature. One might wonder why he has failed to seek opinions or even brief members of the Legislature to this point. DHS Secretary Andrea Palm does not have the authority to extend the order, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court will likely strike down the extension beyond May 10.
Court forgives debt for man
who lost more than $500K
playing rock, paper, scissors
Posted by StormCnter 4/26/2020 8:32:29 AM Post Reply
In Canada, gavel beats rock, paper, scissors and a gentlemen’s agreement. A Quebec appellate court ruled in favor of a man who lost more than a half-million dollars playing the schoolyard game rock, paper, scissors. Canadian Edmund Mark Hooper came up short in a 2011 best-of-three contest in which participants count to three, then unveil a hand-sign representing a rock, a sheet of paper or a pair of scissors. That defeat left him owing fellow phalanges sportsman Michel Primeau $517,000, according to Canadian news outlet The National Post.
No, you aren’t meant to take Trump’s
medical insights literally or seriously
Posted by StormCnter 4/26/2020 8:25:39 AM Post Reply
Every time you think Donald Trump has lost his talent for making people’s heads explode, he somehow excels himself. His latest? Telling Americans that injecting disinfectant and shining UV light could cure COVID-19 patients. You’ll have seen the clip already, everybody has, but it is worth watching again: “It gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs.”(Snip for tweet) This was a Trumpian masterpiece. I particularly enjoyed the way he turned to Dr Birx for validation, while his mouth trotted out the peculiar ideas. And I find it hilarious, even though I know we are all supposed to be horrified
Post Hoc vs. Propter Hoc replies
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 6:19:02 AM Post Reply
Curves are flattening worldwide thanks to stringent lockdown efforts.” That bulletin from one of my favorite magazines made me sit up. “Really?” I thought, “Is it because of the stringent lockdown that the ‘curves’ are flattening?” For that is what “thanks to” means here, right? Because, “propter” in Latin. No one needs to ask what sort of curves we are talking about here. There is only one subject that is being discussed now towards the end of April 2020: coronavirus, the insidious cold bug brought to the world by the Chinese Communist Party. After several weeks of rising numbers of cases and deaths,
Quarantine Protesters Are No
Heroes of Civil Disobedience
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 5:58:23 AM Post Reply
We all deserve protection from the coronavirus, which is now our nation’s second-leading cause of death. To get it, we must cooperate and make sacrifices. Our culture has a wonderful way of taking controversial or partisan figures and weaving them into the broader story of America. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, for example, his secretary of war, Edwin Stanton, purportedly said, “Now he belongs to the ages,” which was a way of saying that the battles Lincoln fought and the leadership he provided would stay with us and shape the nation going forward.
An ER Physician/Entrepreneur Perspective
on the Wuhan Virus
Posted by tisHimself 4/26/2020 5:47:02 AM Post Reply
In California recently, two emergency room doctors gave a powerful briefing on what’s going on when it comes to the Wuhan virus in their state, our nation, and the world over. The two doctors in the video are Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi. Dr. Erickson is a former emergency room (ER) physician who now co-owns Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, CA. Dr. Massihi is his business partner. Bakersfield is the largest city and the county seat of Kern County, CA. Kern County has a population just over 900,000.
Virus Strikes Media Dumb replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/26/2020 5:41:17 AM Post Reply
There’s a lot of important news this week which is getting insufficient coverage. By way of example, we have these developments: There are increasingly plausible reports that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un may be dead, dying, or comatose. General Michael Flynn, in support of his motion that he be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea, filed a new pleading this week. In it he notes that exculpatory material that he just now tardily received had been deliberately withheld from him. (Snip) Congressman Adam Schiff, an avatar for deceit, continues to withhold the transcripts of 43 interviews of “Russia collusion” witnesses his committee had in secret and is blocking declassification
Stealing the Election in Plain Sight replies
Posted by Magnante 4/26/2020 5:15:33 AM Post Reply
If you were still harboring naïve notions of free and fair elections when Democrats are involved, perhaps this will help disabuse you of those fantasies. From a Fox News report a few days ago: A prominent Democratic lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign [Marc Elias] is threatening to sue the state of Nevada unless it immediately suspends prosecutions for ballot harvesting before the June 9 primary, among a slew of other demands, according to a letter obtained by Fox News on Tuesday. Writing on April 10 to Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, Elias first took aim at Nevada Revised Statutes section 293.330(4), which prohibits ballot harvesting
How the N.Y. Times Swung
at Fox News -- and Missed
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 5:11:20 AM Post Reply
Not content to accuse Donald Trump of killing Americans with his incompetence during the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats and their allies in the media have turned their fire on the president’s supporters as well. Those with “blood on their hands,” to use the smear du jour, range from Republican governors reluctant to issue quarantine orders to Michigan autoworkers protesting being locked out their jobs. And, of course, Fox News. The latest salvo came in the form of a New York Times column with a blaring headline: “A Beloved Bar Owner Was Skeptical About the Virus. Then He Took a Cruise.”
5 Reasons Why Stacey Abrams Would
Be A Risky VP Choice For Joe Biden
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 5:08:36 AM Post Reply
Former Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is pitching herself as a potential running mate for former Vice President Joe Biden. Though Abrams has benefited from fawning media praise, selecting her would come with its downsides for Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Here are five reasons why Abrams would be a risky choice. Abrams has never been elected to an office higher than Georgia state representative, serving as minority leader in the state legislature — and she doesn’t even hold that office at the current moment.
How The Southern Poverty Law Center
Started Inventing ‘Hate Groups’
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 5:02:52 AM Post Reply
On March 14, 2019 the Southern Poverty Law Center publicly fired its founder and long-time leader Morris Dees on accusations of racial and sexual discrimination, and announced it would bring in outside assistance to investigate the climate of the organization Dees had built and ruled over for almost half a century. Since its founding, the SPLC had been treated — at least in the mainstream media — as an unquestioned arbiter of what qualifies as racism and hatred. Being added to the SPLC’s “Hate List” was the death-knell for any number of organizations that ran afoul of Dees. In the earliest days of the SPLC, the Alabama-based
If you like the pandemic lockdown,
you're going to love the 'Green New Deal'
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 4:58:17 AM Post Reply
When socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez first floated her “Green New Deal,” it was an intangible vision for society rather than a concrete policy proposal. Even after the New York Democrat and her acolytes added details (including a ban on airplanes and flatulent cows) in a voluminous range of policies costing an astounding $93 trillion, the idea of running the economy without fossil fuels seemed unthinkable. Now, however, thanks to the pandemic lockdown of society, the public is in a position to judge what the “Green New Deal” revolution would look like. It's like redoing this global pandemic and economic slump every year.
Covid-19 Is Pulling the
Plug on Clean Energy Jobs
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 4:45:59 AM Post Reply
In early March, when Covid-19 cases began popping up across the U.S., the Philadelphia-based company Solar States was having a really good year, with at least six months’ worth of contracts already lined up. The 30-person company installs solar panels on homes and commercial buildings and hosts workforce training programs for high school students and unemployed Philadelphians, often hiring its graduates. The fallout happened fast. The first thing Solar States did was distribute masks and gloves to workers, company founder Micah Gold-Markel told Grist. But with the number of cases going up and guidance from officials changing on a daily basis, soon the company was holding a meeting
Will Joe Biden Let Al Sharpton
Pick His Running Mate?
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 4:40:47 AM Post Reply
I wrote yesterday about the dilemma Joe Biden faces in choosing a vice president: He’s under intense, public pressure to pick a black woman as his running mate, led in good part by Stacey Abrams, and that pressure is openly centered around an aggressive campaign to corner him into choosing Abrams herself. If he shows himself to be pushed around this easily, it will set the tone not only for the rest of his campaign but (should he win) for his presidency. Astead Herndon of the New York Times reports in detail this morning on that effort. The most alarming part is that Biden is listening to Al Sharpton,
The Week in Pictures:
Same Damn Thing Edition
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 4:35:35 AM Post Reply
Edna St. Vincent-Millay is reported to have once said that “History isn’t one damn thing after another—it’s the same damn thing over and over again.” That certainly describes the day-to-day news cycle right now, and the challenge of doing the weekly picture gallery. Have you heard? There’s a pandemic! And Orange Man Bad. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the pandemic of predatory politicians and the mindless media is going away soon. But cheer up. We can start the weekend with this:
Small business owners brace for pain
when $310B loan program opens Monday
Posted by Pluperfect 4/26/2020 4:31:14 AM Post Reply
The Small Business Administration will begin OK’ing a second round of loans to struggling businesses on Monday — a process that will be closely watched by hoards of mom-and-pop owners who say they were excluded from the stimulus program the first time around. The second round of Paycheck Protection Program loans kicks off April 27 at 10:30 am with $310 billion in funding. “We encourage all approved lenders to process loan applications previously submitted by eligible borrowers and disburse funds expeditiously,” SBA chief Jovita Carranza and US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a joint statement on Friday.
Supreme Court denies motion to block Trump
'public charge' rule during pandemic
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 4:24:17 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court on Friday denied a request to block the Trump administration's "public charge" rule during the coronavirus health crisis. A group of state attorneys general had asked the court to issue an injunction against the rule, which links a migrant's eligibility for legal status with the likelihood that he or she will rely on public assistance. The court had decided earlier this year to allow the rule to go into effect, but the group of state officials, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), had asked the justices to revisit the decision in light of the ongoing pandemic. The court did not publish an opinion on its decision
No Thanks to God: The
Awful, Angry Andrew Cuomo
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 4:17:50 AM Post Reply
Last week in this spot, I published a piece on Andrew Cuomo and other militantly “pro-choice” Democrat governors who fight for life in their states against COVID-19. Beyond Cuomo, this includes the likes of New Jersey’s Phil Murphy, Connecticut’s Ned Lamont, Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf, Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer, and Virginia’s Ralph Northam. As for Cuomo, I noted that few Americans have battled the virus quite like the governor of New York. I noted that I feel for him. I also said that I wish he would fight to stop the loss of innocent life from abortion. He has done just the opposite. In January 2019, a year before COVID-19 swept New York,
With Kim Jong Un’s health uncertain, focus
shifts to powerful sister Kim Yo Jong
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 4:14:35 AM Post Reply
North Korea’s male-dominated Kim dynasty may be about to hand over the keys to the Hermit Kingdom to a woman. With speculation swirling over Kim Jong Un’s health, all eyes have turned to his sister and closest confidant, Kim Yo Jong, as his most likely successor. Yo Jong may lack the bizarre, high-fade bouffants of the three generations of male rulers in her family, but she shares her brother’s secrecy and penchant for lashing out against political adversaries Still, much about her remains a mystery. Yo Jong’s age is not exactly clear, though she’s believed to be in her early 30s, a few years younger than Jong Un
Dr. Deborah Birx says Trump meant
no harm with disinfectant comments:
'He likes to talk that through out loud'
Posted by MissMolly 4/26/2020 4:12:23 AM Post Reply
White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx defended President Trump in an interview on "Watters' World" that aired Saturday, saying the president meant no harm by inquiring about using disinfectant to possibly treat coronavirus. Trump, in his White House coronavirus task force briefing Thursday, appeared to suggest that light and disinfectants, respectively, might have the potential to treat the coronavirus -- prompting a number of stories condemning the comments, others seeking to defend the president and a scathing tweet from presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The president has since said he was being "sarcastic" with his comments.
Andrew Cuomo Orders Postage-Paid
Absentee Ballot Applications Sent to
Every New York Voter
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 1:31:02 AM Post Reply
Election officials will automatically mail New Yorkers a postage-paid absentee ballot application during the coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said Friday.“We’re making great progress to flatten the curve and decrease the spread of infection, but we don’t know when this pandemic will end and we can’t put democracy on hold,” he stated.“I am issuing an Executive Order to ensure every New York voter automatically receives a postage-paid application for an absentee ballot because no New Yorker should have to choose between their health and their right to vote,” the governor continued.Recently, Cuomo also issued an executive order allowing residents to vote absentee
Swing voters approve of Trump’s virus effort,
75% want end of China reliance
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/26/2020 1:29:13 AM Post Reply
The nation’s focus during the coronavirus on its economic reliance on China has prompted a big majority of swing state voters to back a "Made in the USA" agenda as they turn from worrying about their health to switching the economy back on, according to a new survey. Some 75% told Heritage Action for America’s new Project 2020 that they want manufacturing returned to America, as President Trump has often called for. Said the group, swing voters “support bringing manufacturing back home to end our reliance on Chinese and foreign factories for essential supplies such as masks and medication.”
Barack Obama takes a jab at President
Trump and says America needs ‘leaders
who will bring people together’ during the
coronavirus pandemic and Joe Biden can
help the country ‘heal’
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 12:49:21 AM Post Reply
Barack Obama took a jab at President Trump when he said America needs ‘leaders who will bring people together’ and suggested Joe Biden was the only candidate who can help the country heal from the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. This comes as both Trump and Biden have become further embroiled in public scandals and sexual assault allegations. On Saturday, presidential hopeful Joe Biden released a campaign video that looked to uplift his supporters during the coronavirus outbreakSo far, the virus has infected 945,976 Americans, killed 53,396 and dealt continual blows to the country's economy.
The Governor Is Killing Us.
She’s Totally Killing Us”
– (Grants) New Mexico Mayor Vows to Reopen City
Next Week
Posted by Hermit_Crab 4/26/2020 12:49:18 AM Post Reply
Mayor Martin Hicks from Grants, New Mexico broke with the liberal governor and vowed he will reopen his city next week. Mayor Hicks is a Democrat. (snip) Grants Mayor Martin “Modey” Hicks said he’s giving businesses permission to reopen on Monday and is ordering the police force in the city of about 9,000 people to prevent any State Police officers from issuing lockdown violation citations. “The governor is killing us. She’s totally killing us,” Hicks said. “So we have no choice. So right now, we are reopening. Let State Police come down here.”
Beaches across the nation are packed as
people ignore social distancing to sunbathe
and relax on the sand as governors' pleas to
stay at home fall on deaf ears
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 12:29:28 AM Post Reply
From New York to California, people ignored social distancing to hit the beach Saturday as temperatures heated up. Los Angeles braced for a heatwave this weekend which had people keen to get back to the beach as photos show beachgoers sunbathing and relaxing. Meanwhile in New York, a spring day after a week of rain saw people out and about on Coney Island and Long Beach, despite the city being the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. And in Florida, popular beaches like Daytona and Cocoa Beach, continue to allow people to walk, surf, bike or swim, while promoting staying a safe six-foot distance from others.
Brad Pitt channels Dr. Anthony Fauci
for ‘SNL’ virtual cold open
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 12:22:23 AM Post Reply
Brad Pitt brought some red-hot star quality to the cold open of “Saturday Night Live … At Home.”The “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood” Oscar winner donned a silver wig to play White House coronavirus task force advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, ruminating on President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis.Following Trump’s much publicized comments about UV light and disinfectant injections, Brad-as-Fauci grimaced: “I know I’m not supposed to touch my face, but …”After a few predictable digs, Pitt, 56, whipped off his silver wig and praised America’s health-care workers on the frontline — and Dr. Fauci’s “calm and clarity” — before declaring:
After 50+ Coronavirus Press Conferences
Trump Asks: Why Have Daily Press
Conferences for ‘Lamestream’ Media?
Posted by Imright 4/26/2020 12:17:36 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump did not hold a daily press conference Saturday, expressing his frustration with the process.The White House has held at least 50 press conferences with the Coronavirus Task Force in the past two months, according to the White House Youtube channel.“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,” Trump wrote on Twitter.The daily press briefings have been a fixture of the Trump White House for the last few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic, even during the weekends.
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